PDG :: Volume #12

#1153: 1263 attention

Martial Intent 230,000 points...... 250,000 points...... 武道意志230000点……250000点…… „Is your strength growing why still?!” “你的力量为什么还在增长?!” A boxing leaves once more, the fist and Fang Xingjian of swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy the hand of hit of nihility in one, these time one type has been hard the feeling of unexpectedly contending with, his krypton gold/metal Zhan body surface, presented the faint trace crack unexpectedly. 再次一拳击出,燕飞白的拳头和方星剑的虚无之手撞击在了一起,这一次竟然有了一种难以抗衡的感觉,他的氪金战体表面,竟然出现了丝丝裂纹。 x renews quickly x更新最快 But in his sensation, the strength index of opposite party within the body constantly is still growing. 而在他的感知中,对方体内的力量指数还在不断增长。 I do not believe you to be able such to support.” “我就不信你能一直这么撑下去。” Yan Feibai the brow selects, simply no longer and Fang Xingjian fights, the eruption condition of opposite party is not obviously normal, he does not believe that the opposite party can such continue, that became a perpetual motion machine. 燕飞白眉头一挑,干脆不再和方星剑争锋,对方的这种爆发状态明显不正常,他也不相信对方能这么一直持续下去,那岂不是成永动机了。 Therefore then saw that the white light of swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy body surface collects, whatever the Fang Xingjian nihility aura strokes on his body, then the 1st stratum invisible movie screen appears in his body surface, then the whole person contracts the change fiercely, in an instant reduced a luminous spot size. 于是便看到燕飞白体表的白光一敛,任由方星剑的虚无气息击打在他的身体上,接着一层无形的障壁出现在他的体表,然后整个人猛地收缩变化,转眼间已经缩小到了一个光点的大小。 He by another light of speed of light fist technique not extinguishing the eternal furnace promotes. 正是他以永恒之炉推动的又一门光速拳技不灭之光。 This is eliminates the quality own material body through the mass energy transformation, finally changed into pure super velocity of light material chopsticks, enters the super velocity of light domain by this, comes immunity all speed of light following attacks. 这是将自己的物质身躯通过质能转换来消去质量,最后化为了纯粹的超光速物质‘快子’,以此进入超光速领域,来免疫一切光速以下的攻击。 Naturally, in such situation displaying is unable to attack others, is the move of pure defense. 当然,这样的情况下施展者也无法攻击别人,乃是纯粹的防御之招。 Yan Feibai wants to maintain this condition to wait for that now the Fang Xingjian explosion stroke passes by. 燕飞白现在就想要维持这个状态来等待方星剑的爆发期过去。 Since the Fang Xingjian super velocity of light has been the super velocity of light in mathematical, but draws support from being opportunistic of Space-Time distortion, has not stepped into the super velocity of light domain truly. 方星剑一直以来的超光速不过是数学上的超光速,只是借助时空扭曲的取巧,还没有真正踏入超光速领域。 Therefore facing swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy the light of extinguishing, he is unable to attack. 所以面对燕飞白的不灭之光,他也无法进行攻击。 But what the swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy does not know, he cannot wait for the Fang Xingjian explosion stroke to pass. 但燕飞白不知道的是,他根本等不到方星剑的爆发期过去。 Martial Intent 300,000 points...... 370,000 points...... 400,000 points...... 武道意志300000点……370000点……400000点…… The Fang Xingjian strength constantly grows under the life transformation, the entire battlefield had been wrapped by the endless nihility, the body of swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy has not definitely been able to be observed. 方星剑的力量在寿命转换之下不断增长,整个战场已经被无尽的虚无所包裹,燕飞白的身体已经完全无法被观测到。 One minute...... Two minutes...... Three minutes...... 一分钟……两分钟……三分钟…… Swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy complexion also gradually from self-confident, doubts, surprised, inconceivable to final confusedness, a face this in cracking a joke expression. 燕飞白的脸色也逐渐从自信,疑惑,惊讶,不可思议到了最后的迷茫,一脸这是不是在开玩笑的表情。 This fellow...... Opened hangs? Possibly still to be growing how?” “这家伙……开挂了么?怎么可能还在增长?” This moment Fang Xingjian Martial Intent, has reached enough 1 million points, the black nihility region of its incarnation toward spreads in all directions at the speed of light, in an instant has swallowed surrounding area tens of millions kilometer regions. 