PBS :: Volume #24

#2400: Three people fight( two-in-one)

This senior, younger generation this is the first time participates in the ten thousand th acrobatic performance dedicated to a deity. Now does this Golden Crow phenomenon, what mean? On behalf of their martial arts natural talent? Also asked the senior to be liberal to grant instruction.” “这位前辈,晚辈这是第一次来参与万世武会。现在这金乌异象,意味着什么?代表着他们的武道天赋吗?还请前辈不吝赐教。” In the immortal city, has Unparalleled Overlord, is saluting Asking Dao to Nine Heavens Supreme of not far away, meanwhile has put out several very scarce antiquity Immortal Stone. 仙城之中,有着一位盖世霸主,对着身旁不远处的一位九天至尊行礼问道,同时还拿出了数块非常稀缺的上古仙石 This Nine Heavens Supreme shot a look at one, said with a smile: Thing does not need, this nothing.” 这位九天至尊瞥了一眼,笑道:“东西就不必了,这也没什么。” „, The ten thousand th acrobatic performance dedicated to a deity each time, the fifth pass inspection, basically is since related with martial arts natural talent. Although in each, somewhat unknown change, but just started, basically similar.” “一直以来啊,每次的万世武会,第五关考核,基本都与武道天赋有关。虽然每一届之中,都会有些未知的变化,但是刚开始的时候,基本都差不多。” Takes these dwelling places of the immortals.” “就拿这一座座化道山来说。” Carries on the inspection Cultivator, after reaching the mountain peak, will sense, stimulates this Cultivator latent martial arts natural talent, thus evolved the phenomenon.” “进行考核的修士,登上山峰之后,就会有所感悟,激发出这位修士潜在的武道天赋,从而演变出来了异象。” This phenomenon, from Golden Crow, to nine Golden Crow, the Golden Crow quantity are again more, that represents this Cultivator martial arts natural talent to be higher.” “这种异象,由一尊金乌,再到九尊金乌,金乌的数量越多,那就代表着这位修士的武道天赋越高。” In common situation, can initiate nine Golden Crow, that is very good.” “一般的情况下,能够引发九尊金乌,那就已经算是非常不错了。” Moreover, above nine Golden Crow, two phenomenon, is turmoil fluctuates respectively, livelihood Tongguang. As for in upward, what is, must look at this year the Saint day Wu Jiao arrangement.” “另外,在九尊金乌之上,还有两种异象,分别是风云变幻,日月同光。至于在往上,将会是什么样,就要看今年圣天武教的安排了。” Here, this Nine Heavens Supreme quite sighed with emotion: But, this time participates in more than 50 people of inspection, perhaps only has Chen Fenghuo, the heart, if Ruler, Lin Xiaozhi these three people, can surpass the livelihood Tongguang phenomenon the level.” 说到这里,这位九天至尊颇为感慨道:“不过,这次参与考核的50多人,恐怕就只有陈烽火,心若主宰,林晓之这三个人,能够超出日月同光异象的层次。” This Unparalleled Overlord already understands, but in the vision somewhat was still puzzled, said: Senior, according to the words that spoke, that present other Cultivator, triggered the Golden Crow phenomenon, even some triggering two Golden Crow phenomenon, why didn't a Chen Fenghuo their three people how response have?” 这位盖世霸主已然明白,但目光中仍有些不解,道:“前辈,依照这么说的话,那现在其他的修士们,都已经触发了金乌异象,甚至有的触发了两尊金乌异象,为何陈烽火他们三人怎么一点反应都没有呢?” Nine Heavens Supreme hears word has smiled, said: little friend, this involved other one to plant, their three people because of......” 九天至尊闻言不禁笑了起来,道:“小友,这就涉及到另外一种了,他们三人是因为……” When they talked, more and more Golden Crow phenomenon, one after another in Cultivator, reappeared, fanned the wings. 在他们交谈之际,越来越多的金乌异象,接连在修士的身后,浮现而出,扇动双翼。 As for the Qin Nan back, as before is not startled, has not started any change. 