PTH :: Volume #8

#714: Grand Dao bans

Wan Jiansan, you still remember for several years ago, your Sky Sword Sect just discovered shortly after this Demon Mark Ominous Vein, you deceived a number of five people of searching lineage/vein cultivator to come here outside Spirit Peak City, helped your inquiring dry Spiritual Vein trend!” Wei Suo's sound incomparably ice-cold, escape light and Wan Jiansan pull closer unceasingly. 万剑三,你还记得十几年前,你们天剑宗刚刚发现这魔纹凶脉不久,你在灵岳城外骗了一批五人的探脉修士到这里,帮你们探询干涸灵脉走向么!”魏索的声音无比冰冷,遁光万剑三不断拉近。 Wan Jiansan loses color, yelled startled that passed was so long, how I possibly remember clearly.” 万剑三更加面无血色,惊慌大叫,“已经过去这么久了,我怎么可能记得清楚。” „It is not clear! I will make you clear!” Ice-cold Killing Intent in Wei Suo heart is thicker, aura shake world, compared with his aura and Wan Jiansan, look like to the feeling of person huge Heavenly Dragon are pursuing a house sparrow. “记不清楚!我会让你记清楚的!”魏索心中的冰冷杀意更浓,身上的气息震荡天地,他身上的气息和万剑三相比,给人的感觉就像是一条庞大的天龙在追着一只麻雀。 Does not close my matter! At that time I also listened to Liu Xiangcheng. You must look also look for Liu Xiangcheng.” Wan Jiansan had been scared with demon god same Wei Suo of by the little girl thoroughly, does not have yelling of Great Cultivator style. “不关我的事啊!当时我也是都听刘相成的。你要找也找刘相成啊。”万剑三已经被小女孩和魔神一样的魏索彻底吓破了胆子,毫无大修士风范的大叫。 Wan Jiansan... You!” 万剑三...你!” Formerly did not strive for running quickly, only strove for running quickly compared with Supreme Elder Xue Chaoran, Liu Xiangcheng of body Spiritual Qi condense red precious pearl was also one trembles in the distant place, wishes one could to pat dead Wan Jiansan. 先前不求跑得最快,只求比太上长老薛超然跑得快,身上灵气凝成一颗红色宝珠的刘相成在远处也是一个哆嗦,恨不得一下拍死万剑三 Liu Xiangcheng, at that time you were also one in that several Sky Sword Sect Disciple!” 刘相成,原来当时你也是那几名天剑宗弟子中的一个!” Damn, his escapes fast is too quick, cannot run away, can only run into the Heavenly Sword copper palace, opens Heavenly Sword Grand Dao to ban, can maintain a livelihood.” Liu Xiangcheng is ran away toward Demon Mark Ominous Vein outside directly, but hears the Wei Suo's words now, sees Wei Suo's to escape again fast, hit trembling Liu Xiangcheng actually to clench teeth, toward being away from him not the far Heavenly Sword copper palace has plundered to go crazily. “该死的,他的遁速太快,逃不走了,只能逃入天剑铜殿,开启天剑大道禁,才能活命了。”刘相成本来是直接朝着魔纹凶脉的外面逃,但是现在听到魏索的话,再看到魏索的遁速,打了一个哆嗦的刘相成却是一咬牙,朝着距离他已经不远的天剑铜殿狂掠而去。 "Ah!" “啊!” Among the moments, Wei Suo pursued to only have several remote of hundred zhang (333m) from Wan Jiansan. Under of Wan Jiansan fear yelled, a fine Golden Core pill of white fist size has welled up from his hand, turned into white sword light instantaneously, cut to kill to go toward rear Wei Suo. 只是片刻之间,魏索已经追到距离万剑三只有数百丈之遥。万剑三害怕的一声大叫之下,一颗白色的拳头大小的精金丹丸从他的手中涌了出来,瞬间化成了一条白色的剑光,朝着后方的魏索斩杀而去。 Bang!” “轰!” However Wei Suo puts out a hand a stroke, white rough sea waves and together dark golden Sword Qi instantaneously before his body gushed out, hits the white sword light to fly upside down not to know many zhang (3.33 m). 但是魏索只是伸手一划,一条白色巨浪和一道暗金色剑气就瞬间从他的身前涌出,打得白色剑光倒飞出了不知道多少丈。 "Ah!" “啊!” In a pitiful yell sound, the dark golden Sword Qi remaining prestige continues, attacks the body of Wan Jiansan directly, shuts off his entire left arm complete shoulder. 