PDG :: Volume #10

#927: Two besieges

Presents all people shocking to look at this, nobody can think that in 13 regiment chief most ominous and most insane Geruide, put in an appearance unexpectedly is wounded, new regiment chief Fang Xingjian of this white regiment, imagined compared with them evidently wants fierce many. 在场所有人都震惊地看着这一幕,没有人能想到,13位军团长之中最凶、最疯的格瑞德,竟然一个照面就被击伤了,这白色军团的新任军团长方星剑,看样子比他们想象中要厉害的多。 The renewal is quickest 更新最快 Grey Crane sees this secretly, in both eyes also reveals a dignity. 灰鹤看到这一幕后,双眼之中也露出一丝凝重。 However to this time, has been in front of world several billions people, how they possibly flinch. Let alone victory and defeat actually how, must hit has known, after all until this time, he and Geruide may not display fully. 但是到了这个时候,当着全球数十亿人的面,他们又怎么可能退缩。何况胜负究竟如何,也要打过才知道,毕竟直到这个时候,他和格瑞德可都还没有施展出全力。 Therefore when Geruide was struck repels, Grey Crane has also gotten rid, these gets rid, similarly is a move of world by the heart, world that but its power and influence displays compared with King Qin by heart on big far more than ten times. 于是就在格瑞德被一击击退的时候,灰鹤也出手了,这一下出手,同样是一招天地由心,但是其威势比起秦王施展的天地由心大上了何止十倍。 The wind and cloud stops the revolutions, the air static, grains of dust stagnate in the midair, all person all thing of were similar to are pressed down the suspension key. 风云停转,空气静止,一粒粒灰尘凝滞在半空之中,所有的人所有的物如同都被按下了暂停键。 Ash-gray energy place visited, myriad things blockade, world static, the movements of all microcosms almost infinitely approach in the true static. 灰色能量所过之处,万物封锁,世界静止,所有微观世界的运动几乎都无限接近于真正的静止。 The space of blockade spread the past toward plate micro sword, the massive ash-gray rays were wrapping the plate micro sword instantaneously. 封锁的空间朝着盘微剑蔓延了过去,大量的灰色光芒在瞬间包裹住了盘微之剑。 Seal!” “封印!” Along with Grey Crane cold snort|hum, the ash-gray ray formed long ash-gray bandages to wrap the plate micro sword from top to bottom. 随着灰鹤一声冷哼,灰色的光芒形成一条条长长的灰色绷带将盘微之剑从上到下包裹了起来。 This with level method manufacture the death bandage in every way possible, almost every has to surmount the aerial material, stabilizes the characteristics that has in the majority of hell level environment sufficiently, even is hundreds of thousands of tons pulling force is unable to damage the slightest. 这以入微级手段制造的死亡绷带,几乎每一条都有着超越航空材料,足以在大部分地狱级环境下稳定存在的特性,甚至是数十万吨的拉力也无法损伤分毫。 Then a giant ash-gray inner and outer coffin drops from the clouds, slowly by Longsword inspiration that the bandage will wrap. 接着一只巨大的灰色棺椁从天而降,缓缓将被绷带包裹的长剑吸入其中。 In the ash-gray inner and outer coffin a darkness, just like are connecting another different space, even if uses any modern sci-tech the survey method, is unable to see clearly situation. 灰色的棺椁之中一片黑暗,宛如是连接着另外一个异度空间,就算使用任何现代科技的探测手段,也无法洞察其中的情况。 Entire process quick such as thunderclap lightning, was almost blinks is completed, when all people responded, silver Longsword had been wrapped by layer upon layer the bandage, was inhaled in the inner and outer coffin inch by inch. 整个过程快如迅雷闪电,几乎是眨眼就被完成了,当所有人反应过来时,银色长剑已经被层层绷带包裹起来,一寸一寸被吸入棺椁之中。 As if felt that the crisis, entire silver Longsword vibrated suddenly, wants to be separated from buying of inner and outer coffin. 似乎是感觉到了危机,整个银色长剑猛然震动了起来,想要脱离棺椁的吸纳。 