PBS :: Volume #21

#2002: Dao-Defying line

Qin Nan look one cold. 秦南眼神一凛。 He only feels that during is dark, as if presented shackles, has locked in his personal appearance, making him become incomparably heavy, the speed has reduced speed enough over 50%. 他只感觉到,冥冥之中,仿佛出现了一个又一个的枷锁,锁住了他的身形,令他变得无比沉重,速度减慢了足足五成以上。 Has not thought that these immortal deer, can use first World's Sacred Area world Rule Strength unexpectedly!” “没想到,这些仙鹿,居然能够动用第一天地圣区的天地规则之力!” In the Qin Nan heart secret passage, has simultaneously released War God's Spirit and Myriad Generations Lord Arrival, stimulates to movement in secret Dao Magic Tree. 秦南心中暗道一声,同时释放了战神之魂万世主临,更是将道法之树暗中催动起来。 Even if so, his speed, were still weakened 30%. 即便这般,他的速度,仍然被削弱了三成。 Qin Nan, we separate, these immortal deer come to my Good Fortune Physique!” Meng Jiugong clenched teeth, said. 秦南,我们分开走吧,这些仙鹿们是冲着我的鸿运之体来的!”孟九宫咬了咬牙,道。 The Qin Nan corners of the mouth pull out, ill-humored saying: Closes your Good Fortune Physique trifling thing!” 秦南嘴角一抽,没好气道:“关你鸿运之体屁事!” However, in his heart actually moves, if to this way, these immortal deer, Jiang Ni, Nie Wufeng, Lu Gufeng wait/etc. peerless talent and Unparalleled Overlord, sooner or later will overtake him. 不过,他的心中却是一动,如果任凭这样下去,这些仙鹿们,还有江逆聂无风吕孤凤等等绝世天才盖世霸主们,迟早会追上他。 That might as well hits white-blue flower, leaves behind these immortal deer, in any case immortal deer definitely how it, after he can also wait for the security, uses spiritual thought to summon. 那不妨把白蓝之花打出去,留下这些仙鹿们,反正仙鹿们肯定奈何不了它,他还可以等安全之后,动用神念召回去。 Thinks of this point, Qin Nan not any hesitant, spiritual thought moves, white-blue flower changes to a white light, has fired into another side. 想到这一点,秦南没有任何犹豫,神念一动,白蓝之花化作一道白光,冲向了另外一方。 These immortal deer neighed immediately, transferred the direction, no longer paid attention to Qin Nan, including to Rule Strength that on Qin Nan got, vanished into thin air. 那些仙鹿们当即嘶鸣一声,调转方向,不再理会秦南,包括给秦南身上打上的规则之力,也烟消云散。 immortal deer flew away!” 仙鹿们飞走了!” Qin Nan has made any thing probably, gave to direct them!” 秦南好像打出了什么东西,把它们给引过去了!” Cultivator that blots out the sky, see this, vision flashes, most people transfer the direction immediately, follows closely immortal deer after that. 那铺天盖地的修士们,看到这一幕,目光一闪,其中大部分人顿时调转方向,紧随仙鹿其后。 Them, takes immortal deer, is most important, if can obtain that strange thing that Qin Nan makes, that it would be the best! 于他们而言,拿下一头仙鹿,才是最重要的,如果能够得到秦南打出的那奇异之物,那最好不过了! But, vertical so, is headed by Jiang Ni, Nie Wufeng and Lu Gufeng three people, still cannot have over a hundred Unparalleled Overlord, pursues Qin Nan tightly. 可,纵是如此,以江逆聂无风吕孤凤三人为首,仍然有着不下于上百位的盖世霸主,紧追秦南 Shouted.” “呼。” Qin Nan has put out the tone gently. 秦南轻轻吐出了口气。 By his present cultivation level, in addition among them separated very long distance, Jiang Ni, Nie Wufeng and Lu Gufeng they have not definitely been able to pursue. 以他现在的修为,再加上他们之间本来就隔了很长一段距离,江逆聂无风吕孤凤他们肯定无法追上来。 Three fellow daoist, opportunity does not gather today, did not need to pursue. When the time comes I will go to Scolding Ancient Halberd in it place, words that you want to fight again, I accompany.” “三位道友,今日时机不合,就无需在追了。