PTB :: Volume #3

#279: The brothers offer sacrifice to heaven, the supernatural power is boundless

Chapter 279 brothers offer sacrifice to heaven, the supernatural power is boundless 第279章兄弟祭天,法力无边 Alsace is directing pill army and opposite beast person battles, if suddenly has a feeling, turns the head, saw made him that was hard to forget. 阿尔萨斯正指挥着洛丹伦军队和对面的兽人交战,忽然若有所感,一转头,就看到了令他难以遗忘的一幕。 Sarru Farr the cracking soul battle axe will pull out from the body of King Eden, around the king, 56 Wang Zizheng slaughters with the frost wolf knight courageously, was actually detained is not being able to rescue their Royal Father. 老萨鲁法尔将裂魂战斧从艾登国王的尸体上拔出来,在国王周围,五六名王子正跟霜狼骑士奋勇厮杀,却被拦阻着无法救援他们的父王。 This...... Alsace was startled immediately, how then just to start, how did the king hang? 这……阿尔萨斯顿时就惊到了,怎么这才刚开打呢,国王咋就挂了呢? The words saying that this King Eden was also too headstrong, under the hand so many warriors did not use, took a person to come up and great general of beast person selects only...... 话说这个艾登国王也太莽了吧,手底下那么多勇士不用,非要一个人上去和兽人的大将单挑…… His immature mind is unable to understand that suddenly exactly had anything, was in a state of short god unexpectedly, awakens him from vacant until the tsunami shout. 他幼小的心灵一时间无法理解到底发生了什么,竟然陷入了短暂的愣神状态,直到海啸般的呼喊声将他从茫然中惊醒。 King died! The king died!” “国王死了!国王死了!” Intermittent screams resound one after another, just like the dominoes to turn toward all around to disseminate generally, the quick entire alliance army received affect of this thunderbolt. 一阵阵惊呼声接连响起,犹如多米诺骨牌一般向着四周传播,很快整个联盟军队都受到了这突发事件的波及。 These adventurers especially are inexplicably amazed, how hasn't this hit the king to hang? 那些冒险者尤其惊诧莫名,这怎么还没怎么打呢国王咋就挂了呢? Left near adventurer fortunately to witness the entire process, expressed that- your local tyrant players will play, proper family relationships anything, was too exciting. 一些离得近的冒险者有幸目睹了全过程,纷纷表示-还是你们这些土豪玩家会玩,父慈子孝什么的,太刺激了。 More players are guessed what kind of influence this event will have to the entire game. 更多的玩家则是猜测这次事件将会对整个游戏产生怎样的影响。 Eden's death to the entire game was one does not calculate that small matter, the good and evil was also the solemn king, the camp leaders, said definitely dead. 艾登的死亡对整个游戏都是一件不算小的事情,好歹也是堂堂国王,阵营领袖啊,说死就死了。 Initially the centaur empire success high-rank, became the adventurer to choose the race, caused later a long time, each wild strange race became the sweetie pie, many local tyrant work room started to put up the cash to develop to these human form wild strange races, is thinking the high-rank experience of duplication centaur. 当初半人马帝国成功上位,成为了冒险者可选种族,导致之后很长一段时间里,各个野怪种族成了香饽饽,很多土豪工作室都开始向那些人形野怪种族砸钱发展,想着复制半人马的上位经验。 Now had/left this matter, feared that is not later these king chiefs anything, must be careful was selecting, which day could not prepare to be helped dignity by oneself that group of big loyal sons. 现在出了这档子事,怕不是以后那些国王酋长啥的,都要当心着点了,备不住哪天就被自己那一堆大孝子给‘帮着体面’了。 However these were something to be talked about later, at this moment, because of Eden's dying in battle, the battlefield also had the radical change. 不过这些都是后话了,此时此刻,因为艾登的阵亡,战场也出现了剧烈变化。 