至于秦南的背后,依旧是古波不惊,没有掀起任何的变化。 On the contrary, in the heart of Qin Nan, had the astonishing change. 相反,秦南的心中,出现了惊人的变化。 These days, this limitless sea, disappears suddenly, what replaces it is ancient celestial mountains, tower, has formed a piece of indescribable huge mountain range. 这一段时间中,这无边无际的大海,忽然间就不见了,取而代之的是一座座古老仙山,耸立而起,形成了一片难以言喻的庞大山脉。 Qin Nan is trying the use strength, is still unable these mountain peaks, shaking tiny bit. 秦南尝试着动用力量,依然是无法将这些山峰们,给撼动一丝一毫。 Qin Nan shook the head, was similar to was the same a moment ago, on a highest mountain peak, sat cross-legged to sit, calms the mind with rapt attention. 秦南摇了摇头,就如同刚才一样,在一座最高的山峰巅上,盘膝而坐,静心凝神。 Un?” “嗯?” Qin Nan has detected not the place of suiting quickly. 秦南很快发觉了不对劲之处。 He sat cross-legged a moment ago when that infinity sea, although he does not know why soon , the sea water can vanish does not see, but he can feel, marvelous feeling of that circulation among his minds, lets his thought wait/etc., becomes incomparably clear. 他刚才盘坐在那无穷大海上之时,他虽然不知道,为何不久之后,海水会消失不见,但是他能够感受到,那种流转于他心灵之间的奇妙感觉,让他的思维等等,都变得无比清晰。 The present words, that marvelous feeling, still exists, even previous time also wants to be stronger than much. 现在的话,那种奇妙感觉,仍然存在着,甚至比上一次还要强出不少。 But, in addition, he also felt one to be light, completely different feelings. 但,除此之外,他还感受到了一丝非常淡薄,完全不同的感觉。 This feeling, looks like a wisp of mysterious aura, searched into his within the body, calmly was observing his within the body all, motionless, has not brought about any change to Qin Nan, a little likely peeped. 这种感觉,就像是一缕神秘气息,探入了他的体内,静静观察着他体内的一切,一动不动,未给秦南带来任何变化,有点像是窥视。 Qin Nan brow micro wrinkle. 秦南眉头微皱。 Such feeling, he does not like obviously very much. 这样的感觉,他显然是很不喜欢的。 Ok.” “算了。” Qin Nan shook the head, no longer thinks. 秦南摇了摇头,不再多想。 This feeling, depending on his cultivation level, surely does not have the means to isolate now, only if he does not participate in this inspection. 这种感觉,凭他的修为,现在肯定是没有办法隔绝的,除非是他不参与这种考核。 Time every little bit passing, on the past three double-hour. 时间一点一滴的流逝,不知不觉间,就过去了三个时辰。 During this period, had the Cultivator back, presented enough six Golden Crow, moreover each Golden Crow illusory shadow, as if has transformed, looked like concentrates slightly really much, was more aggressive. 在这期间,已经有修士的背后,出现了足足六尊金乌,而且每一尊金乌虚影,仿佛有所蜕变,看起来稍微凝实了不少,更为霸气。 Other Cultivator, are worst, presented three Golden Crow. 其余的修士们,最不济的,也出现了三尊金乌 In comparison, Qin Nan, Chen Fenghuo and heart, if Ruler, did not have the least bit response. 与之相比,秦南陈烽火、心若主宰,仍无半点反应。 However, sensibility in Qin Nan heart, became deeper and deeper. 不过,秦南心中的感悟,变得越来越深了。 When is in the sea, his not startled, motionless in world. 身在大海上时,他古波不惊,不动于天地。 When is in this numerous mountains, he is one seeks a self-torture likely, gradually, forward exploration. 身在这众山时,他像是一位求道的苦修,一步一步,向前探索。 However, he does not have any weariness, has not felt tired, instead one by one relaxed, enjoys one by one. 但是,他没有任何的疲倦,也没有感受到了劳累,反而一步比一步轻松,一步比一步享受。 , He melts with hills for a body gradually probably. 渐渐地,他好像与群山融为了一体。 Gradually, his vision, not above this hills, bit by bit looked to the vault of heaven. 