PDG :: Volume #9

#869: Apprehending

Sky Lion avatar from the meteor shower that exploding initiates, its might is equal to tens of thousands of Divine Level powerhouses simultaneously washes, its might changes into poor soil Fang Zhouyu sufficiently. 天狮分身自爆引发的这场流星雨,其威力相当于成千上万神级强者同时洗地,其威力足以将一方州域化为一片赤土。 Surface upward 500 meters, the biology within downward ten meters, in various shakes, the explosion, the high temperature, in shock-wave will all be killed. 地表向上500米,向下十米之内的生物,全都会在各种震荡,爆炸,高温,冲击波中被杀死。 This move thoroughly has shown the macrozonality destructive power of Divine Level powerhouse. 这一招可谓是将神级强者的广域破坏力彻底展现了出来。 However exhausts the method when the people, is unable to intercept some residence meteors throughout, Fang Xingjian moved finally. 不过就在众人用尽手段,也始终无法拦截住所有的流星时,方星剑终于动了。 This moves, is Immortal Executing Sword Formation outrageously erupts, is the same just like a net bag, one time then all meteor one breath networks within 100,000 meters surrounding area in sword. 这一动,便是诛仙剑阵悍然爆发,宛如一个网兜一样,一次便将方圆100000米内的所有流星一口气网在了剑阵之中。 Bang in the Longde bang, said that wind of Sword Qi just like inexhaustible from void shoots, has become a giant palm, has covered a surrounding area 100,000 meters distance instantaneously. 轰隆隆隆德巨响之中,道道剑气宛如无穷无尽从虚空之中飙射出来,成了一个巨大的手掌,瞬间笼罩了方圆100000米的距离。 But in this palm, the tens of thousands of meteor unceasing winds shoots, in all directions explosion, but shock-waves, the light explodes in this palm with the heat unceasingly, is actually similar to is other floats shakes the tree to be the same, throughout is unable how this superhuman hand. 而在这手掌之中,成千上万的流星不断飙射,四处爆炸,但一道道冲击波,光和热在这手掌之中不断爆炸,却如同是彼浮撼树一样,始终无法奈何得了这巨掌。 The superhuman hand starts to draw in fiercely, the movement that this drawing, then directly causes the wind and cloud to surge, strong winds just like were Dragon Juan same lived, the rushing strength shot along with the movement unceasing wind of palm, blew blown sand that to walk the stone the ground. 紧接着,巨掌猛地开始收拢,这一下收拢的动作,便直接引得风云激荡,道道狂风宛如是龙卷一样生了起来,澎湃的力量随着手掌的动作不断飙射出去,将地面吹的一片飞沙走石。 But in the superhuman hand, innumerable meteors probably are myriad fireflies are the same, drew to be in a tumult along with the superhuman hand, many meteor direct hits above the superhuman hand, have actually resembled the bean curd to hit on the steel plate are the same, meaningless. 而巨掌之中,无数的流星就好像是万千萤火虫一样,随着巨掌收拢骚动了起来,许许多多流星直接撞击在了巨掌之上,却好像豆腐撞在钢板上一样,毫无意义。 More meteors want to run away from crevice, actually discovered one get out of trouble, is unable to run away, this was the imaginary technique of Immortal Executing Sword Formation. 更多的流星想要从空隙之中逃走,却发现自己兜兜转转,怎么也无法逃出去,这是中了诛仙剑阵的幻术。 The next quarter, with bang one crack, the palm closed suddenly, in the palm the world instantaneous one dark, the lasing of air wave of rushing from referring to the seam came out, probably air guns same hit to void. 下一刻,伴随着轰隆一声炸响,手掌猛然闭合到了一起,掌中世界瞬间一暗,澎湃的气浪从指缝之中激射出来,就好像一道道空气炮一样打向虚空。 Myriad meteors along with this superhuman hand grasps to extinguish entirely. 万千流星都随着这巨掌的一握而统统熄灭。 All people shocking look at this, rushes, majestically for this, falls just like the deity same strength. 所有人都震惊地看着这一幕,为这澎湃、雄壮、宛如天神一样的力量而倾倒。 But in the darkness of this palm, together does not have the shade colorless ray leap, surmounts the slit of superhuman hand directly, ran away, then to north, unceasingly flies to flee. 但就在这掌心的一片黑暗之中,一道无影无色的光芒飞跃而出,直接跨越巨掌的缝隙,逃了出去,然后一路向北,不断飞窜出去。 