此刻方星剑武道意志,已经达到了足足1000000点,其所化身的黑色虚无地带以光速朝着四面八方蔓延出去,转眼间已经吞噬了方圆数千万公里的地域。 The gate and the end fortress good fortune early do not know that withdrew from many to be far, they have already not been able the sensation to Fang Xingjian and fight of swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy, but the expansion of black nihility area was clear. 造化之门和末日堡垒早已经不知道退出了多少远,他们早就已经无法感知到方星剑和燕飞白的战斗,但是黑色虚无区的扩张却是明明白白的。 Still is growing.” The glacier day female expression is color of the respect: If continues such to proliferate, about 10 billion years, the entire universe, all Space-Time, materials and energy will thoroughly be evaporated.” “还在增长。”冰河天女的表情已经是一片崇敬之色:“如果继续这么扩散下去,大约10000000000年的时间,整个宇宙,所有的时空、物质、能量都将被彻底蒸发。” That man ended, this universe also ended.” The glacier day female looks the nihility region that piece expands unceasingly, in both eyes appears gradually the color of worship: Fang Xingjian, he has surmounted the opposite party completely, has surmounted this universe!” “那个男人已经完了,这个宇宙也完了。”冰河天女看着那一片不断扩张的虚无地带,双眼之中逐渐浮现出崇拜之色:“方星剑,他已经完全超越了对方,超越了这个宇宙!” The gods will return to the excited color of human bone whole face: Really is the military does not have the boundary, before today, we who can think that a strength of person can go to this situation. We should give a try can exchange with him, if can obtain several to raise......” 神将回骸满脸的激动之色:“真是武无之境,今日之前,我们又有谁能想到,一个人的力量可以达到这个地步。我们应该试试看能不能和他交流,如果能够得到几句提点的话……” Picks on -board person is in the eye has the faint trace to be terrified, facing present Fang Xingjian, he cannot live any idea of revolt, can only retrocede slowly, wants to leave here. 摘星上人却是眼中带着丝丝惶恐,面对眼前的方星剑,他生不起任何反抗的想法,只能缓缓后退,想要离开这里。 However he just drew back few steps, the whole person had been intercepted by four surrounding Divine Level 9th layer powerhouses. 不过他刚刚退没几步,整个人就已经被四周围的神级九重强者拦截了下来。 The glacier day female looked at his one eyes slantingly, said: Do not blame us, is strange, blamed you to have eyes but fail to see, offends this superior to exist.” 冰河天女斜看了他一眼,说道:“不要怪我们,要怪,就怪你自己有眼无珠,得罪了这种上位存在吧。” The gods will return to the human bone saying: Picks the star, you thought that you offended such character, but can also escape? You died were unimportant, do not harm our entire civilization.” 神将回骸说道:“摘星,你觉得你得罪了这样的人物,还有可能逃跑么?你一个人死了不要紧,别害了我们整个文明。” Facing vision that dozens Divine Level 9th layer that harbor evil intentions, picked on -board person totally to give up the resistance, in both eyes has flashed through a lamentation and grayish white color. 面对数十名神级九重那不怀好意的目光,摘星上人彻底放弃了抵抗,双眼之中闪过一丝悔恨和灰白之色。 Hateful, hateful, if early knows that this Fang Xingjian as fierce as this situation, my head is sick provokes him.” “可恶,可恶啊,如果早知道这个方星剑厉害到了这种地步,我脑袋有病才去招惹他。” In the end fortress, Eder Joaz sighed: Finished? Rules the empire high level, prepares to migrate empire, this universe was too dangerous.” 末日堡垒之中,埃德华斯叹息道:“结束了么?统治帝国高层,准备迁移帝国吧,这个宇宙已经太危险了。” After this fights, this man perhaps becomes this universe overlord.” In Eder Joaz heart calculates saying: But the person in country's of delusion, such easily will perhaps not let off his.” “经过这一战之后,这个男人恐怕成为这个宇宙的霸主了。”埃德华斯心中盘算道:“但是妄想之国的人,恐怕不会这么轻易放过他的。” Meanwhile, Fang Xingjian Martial Intent constantly was still growing...... 1.1 million...... 1.2 million...... 与此同时,方星剑武道意志仍旧在不断增长……1100000……1200000…… The soul-stirring strength back and forth surges in void, somewhat looks at the swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy to be fearful and apprehensive, if he present returns the original condition, perhaps 1/100010000 seconds, will be torn the corpuscle microsome, thorough death. 惊心动魄的力量在虚空之中来回激荡,看得燕飞白都有些心惊肉跳,他如果现在重新回到原来的状态,恐怕1秒的时间内,就会被撕扯成微粒子,彻底死亡。 