渐渐地,他的目光,也不在这群山之上,一点一点的看向了天穹。 The vault of heaven, had the change, it no longer is piece of azure, but is a brilliance, bright with many colors, radiant varied. 天穹,在不知不觉间,发生了变化,它不再是一片湛蓝,而是一片绚烂,五光十色,璀璨多姿。 Originally......” “原来……” So.” “如此。” At this moment, Qin Nan clearly becomes aware suddenly. 这一刻,秦南忽然明悟。 Sea, hills, again to the present vault of heaven. 大海,群山,再到现在的天穹。 They look like Guan Guan an inspection are the same, Cultivator walks into, he can in such picture, profound of feeling, then he can also walk is farther, can therefore see the hills, sees the present vault of heaven again. 它们就像是一关关的考核一样,修士走入其中之后,他能够在这样的景象里面,感受的越加深刻,那么他也就能走的更远,故而才能看到群山,再看到现在的天穹。 If your martial arts natural talent is insufficient, was possible you to sink in the sea, lost in the hills. 你的武道天赋如果不足,那么可能你就沉在了大海里面,迷失在了群山之中。 Such way, with the tests of common these martial arts natural talent, the biggest difference, is Cultivator in the process of inspection, he regarding his martial arts natural talent, has one to be quite clear, very accurate cognition. 这样的方式,与寻常那些武道天赋的测试,其中最大的区别,就在于修士在考核的过程之中,他对于自己的武道天赋,有着一个极为清晰,非常精准的认知。 Sees clearly itself, obtains the answer. 看清自己,得出答案。 If formidable, well the excavation, do not waste, if tiny, stands firm the mentality, step by step promotion. 如若强大,好好挖掘,不要浪费,如若渺小,稳住心态,步步提升。 At this moment, Qin Nan did not have any idea, his to ignore own mind, step by step is walking toward that brilliant vault of heaven. 这一刻,秦南没有了任何想法,他就放任着自己的心神,向着那绚烂的天穹一步步走去。 Moves as one desires, calmly enjoys this inspection. 随心而动,静静享受这一场考核。 Hundred...... 百步…… Thousand...... 千步…… Ten thousand...... 万步…… Qin Nan does not know one walked many steps, he does not have to care about this point, he looked like loses the puppet of soul to be the same, from beginning to end, sits exactly the same movement. 秦南不知道自己走了多少步,他也没有去关心这一点,他就像是一具失去了灵魂的傀儡一样,从始至终,坐着一模一样的动作。 Finally, he has stepped into the vault of heaven. 最终,他踏入了天穹。 That inexhaustible brilliant brilliance, like obtained the incomparably huge attraction suddenly, at the incomparably astonishing speed, was submerging to Qin Nan within the body. 那无穷无尽的绚烂光彩,骤然像是得到了无比巨大的吸引力一样,以着无比惊人的速度,没入了到了秦南体内 A however breath, submerges Qin Nan body completely. 不过一息,全部没入秦南身躯 Starting from this flash, the sky is dim, but Qin Nan by a person of body, has illuminated the trim sky! 这一刹那开始,天空是黯淡的,但是秦南以一人之身,照亮了整片天空! Meanwhile, in immortal city. 与此同时,仙城里面。 Looks quickly, the their three people back, started to appear responds!” “快看,他们三人的背后,开始出现反应了!” Suddenly, Cultivator, cannot bear shout. 忽然之间,一位修士,忍不住喊道。 Only sees, Chen Fenghuo, heart, if Ruler, the Qin Nan back, gushed out a big fiery red color respectively, and still in according to the astonishing speed, upwardly is increasing, sweeps across the vault of heaven. 只见到,陈烽火,心若主宰,还有秦南的背后,分别涌出了一大片的火红之色,并且还在以着惊人的速度,向上攀升,席卷天穹。 Although currently had Cultivator, has initiated enough seven Golden Crow, dances in the air in the day, affects the surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km), is really astonishing, but their three people rays of light, still incomparable attention. 