Grey Crane sneers, a palm promotes, a pure grey big hand has suddenly appears, the ash-gray palm just like having the real flesh and blood, each texture and each blood vessel exquisite incomparable, vigorous strength erupts, the astral wind that starts will put in order a meeting hall to have over a million tons roof to raise fully while still alive flies. 灰鹤冷笑,一掌推出,一只纯灰色的大手陡然具现出来,灰色的手掌宛如拥有真实的血肉,每一丝纹理、每一丝血管都细腻无比,雄浑的力量从中爆发出来,掀起的罡风将整座会堂足有上百万吨重的房顶给活活掀飞。 This palm racket to Longsword, must thrust in the inner and outer coffin it. 这一掌拍向长剑,就要将其推入棺椁之中。 At this moment, surely lasing of sword light from plate micro sword. 就在这时,千万剑光从盘微剑上激射而出。 Morning market micro sword releases together, two sword light, then has killed the ash-gray regiment people utterly routed, is hard to resist. 之前盘微剑不过释放出一道、两道剑光,便已经杀得灰色军团众人溃不成军,难以抵挡。 When myriad sword light simultaneously glitter at this moment, on the face of Grey Crane also flashes through a panic-stricken color. 当这一刻万千剑光齐齐闪烁之时,灰鹤的脸上也闪过一丝惊骇之色。 Throws throws the sound to resound unceasingly, the death bandage the first total disruption, changed into dust to flutter to the sky. 扑哧扑哧的声音不断响起,死亡绷带首先全数碎裂,化为一片尘埃飘向天空。 Then sword light does not stay, pierces the grey big hand imprint that has patted directly, just like was been same by the innumerable sharp knife blade dismemberments, the ash-gray palm changes into everywhere fragment to explode to disperse at the scene, simultaneously the behind ash-gray inner and outer coffin also loudly explodes, changes into everywhere fragment. 接着剑光毫无停留,直接刺穿了拍来的灰色大手印,宛如是被无数利刃肢解了一样,灰色手掌当场化为漫天碎片爆散开来,同时背后的灰色棺椁也同时轰然爆裂,化为漫天碎片。 The flash has broken the Grey Crane seal, myriad sword light do not stay, gathers suddenly, kills toward Grey Crane. 一瞬间破开了灰鹤的封印,万千剑光毫无停留,陡然间汇聚成一点,朝着灰鹤袭杀而来。 Grey Crane rave, the world is contracted by the blockade space of heart suddenly, changes into a basketball size the ash-gray aperture to hit toward sword light. 灰鹤狂吼一声,天地由心的封锁空间骤然收缩,化为一个篮球大小的灰色光圈朝着剑光撞去。 The world by the blockade space of heart along with the reduction of space, its intensity also continually promotes, to basketball size time, its internal all corpuscle microsomes almost stopped the beat, its temperature has been the unprecedented 260 degrees below zero. 天地由心的封锁空间随着空间的缩小,其强度也是不断提升,到了篮球大小的时候,其内部的所有微粒子几乎都已经停止了跳动,其温度已经达到了史无前例的零下260度。 Homemade vanishing of after Grey Crane in stepping into microscopic domain, zero degree seal. 正是灰鹤在踏入微观领域后的自创绝迹,零度封印。 The next quarter, sword light and aperture of zero degree of seal sword of Light Chaser hits fiercely together. 下一刻,追光之剑的剑光和零度封印的光圈猛地撞击在一起。 Silent , the aperture breaks up, sword light flashes past, left large hole in body Shangzha that Grey Crane formed directly. 无声无息之间,光圈崩解,剑光一闪而过,直接在灰鹤形成的身体上扎出了一个大洞 In a pitiful yell sound, the Grey Crane body is loudly stave, the innumerable ash-gray energies dissipate, then has composed a new body slowly, at this time he looks that in the vision of that micro sword is dreads extremely. 一声惨叫声中,灰鹤的身躯轰然破碎,无数灰色能量消散,然后才缓缓组成了一具新的身躯,此时他看着那盘微剑的目光之中已经是忌惮万分。 This is Fang Xingjian there braves? Just in that together sword light, regarding the world, regarding the science and technology, regarding the understanding of truth, simply was immeasurably deep.” “这方星剑到底是那里冒出来的?刚刚那一道剑光之中,对于世界,对于科技,对于真理的理解,简直是深不可测。” Saw that gets rid unable to take the opposite party, Grey Crane drinks one lowly, shakes the air, said toward Geruide: Geruide, are you also gawking doing? Gets rid together, suppresses him.” 