PTB :: Volume #3

#292: Puts down a rebellion and makes treaties of alliance

Chapter 292 puts down a rebellion and makes treaties of alliance 第292章平叛与会盟 Hesdin( Prince Otte Rank): „The first cup, lets the officers who we respected the sacrifice, was their heroics fearless with the sacrifice, made us defeat the barbaric beast person, achieved the final success.” 艾丹(奥特兰克王子):“第一杯,让我们敬牺牲的将士们,正是他们的英勇无畏与牺牲,才让我们打败了野蛮的兽人,获得了最终的胜利。” „The second cup, making us respect our Royal Father Eden, he fights a bloody battle, died in battle courageously, worthily the prestige of king of mountain! Has not brought disgrace on the Nord family's glory.” “第二杯,让我们敬我们的父王艾登,他浴血奋战,奋勇战死,不愧高山之王的威名!更没有辱没匹瑞诺德家族的荣耀。” „The third cup, making us respect the allies from pill, can win this victory, similarly must have from their selfless aid.” “第三杯,让我们敬来自洛丹伦的盟友们,能够赢得这一场胜利,同样少不了来自他们的无私援助。” Makes us raise glass together, celebration this rare victory, the barbaric enemy and beast person tribe from different world in Otte Rank kingdom, were eliminated finally!” “让我们共同举杯,庆祝这难得的胜利,奥特兰克王国的野蛮敌人、来自异世界的兽人部落,终于被消灭了!” Hey yo!” “嘿呦!” In cheers, the people raise glass to hobnob, joyfully celebrate the victory. 在一阵欢呼声中,众人纷纷举杯共饮,欢庆胜利。 In the banquet hall in royal palace, immerses in happy talks and laughters. 王宫的宴会厅中,沉浸在一片欢声笑语之中。 This is ice wolf original war later third day, in Otte Rank royal palace castle. 这是冰狼原之战之后的第三天,奥特兰克王宫城堡之中。 After finishing continued all day chasing down and turns over in full, the army withdrew to Otte Rank city finally. 在结束了持续一整天的追杀和清缴之后,大军终于撤回了奥特兰克城。 Some two days turning over in full very victories, eliminated the beast person army that dozens dispersions escaped, had several thousand people. 这两天的清缴还是很有一些战果的,消灭了几十支分散逃跑的兽人部队,足足有数千人之多。 After such attack, let remain not many frost wolf beast person to suffer the serious attack on the quantity again, now the number of frost wolf beast person already less than 10,000, moreover dispersed in the broad Otte Rank mountain ranges, in a short time is unable to threat Otte Rank kingdom again. 经过这样的打击,让原本就数量就已经所剩不多的霜狼兽人再次遭受了沉重打击,如今霜狼兽人的数量已经不足一万,而且分散在广阔的奥特兰克山脉之间,短时间内再也无法对奥特兰克王国构成威胁了。 Only quite regrettable is several beast person heroes has not held, Samouth, Drake Tull, Dellacqua, few wolf Lord and cold wolf owlet- was right, future tribe big chief Saari. 唯一比较遗憾的就是几个兽人英雄都没抓住,萨穆罗、德雷克塔尔、德拉卡、少狼主、寒狼枭-哦对了,还有未来的部落大酋长萨尔。 Especially Saari, this goods, but the person of destiny, really makes him grow, in the future will be limitless, perhaps also really can overturn. 尤其是萨尔,这货可是天命之人啊,真让他成长起来,未来不可限量,没准还真能翻盘呢。 However these were the later matter, Saari now is also only a kid, must first grow into the big chief of leadership tribe, ten years, it is estimated that were 2-3 edition later things. 不过这些都是以后的事情了,萨尔现在还只是个小屁孩呢,要先成长为领导部落的大酋长,怎么也得十年吧,估计都是2-3个版本之后的事情了。 Now wins this war with great difficulty, but also killed Eden this to be an eyesore on the way, the princes naturally were happy, also nature to a minute/share of advantage time. 现在好不容易打赢了这一战,还顺道弄死了艾登这个碍眼的,众王子自然是高兴的很,也自然到了分好处的时候了。 Count Ada Lyan( cold crow city feudal lords): Fellow honored princes, king has passed now, must some people wield the general situation, in my opinion, the urgent matter selects a new king, inherited Datong.” 