尽管现在已经有修士,引发了足足七尊金乌,在天飞舞,影响方圆万里,甚是惊人,但他们三人光芒,仍旧无比的瞩目。 Does not know their three people, can one-time initiate multi- discount Golden Crow!” “不知道他们三人,能够一次性引发出多少头金乌!” In first several thousand th acrobatic performance dedicated to a deity, high is only one-time initiates six Golden Crow, they estimated that can initiate seven heads!” “前几届万世武会里面,最高都只是一次性引发六头金乌,他们估计可以引发七头!” Good, this has the possibility very much, after all these three people, are not ordinary!” “不错,这个很有可能,毕竟这三个人,都太不一般!” All Cultivator vision, gathered at Chen Fenghuo once again completely wait/etc. three people of bodies. 所有修士的目光,再度全部聚集在了陈烽火等等三人的身上。 Incessantly so, purple Hao Heavenly Venerable, left elder wait/etc. giants, look that anticipated. 不止如此,就连紫昊天尊,左长老等等巨头们,亦是纷纷看去,有所期待。 The red light, sparkles unceasingly, spreads unceasingly. 红光,不断闪耀,不断蔓延。 Until after thousand breaths, finally...... 直到千息之后,终于…… Innumerable say/way resonant crying sound, almost at the same time, have cut the trim world. 无数道嘹亮的鸣叫声,几乎在同一时刻,划破了整片天地。 Only sees, in Chen Fenghuo, heart, if Ruler, the Qin Nan three people of back, a leader personal appearance is very huge, the feather wait/etc., changed into purple-gold color, does not have illusory, looks like looks like the true Golden Crow same phenomenon, in their back, appears separately. 只见到,在陈烽火,心若主宰,秦南三人的背后,一头头身形无比庞大,羽毛等等,都化为了紫金之色,没有一点虚幻,看起来就像是真正的金乌一样的异象,分别在他们的背后,浮现而起。 After counting breaths, enough 27 Purple Gold Golden Crow, hover in the world, swung infinitely aggressive. 数息之后,足足27头紫金金乌,翱翔于天地之间,荡开了无穷霸气。 In this flash, everywhere red light, thoroughly had been covered, changed into glow of Purple Gold. 在这一刹那,漫天的红光,都被彻底覆盖了,化为了一片紫金之芒。 Also in this flash, other dwelling place of the immortals following Golden Crow phenomenon, as if lost the strength to be the same, became is overshadowed completely, does not have any light flatter time. 也在这一刹那,其他一座座化道山后面的金乌异象们,都仿佛失去了力量一样,全部都变得黯然失色,毫无任何一点光阿次。 These 27 Purple Gold Golden Crow, are this day between King, any all, are unable to compare favorably with them. 这27头紫金金乌,就是这天地之间的王者,任何一切,都无法与它们媲美。 This is “这是” In the immortal city, that Cultivator, bountiful already had the preparation, when they see the present picture, they also thoroughly shocked. 仙城之中,那一位位修士们,饶是早就有了心理准备,可是当他们看到眼前的景象之时,他们也不禁彻底震撼了。 Nine black with saving, the phenomenon reality! 九乌同存,异象化实! Has initiated enough nine Golden Crow, has been the maximum level in Golden Crow phenomenon directly! 一口气,引发了足足九头金乌,直接达到了金乌异象之中的最高层次! Must know that in the former years ten thousand th acrobatic performance dedicated to a deity, ranked first three Cultivator, few people can achieve this situation! 要知道,在往届万世武会之中,排名前三的修士们,很少有人可以做到这种地步! However...... 然而…… Now not only a person, but enough three people! 现在不只是一人,而是足足三人! Martial arts have natural talent of these three people, been the what kind level? 这三个人的武道天赋,到底是达到了何等的层次啊? Good, good, good!” “好,好,好!” Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable sees that laughs, is quite happy. 紫昊天尊见状,不禁开怀大笑,相当开心。 Regarding this, he just started a little to guess. 对于这一幕,他刚开始是有点猜测的。 However, he had not affirmed. 不过,他也没有那么肯定。 