眼看着自己一人出手无法拿下对方,灰鹤低喝一声,震荡空气,朝着格瑞德说道:“格瑞德,你还愣着干嘛?一起出手,将他镇压。” That Geruide was rumbled the loose black air current also again to spread from within the body at this moment, the frightened color in both eyes abates gradually, what displacing is inexhaustible greedy **. 格瑞德本来被轰散的黑色气流此刻也已经重新从体内蔓延了出来,双眼之中的恐惧之色逐渐消退,取而代之的乃是无穷无尽的贪婪**。 Although when contact disc micro sword that flash, an unknown strength wounds him, even has left behind extremely the panic-stricken mood in his within the body, but greedy is the Geruide natural disposition, is he instinct, carves in his bone, calls of innumerable consciousness. 虽然在接触盘微剑那一瞬间的时候,一股未知的力量将他击伤,甚至在他体内留下了极度的惊恐情绪,但贪婪乃是格瑞德的本性,是他得本能,是刻在他骨子里,无数意识的呐喊。 Therefore in short time, in his heart greedy then defeated that to be together panic-stricken, even because of the specialness of plate micro sword, in his heart greedy was unprecedented, black air/Qi were blisters ascend probably equally from his body surface, his as if once more expanded. 所以短短时间内,他心中的贪婪便战胜了那一道惊恐,甚至因为盘微剑的特别,他心中的贪婪更是前所未有,一股股黑气好像是一个个水泡一样从他体表升腾起来,他的似乎都再次壮大了。 Is staring at the silver sword by both eyes that the black air/Qi covers stubbornly with Jessica, probably is goes crazy same exclaims: Hands over this sword, hands over the book of wisdom, they are my!” 被黑气笼罩的双眼死死盯着银剑和杰西卡,好像是发疯一样地吼道:“交出这把剑,交出智慧之书,他们都是我的!” During the speeches, the black air/Qi rises suddenly once more, rave of myriad wills in void, black souls flew from the body of Geruide continuously, then throws toward Jessica. 说话之间,黑气再次暴涨,万千意志在虚空之中狂吼,一条条黑色亡灵从格瑞德的身上源源不断飞了出来,然后朝着杰西卡扑去。 They whoosh loudly, in both eyes black light, infinite greedy ** appears, as if must swallow all in this world. 他们大声嘶吼,双眼之中一片黑光,无穷的贪婪**从中浮现,似乎要吞噬这个世界上的一切。 This was Geruide has released the greedy soul in within the body directly, these soul each were the members of black regiment, because they the greedy strength swallowed mutually, has been suppressed in Geruide within the body. 这是格瑞德直接释放了体内的贪婪亡灵,这些亡灵每一个都是黑色军团的成员,他们因为贪婪的力量相互吞噬,一直被压制在格瑞德的体内。 At this moment was released by him, was equal to that the entire black regiment drops from the clouds. 此刻被他一口气释放出来,等于是整个黑色军团从天而降。 Facing the greedy soul of blotting out the sky, plate micro Longsword shakes once more gently, surely sword light instantaneous and souls strangled to death in one. 面对铺天盖地的贪婪亡灵,盘微长剑再次轻轻一震,千万剑光瞬间和亡灵们绞杀在了一起。 However these time did not have sword light that the thing did not cut not to have effectively, each soul greedy biting to shooting at own sword light, bit by bit started to swallow these sword light to come unexpectedly. 但是这一次无物不斩的剑光却没有灵验了,每一头亡灵都贪婪的咬向射向自己的剑光,竟然一点一点开始吞噬起这些剑光来了。 Sees both sides to refuse to compromise, Grey Crane also once more got rid. 眼看双方僵持不下,灰鹤也再次出手了。 Then saw that the right hand of Grey Crane gets hold of fiercely, simple the movement of making a fist, as if radiantly inhales in which all brilliance between world, one type grasps the world, rules the world the ideal condition to ripple, making the person unable to bear kneel down to prostrate oneself. 便看到灰鹤的右手猛地握紧,简简单单一个握拳的动作,似乎将天地间的一切光华璀璨都吸入其中,一种掌握天地,君临天下的意境更是随之荡漾开来,让人忍不住跪下膜拜。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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