This is from exploding avatar, must exterminate Sky Lion King of state, at this moment he after exploding the Sky Lion avatar majority of strengths, only remaining this little Martial Intent, change into wipes the invisible fluctuation, runs away toward the prairie. 这正是自爆分身,要灭绝中州的天狮王,此刻他在爆掉了天狮分身的大部分力量之后,只剩下这一点点武道意志,化为一抹无形波动,朝着草原逃去。 Damn, cannot think that this Fang Xingjian is so thorny, compelled me from exploding this Sky Lion avatar unexpectedly.’ ‘该死,想不到这方星剑如此棘手,竟然逼得我自爆了这具天狮分身。’ ` I have left behind this point Sky Lion information essence fortunately, so long as this point fire seed does not extinguish, after returning to the prairie, so long as the material is enough, I then can think the means to restore Sky Lion avatar, for his recast Dharma Body. ‘还好我留下了这一点天狮的信息精华,只要这一点火种不灭,回到草原之后,只要材料足够,我便可以想办法将天狮分身恢复,为他重铸法体 Although must spend many times, but has left behind the possibility eventually. ’ 虽然要花很多功夫,但终究留下了可能。’ This Sky Lion avatar is precious exceptionally, was equal to helping Sky Lion King strengthen a oneself over time strength baseless, did not arrive at the final moment, he really does not want to leave. 这具天狮分身珍贵异常,等于是凭空帮助天狮王增强了自己一倍以上的实力,不到最后关头,他实在不想舍去。 At this time thinks of Fang Xingjian, in the heart actually resents. 此时想到方星剑,心中却是更加愤恨起来。 Reason that originally he wants to give up, to save own strength, the opportunity that especially the Sky Lion avatar use space transfers, is used to help him break through Heavenly Palace, attacks Divine Level 6th layer. 本来他之所以想要罢手,就是为了节约自己的力量,特别是天狮分身使用空间挪移的机会,用来帮他突破天宫,冲击神级六重 Must know that Divine Level 5th layer breaks through to Divine Level 6th layer is a qualitative change, latter regarding space grasped to go to an unthinkable situation, even can change material at will four big fundamental forces, so long as had enough reserve regarding the knowledge of world revolution, can duplicate the nature 99% physical phenomena. 要知道神级五重突破到神级六重乃是一种质变,后者对于空间的掌握达到了一种匪夷所思的地步,甚至能随意改变物质界的四大基本力,只要对于世界运转的知识有足够储备,就能够复制自然界99%的物理现象。 Divine Level 6th layer was known as the control of world, the true God of world, historical any records the Divine Level 6th layer material to praise the great strength of this boundary in all glossaries not parsimoniously. 神级六重号称环宇之主宰,人间之真神,历史上的任何记载神级六重的资料都不吝啬以一切词汇来赞美这个境界的强大。 The nature, thinks that arrives at this boundary is also very difficult, impact Heavenly Palace of this checkpoint, must be added to be much more difficult by front 5th stratum. 自然,想到到达这个境界也是非常困难的,这一关卡的冲击天宫,要被前面五层加起来都难得多。 Before each impact, the world mutation, in the mainland many heads of influence can achieve the Divine Level 5th layer boundary, like Fang Xingjian or defeating, or cuts the leaders, Tian Yi, Deep King 5th Prince, Lord of Destruction and seven big aristocratic families that kills, Alexander and the others. 每一次冲击之前,天地异变,大陆上许多势力的首脑都能达到神级五重的境界,就像方星剑或是击败,或是斩杀的五皇子灭世天主、七大世家的领袖、天一冥王,还有亚历山大等人。 If they live the present, perhaps in the Cultivation heaven of world mutation, has achieved Divine Level 5th layer like Left Wise King Goshawk, at least was also the Divine Level 4th layer boundary. 如果他们活到了现在,在天地异变的这种修炼天堂里,恐怕都已经像苍鹰左贤王一样达到了神级五重,至少也是神级四重的境界。 They are not inferior to prairie numerous powerhouses, but was cut to continue the Cultivation opportunity by Fang Xingjian. 他们并不是不如草原众多强者,只不过是被方星剑斩掉了继续修炼的机会而已。 However Divine Level 6th layer, regardless of were extremely rare exists in any time. 