阿达利安伯爵(凛鸦城领主):“各位尊贵的王子,如今国王陛下已逝,必须有人重新执掌大局,以我之见,当务之急是选出一位新的国王,继承大统。” This saying exit|to speak, the audience a silence, the attending mountain aristocrat loses in this war immediately time seriously, really without many rights to speak, as for plain aristocrat, does not know that is at heart has ghost or other what reason, has not arrived. 这话一出口,全场顿时一片寂静,与会的高山贵族在这一次的战争中损失惨重,着实没有多少发言权可言了,至于平原贵族,也不知道是心里有鬼还是别的什么原因,一个都没有到场。 Victor( Prince Otte Rank): Count does not need to worry, among our brothers has discussed this issue, as a result of the throne of king, only then, but has the prince actually 20 people of right of inheritance, to avoid the dispute we unanimously decided that the later Otte Rank kingdom will use the parliamentary system, is formed the prince parliament by our 20 princes, later significant event then by prince parliamentary election decision.” 维克多(奥特兰克王子):“伯爵阁下不必着急,我们兄弟之间已经讨论过这个问题了,由于国王的王位只有一个,而拥有继承权的王子却有二十人之多,所以为了避免纷争我们一致决定以后奥特兰克王国将采用议会制,由我们二十位王子组建王子议会,以后重大事项便由王子议会投票决定。” What! Count Ada Lyan is startled, the aristocrats are more surprised, Alsace is also shocked. 什么!阿达利安伯爵吃了一惊,众贵族更加吃惊,阿尔萨斯同样震惊。 Parliamentary system matter also has to appear in the vault of heaven world, moreover is very common, but generally to king and race leader, when assists, where has by the parliamentary governance country? 议会制这种事情在苍穹世界倒也不是没有出现过,而且十分常见,但一般都是给国王、种族领袖当辅助的,哪有由议会治理国家的? In fact this matter princes also felt not quite credible, who does not want to be the king, the issue is not enough to go around, position of one king, who worked as others is not convinced, at present also can only make. 事实上这事王子们也感觉不太靠谱,谁不想当国王啊,问题是狼多肉少,就一个国王之位,谁当了其他人都不服气,目前也只能这么弄了。 However Ada Lyan quickly tranquil, the current situation, this was also means that always fought the civil war to be better compared with the princes, now when internal disorder and foreign invasion, was stably for on. 不过阿达利安很快就平静了下来,目前的情况,这也算是一个办法了,总比王子之间打内战要好吧,如今内忧外患之际,还是稳定为上。 Count Ada Lyan( cold crow city feudal lords): „The wisdom and chest of heart fellow princes makes me deeply feel the admiration, I represent the mountain aristocrat to be willing to accord with the decision of parliament.” 阿达利安伯爵(凛鸦城领主):“各位王子的智慧和胸心让我深感敬佩,我代表高山贵族愿意服从议会的决定。” Ducker Sa'id( Prince Otte Rank): „ Hahahaha, thanks for the compliment, we had discussed in fact the first subject- Duke Barov sneaks away at a critical juncture, several aristocrats and he fled the battlefield together, this behavior is the betrayal of scarlet fruits, they betrayed oneself king, betrayed own people, therefore Prince Otte Rank the parliamentary full ticket through the first resolution, Duke Barov will be regarded as the rebel, the Tallon city and peripheral land and castle that it governs will be taken back completely state-owned, is redistributed by the prince parliament. 达克赛德(奥特兰克王子):“哈哈哈哈,好说好说,事实上我们已经讨论出第一个议题了-巴罗夫公爵临阵脱逃,还有几位贵族和他一同逃离了战场,这种行为是赤果果的背叛,他们背叛了自己的国王,更背叛了自己的人民,因此奥特兰克王子议会满票通过第一项决议,巴罗夫公爵将被视为叛逆,其治下的达隆城以及周边土地、城堡将被全部收回国有,由王子议会重新分配。 The aristocrat who that several betray together, handles entirely according to this. ” 还有那几个一同叛离的贵族,统统照此办理。” What! 什么! The mountain aristocrats are also somewhat surprised, the prince parliament is never so expected that ruthless, announced directly treason, this is must compel Barov instead. 