PBS :: Volume #20

#2000: immortal deer is born

After two day, Meng Jiugong from once entered some Nine Palace Gold Immortal Sect disciple there of dead area, obtained Exquisite Immortal Lamp, soon must in the news that first World's Sacred Area is born. 两日之后,孟九宫从曾经进入死区的一些九宫金仙宗弟子那里,得到了玲珑仙灯,即将要在第一天地圣区出世的消息。 After Qin Nan hears, does not have what interest. 秦南听到之后,没有什么兴趣。 That thing that before obtaining Chart's Spirit said that no matter what kind of most precious object is born, he will not pay attention, let alone in his hand also has several World's Wondrous Fruit. 在取得图灵所说的那件东西之前,不管是怎样的至宝出世,他都不会去理会,更何况他手上还有几颗天地妙果 Although like Exquisite Immortal Lamp, cannot absolute Dao Boundary Perfection, so long as on Dao Boundary big accomplishment, has enough accumulation, takes one also to attack successfully. 虽然不像玲珑仙灯,可以绝对的道境圆满,但是只要在道境大成上面,有着足够的积累,服用一颗也能冲击成功。 Un?” “嗯?” Suddenly, Qin Nan both eyes open, look straight ahead the front sky. 忽然之间,秦南双眼睁开,直视前方天空。 How?” Meng Jiugong Asking Dao. “怎么了?”孟九宫问道 In Qin Nan both eyes the white fire ignites, said: I a moment ago sensation, on Pursuing Deer Land that piece mysterious void, started to have the slight response.” 秦南双眼中白火燃起,道:“我刚才感知到,逐鹿之地上面的那片神秘虚空,开始有了细微的反应。” A Meng Jiugong look startled, careful sensation a meeting, said with a smile immediately: Qin Nan, did I think you am too anxious? I had already inquired, next time immortal deer will be born, that at least three months later......” 孟九宫神色一惊,仔细感知了一会,随即笑道:“秦南,我看你是太紧张了吧?我早就打听过了,下次仙鹿降世,那至少得三个月之后……” The words have not said that his eye stares suddenly in a big way, blurts to be thick: fuck!” 话还没说完,他眼睛忽而瞪大,脱口而粗:“卧槽!” Only sees, in that mysterious void, presented continuously golden light, and by potential quickly, has been sweeping across the surrounding area hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km). 只见到,那片神秘的虚空之中,出现了一缕缕金光,并且以着迅雷不及掩耳之势,席卷了方圆数十万里。 Incessantly so, each immortal grass on earth, unexpectedly calm from dance, but also flood weak brilliance. 不止如此,大地上的每一颗仙草,竟然无风自舞,还泛起了一道道微弱的光华 Although the present phenomenon, is not considered as how astonishing, but appear here Pursuing Deer Land, that significance was obvious! 虽然眼前的异象,并不算是多么惊人,但是出现在这逐鹿之地,那意义就非常明显了! When Meng Jiugong shocks, entire Supreme mountain innumerable Cultivator, vibrated, forms, depart from all kinds of entrances one after another. 孟九宫震惊之时,整座至尊山的无数位修士们,也随之震动了,一道道身影,接连从各种各样的入口里面飞出。 Is the golden light gets up, immortal grass dance!” “真的是金光起,仙草舞!” What's all this about? Do not wait for three months?” “这是怎么回事?不是还要等三个月吗?” Quick, hurries here all, informs to Hall Lord they!” “快,赶紧将这里的一切,告知给堂主他们!” Hundred and thousand of Cultivator, see at present this picture, was simultaneously reveals has wiped shocking look, afterward responded that took up one piece of block Token, passed on spiritual thought. 成百上千位修士们,见到眼前这副景象,都是齐齐露出了抹震惊之色,随后反应过来,拿起一块令牌,传去了一道道神念 Qin Nan no longer practice, looks at present this simply. 秦南索性不再修炼,看着眼前这一幕。 He regarding these Pursuing Deer Land immortal deer, does not have any idea temporarily, but can look with own eyes, that also yes. 他对于这些逐鹿之地仙鹿,暂时是没有任何想法的,不过能够亲眼看一看,那也是可以的。 Quick, three double-hour passed by. 