System prompt: Your army leader had died in battle, the camp army morale value that you are at reduced 20 points.】 【系统提示:你的军队领袖已经阵亡,你所在的阵营军队士气值降低了20点。】 Murphy hears the sound of system prompt, in the heart does not shout immediately secretly wonderfully, the morale of human army is not very tenacious, the morale coefficient of losses is standard 1.0, is each casualties 1%, drops 1 morale. 墨非听到系统提示的声音,心中顿时暗叫不妙,人类军队的士气本来就不是很坚韧,士气耗损率是标准的1.0,也就就是每伤亡百分之一,下降一点士气。 100 morale full price/value, drop to 50 points will collapse, in other words, the casualties more than half will cause one team of soldiers to be defeated and dispersed to lose the battle efficiency. 100的士气满值,下降到50点就会崩溃,换句话说,伤亡过半就会导致一队士兵溃散失去战斗力。 Now reduces 20 points all of a sudden, means that the injury bearing capacity of army turned into 30 directly, once the loss were over three possibly to cause to be defeated and dispersed. 现在一下子降低了20点,意味着部队的伤害承受能力直接变成了30,一旦损失超过三层就可能导致溃散了。 Fortunately, this worry only continued for several seconds, next quarter, is the sound of system prompt resounds. 还好,这个担心只持续了几秒钟,下一刻,又是系统提示的声音响起。 System prompt: The you teammate one generation of military strategists started the heroic specialtyAn army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win, You obtained 5 wild BUFF, the camp army morale that you are at increased 25 points. 】 【系统提示:伱的队友‘一代军师’发动了英雄专长【哀兵必胜】,你获得了五层狂暴BUFF,你所在的阵营军队士气提升了25点。】 【The fading soldier must win: When you have the teammate died in battle, you and your teammate will obtain one wild gain, the entire attribute promotes 5( only to limit heroic template and elite template), the morale value increases 5 points( only to limit soldier template) , to continue for 30 minutes, under the plot pattern, the died in battle teammate and your relations were closer, the produced wild layer were also more, most can superimpose 20.】 【衰兵必胜:每当你有队友阵亡时,你和你的队友将获得一层‘狂暴’增益,全属性提升五(仅限英雄模板、精英模板),士气值提升五点(仅限士兵模板),持续30分钟,在剧情模式下,阵亡的队友和你的关系越密切,产生的狂暴层数也越多,最多可以叠加20层。】 Because King Eden is biological father of one generation of military strategists, this gave the people to fold five wild all of a sudden, was equivalent increased 25 temporary attributes. 由于艾登国王是一代军师的亲爹,这一下子就给众人叠了五层狂暴,相当于增加了25的临时属性。 But the king leading team is the morale value explosive table, is red-eyed, the oath must take revenge for the king. 而王领军队更是士气值爆表,一个个两眼发红,誓要为国王复仇。 For Royal Father! Kills!” “为了父王!杀啊!” For king! Kills!” “为了国王!杀啊!” With the heavenshaking war cry, Otte Rank Wang Jun launches attacks on all fronts, the teams of Otte Rank infantry, the high ground swordsman and high ground warrior, arranged the neat formation to initiate the charge toward opposite beast person. 随着震天的喊杀声,奥特兰克王军全线出击,一队队奥特兰克步兵、高地剑士、高地勇士,排着整齐的队形朝着对面的兽人发起了冲锋。 The princes were also crying out launched the attack toward Sarru Farr, normally, everyone compares to dread that regarding the hero of this epic level, many of too position difference, really hit more unfortunate than fortunate. 王子们也纷纷呐喊着朝着老萨鲁法尔发起了进攻,正常情况下,大家对于这种史诗级的英雄还是比较忌惮的,位阶差的太多,真打起来凶多吉少。 Probably Wang Kuang in three countries met Lu Bu to be the same, generally on 35 rounds things, possibly was also cut to kill incautiously. 