但是神级六重,那不论在任何时代都是凤毛麟角般的存在了。 But then boundary upward is 1st layer leaves compared with the 1st layer day badly, the difficulty of overcoming an obstacle is also higher and higher. 而接下来再往上的境界更是一重一重更加天差地别,闯关的难度也是越来越高。 To attack Divine Level 6th layer, Sky Lion King prepared to be able to prepare, this Sky Lion avatar was also he attacked the important boost of Divine Level 6th layer. 所以为了冲击神级六重,天狮王准备了一切能够准备的,这一具天狮分身本来也是他冲击神级六重的重要助力。 Now is actually destroyed by Fang Xingjian, reduced him to attack the Divine Level 6th layer success ratio, how he possibly did not resent. 现在却被方星剑毁去了,生生减小了他冲击神级六重的成功率,他怎么可能不愤恨。 But at this moment, the person's shadow appeared in his front together. 但就在这时,一道人影却是出现在了他的面前。 A Sky Lion King brow wrinkle, saw that Daoist movie queen several kilometers away, on the face has revealed the color of intense dreading, an invisible fluctuation transition, then wanted to bypass the opposite party slightly. 天狮王眉头一皱,看到数千米外的那道人影后,脸上露出了强烈的忌惮之色,无形的波动微微一个转折,便想要绕过对方。 But the next quarter, the cold sound spread to his mind together. 但下一刻,一道冷冽的声音已经传入了他的脑海之中。 Sky Lion brother, since came, why stays away.” 天狮兄,既然来了,又何必避而不见。” Sky Lion King complexion instantaneous ugly, but also slightly the flash, then returned to normal, looks that the present white person's shadow said: Tour Dharma King, are you aid my?” 天狮王的脸色瞬间难看了起来,不过也只是微微一瞬间,便已经恢复了正常,看着眼前的白色人影说道:“游界法王,你是来接应我的么?” Was called the tour Dharma King person by Sky Lion King, is one wears the youth of white robe, the youth seems young incomparable, looks like an ordinary neighbor junior high pupil is the same, on the face even also has one to be immature and pure. 天狮王称之为游界法王的人,乃是一名身穿白袍的少年,少年看上去年轻无比,就像是一个普通的邻家初中生一样,脸上甚至还带着一丝稚嫩和纯真。 But Sky Lion King actually knows that the age and disposition of opposite party do not want to seem that simple. 天狮王却知道,对方的年龄和性格可不想看上去那么简单。 This tour Dharma King is one of the Church numerous Dharma King, grasps one to be called You Jie God Technique, it is said this person is the Church quickest person, is Church Dharma King that is difficult to kill. 这位游界法王乃是教廷众多法王之一,掌握着一门叫做游界的神术,据说此人乃是教廷最快的人,也是教廷最难杀的一位法王 Only listens to tour Dharma King to show a faint smile: He He, who can think that under the Sky Lion King original account the master emerges one after another incessantly, your is also preparing to attack Divine Level 6th layer. But was killed in an instant actually by that Fang Xingjian flees pell-mell, really pitifully lamentable.” 只听游界法王微微一笑:“呵呵,谁能想到天狮王原先帐下高手层出不穷,你本人也在准备冲击神级六重。但转眼间却被那方星剑杀得丢盔卸甲,真是可惜可叹。” In fact this prairie goes south, Sand Country east-bound, how Church possibly does not pay attention. But three Son of God diverts mutually, especially after two Dharma King are missing, strengths between three Son of God balance are broken, the present situation is almost is day by day tenser, has almost the possibility to fight anytime and anywhere. 事实上这次草原南下,沙国东进,教廷又怎么可能不关注。只不过三大圣子相互牵制,特别是有两位法王失踪之后,三大圣子之间的实力平衡被打破,如今的形势几乎是一天比一天更加紧张,几乎随时随地都有可能大战起来。 Then only sent tour Dharma King one person to come to observe. 这才只派了游界法王一人前来观战。 But swims this looked that then saw has let his surprised one, Fang Xingjian person of alone war 14 Divine Level powerhouses, will have part of spaces to transfer the ability Sky Lion avatar also to kill flees pell-mell. 而游界这一看,便看到了让他吃惊的一幕,方星剑一人独战14位神级强者,甚至将拥有一部分空间挪移能力的天狮分身也杀得丢盔卸甲。
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