PBS :: Volume #20

#1988: Hundred Venerable Monster Immortal Wall

This......” “这……” Seventh World's Sacred Area all Cultivator, the mind has encountered the tremendous blow. 第七天地圣区的所有修士们,心神遭到了巨大冲击。 Qin Nan, was certainly affected. 就连秦南自己,也受到了一定的影响。 That is could it be that Hundred Venerable Monster Immortal Wall?” “那难道百尊妖仙壁?” Gu Xiaoyao looks at that vast vast, giant incomparable city wall, whole face absent-minded saying: Should not, this not should Ah ! to act according to our clan No. 3 secret manual to record, it had been destroyed Ah ! obviously 古逍遥看着那一片辽阔浩瀚,巨大无比的城墙,满脸失神道:“不应该,这不应该啊!根据我们族中三号秘典记载,它明明已经被人打碎了啊! Qin Nan hears word responded that immediately asking: What is Hundred Venerable Monster Immortal Wall?” 秦南闻言反应过来,立刻问道:“百尊妖仙壁是什么?” Gu Xiaoyao replied subconsciously: It is during ten big All Immortals that time, is first ten Asking Dao Item, moreover personally gets rid by first All Immortals, with hundred Monster Venerable skeletons 古逍遥下意识答道:“它乃是十大诸仙那个时代之中,名列前十的问道之器,而且还是由第一诸仙亲自出手,用百位妖尊尸骨” Here, he awakened, no longer talked too much. 说到这里,他惊醒过来,不再多言。 However, these that he said that have let all Cultivator on the scene, including Xiang Yuansheng, Meng Shanyue, Lu Qingyin and cloudy these peerless talent, shocked. 但是,他说的这一些,已经让在场的所有修士,包括项元升蒙山岳陆轻音、阴一这些绝世天才在内,都为之震惊了。 Asking Dao Item! 问道之器 That was dominates existence above antiquity Dao Item, in major Ancient Clan and major Supreme Dao Lineage of present, is very few, was commonly rare. 那可是凌驾于上古道器之上的存在,在如今的各大古族、各大无上道统里面,都少之又少,寻常难得一见。 Do not say that this is refines by solemn first All Immortals personally, can be existences of ten big Asking Dao Item! 更不要说,这还是由堂堂第一诸仙亲手炼制,可以名列十大问道之器的存在! Must know, if this kind of most precious object, appears in nine Heavenly Immortal territories any place, definitely will bring in competitions of many Nine Heavens Supreme, even is peeping at Lord Realm Powerhouse , starts the reactionary reign of terror. 要知道,如果说这样一件至宝,出现在九天仙域里面任何一个地方,必然会引来诸多九天至尊的争夺,甚至是主境强者的窥视,掀起血雨腥风。 However, this kind of thing...... 然而,这样一件东西…… In the present, was actually used to treat as the city wall! 在如今,却被用来当做城墙! Then this next life, is terrorist? Who is it builds? How hid big top secret? 那么这来世都,到底有多么恐怖?它是何人打造?隐藏了怎样的大秘辛 Brushes! 刷刷刷! At this time, hundred and thousand of radiant immortal light, from that city, under this everywhere blood light, evolved color entirely different phenomenon, focused attention on especially. 就在这个时候,成百上千道璀璨仙光,从那城中冲起,于这漫天血光之下,演化出来了一道道颜色截然不同的异象,格外瞩目。 Thing that big, it will have next life, naturally by far more than one Hundred Venerable Monster Immortal Wall. 诺大的一个来世都,它所拥有的东西,当然远远不止一件百尊妖仙壁 Qin Nan feels that in the city most deep place is transmitting to fluctuate lightly, the white fire in double pupil, instantaneous burns down fiercely, within the body two big Asking Dao Technique also revolved, erupts the astonishing speed, flew to the front. 秦南感受着城中最深处传来的那淡淡波动,双眸中的白火,瞬间剧烈焚烧起来,体内两大问道之法同时运转,爆发出了惊人速度,飞向前方。 Pursues!” “追!” Xiang Yuansheng and Meng Shanyue two person, Lu Qingyin three people, as well as black red double immortal and cloudy one, simultaneously changed to immortal light, follows. 项元升蒙山岳两人,还有陆轻音三人,以及黑红双仙和阴一,同时化作了一道道仙光,紧随其后。 