就好像三国里的王匡遇上了吕布一样,一般也就三五回合的事情,一不小心可能就被斩杀了。 But currently has the BUFF in addition to hold, is overwhelming with numerical strength in addition, everyone thought that can put together one wave. 但现在有了BUFF加持,在加上人多势众,大家觉得还是可以拼一波的。 If by some chance must do this goods, that plot points must have absolutely, moreover must snatch the body of King Eden, Eden that equipment also no one touches, everyone is the big loyal son, this heritage cannot cheap the bystander not be. 万一要干了这货,那剧情点数绝对少不了,另外也要把艾登国王的尸体抢回去啊,艾登那一身装备还没人摸呢,大家都是大孝子,这遗产怎么也不能便宜了外人不是。 Sarru Farr is startled, has not thought that cut to kill a king opposite morale unexpectedly slightly not routed meaning, instead eruption. 老萨鲁法尔吃了一惊,没想到斩杀了一个国王对面的士气竟然丝毫没有被击溃的意思,反而爆发了。 Ahem, good, that makes me ask for advice your high ground human fierce!” “哼哼,也好,那就让我来领教领教你们这些高地人类的厉害吧!” As soon as he wields the battle axe, the wolf knight assembles toward him immediately. 他一挥战斧,身后的狼骑士立刻朝着他集结了过来。 Kill! 杀! Meanwhile, Du Longtan also sent out the beast person main force, hundreds and thousands of infantries started the counter- charge toward Otte Rank Wang Jun. 与此同时,杜隆坦也派出了兽人主力,成百上千的步兵向着奥特兰克王军发动了反冲锋。 Two hustle and bustle collisions in one, side are the high ground warriors who the morale rises suddenly, side is the bloodthirsty militant barbaric beast person, the sword cuts into the physical body, the steel tearing mail-armor and helmet, the blood flies horizontally, the flesh scatters, the flash fight reached the bloody peak. 两股人潮汹涌的撞在了一起,一边是士气暴涨的高地勇士,一边是嗜血好战的野蛮兽人,刀剑砍入肉体,钢铁撕裂甲胄,鲜血横飞,血肉四溅,一瞬间战斗就达到了血腥的巅峰。 Damn! Is up to mischief, should I first launch the attack obviously.” The left-wing beast person military governor few wolf lords criticized one, then made into the battle of attrition directly. “该死!搞什么鬼,明明应该我先发动进攻的。”左翼的兽人督军少狼主暗骂了一句,这下直接打成消耗战了。 We on also!” He bellows, the left-wing beast person army also launched the attack. “我们也上!”他大吼一声,左翼的兽人大军也发起了进攻。 The morale of aristocrat regiment must miss were many, because is not same as one generation of military strategists regiment, therefore these aristocrat feudal lords do not enjoy fading soldier must win the BUFF gain completely, instead because of king dying in battle despondency. 贵族军团的士气就要差多了,因为跟一代军师不属于同一个‘战团’,所以这些贵族领主们完全不享受‘衰兵必胜’的BUFF增益,反而因为国王战死士气低落。 Only can maintain the defensive, therefore the battlefield key then became the fight situated in intermediate region. 只能保持守势,于是战场的关键便成了位于中间区域的战斗。 At this moment, the knight princes of 78 soldier and had besieged toward Sarru Farr, Sarru Farr does not fear, is leading the wolf knight in battlefield left to rush suddenly, the meaning of slightly not having prolonged contact. 此时此刻,七八个战士、骑士型的王子已经朝着老萨鲁法尔围攻了上来,老萨鲁法尔丝毫不惧,率领着狼骑士在战场左冲又突,丝毫没有恋战的意思。 War-god Lu Bu( Prince Otte Rank): Must make him stop to conduct to encircle kills! The Fifth Brother, the myna, ten Sixth Brother, making him dismount!” 战神吕布(奥特兰克王子):“必须让他停下来才能进行围杀!五哥,八哥,十六哥,让他下马!” The ghost is encumbered! 冤魂缠身! Mire technique! 泥沼术! Deceleration technique! 