众高山贵族也是有些吃惊,没想到王子议会这么狠,直接宣布叛国罪了,这是要把巴罗夫逼反啊。 Must know the Tallon county, but a Otte Rank kingdom richest area, in addition the domains of other plain aristocrats, its territory occupied 1/4 of Otte Rank kingdom, the population achieved 1/3. 要知道达隆郡可是奥特兰克王国最富有的一个地区,再加上其它平原贵族的地盘,其领地占据了奥特兰克王国的四分之一,人口更是达到了三分之一。 This is must hit the rhythm of civil war. 这是要打内战的节奏啊。 However the mountain aristocrat and plain aristocrat had the enmity, naturally not for its speech. 不过高山贵族和平原贵族本来就有仇怨,当然不会为其说话了。 Count Ada Lyan, Wang Guogang had just experienced the war, the army casualties of our regional aristocrats are serious, perhaps-” 阿达利安伯爵为难道,“王国刚刚经历过大战,我们各地贵族的军队伤亡惨重,恐怕-” Siegle( Prince Otte Rank): Does not need to be worried that Ada Lyan, our prince parliament will set out the king leading team to conduct the punitive expedition, your aristocrats can use judgment to dispatch troops, even if not dispatch troops not to relate, you have paid were many enough, although went back to rest and build up strength is good.” 西格莱特(奥特兰克王子):“不用担心阿达利安阁下,我们王子议会将出动王领军队进行讨伐,你们贵族可以酌情出兵,就算不出兵也没关系,你们已经付出的够多了,尽管回去休养生息就好了。” This matter has certainly no need for the aristocrats dispatching troops, going to war this matter is always who dispatches troops who profits, has the opportunity justifiable snatching domain rarely, naturally was Fei Shui does not flow the bystander field. 这事情当然用不着贵族们出兵啦,打仗这种事情历来都是谁出兵谁得利,难得有机会名正言顺的抢地盘,当然是肥水不流外人田了。 Now in 20 princes, several do not have the fiefdom now, has majority of fiefdom also only then a small broken village, happen to seizes the chance justifiablily fishes a wave of advantage. 如今二十个王子里,现在还有好几个没有封地呢,有封地的大部分也只有一个小破村子而已,正好趁机名正言顺的捞一波好处。 The parliament is used to exercise the power the place, but the land and castle are the true benefit are. 议会是用来行使权力的地方,而土地和城堡才是真正的利益所在啊。 Had the fiefdom to collect taxes, has the castle to make the soldier, no matter later striving for hegemony world, separated a side operation to make money, even sold to the work room even if, that may be the white and shiny money. 有了封地就可以收税,有了城堡就可以造兵,不管是以后争霸天下,还是割据一方经营赚钱,甚至哪怕卖给工作室,那可都是白花花的银子啊。 Therefore gets rid of Barov, overcomes the Tallon city, takes the peripheral Chengbao Village town/subdues, was the following primary mission. 所以干掉巴罗夫,打下达隆城,拿下周边的城堡村镇,便是接下来的主要任务了。 As for with war anything of tribe, does not have other alliance kingdoms to withstand/top, Otte Rank Wang Guozuo to the second weak chicken kingdom from the bottom, the needing ginseng/partake gather. 至于跟部落的战争什么的,不还有联盟其它王国顶着么,奥特兰克王国作为倒数第二的弱鸡王国,就没必要参合了。 Alsace could not bear at this time finally. 阿尔萨斯这时终于忍不住了。 Everyone, I just received a sorrowful message, violent Wind City fell to the enemy, King Ryan died in battle heroically.” “各位,我刚刚收到一个悲痛的消息,暴风城沦陷了,莱恩国王英勇战死。” This saying exit|to speak, the princes look at each other in blank dismay, the heart said that this when news, your receives the message. 这话一出口,众王子面面相觑,心说这都啥时候的新闻了啊,你丫的才收到消息。 However on the face actually must display the shock. 不过脸上却还是要表现出震惊。 Talat collapses( Prince Otte Rank): various God on! How can like this?” 达拉崩吧(奥特兰克王子):“诸神在上!