一声惨叫声中,暗金色剑气余威不止,直接冲击到万剑三的身上,将他的整条左臂齐肩切断。 "Ah!" “啊!” The pitiful yell has not fallen, is a sad and shrill pitiful yell sends out, does not wait for Wan Jiansan to have any unnecessary movement, is dark golden sword light shuts off the right arm also complete shoulder of Wan Jiansan. 惨叫未落,又是一声凄厉惨叫发出,不等万剑三有任何多余的动作,又是一条暗金色剑光将万剑三的右臂也齐肩切断。 You run away again.” “你再逃啊。” Wan Jiansan simply did not have any ability of resistance, is almost unable to achieve including fly in the sky, Wei Suo is bringing boundless ice cold Killing Intent, before the both arms complete Duan Wan Jiansan body. 万剑三根本没有了任何抵抗的能力,连御空都几乎无法做到,魏索带着无边冰寒的杀意,到了双臂齐断的万剑三身前。 But at this moment, Wei Suo is actually also fierce turning the head. Purple light came from the left, is pursued to his side not far away. 但就在这时,魏索却是也猛的转头。一条紫光从左后侧而来,也是已经追到他身边不远处。 Just sat the Sky Sword Sect Supreme Elder Xue Chaoran head silique little girl, unexpectedly also pursued. Moreover she flies to escape is very strange, silent, does not have any sound from out of the blue, does not have what fierce Spiritual Qi fluctuation, not words that uses Divine Consciousness to strafe, but also basic sensation. 刚刚才一屁股坐死了天剑宗太上长老薛超然的头上长角小女孩,居然也是追了上来。而且她飞遁起来还是十分古怪,无声无息,不带任何破空之声,也没有什么剧烈的灵气波动,不用神识扫射的话,还根本感知不到。 You entangle me to do What! during Wei Suo's roared angrily, in this reputation the little girl of silique, was rubbing the sharp small canine tooth, patted toward Wei Suo. “你缠着我干什么!”在魏索的一声怒叫之中,这名头上长角的小女孩,又是磨着尖尖的小虎牙,朝着魏索拍来。 An explosive, Wei Suo silver Divine Light dodges, the little girl racket that also on the purple light by this was flashed flew several feet. 啪的一声爆响,魏索身上银色神光一闪,又被这名身上紫光闪动的小女孩拍飞了十几丈。 You!” “你!” Those who make a Wei Suo more startled anger unusual is, after this little girl racket flew Wei Suo, sees Wan Jiansan before body, but also direct grasped Wan Jiansan Treasure Receiving Pocket conveniently, then also a palm flew the Wan Jiansan racket. 魏索更加惊怒异常的是,这名小女孩拍飞了魏索之后,看到身前的万剑三,还直接顺手抓出了万剑三纳宝囊,然后也一掌把万剑三拍飞了。 Wan Jiansan had cut off both arms by Wei Suo, is unable to prevent, center the chest by this little girl, the chest had been collapsed completely, in the mouth the blood spurts crazily, seems is patted obviously directly, did not have including the air/Qi. 万剑三已经被魏索斩断双臂,根本无法阻挡,被这小女孩正中胸口,胸口全部坍陷了下去,口中鲜血狂喷,看上去明显是直接被拍死,连气都没了。 bad person.” The little girl of head silique has not actually managed Wei Suo's to feel at heart, is sharpening teeth, overtook Wei Suo. 坏人。”头上长角的小女孩却是没有管魏索的心里感受,又是磨了磨牙,追上了魏索 bad person you kick my face unexpectedly!” Big foot kicking maliciously on her face, the silver light flashed with the purple light, the sound is loud and clear, the probably great ship bumps into to be the same. 坏人你居然踢我的脸!”一个大脚丫子狠狠的踢在了她的脸上,银光和紫光闪动,声音铿然,好像巨船相撞一样。 On the face of little girl a wound does not have, only then a dust, but was kicked is a little in a daze, as if has not thought that Wei Suo will use such mean move unexpectedly, when wields fights with the fists she, but also seizes the opportunity to trample her face with the big foot. 小女孩的脸上一点伤都没有,只有一点灰尘,但是被踢得有点发傻,似乎没有想到魏索居然会用这么卑鄙的招数,在挥拳打她的时候,还乘机用大脚踹她的脸。 