到时候我会前往叱古之戟所在之地,你们再想战的话,我奉陪到底。” The Qin Nan sound, is similar to the thunder is common, resounds through in all directions. 秦南的声音,如同雷霆一般,响彻四面八方。 However, Jiang Ni, Nie Wufeng and Lu Gufeng not only do not have any to slow down the speed the meaning, instead used various heavens-frightening methods, picked up own speed. 但是,江逆聂无风吕孤凤不仅没有任何减缓速度的意思,反而施展出来了各种惊天手段,加快自己的速度。 Qin Nan shook the head, no longer pays attention to them, on the contrary is Meng Jiugong, is hanging after the heart sinks thoroughly next, simple saying: Qin Nan, I give you a blessing destiny!” 秦南摇了摇头,不再理会他们,反倒是孟九宫,悬着的心彻底沉下后,便道:“秦南,我给你加持点气运!” Qin Nan thinks good, has not rejected, whatever Meng Jiugong has been making red glow, submerged in his body. 秦南觉得不错,就没有拒绝,任由着孟九宫打出了一道道红芒,没入了他的身体之中。 Quick, 2.5 minutes passed. 很快,半柱香过去了。 Also does not know that is the Meng Jiugong blessing destiny, had an effect, Jiang Ni wait/etc. person, has cancelled the thought eventually, no longer pursues Qin Nan. 也不知道是不是孟九宫加持的气运,起了一点效果,江逆等等人,终究打消了念头,不再追击秦南 Receives!” “收!” Qin Nan stands on a big tree, spiritual thought sends out. 秦南站在一颗大树上,神念散发。 After waiting for dozens breaths, white-blue flower at the astonishing speed, cross was then emptying to come, to return in his Sea of Consciousness. 等了数十息之后,白蓝之花便以着惊人的速度,跨空而来,重新回到了他的识海之中。 Un?” “嗯?” Qin Nan carefully looked that the brow wrinkled. 秦南仔细一看,眉头就皱了起来。 white-blue flower is perfect, but that flowers color above of white-blue, not only thoroughly interwove in one, but also has five wisps of extremely gloomy golden light to flutter. 白蓝之花完好无损,但是那花朵之上的白蓝之色,不仅仅彻底交织在了一起,还有着五缕极为暗淡的金光飘动。 Qin Nan, what flower is this?” The Meng Jiugong pupil shrinks, he can feel that this wastes the invisible strength that sends, is suppressing his Good Fortune Physique. 秦南,这是什么花?”孟九宫瞳仁一缩,他能够感觉到,此花散发出来的无形力量,在压制着他的鸿运之体 Qin Nan has not responded him, was cutting blade aura to white-blue flower, detected after the latter was still entirely still, then felt relieved that has taken back within the body. 秦南没有搭理他,对着白蓝之花斩出了一记刀气,发觉后者仍旧纹丝不动之后,便放下心来,收回了体内 It seems like, waits for the opportunity, stresses several to pursue immortal deer Cultivator, asks that they exactly had anything.” “看来,等有机会,得去抓几个追击仙鹿修士,问问他们到底发生了什么。” In Qin Nan heart secret passage. 秦南心中暗道。 But, was a little a pity that like that the grand war, cannot see with own eyes......” “不过,还是有点可惜啊,那般盛大的战争,不能亲眼一睹……” Qin Nan shook the head, looks to Meng Jiugong, thinks that said: This matter cannot tell you temporarily, waits after a period of time.” 秦南摇了摇头,看向孟九宫,想了想,道:“此事暂时不能告诉你,等过段时间吧。” Meng Jiugong shrugs, simple saying: Good, but whether to help me, for these days released this flower, I must whet my physique taking advantage of it well.” 孟九宫耸了耸肩,便道:“那好吧,不过能否帮我一个忙,这几天把此花释放出来,我要借它好好磨砺一下我的体质。” Qin Nan has not rejected, afterward two person flies toward the front. 秦南没有拒绝,随后两人朝着前方飞去。 Now Supreme city that side was definitely cannot go back, had a plan for the present can only go to the Cutting Immortal River nearby first, looked for one to hide, calmly waited for the opportunity. 现在至尊城那边是肯定不能回去了,为今之计只能先去斩仙河的附近,找一处隐藏下来,静静等待时机。 