很快,三个时辰过去了。 The golden light in sky, changes are getting more and more, immortal grass in ground, flood rays of light, becomes more and more bright. 天空中的金光,变的越来越多,地面上的仙草们,泛起的光芒,也变得越来越亮。 Afterward, singing sounds, tweedles, the flute sound wait/etc., made a sound in the trim world. 随后,一道道歌声、琴声、箫声等等,响在了整片天地。 From initial vague, to finally changes is getting more and more resounding. 从起初的若有若无,到最后变的越来越响亮。 Came!” “来了!” Qin Nan drinks one lowly. 秦南低喝一声。 Bang! 轰! Exclaimed in surprise together place crack sound gets up, that piece mysterious void, was similar to has come under the unsurpassed attack, has broken incomparably huge cave's mouth, came out turbulently pure white immortal light. 一道惊叹动地的炸响声响起,那一片神秘虚空,如同遭到了无上打击,破开了一个无比巨大的洞口,汹涌出来了一道纯白色的仙光 Breath of all Cultivator, simultaneously turns very quiet. 所有修士们的呼吸,齐齐屏住。 Entire world, suddenly changes is silent, seems Space-Time frames in this. 整个天地,也陡然变的寂静下来,好似时空在此定格。 Rests, ten breaths and hundred breaths...... Does not know how long, a beast hoof of pale blue color, from dark void has trod, trod above immortal light. 一息、十息、百息……不知道过去了多久,一只淡蓝色的兽蹄,从冥冥虚空中踏出,踏在了仙光之上。 The beast hoof selected has selected several, as if in confirming this immortal light was sturdy, after discovering to be able, slowly went out from inside. 兽蹄点了点几下,似乎是在确认这仙光牢不牢靠,发现可以之后,才从里面缓缓走出。 This immortal deer has five zhang (3.33 m) high, the double pupil is piece of purple color, pair of horns is the black, covered entirely pale blue color from top to bottom, on the lumbodorsal region has also covered golden marks, has not sent out any imposing manner. 这一头仙鹿高有五丈,双眸为一片紫色,双角则是黑色,浑身上下都布满了淡蓝色,腰背上还覆盖了一条条金纹,没有散发出任何气势。 Good strange aura!” “好古怪的气息!” In Qin Nan eye rays of light flashes. 秦南眼中光芒一闪 This immortal deer does not have a wee bit cultivation level, however its body, seems to be does not have, if use dao technique and immortal technique, definitely is unable to hit it. 仙鹿没有一丁点修为,但是它的身体,似有似无,如果是动用道术仙术的话,肯定无法击中它。 After first immortal deer appears, quick arrives at the sloppy ground, it as if had not realized that innumerable Cultivator on Supreme mountain, looked the position looks at one, but lowered the head, has nipped immortal grass. 第一头仙鹿出现之后,很快就走到了草地上,它仿佛没有察觉到至尊山上的无数位修士们,看都位看一眼,而是低下头来,咬了一口仙草 On its face, shows the expression that has wiped to enjoy immediately, finally has exuded a strange neighing sound. 它的脸上,顿时露出了抹享受的表情,最后发出了一道古怪的嘶鸣声。 Brushes! 刷刷刷! Then immortal deer, from the place of that gap, one after another dashes, fell above this lawn, was not short breath time, had 70. 一头接着一头的仙鹿,从那缺口之处,接连飞奔而出,落在了这片草地之上,不到短短一息时间,就有了70多头。 Finally, when goes directly to hundred, void that breaks, slowly closes up. 最后,直达百头之时,破开的虚空,才缓缓合拢。 Over a hundred immortal deer!” “上百头仙鹿!” At least 500 years did not have one-time to present these many immortal deer!” “至少已经有500年没有一次性出现过这么多仙鹿了!” Ha, I become the Supreme opportunity, came Ah ! finally “哈哈哈,我成至尊的机会,总算是来了啊! Supreme mountain there Cultivator, after a mind vibration, immediately on the face revealed has wiped the happy expression, the body erupted the heavens-frightening imposing manner in abundance, changed to all kinds of immortal light, the direct impact lawn. 