Endless, you think that I feared you are inadequate!” Wei Suo also fell into the violent anger, after being shaken flies, on own initiative compels to the little girl. Wan Jiansan and he has wears a day of enmity differently, has seized shortly, unexpectedly was patted by this little girl palm of the hand. “没完没了,难道你以为我怕你不成!”魏索也是陷入了暴怒之中,被震飞出去之后,主动逼向小女孩。万剑三和他有不同戴天之仇,眼看已经擒住,居然被这小女孩一巴掌拍死。 bad person you dare to kick me, kills you.” The little girls are also the doing a lot of talking sounds of sword, does not show weakness, beat with Wei Suo, has made into one pile. 坏人你敢踢我,打死你。”小女孩也是磨牙霍霍,毫不示弱,和魏索拳打脚踢,打成了一堆。 Good pain I to kill you!” “好痛我打死你!” Mother(fucker), is you and I am hard to solve painful! Get out of my sight!” 妈的,是你自己和我纠缠不清才痛!给我滚开!” bad person you dare to shout me get lost unexpectedly, little broken Dragon Qi is great, dares to shout that I get lost. Kills you!” 坏人你居然敢喊我滚,一点点破龙气就了不起么,敢喊我滚..打死你!” Mother(fucker), idiot!” 妈的,白痴!” bad person you want to steal my bracelet unexpectedly!” 坏人你居然想偷我的镯子!” You have not wanted to grasp my bracelet!” “你还不是想要抓我的镯子!” . Resounding sledgehammer mutually rap sound that in the papapa Pa! sky keeps. ..啪啪啪啪!天空中不停的响起大锤互相敲击般的声音。 The little girls do not know that is inborn will not use Magic Art, but Wei Suo actually cannot use Magic Art, he wants to seize the opportunity to grasp the ash-gray bangle on little girl hand, the bracelet that but the little girl wears seems lax, probably must fall to be the same, time that but Wei Suo one time seizes the opportunity to grasp, actually probably mounts in her wrist|skill is the same, cannot grasp, harmed the Wei Suo's face to be kicked a foot by the small foot of little girl, kicked sees stars, almost nosebleed long class. But the little girl is also wants to grasp Wei Suo's Storage Bracelet, but also fought with the fists by Wei Suo in the hand, hits her snow snow to shout the pain. 小女孩不知道是不是天生不会动用术法,而魏索却是不能动用术法,他想把小女孩子手上的灰色手镯乘机抓掉,可是小女孩戴着的镯子看上去松松垮垮,好像自己都要掉下来一样,但魏索一次乘机抓上去的时候,却是好像黏在她手腕上一样,死活抓不下来,害得魏索的脸也被小女孩的小脚丫踢了一脚,踢得眼冒金星,差点鼻血长流。而小女孩也是想要抓魏索的纳宝手镯,但也被魏索一拳打在手上,打得她雪雪呼痛。 bad person, you dare to kick my face unexpectedly!” “啊坏人,你居然又敢踢我的脸!” Kicks your face to be also what kind, you do not have tits, otherwise I also kick your tits.” “踢你的脸又怎么样,要不是你没咪咪,不然我还踢你咪咪呢。” Two person strengths are close, hits does not injure the opposite party, Wei Suo is quite much more painful, hit one somewhat to be swollen including the hands and feet, but the little girl actually quite did not eat the pain, was painful again and again yelled that the hands and feet blushed. What is most essential was Wei Suo was unable to run away, tied down stubbornly, therefore two people both were hit are burning with anger, wished one could opposite party living choking to death, at all not like terrifying Antiquity Life Form and Golden Core Fourth Layer that heaven-shaking Great Expert in the Spiritual Stones mineral lode dug out to war, seemed fights like the vixen simply. Two people both were mad to link any words to shout curses, but this little girl called the pain, while shouted curses, the speech sentence knew extremely well compared with before actually, only purely will not shout bad person anything like before. 两个人实力接近,都是打不伤对方,魏索是比较痛得厉害,打了一阵连手脚都有些肿了,而小女孩却是比较不吃痛,也是痛得连连大叫,手脚发红。