减速术! The legal system princes who behind brings up the rear emit various control magics, these magics without exception, all fell on the mount of Sarru Farr, Sarru Farr toughness was extremely high, the ordinary control magic was very easy to be exempted, but his mount may not have this strength, several magics made its four claws soar, just like the slow motion general to run same place, a prince who was caught up with your spear/gun my sword encircled, Sarru Farr can only angry roar, jumped to jump down from the place wolf. 后面压阵的法系王子们纷纷放出各种控制魔法,这些魔法无一例外,全都落在了老萨鲁法尔的坐骑上,老萨鲁法尔本人韧性极高,普通的控制魔法很容易被豁免,但他的坐骑可没有这种实力,几个魔法让它四爪腾空,犹如慢动作一般原地奔跑,被赶上来的一众王子你一枪我一剑的一围,老萨鲁法尔只能怒吼一声,纵身从座狼上跳了下来。 Come your human trash! Although come!” “来吧你们这些人类渣渣!尽管来吧!” 56 princes rush. 五六个王子一齐冲了上去。 War-god Lu Bu of lead, he coordinated to train with several brothers for this day for a long time, NPC of Sarru Farr this war-god level, selected to be almost impossible to win only, moreover cut to kill the ability strong, therefore cannot fall into the dogfight, must strike walks, the unceasing consumption involved to have the opportunity win. 带头的正是战神吕布,为了这一天他可是跟几位兄弟配合演练了好久,老萨鲁法尔这种战神级的NPC,单挑几乎不可能赢,而且斩杀能力超强,所以万万不能陷入缠斗,必须要一击既走,不断的消耗牵扯才能有机会取胜。 At this time several people then used this set of tactic, a war-god Lu Bu charge, distant wields a halberd, cannot hit does not prolong contact, charges into the distant place directly, follows the second prince to charge, a sword wields. 此时几人便使出了这套战术,战神吕布一个冲锋,远远的挥出一戟,没能击中也毫不恋战,直接冲向远处,紧随其后的第二个王子又是冲锋,一剑挥出。 Then is third fourth. 接着是第三个第四个。 All strikes walks, does not prolong contact. 全都一击既走,毫不恋战。 Also two princes ride a horse to bend the bow, harasses the fire in the distant place unceasingly, several prince such car(riage) chaotic wars cause, making Sarru Farr run about to deal with completely. 又有两个王子骑马弯弓,在远处不断骚扰射击,几个王子这么车乱战使下来,让老萨鲁法尔完全疲于应付。 One did not pay attention to suffer two, although only fell several hundred volumes of blood, still brought the huge confidence to the princes. 一不留神就挨了两下,虽然只掉了几百血量,仍然给众王子带来巨大信心。 Continue, is this, with his close combat, the charge he!” Lu Bu is shouting while was a charge killed. “继续,就是这样,不要跟他近距离战斗,不停的冲锋他!”吕布一边喊着一边又是一个冲锋杀了过去。 The volume of blood of Sarru Farr also 10,000 over, came on several rounds him unable to shoulder again. 老萨鲁法尔的血量也就一万出头,再来上几轮他就扛不住了。 Meanwhile, invisible form sneaking quietly to Sarru Farr behind. 与此同时,一道无形身影悄悄的潜行到了老萨鲁法尔的身后。 Leonardo the Nord hidden in the shadow, the two daggers in hand all spread full level the fatal toxicant, not only can cause the extra poisonous attribute damage, but can also raise the probability of fatal striking. 莱昂纳多・匹瑞诺德隐藏在阴影之中,手中的两把匕首全都涂了满级的致命毒药,不仅可以造成额外的毒属性伤害,还能提高致命一击的概率。 He is staring at the war, is looking for the opportunity of cut- , the direct engagement is not his domain, but must say that the back sneak attack touches the buttocks, that absolutely is his specialty. 他盯着战局,寻找着切入的机会,正面交战不是他的领域,但要说背后偷袭摸屁股,那绝对是他的专长。 Suddenly, smiling the bustling place is a charge, Sarru Farr cannot endure patiently finally, a heroic skill tramples land to put forth, bang, the land trembles, the surrounding several princes all fell into short unbending, Sarru Farr then came up the pursuit on the strategic place. 忽然间,笑红尘又是一个冲锋,萨鲁法尔终于忍耐不住,一个英雄技能‘践踏大地’使出,轰隆一声,大地震颤,周围的几个王子全部陷入了短暂的僵直,萨鲁法尔接着就要冲上去追击。 