You fast fly to in sky next life! Moreover, sends out two to three people, all biographies that here has, making in the clan additionally appoint the manpower to catch up immediately!” “你们速速飞向天空中的这座来世都!另外,派出两到三人,将此处发生的一切传回去,让族里立刻加派人手赶过来!” They almost simultaneously passed on such spiritual thought. 他们几乎同时传去了一道这样的神念 Their this time catches up with seventh World's Sacred Area, wants to apprehend, town to kill Qin Nan, had led a group of people, but just started Secret Heavenly Beast to be insufficient, therefore most people also keep under nine mark seas of clouds very much. 他们此次赶来第七天地圣区,想要捉拿、镇杀秦南,本就率领了一批人,只是刚开始隐天兽不足,所以很大部分人还留在九纹云海之下。 fellow daoist, although our each one strove for differently, but no matter how, must first grasp Qin Nan, presses for an answer next life secret! Otherwise we contend, will possibly make him take advantage of loopholes!” “诸位道友,虽然我们各自所求不同,但不管如何,首先要拿住秦南,逼问出来世都的秘密!否则我们双方相争,很可能会让他钻了空子!” After obtaining secret, how to process again, looked at our respective skills! If, then distributes Immortal Demon Dao Oath on the present together.” “至于得到秘密之后,再如何处理,就看我们各自的本事了!如果可以,那就现在一起发下仙魔道誓。” The Lu Qingyin pupil light dodges, passes on spiritual thought rapidly, has neglected cloudy one and Cuts Cang Sect three Cultivator. 陆轻音眸光一闪,迅速传去神念,忽略了阴一和斩苍宗的三位修士 Good!” “好!” Xiang Yuansheng, Meng Shanyue and black red double immortal, quick complied. 项元升蒙山岳、黑红双仙,很快就答应了。 Next life value, was really too big, if can obtain Hundred Venerable Monster Immortal Wall, or was other any heaven-defying chances, top secret wait/etc., that advantage was hard to imagine. 来世都的价值,实在是太大了,如果能够得到百尊妖仙壁,或者是什么其他逆天机缘、秘辛等等,那好处是难以想象的。 Walks, in the past had a look!” “走,过去看看!” This perhaps is once in a thousand years opportunity Ah ! “这恐怕是一个千载难逢的机会啊! Many enters seventh World's Sacred Area other Cultivator, simultaneously responded that in the eye revealed has wiped the fiery color, changed to rainbow light, shot up to the sky. 许许多多进入第七天地圣区的其他修士们,也齐齐反应过来,眼中露出了抹火热之色,化作一道道虹光,冲天而起。 Since several thousand years, seventh World's Sacred Area, first time has seethed with excitement thoroughly! 几千年以来,第七天地圣区,第一次彻底沸腾了! Quick, Qin Nan approached next life. 很快,秦南接近来世都了。 Is close, then more can feel this blood city broad boundless, particularly that Hundred Venerable Monster Immortal Wall the city wall, is lending the terror aura unceasingly. 越是接近,便越是能够感受到这座血城的恢宏磅礴,尤其是那百尊妖仙壁所化的城墙,不断散发着恐怖的气息。 Did not exaggerate said that if Heavenly Immortal peak Cultivator, has not stepped into the Dao Boundary words, is unable to approach in ten li (0.5 km), stepped into Dao Boundary , can only stand under the city wall reluctantly. 毫不夸张的说,如果一位天仙巅峰修士,没有踏入道境话,根本无法靠近十里之内,踏入道境,也只能勉强站在城墙之下。 After several hundred breaths, the Qin Nan personal appearance, has mounted the city wall, when his both feet falls, the ear seemed has resounded several hundred Supreme big monsters roaring sounds. 数百息之后,秦南的身形,登上了城墙,当他双脚落下之之时,耳边好似响起了数百头至尊大妖的咆哮声。 Even if his present mental, slightly absent-minded. 即便是他现在的心智,也不禁微微恍惚了一下。 Worthily is Asking Dao Item that first All Immortals builds, any Unparalleled Overlord peak, obtains its words, even if can only play a might, that can also protect oneself before a Nine Heavens Supreme initial-stage giant.” “不愧是第一诸仙打造的问道之器,任何一位盖世霸主巅峰,得到它的话,即使只能发挥出一点威力,那也可以在一位九天至尊初期的巨头面前自保了。” In the Qin Nan heart exclaims in surprise one, stands in the city wall, looked to the entire city. 