Chen Fenghuo absolutely does not have the issue, can call nine Purple Gold Golden Crow, but heart, if Ruler, Lin Xiaozhi, the bodies of these two people, will possibly have other problems. 陈烽火是绝对没有问题,可以一口气唤出九头紫金金乌,但是心若主宰,林晓之的话,这两个人的身上,很可能都会出现其他的问题。 „, So looks like, for these years, heart, if various all of this boy, has promoted much, thus causes his martial arts natural talent, be more formidable than before.” “啧啧,如此看来,这几年之中,心若这小子的各种一切,又提升了不少,从而导致他的武道天赋,要比之前强大了许多。” In this moment, a youth evolves in the purple Hao Heavenly Venerable side, the corners of the mouth are also hanging the happy expression, showed that is quite happy. 就在这一刻,一名青年在紫昊天尊的身旁演化出来,嘴角也挂着笑意,证明心情相当不错。 This person, is Spirit of the celestial poles list. 此人,正是天极榜之灵 But, makes me not think actually that martial arts natural talent of Lin Xiaozhi this boy, has been unexpectedly also this grade of degree.” “不过,倒是让我没有想到,林晓之这小子的武道天赋,居然也达到了这等程度。” The Spirit of the celestial poles list vision, looked to Qin Nan, pounded a lower jaw. 天极榜之灵的目光,看向了秦南,砸吧了一下嘴。 When the time comes, can increase to training of Lin Xiaozhi? 到时候,要不要加大对林晓之的培养呢? Yes, Elder Brother Tian, this child has brought much to me pleasantly surprised, you must consider that trains him well?” “是啊,天哥,此子给我带来了不少惊喜,你要不要考虑,好好培养一下他?” Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable regarding Qin Nan, quite appreciates, said: You think to look that this child came from in the vault of heaven, but this status is out of the ordinary. If makes him grow, some day, can break through that matter shackles......” 紫昊天尊对于秦南,还是颇为欣赏的,道:“你想想看,此子来自于天穹里面,这身份可是非同凡响。如果让他成长起来,有朝一日,能够冲破那层枷锁的话……” Spirit of the celestial poles list nods, said: You said is reasonable, I when the time comes well observe, how has a look at the this child moral character.” 天极榜之灵点点头,道:“你说的有道理,我到时候好好观察一下,看看此子品性如何。” In their two person talk period, Chen Fenghuo, heart, if Ruler, behind Qin Nan nine black with saving the phenomenon, had the incomparably astonishing change suddenly. 正在他们两人谈话的期间,陈烽火,心若主宰,秦南背后的九乌同存的异象,骤然发生了无比惊人的变化。 Only sees, a surrounding area several million li (0.5 km) vault of heaven, started the tarnish. 只见到,方圆数百万里的天穹,开始变暗了下来。 Each dwelling place of the immortals that three people of institutes sit, like is became this piece of Small World source, gushed out the innumerable gales, has sounded the trim world, that leader Purple Gold Golden Crow, like obtained some blessing, the spirit surges upward, unceasing long cry, fans the wings. 三人所坐的每一座化道山,都像是成为了这片小世界的源点一样,涌出了无数的大风,吹响了整片天地,那一头头紫金金乌们,像是得到了某种加持一样,精神高涨,不断长鸣,扇动双翼。 All in world, because of their waving, change. 世间的一切,都因为它们的舞动,随之而变。 turmoil fluctuates!” 风云变幻!” This was turmoil fluctuation phenomenon!” “这就是风云变幻异象了!” Next, was livelihood Tongguang! When the time comes, their three people, can definitely be the level of livelihood Tongguang, in other words, will have three rounds ancient Ri, three rounds bright moonlight, together present world, shining in world!” “下一步,就是日月同光!到时候,他们三人,肯定都能够达到日月同光的层次,也就是说,会有三轮古日,三轮明月,共同现世,照耀世间!” This other Cultivator, have bumped into their three, that luck really not good Ah ! “这其他的修士们,碰上了他们三位,那运气真是不好啊! In the immortal city, some Cultivator, cannot bear the feeling say. 