最为关键的是魏索还无法逃遁得了,被死死缠住,所以两个人都是打得怒火中烧,恨不得把对方活生生的掐死,根本不像灵石矿脉中挖出的恐怖上古生物金丹四重惊天大能的对战,看上去简直就像泼妇打架。两个人都是气得连什么话都叫骂出来了,而这小女孩一边叫痛,一边叫骂,说话语句倒是比以前熟稔了一些,不像之前只会单纯的喊一句坏人啊什么的。 Died of exhaustion me the good pain.” “累死我了好痛。” You have not gone, entangle me to do What! “那你还不快滚,缠着我干什么! bad person you dare such impolitely to kill you to me unexpectedly!” 坏人你居然敢对我这么无礼打死你!” papapa Pa! beats, after having hit about stick of incense time, the little girl pants, did not move, but Wei Suo is actually the hands and feet a little swelling, the face was hit blushes. The little girls were also hit dirtily, seems somewhat distressed. Both sides stop slightly, in airborne wicked confrontation. 啪啪啪啪!足足拳打脚踢,打了近一炷香的时间之后,小女孩气喘吁吁,打不动了,而魏索却是手脚都有点肿胀,脸被被打得发红。小女孩也是被打得灰头土脸,看上去有些狼狈。双方略微停顿,在空中恶狠狠的对峙。 bad person gives me me not to hit you your bangle.” 坏人把你的手镯给我我不打你。” Idiot Steel Teeth Younger Sister, why you do not discard your bangle.” “白痴钢牙妹,你干嘛不把你的手镯丢掉。” bad person you dare to shout my idiot Steel Teeth Younger Sister unexpectedly 坏人你居然敢喊我白痴钢牙妹 Do not pursue me again, my also two helper who I am fiercer than outside, you pursue me again, I shouted that they come to punch you together.” Wei Suo is invalid to this Magic Art and Magic Treasure powerful energy, the body is also tyrannical, hits not the colored silique little girl the face is also very helpless, the air/Qi, frightens said. “不要再追我了,我还有两个比我厉害的帮手在外面,你再追我,我喊他们进来一起揍你。”魏索对这术法法宝威能无效,身体又比自己还要强横,连脸都打不花的长角小女孩也是十分无奈,气得不行,吓唬道。 You.” The silique little girl somewhat believes actually that somewhat has been afraid. If comes two Wei Suo this again, hits definitely cannot kill her, but definitely hits her unusual pain, perhaps must hold down oneself, one slap in the face. “你。”长角小女孩倒是有些相信,有些害怕了起来。要是再来两个魏索这样的,打是也肯定打不死她,但是肯定打得她非常的痛,没准还要按住自己,一顿打脸。 Saw that the silique little girl is afraid, does not dare to approach to come. Wei Suo ablaze with anger stared her one eyes, will fall to absorb in place Wan Jiansan, Wan Jiansan the aura did not have slightly, dying cannot die again. 看到长角小女孩害怕,不敢逼近前来。魏索怒气冲冲的瞪了她一眼,将已经掉落在地的万剑三摄了起来,万剑三已经丝毫气息全无,死的不能再死了。 In an instant looked again that Liu Xiangcheng early has actually run into the Heavenly Sword copper palace. 转眼再看,刘相成却是早已经逃入了天剑铜殿之中。 At this time in Demon Mark Ominous Vein most searching lineage/vein mining cultivator has caught up, because of the fear silique little girl, does not dare to approach, stays in being away from the Wei Suo dozens inside and outside places, distant is waiting. 此时魔纹凶脉之中大半的探脉采矿修士都已经赶了过来,但是因为害怕长角小女孩,都是不敢靠近,停留在距离魏索数十里外的地方,远远的等着。 Liu Xiangcheng! Wan Jiansan did not remember the several years ago matters, did you still remember?” No matter Wei Suo silique little girl, approaches toward the Heavenly Sword copper palace. 刘相成万剑三不记得十几年之前的事了,你还记得么?”魏索不管长角小女孩,朝着天剑铜殿逼近。 „The several years ago matters you, for the several years ago matters, look for our Sky Sword Sect to murder those who have cheated them, you do not fear chasing down of our Sky Sword Sect!” Liu Xiangcheng some sounds of shivering, from Heavenly Sword copper palace somewhere passed on. “十几年前的事你为了十几年前的事,找我们天剑宗寻仇,你难道不怕我们天剑宗的追杀么!”刘相成有些颤抖的声音,从天剑铜殿中的某处传了出来。 