怎么会这样?” War-god Lu Bu( Prince Otte Rank): „, The storm kingdom was too useless, was extinguished unexpectedly quickly, we were also deliberately considering fired off Barov to rescue them.” 战神吕布(奥特兰克王子):“靠,暴风王国太没用了,竟然这么快就被灭了,我们还寻思着等打完巴罗夫去救援他们呢。” horse teacher( Prince Otte Rank): „Is, is not one group of trash beast people, you looked that we were not win very much with ease, was the field operation win, this storm kingdom was also known as that the rope Latin Great Emperor direct line bloodlines, defended a city cannot defend, too waste.” 马老师(奥特兰克王子):“就是就是,不就是一群垃圾兽人们,伱看我们不是很轻松就打赢了么,还是野战取胜,这暴风王国还号称索拉丁大帝直系血脉呢,守城都守不住,太废物了。” The aristocrats equally are shocked, the princes can along with smooth-spoken reckless, but they know the national strength gap of Otte Rank kingdom and storm kingdom, the beast person is never so expected that fierce, but that storm kingdom of a powerful nation alliance double poles, was extinguished unexpectedly! 众贵族同样感到震惊,王子们可以随便口胡,但他们可是知道奥特兰克王国和暴风王国的国力差距的,没想到兽人这么猛,那暴风王国可是联盟双极之一的强国,竟然就这么被灭了! Count Ada Lyan( cold crow city feudal lords): When matter is this?” 阿达利安伯爵(凛鸦城领主):“这是什么时候的事情?” Alsace( Prince pill): Two days ago, died in battle to happen with Eden on the same day.” 阿尔萨斯(洛丹伦王子):“就在两天前,和艾登陛下战死发生在同一天。” The aristocrats are also one sob. 众贵族又是一阵唏嘘。 Alsace also said: Fellow Otte Rank's prince, the armies in alliance various countries have gathered at the Arasji kingdom now, the special envoys in various countries go to pill to hold the conference, the discussion following war, I think that Otte Rank kingdom won't stay out?” 阿尔萨斯又道:“各位奥特兰克的王子,联盟各国的大军如今已经在阿拉希王国聚集,各国的特使则纷纷前往洛丹伦召开会议,讨论接下来的战事,我想奥特兰克王国不会置身事外吧?” The princes quickly huddled together to discuss. 众王子急忙又扎堆讨论了起来。 This matter must certainly participate, alliance sign was unable to lose at present, this/should member must leave, but the civil war must hit, after all the domain may be the really gold/metal silver. 这事肯定还是要参加的,联盟这个牌子目前还不能丢,该出的份子还是要出的,不过内战也是要打的,毕竟地盘可都是真金白银。 Hesdin( Prince Otte Rank): „ Or this, the principal force attacks the castle territories of Tallon cities as well as other treason aristocrats, simultaneously sends several princes to lead 10,000 militiamen and 500 north wind knights participates to make treaties of alliance, we just fired off a major battle, few point that the person goes to is also passable, although 10,000 militiamen the battle efficiency was weak, but the good and evil population were many enough, seeming like not lost face too, went to everyone as for whom voluntarily all depending on. 艾丹(奥特兰克王子):“要不这样吧,主力部队还是去攻打达隆城以及其它叛国贵族的城堡领地,同时派几个王子率领一万民兵和五百北风骑士去参与会盟,咱们刚打完一场大仗,人去的少一点也说得过去,一万民兵虽然战斗力弱了点,但好歹人数够多,看上去也不算太丢人,至于谁去大家全凭自愿。 Naturally, considering that participates to make treaties of alliance plot points that can obtain massively, then put down a rebellion the obtained domain has not scored points. 当然,考虑到去参加会盟可以获得大量的剧情点数,那么平叛所获得的地盘就没得分了。 Wants the plot points to want the domain, everyone accords to his need. ” 要剧情点数还是要地盘,大家各取所需吧。” Murphy's proposition makes everyone discuss spiritedly immediately, but thinks carefully, pours reasonably, the thing that the player pursues after all is also different, some people want to make a really gold/metal silver, some want to feel the feeling of participation change history, some people want to play the operation game. 