In a flash, on the past six double-hour. 一晃,就过去了六个时辰。 two person arrived in a piece of continuous mountain range, immortal energy is rich, the scenery is beautiful, chases compared with the situation in Shikanohara with that completely is the difference of heaven and earth. 两人来到了一片连绵山脉之中,仙气浓郁,景色秀丽,与那逐鹿之原上的情况相比,完全是天壤之别。 Un?” “嗯?” Suddenly, the Qin Nan vision, looked to Meng Jiugong. 突然之间,秦南的目光,看向了身旁的孟九宫 This is......” “这是……” Meng Jiugong has also opened the eye suddenly, the whole face is stunned. 孟九宫也突然睁开了眼睛,满脸错愕。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” In the Qin Nan double pupil the white fire ignites, high and low glance. 秦南双眸中白火燃起,上下扫视。 He felt a moment ago that has an invisible mysterious strength, surmounted infinite Space-Time to be ordinary likely, submerged Meng Jiugong within the body. 他刚才感觉到,有股无形的神秘力量,像是跨越了无穷时空一般,没入了孟九宫体内 I do not know that probably is the strength of Samsara, I show you.” “我也不知道,好像是轮回之力,我给你看看。” Meng Jiugong brow tight wrinkle, spiritual thought moves, from his palm, strength of the continuously jet black Samsara fluttered, congealed illusory Talisman. 孟九宫眉头紧皱,神念一动,从他手掌心上,就有一缕缕漆黑的轮回之力飘了出来,凝成了一枚虚幻的符箓 „The strength of Samsara? Lu Gufeng?” 轮回之力?吕孤凤?” Qin Nan has gawked, at once sees clue, to a Talisman point. 秦南愣了一下,旋即看出其中的端倪,对着符箓一点。 Banned together that disrupts, the innumerable Samsara aura, gushed out toward the place above, condense an illusory form, was Lu Gufeng. 一道禁制,碎裂开来,无数的轮回气息,朝着上方涌出,凝聚出来了一道虚幻的身影,正是吕孤凤 Meng Jiugong.” 孟九宫。” Qin Nan, big.” 秦南,大。” Matter is not wonderful.” “事不妙。” The Lu Gufeng sound is hoarse, a few words make Qin Nan and Meng Jiugong simultaneously one cold. 吕孤凤声音沙哑,一句话就让秦南孟九宫齐齐一凛。 This is I.” Passes, on.” Ancient ten big physique special association department, gives you „, transmits.” „, News.” “这是我。”“通过,上。”“古十大”“体质的”“特殊联”“系,给你”“们,传来。”“的,消息。” In you.” Walked, it.” „After, I am heavy.” Returns newly.” Compete it.” „......” “在你们。”“走了,之。”“后,我重。”“新返回。”“逐鹿之。”“地……” The off and on sound, reverberates in the woods. 断断续续的声音,在树林里回荡。 Crossed the good congress, the Qin Nan corners of the mouth unable to bear pulls out, the Meng Jiugong complexion got dark. 过了好一大会,秦南嘴角忍不住一抽,孟九宫的脸色更是黑了下来。 This goods are sick simply Ah ! 这货简直是有病啊! Had the odd obviously, one-time can only say that three characters, result goods must say in detail he returned to Pursuing Deer Land, with pinching calmly, matter that other peerless talent fought. 明明自己有怪癖,一次性只能说三个字,结果这货偏偏还要详细的说他回到逐鹿之地,与捏无风,还有其他一些绝世天才交手的事情。 All these extremely fishy, they really want to turn around to leave! 要不是这一切太过蹊跷,他们真想掉头走人! Afterward I.” Encountered.” „, God.” secret black robe.” Person, with him.” Fights......” “后来我。”“遭遇了。”“一位,神。”“秘黑袍。”“人,与他。”“交手……” Also is one talks incessantly, in the past after several hundred breaths, his sound becomes heavy. 又是一阵唠叨,过去了几百息之后,他的声音才变得沉重起来。 My disastrous defeat.” By the opposite party.” Directly attracts.” Received.” “我惨败。”“被对方。”“直接吸。”“收掉了。” Has the person, absurdly.” Thinks, nine bodies.” Coexistence, goes against.” And line you, small heart......” “有人,妄。”“想,九体。”“共存,逆。”“古而行”“你们,小”“心……”
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