至尊山那里的一位位修士们,心神一阵震动之后,随即脸上都露出了抹喜色,身上纷纷爆发出来了惊天气势,化作各种各样的仙光,直冲草地。 The four directions are void, shakes. 四方虚空,都为之震荡。 fuck!!” 我靠!” Meng Jiugong had a scare. 孟九宫被吓了一大跳。 Because at present this, was really too magnificent, resembled the unsurpassed armies, gushed out from that Supreme mountain, dense and numerous, innumerable, must grind the front all. 因为眼前这一幕,实在是太壮观了,就好像有一只无上军队,从那至尊山中涌出,密密麻麻,数不胜数,要碾碎前方的所有一切。 Like previous time competes for World's Wondrous Fruit that scene , compared with present this scene, feels dwarfed, the difference is huge. 像上次争夺天地妙果的那场面,与现在这场面比起来,也都是小巫见大巫,差别巨大。 Moreover, this is the reason that immortal deer is born suddenly, if rule 2-3 months later is appearing, will that be the grand scene? 而且,这还是仙鹿突然降世的缘故,要是按照规律两三个月之后在出现,那又将是何等盛大的场景? Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Does not arrive at a short breath time, deafening crack the sound has made a sound, innumerable dao technique and immortal technique, the collision same place, surged innumerable astral qi. 不到短短一息的时间,一道道震耳欲聋的炸响声就响了起来,无数门的道术仙术,碰撞一起,激荡开来了无数罡气 Trim Pursuing Deer Land, by rays of light that these Cultivator send out shining. 整片逐鹿之地,都被这些修士们散发的光芒给映照。 Under so the war of scale, even if existences of some peerless talent, not specially conspicuous. 在如此规模的大战之下,哪怕是一些绝世天才的存在,也不是特别的显眼。 Qin Nan, the opportunity is rare, you did not plan really takes a head?” 秦南,机会难得,你真不打算去拿下一头?” Meng Jiugong was asking, while was eager to try. 孟九宫一边问着,一边跃跃欲试。 Was only a pity that his cultivation level was really too low, if he had the Unparalleled Overlord initial-stage boundary, he definitely flushed. 只可惜,他的修为实在是太低了,如果他有盖世霸主初期的境界,他肯定都冲进去了。 Ok, looks here quite well.” “算了,还是在这里看着比较好。” Qin Nan shook the head, within the body warm-blooded, subsiding. 秦南摇了摇头,将体内的热血,给平息下去。 He a moment ago was only one, saw many Powerhouse , has Unparalleled Overlord cultivation level, but also grasped Dao Boundary big accomplishment. 他刚才只是一眼,就看到了不少强者,有着盖世霸主修为,还掌握了道境大成 Well?” “咦?” The Qin Nan vision has revealed a surprise. 秦南目光露出了一丝诧异。 Eternal Flower in his Sea of Consciousness, how independent flood did rays of light come? 识海之中的永恒之花,怎么自主泛起光芒来了? In he thinks, he suddenly lives a strange feeling, he gained ground immediately, looks toward the left front. 正在他思索之时,他心里骤生一种奇异之感,他立刻抬起头来,朝着左前方看去。 The line of sight crosses all trades dao technique and Cultivator, finally Qin Nan vision, with both eyes of immortal deer to. 视线越过一门门道术、一位位修士,最终秦南的目光,和一头仙鹿的双眼对上了。 Moreover, Qin Nan also clear incomparably seeing, in that pair of purple color beast pupil, slightly crossed one named fiery mood. 而且,秦南还无比清晰的看到,那一对紫色兽眸之中,略过了一种名为火热的情绪。 A Qin Nan brow wrinkle, sees slightly immediately, moreover not far away three immortal deer, in gnawing to be eating immortal grass, gained ground suddenly, the pupil light moved, stares on Qin Nan. 秦南眉头微微一皱,随即又看到,另外不远处的三头仙鹿,本来在啃食着仙草,忽而抬起头来,眸光一移,凝视在了秦南身上。 The eyeground, passed over gently and swiftly similarly one fiery mood. 眼底,同样掠过了一种火热的情绪。 In the heart of Qin Nan, lives not a wonderful feeling suddenly. 秦南的心中,骤生一种不妙之感。
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