墨非的这个提议顿时让大家议论纷纷,但仔细想想,倒也合理,毕竟玩家追求的东西不一样,有的人就想弄点真金白银,有的想要感受参与改变历史的感觉,有的人想要玩经营游戏。 Also some merely to promote to explode the equipment. 还有的仅仅为了升级爆装备。 Victor( Prince Otte Rank): I put down a rebellion.” 维克多(奥特兰克王子):“我去平叛。” horse teacher( Prince Otte Rank): I also put down a rebellion!” 马老师(奥特兰克王子):“我也去平叛!” Ducker Sa'id( Prince Otte Rank): I.” 达克赛德(奥特兰克王子):“还有我。” The time of a blink, the people then took a stand, must participate in the prince who put down a rebellion to be overwhelming majorities actually, after all the territory was benefit, particularly Southsea and Tallon city and other big cities, each was priceless, snatches next to send. 一眨眼的功夫,众人便纷纷表态,要去参加平叛的王子倒是占据了绝大多数,毕竟领地可是实打实的利益,尤其是南海城、达隆城等大城市,每一座都是价值连城,抢下一座就发了。 Perhaps has the company also to make money compared with the reality. 说不定比现实里开公司还赚钱呢。 Participates to make treaties of alliance, although to plot points, but will not be usually many, only if attended following and war of tribe, but that was the later matter, moreover with the tribe went to war, but risky, the day before yesterday that 27 games prince hung seven, these seven complete wipe-out, not only the number did not have, was Prince even/including the seat of parliament does not have together. 参加会盟虽然会给一点剧情点数,但通常不会太多,除非参加后续和部落的战争,但那就是以后的事情了,而且跟部落打仗可是有风险的,前天那一战27个王子挂了七个,这七个可是血本无归了,不仅号没了,更是连王子议会的席位也一块没了。 Although can construct the son number to inherit the fiefdom and heritage, but Jian new is a sum of money, moreover must practice from the beginning. 虽然可以建儿子号继承封地和遗产,但建新号又是一笔钱,而且还要从头练起。 Moreover the king has died, in other words, newly-built number without prince title, would have no means to inherit the seat, was the loss is it may be said that huge. 而且国王已死,也就是说,新建的号是没有王子称号的,也就没办法继承席位了,可谓是损失巨大。 Obviously participation plot campaign matter, the risk and income are proportional. 可见参与剧情战役这种事情,风险和收益是成正比的。 In comparison put down a rebellion is safer, Barov that group of plain aristocrat also few high levels, but also was the feudal lord template, the domain that hit was very valuable, gained steadily does not compensate. 相比之下平叛就安全多了,巴罗夫那帮平原贵族也没几个高位阶的,还都是领主模板,打下来的地盘还十分值钱,稳赚不赔啊。 Murphy actually chose without hesitation participated to make treaties of alliance, to him territory anything's really no too big significance, the only fiefdom pine lumber village gave that several old fogies to mess about. 墨非却毫不犹豫的选择了去参与会盟,对他来说领地什么的真没什么太大意义,就连唯一的封地松木村都交给那几个老家伙瞎折腾了。 Only has the strength, is the truly valuable thing. 唯有力量,才是真正有价值的东西。 Therefore he will have this proposition, had the seduction of territory, most princes will definitely give up the qualifications that participates to make treaties of alliance. 所以他才会有此提议,有了领地的诱惑,大部分王子必然会放弃参加会盟的资格。 Siegle also lifted raising hand, I also participate to make treaties of alliance.” 西格莱特也举了举手,“我也去参加会盟。” Talat collapsed hesitant, clenched teeth, I also participated to make treaties of alliance.” 达拉崩吧犹豫了一下,一咬牙,“我也去参加会盟吧。” These two were the old buddies, now three people are the silver fifth-order, immediately must enter the step gold hero, naturally wanted to go a step further. 这两位都是老搭档了,现在三人都是白银五阶,马上就要进阶黄金英雄了,自然都想要更进一步了。 