秦南心中惊叹一声,站在城墙上,看向了全城。 Only saw that reach to the sky, the imposing manner is broad, various palaces, rise straight from the ground, sparkle immortal light. 只见到,一座座高耸入云,气势恢宏,各色各样的宫殿,拔地而起,闪耀仙光 In addition, mountains, forests, rivers wait/etc., making the person just like arriving in piece of Small World. 除此之外,还有一座座大山、森林、河流等等,让人宛如来到了一片小世界之中。 Until now, Qin Nan has seen many sect place, but this, can majority of give the second to kill them at present next life. 迄今为止,秦南见到过不少宗址,但是眼下这一座来世都,就可以将它们大部分都给秒杀了。 Finally, the Qin Nan vision, stared in the place of end, above most middle that palace. 最终,秦南的目光,凝视在了尽头之处,最中间的那一座宫殿之上。 The palace reaches as high as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), 19, each layer outside, pastes on Talisman that colors varied, to the person an ancient atmosphere, is similar to the celestial mountain serious feeling. 宫殿高达万丈,共有19层,每一层的外面,都贴上了一张张颜色各异的符箓,给人一种古老大气,如同仙山般的沉重之感。 That drop of blood of previous generation, in that 19 th! 前世的那一滴血,就在那第19层中! Qin Nan immediately not hesitant, displays Cross the Heavens Strikes, rushes rapidly. 秦南当即没有犹豫,施展跨天一击,迅速赶往。 As for, various twinkle immortal light, evolves the phenomenon along the way, likely has the astonishing inheritance palace, completely was given to disregard by him. 至于沿途之中,各种各样闪烁仙光,演化异象,很可能藏有惊人传承的宫殿,都被他全部给无视了。 Bang! Bang! Bang!! 砰砰砰 This palace has intelligence to be ordinary, after Qin Nan distance thousand li (500 km), the 19 th place, Talisman fell off, has resounded explosive sounds, presented one to have 50 zhang (3.33 m) high, the width had 300 in zhang (3.33 m) gap. 这座宫殿似是有着灵性一般,当秦南距离不过千里之后,第19层之处,一张张符箓脱落,响起了一道道爆炸声,出现了一个高有50丈,宽有300于丈的缺口。 Through the gap, can see that 19 th most scenery. 通过缺口,可以看到那第19层的大半风景。 This probably is a study room, the two sides are standing erect separately a pale blue color great big book cabinet, above has chocked up all kinds of old books, as well as some jade bottles, are glittering the light brilliance, is lending the ancient aura. 这好像是一个书房,两边分别竖立着一个淡蓝色的巨大书柜,上面摆满了各种各样的古籍,以及一些玉瓶,闪烁着淡淡光辉,散发着古老的气息。 Especially behind middle, has a desk, a wooden chair, on the tabletop suspends three ancient writing brush, as well as the inkslab wait/etc., the middle place is placing one volume of Scripture, a jade nature brocade box. 尤其是中间后方,有着一张书桌,一张木椅,桌面上摆有三只古笔,以及砚台等等,中间处则摆放着一卷经书,还有一个玉质锦盒。 The Qin Nan look stares slightly. 秦南神色微微一愣。 Xiang Yuansheng, Meng Shanyue, Lu Qingyin wait/etc. peerless talent that the rear area pursues, other Unparalleled Overlord peak exist, is the mind shakes greatly. 后方追上来的项元升蒙山岳陆轻音等等绝世天才,还有其他一些盖世霸主巅峰的存在们,则是心神巨震。 A faint trace aura that this volume of Scripture and jade nature brocade box lends, was really too terrifying, has surmounted the Nine Heavens Supreme level radically! 这一卷经书和玉质锦盒散发出来的一丝丝气息,实在是太恐怖了,根本已经超越了九天至尊的层次! Does not need to guess that such thing is the unsurpassed most precious object, the value is very inevitably possible not to be weak in Hundred Venerable Monster Immortal Wall, even also wants on the strong several points! 都不用去猜,这样东西必然是无上至宝,价值很可能不弱于百尊妖仙壁,甚至还要强上几分!
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