仙城之中,有些修士们,忍不住感慨说道。 How can say that is the luck is not good? Your itself martial arts natural talent is placed there, so long as is not very formidable, which ten thousand th acrobatic performance dedicated to a deity no matter that you, you never will become most dazzling that. On the contrary, you with their three people with locating, will make you see the disparity, will make you have a clearer goal, is a subject.” “怎么能说是运气不好?你自身的武道天赋摆在那里,只要不够强大,那么不管你在哪一届万世武会里面,你永远都不会成为最耀眼的那一个。相反,你跟他们三人同处一届,会让你看到差距,会让你有更清晰的目标,也还是一份谈资。” Old Cultivator, open the mouth to reprove. 有一位年长修士,开口训斥道。 Senior said rational!” “前辈所说有理!” These sigh with emotion Cultivator, understand immediately that good a ritual. 那些感慨的修士们,顿时明白过来,行了一礼。 Moreover one side, Spirit of the celestial poles list thinks of anything, said: Now can inform, this pass/test mysterious in?” 另外一边,天极榜之灵想到什么,道:“现在是不是得告知诸位,此关的玄妙所在了?” Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable pats the forehead, said: Right, I almost this matter forgetting.” 紫昊天尊一拍额头,道:“对,我差点都把这个事情给忘了。” Spirit of the celestial poles list shakes the head, said: Your boy, is really more and more is not careful. Ok, this time personally was said by me.” 天极榜之灵摇摇头,道:“你小子啊,真是越来越不上心了。算了,这次就由我亲自去说吧。” Spoke these words, the Spirit of the celestial poles list personal appearance in a flash, appears in the place above of immortal city directly. 说完这句话,天极榜之灵身形一晃,直接出现在了仙城的上方。 fellow daoist, does not see for a long time.” “诸位道友,好久不见。” Spirit of the celestial poles list said with a smile lightly, the sound was not too big nor too small, but resounded through the entire city. 天极榜之灵淡淡笑道,声音不大不小,但响彻全城。 Who is this person?” “此人是谁?” This is...... Spirit of the celestial poles list?” “这是……天极榜之灵?” What? Celestial pole list in legend?” “什么?传说中的天极榜?” Innumerable Cultivator, the subconsciousness looks up, the quick Spirit of the celestial poles list status, was known by the people, the whole face is shocking, a little cannot believe own eye. 无数的修士们,下意识抬头看去,很快天极榜之灵的身份,都被众人知晓,满脸震惊,有点不敢相信自己的眼睛。 After all, among them the most person, has not contacted Celestial pole list . 毕竟,他们当中绝大部分的人,是没有接触过天极榜的。 Has seen the senior!” “见过前辈!” Young Master do not butcher, responded that cuped one hand in the other across the chest to salute. 少主宰们,率先反应过来,拱手行礼。 Other Cultivator, follows hastily. 其他的修士们,也连忙跟上。 Good, these over-detailed formalities, do not need.” “好啦,这些繁文缛节,就不需要了。” Spirit of the celestial poles list beckoned with the hand, said with a smile lightly: I come in this, wants to tell everybody, this fifth pass, had what difference with former years fifth pass.” 天极榜之灵摆了摆手,轻笑道:“我现身于此呢,是想来告诉各位,本次第五关,与往届第五关有何区别。” Is open about the facts, this time ten thousand th acrobatic performance dedicated to a deity, I quite pay attention, because of this, differs from.” “不瞒诸位,这一次的万世武会,我是比较关注的,因为这一届,有所不同。” This, not only presented these three talents, but also by the Saint day Wu Jiao most precious object, is to seal/confer Daoshu, was involved.” “这一届不仅出现了这三位天才,还由圣天武教的至宝,也就是封道书,参与了其中。”
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