I.” “还有我。” War-god Lu Bu lifts the hand, chose unexpectedly participated to make treaties of alliance, previous time fought me not to fish the opportunity to participate, these said that time anything cannot miss.” 战神吕布一抬手,竟然也选择了参加会盟,“上次大战我没捞着机会参加,这一次说什么也不能错过。” Finally the decision is led 10,000 militiaman armies and few knights by four princes participates to make treaties of alliance, 16 princes lead the king leading teams and remaining 10,000 militiamen put down a rebellion. 最后决定由四个王子带领一万民兵部队和少量骑士去参加会盟,十六个王子率领王领军队以及剩下的一万民兵去进行平叛。 Discusses has decided that the people returned to at the banquet, Murphy the decision of prince parliament will tell Alsace. 计议已定,众人回到了宴会上,墨非将王子议会的决定告诉了阿尔萨斯。 Alsace listened also to show the understanding, Otte Rank kingdom can dispatch troops well, good and evil strong momentum. 阿尔萨斯听了倒也表示理解,奥特兰克王国能出兵就好,好歹壮壮声势吗。 When the banquet eventually ended, Murphy belly arrived in the wilderness. 等到宴会终于结束,墨非肚子来到了旷野之中。 Tomorrow must go to pill, Murphy quite anticipates. 明天就要去洛丹伦了,墨非对此还是颇为期待的。 Premise that fought to his enormous confidence, by his present strength, had one to take in the following war sufficiently, when the rank and level were strong enough, then can continue the own ancient dragon 1 road. 前提的那一战给了他极大的信心,以他现在的实力,足以在接下来的大战中有一番作为了,等到等级和位阶都够强了,便可以去继续自己的古龙一之路了。 However before embarking, his also matter must be done, that added the BOSS talent. 不过在出发之前,他还有一件事情要做,那就是把BOSS天赋加了。 The BOSS shape does not have the specialty, each rise first-order can break a talent, before he had talent useless, in addition, rises two steps continually, in his present altogether three talent points can add. BOSS形态没有专长,每升一阶可以断一个天赋,之前他就有一个天赋点没用,再加上前连升两阶,他现在手里一共有三个天赋点可以加。 His current condition and strength, can say that is quite complete, maintaining life ability, AOE ability, single body output, defense capability and element resistance...... 他目前的状态和实力,可以说已经颇为圆满了,保命能力、AOE能力、单体输出、防御能力、元素抗性…… Almost does not have any obvious weak area. 几乎没有什么明显的短板。 Compared with the dragon clan of same level, can say that could be the hexagon soldier. 和同位阶的龙族比起来,可以说算得上是六边形战士了。 But the technique industry studies, then must choose a development direction. 但术业有专攻,接下来自己还是必须选择一个发展方向。 Considering that own main objective is to capture the strength of source, the say/way of achievement ancient dragon, but must cope with these to have the strong big dragon clan of strength of source, oneself must further enhance the kill capability. 考虑到自己的主要目标是夺取本源之力,成就古龙之道,而要对付那些拥有本源之力的强大龙族,自己就必须进一步提升杀伤能力。 Promotion striking power nothing but two routes. 提升攻击力无非两条路线。 1st, the strengthening fights hand-to-hand the wound ability. 一,强化肉搏物伤能力。 2nd, strengthens dragon Leifa to injure the ability. 二,强化龙雷法伤能力。 The fight between BOSS, fighting hand-to-hand kills is most effective, initially played the wing of death time, slaughtering dragon clan chops firewood to cut the melon to be the same simply. BOSS之间的战斗,肉搏强杀是最有效率的,当初玩死亡之翼的时候,屠杀龙族简直砍柴切瓜一般。 However considered slightly, Murphy thought that this route does not suit itself, what fights hand-to-hand to depend is the intensity of strength and lackey, oneself at present the grown dragon, the antiquity dragon was not, walked to fight hand-to-hand the route not to have the advantage. 不过稍微考虑了一下,墨非就觉得这条路线并不适合自己,肉搏靠的是力量和爪牙的强度,自己目前只是成年龙,连上古龙都不是,走肉搏路线毫无优势可言。 