If I told you, in the past you forced here in five Rogue Cultivator, pair of Dao Companion, was my parents, do you also dare to say?” The Wei Suo's sound, is rippling dreadful Killing Intent. “如果我告诉你,当年你们逼迫来此处的五名散修之中,有一对道侣,是我的父母,你还敢这么说么?”魏索的声音,荡漾着滔天的杀意 Originally this Great Cultivator, is Rogue Cultivator posterity his parents, was deceived here by Sky Sword Sect?” “原来这位大修士,是散修的后人他的父母,也是被天剑宗骗到了此处?” „The ordinary Rogue Cultivator posterity, really had such heaven-shaking cultivation base.” “普通散修的后人,竟然有了这样的惊天修为。” Searching lineage/vein mining cultivator that Wei Suo such remarks, has caught up with understood the matter whole story, responded thoroughly, Wei Suo came to here to murder those who have cheated them. 魏索此言一出,已经赶来的探脉采矿修士都是明白了事情原委,彻底反应过来,魏索来这里本来就是为了寻仇。 „Are you unexpectedly that several Rogue Cultivator posterity?” Liu Xiangcheng is also the sound one cold. A Wei Suo these words exit / to speak, he knows that frightened Wei Suo with Sky Sword Sect is simply useless. “你居然是那几名散修的后人?”刘相成也是声音一寒。魏索这句话一出口,他就知道用天剑宗来吓唬魏索是根本没有用的了。 Bang!” “轰!” Wei Suo is having the dreadful power and influence, crosses void, approached the Heavenly Sword copper palace, these twined these bronzine sharp sword general palace groups beyond the cyan light mark, before the body, gushed out innumerable astonishing Golden Core Sunlight, instantaneous condense was treading water spray ancient times Heavenly Dragon, toward this bronzine palace suppression, at the same time, black Antiquity Ominous Fire, toward Heavenly Sword copper palace bang under. 魏索带着滔天的威势,横渡虚空,逼近到了天剑铜殿,那些缠绕这些青铜色利剑一般的殿宇群的青色光纹之外,身前涌出无数惊人至极的金丹霞光,瞬间凝成一条踏着水浪的远古天龙,朝着这片青铜色殿宇镇压而下,与此同时,一条黑色的太古凶火,也朝着天剑铜殿轰下。 Chi! 嗤! All light mark brilliance of Heavenly Sword copper palace surrounding greatly are suddenly bright, flashes before golden light, instantaneous condense a handle has been the number hundred zhang (333m), the width approximately ten zhang (3.33 m) giant gold/metal sword incessantly, cuts the day to extinguish general, cuts the Wei Suo's Golden Core Sunlight congealing shape and black Antiquity Ominous Fire crushes. 天剑铜殿外围的所有光纹突然光华大亮,其中闪现出一条条金光,瞬间凝成了一柄长达数百丈,宽约十丈不止的巨大金剑,斩天灭地一般,将魏索的金丹霞光凝形和黑色太古凶火斩得粉碎。 Divine Mystic Great Expert has the vast pressure and aura that sends out from this handle giant gold/metal sword. 一股只有神玄大能才有的浩瀚威压和气息,从这柄巨大金剑上散发而出。 Heavenly Sword Grand Dao bans!” 天剑大道禁!” Wei Suo's vision fierce flashing, Restrictions outside this Heavenly Sword copper palace, actually compared with Ma Kongqun said that he expects is tyrannical, this handle giant gold/metal sword powerful energy, gives his feeling, hits including Annihilation God Spear, must be cut damages. 魏索的眼光剧烈的闪动,这天剑铜殿外的禁制,竟然是比马空群说的,还有他料想的都要强横,这柄巨大金剑的威能,给他的感觉,是连破灭神枪打上去,都要被斩得破损。 Buzz!” “嗡!” without the slightest hesitation, before Wei Suo's body, sends out to shake the Origin Qi fluctuation of world, huge Heaven Subduing Magic Manifestation is indomitable spirit once more, stands in the world, one step steps forward, has the innumerable mysterious light marks, attacks toward the Heavenly Sword copper palace. 没有丝毫的犹豫,魏索的身前散发出撼动天地的元气波动,庞大的镇天法相再次顶天立地,站立在天地之间,一步跨出,带起无数玄奥的光纹,朝着天剑铜殿攻去。 *** *** ( This chapter of Zhao Ruling and Liu Xiangcheng name made a mistake, has made the revision...) (这章赵如陵刘相成的名字搞错了,已经做了修改。。。)
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