Although can depend upon the time to flow backwards sand resurrecting, but if links for one second unable to support, then resurrects meaningless many time. 虽然可以依靠时间倒流之沙复活,但如果连一秒钟都撑不下去的话,那么复活多少次都毫无意义。 To this time, the swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy has also had to acknowledge. 到了这个时候,燕飞白也不得不承认。 I...... Has defeated......”, if appears at this moment his face, clenches jaws surely, the complexion is pale: I have defeated, has lost to outside a state unexpectedly indigenous...... Impossible...... Possibly how to have this matter?” “我……败了……”如果此刻浮现出他的脸庞,必定是咬牙切齿,脸色铁青:“我败了,竟然败给了一个国度外的土著……不可能……怎么可能有这种事情?” By the arrogance of swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy, must acknowledge this point, how many discomfort in his mind has? Looked like on his apex cordis grips to be the same with the needle simply maliciously. 以燕飞白的高傲,要承认这一点,他的心灵上有多少难受?简直就像是在他的心尖上用针狠狠扎了一下一样。 Moreover looks at opposite party strength the growth, the swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy understands that within at least millenniums, he cannot see the hope that overtakes completely. 而且看着对方此刻力量的增长速度,燕飞白明白至少千年之内,他都完全看不到追上的希望。 Meanwhile, another realistic issue is placed in him at present. 同时,另一个现实的问题摆在了他的眼前。 Extinguishing light duration do not arrive.” “不灭之光的持续时间就要到了。” Even if grasped the speed of light fist technique of krypton star, the swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy enters the super velocity of light domain of chopsticks also to have the time limit. 就算掌握了氪星的光速拳技,燕飞白进入快子的超光速领域也是有着时间限制的。 If transforms as material condition here, will be killed by times, resurrecting, this time possibly are several thousand years tens of thousands years, lets off me until the opposite party on own initiative.” “如果在这里转化为物质态的话,就会被一次次杀死,一次次复活,这个时间可能是几千年几万年,直到对方主动放过我。” Thinks of here, the mood of swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy was more awful, has not the light of extinguishing most defends, the time of body of dying does not flow backwards, but both add together, made him unknowingly fall into a more fearful region unexpectedly. 想到这里,燕飞白的心情更加糟糕了,拥有最强防御的不灭之光,不死之身的时间倒流,但是两者相加,竟然让他不知不觉陷入了更加可怕的境地。 But he who falls into the super velocity of light condition, is unable to make the interference to the ordinary material domain, he even continually requests reinforcements cannot achieve. 而陷入超光速状态的他,无法对普通物质领域做出干涉,他甚至连求援都做不到。 When swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy falls into this hopeless situation, his Sea of Consciousness trembles fiercely, at this moment he felt suddenly beyond the infinite remote, infinite time, two great existence as if has put here the vision. 就在燕飞白陷入这股绝境的时候,他的识海猛地一颤,这一刻他突然感觉到无限遥远,无限时光之外,某两个伟大的存在似乎将目光放到了这边。 Who?” “谁?” Who is paying attention to here?” “谁在关注这里?” Generally speaking has separated innumerable Space-Time, innumerable universes, even if some people pay attention to him , the swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy is impossible to feel. 一般来讲隔了无数时空,无数宇宙,就算真的有人来关注他,燕飞白也不可能感觉到的。 But now is actually not this, this paid attention feeling, probably is the ant looks up the day, seeing everywhere star light to shine own body. 但现在却不是这样,这种被关注的感觉,就好像是蚂蚁抬头抬头望天,看见了漫天星光照射到了自己的身上。 In which makes swallow hollow-stroke in Chinese calligraphy feel that kind, he responded immediately, incomparably said excitedly: Is your majesty!” 其中的一股让燕飞白感觉到了亲切,他立刻反应了过来,无比激动道:“是陛下!” Can be equally matched with your majesty, another pays attention to here, is the demon god?” “能够和陛下不相上下的,另一个关注到这里的,是魔神么?” At this moment, two in multi-dimensional universe to exist high, simultaneously looked at the vision to here, was the change of Fang Xingjian has brought to their attention. 这一刻,多元宇宙中的两个至高存在,同时将目光看向了这里,是方星剑的变化引起了他们的注意。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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