Moreover are all dragon clan fighting hand-to-hand abilities greatly bad, attacks mold train such several sets, how to strengthen unable to play to spend again. 而且所有龙族的肉搏能力都大差不差,攻击模组就那么几套,再怎么强化也玩不出花来。 Walks dragon Leifa to damage the route. 还是走龙雷法伤路线吧。 Has talent in addition of child of storm to hold, the injury has 50 strengthening, does not take this route not to be justified. 有风暴之子的天赋加持,伤害有50的强化,不走这条路线说不过去啊。 Had this explicit mentality, Murphy chose this skill quickly. 有了这个明确的思路,墨非很快就选好了这一次技能。 The first talent, Murphy chose Storm induction: Sensation nearby storm position, and causes you when under the storm conducts the fight, the thunder spits the breath and dragon thunder different functions might promotes 30, the flying speed promotes 30. 第一个天赋,墨非选择了【风暴感应】:感知附近的风暴位置,并使你在风暴下进行战斗时,雷霆吐息和龙雷异能的威力提升30,飞行速度提升30。 In this talent normal condition is actually some weaks, does not have it, storm thing is uncommon, the limit was too big. 这个天赋正常情况下其实是有些鸡肋的,无它,风暴这玩意并不常见,限制太大了。 But strong has in Murphy on arouses storm this weapon skill, the matching use is happy. 但强就强在墨非有‘唤起风暴’这个武器技能,搭配使用欢乐无穷。 The second talent, Murphy chose Strength can lightning: You can activate this effect in the fight, strengthens the strength of your thunder, making your thunder spit the breath and dragon thunder different functions supplementary extra strength can hurt and effect of comminution. 第二个天赋,墨非选择了【力能闪电】:你可以在战斗中激活此效果,强化你的雷霆之力,使你的雷霆吐息和龙雷异能附带额外的力能伤害和粉碎效果。 The strength can injure is also the physical injury, the effect of comminution copes with the enemies of these high armors are easy-to-use, particularly dragon clan the dragon scale, once were crushed the defensive power and resistance will plummet. 力能伤害也就是物理伤害,粉碎效果对付那些高护甲的敌人更是好用的很,尤其是龙族的龙鳞,一旦被粉碎防御力和抗性都会大降。 The third talent, Murphy chose Superconductivity induction ; You can activate this effect in the fight, your thunder spits the breath and dragon thunder different functions will superimpose one to the enemy of hit electrode, after superimposing three times, will happen one time superconductivity explosion, causes 975 lightning damage and makes the goal be in a state of paralysis , to continue for 1-5 seconds. 第三个天赋,墨非选择了【超导感应】;你可以在战斗中激活此效果,你的雷霆吐息和龙雷异能会对命中的敌人叠加一层‘电极’,叠加三次后会发生一次‘超导爆炸’,造成975点闪电伤害并使目标陷入麻痹状态,持续1-5秒。 Three talents add, Murphy incarnation storm Dragon King, feels immediately the dragon thunder in within the body had some subtle change. 三个天赋加完,墨非化身风暴龙王,立刻感觉到体内的龙雷发生了某种微妙的变化。 The electric current flees in all directions in within the body, the strength of thunder winds around in the dragon claws. 电流在体内流窜,雷霆之力在龙爪间缭绕。 Right, is such strength! 没错,就是这样的力量! No matter beast person and tribe, these live on dishonorably ancient dragon Zumen who waits for itself to hunt and kill in the corner of the world, just wait, storm Dragon King came. 不管是兽人和部落,还是那些苟活在世界的角落中等待自己去猎杀的古老龙族们,等着吧,风暴龙王来了。 ( king of scroll mountain- ends). (高山之王卷-完)。 PS: If wants to read the similar book, recommends my another book «Full-time employment BOSS», is this concurrent job BOSS companion volume. PS:如果想看同类型的书,推荐我的另一本书《全职BOSS》,算是这本兼职BOSS的姊妹篇。 PS2: In the evening also has. PS2:晚上还有。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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