Lione oversensitive one happy, is now! Hehe, several elder brothers, this head/number of people I accepted- 莱昂纳多心中一喜,就是现在!嘿嘿,几位哥哥,这个人头我就收下了- However he treads one step, suddenly in the heart emits a fine hair stands upside down the feeling, when is at a crucial moment turns round fiercely, cuts the sword front surface to cut. 然而他踏出一步,忽然心中冒出一股汗毛倒立般的感觉,千钧一发之际猛地一回身,一把斩剑正迎面砍来。 Shadow substitute person! 暗影替身! Brush! Fights the blade to cut two halves Leonardo's form directly, along with, even if changes to the shadow to vanish to disappear. 刷!战刃将莱昂纳多的身影直接斩成两半,随即便化作黑影消失不见了。 Leonardo's form comes in not far away, looks that at present hand-held fights the beast person sword Saint face of blade to be angry, he really had to plant died the feeling a moment ago. 莱昂纳多的身影在不远处现身,看着眼前手持战刃的兽人剑圣一脸愤怒,刚才他真的有种要死了的感觉。 The present enemy is greatly not as Leonardo expected, unexpectedly is a beast person sword Saint, looks at name again- Samouth? Unexpectedly is you.” 眼前的敌人大大出乎莱昂纳多的意料,竟然是一个兽人剑圣,再一看名字-“萨穆罗?竟然是你。” „Do you know me?” Samouth is somewhat surprised. “你认识我?”萨穆罗有些意外。 I know certainly you, the sword Saint of hot blade clan, has not thought to be able here......” “我当然认识你,火刃氏族的剑圣,没想到会在这里……” Titter! 噗嗤! Leonardo's voice stops suddenly, his unbelievable lowers the head, blade edge that fights the blade from his chest broken chest. 莱昂纳多的声音戛然而止,他难以置信的低下头去,一把战刃的刀锋从他胸口破胸而出。 What, this is how possible!- 什么,这怎么可能!难道说- Since you know that I am the sword Saint of hot blade clan, you should know, our sword Saint can use the mirror.” “既然你知道我是火刃氏族的剑圣,那你就应该知道,我们剑圣是可以使用镜像的。” In him behind, another Samouth was saying callous makes an effort to stir the sword blade!- 在他身后,另一个萨穆罗说着冷酷的将剑刃用力一搅!- 5911( fatal strikes)! 5911(致命一击)! System prompt: Your teammate Leonardo died in battle, your teammate one generation of military strategists started the heroic specialtyAn army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win, You obtained 3 wild gains. 】 【系统提示:你的队友‘莱昂纳多’阵亡,你的队友‘一代军师’发动了英雄专长【哀兵必胜】,你获得了三层狂暴增益。】 What!? Also did some people die? 什么!?又有人死了? Is leading Murphy who dragon Zhuang the heavy cavalry rushes ahead the beast person infantry to select to open the regiment to list, really hung brothers, is Leonardo that assassin Grandmaster. 正在率领龙装重骑兵冲杀兽人步兵的墨非点开战团列表,果然又挂了一个兄弟,是莱昂纳多那个刺客大师。 How do this goods hang? Murphy somewhat wonders. 这货怎么挂的?墨非有些纳闷。 However then starts merely. 然而这才仅仅只是开始。 System prompt: Your teammate smiled bustling place dead in battle, your teammate one generation of military strategists started the heroic specialtyAn army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win, You obtained 3 wild gains. 】 【系统提示:你的队友‘笑红尘’阵亡,你的队友‘一代军师’发动了英雄专长【哀兵必胜】,你获得了三层狂暴增益。】 System prompt: Your teammate did fries dead in battle, your teammate one generation of military strategists started the heroic specialtyAn army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win, You obtained 3 wild gains. 】 【系统提示:你的队友‘搞点薯条’阵亡,你的队友‘一代军师’发动了英雄专长【哀兵必胜】,你获得了三层狂暴增益。】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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