PDG :: Volume #12

#1105: The sword of seven emotions

Stretches across the horizon sword light to drop from the clouds, its width surmounts 1000 kilometers, the length exceeds 100,000 kilometers, divides into two a star sufficiently directly. 横跨天际的剑光从天而降,其宽度超越1000公里,长度超过100000公里,足以直接将一颗星球一分为二。. But now this gathered the innumerable world to live the sword of strength of extinguishing to cut, sword light that soared to the heavens has crushed the metal mainland and innumerable cities. 而现在这汇聚了无数世界生灭之力的一剑斩下,冲天的剑光压碎了大片大片的金属大陆和无数的城市。 sword light is the same just like the bugle of judgment day, inch by inch presses with his below, the entire world slowly was being cut open. 剑光就宛如世界末日的号角一样,伴随着他一寸一寸的下压,整个世界都在被缓缓地切开。 „!” “啊!” The slaughter god squad had been executed the immortal projection to extinguish at this moment has killed most probably, the ponytail man-made person young girl is the flesh and blood and metal that whirls around shatter, the whole person as if enough energy had not continued to restore from top to bottom. 屠神小队此刻已经被诛仙投影灭杀了大半,马尾的人造人少女浑身上下都是破碎翻卷的血肉和金属,整个人似乎已经没有足够的能量继续进行恢复。 Saw that drops from the clouds together, stretches across starry sky sword light, the young girl sends out angry whooshing, grasps the double sword once more toward executing the immortal projection overran. 看到那一道从天而降,横跨星空的剑光,少女发出一声愤怒的嘶吼,手持双剑再次朝着诛仙投影冲了过去。 Devil!” “恶魔!” A series of plasma air masses erupt unceasingly with their fighting, stirs a pulp the earth of surrounding area thousand li(500 km). 一连串的等离子气团伴随着两人的交手不断爆发出来,将方圆千里的大地搅得一片稀烂。 I must kill you!” “我要杀了你!” Tens of thousands of Sword Qi toward executing immortal projection strangle to death, each Sword Qi directly truncated has disappeared part of spaces, brushed with Sword Qi simultaneously, Fang Xingjian all dodged the space to be eliminated, the whole person evaded not to be possible to evade the frontage to be hit by Sword Qi. 成千上万的剑气朝着诛仙投影绞杀过去,每一道剑气都直接削消了一部分空间,伴随着剑气齐齐刷来,方星剑所有的闪躲空间全部都被消去,整个人避无可避地正面被剑气击中。 However while hit, trillion Light Chaser Sword Intent explode to shoot, collides with Sword Qi mutually, simultaneously annihilation. 不过就在被击中的同时,亿万追光剑意爆射而出,和剑气相互碰撞,齐齐湮灭。 Fang Xingjian looks that was still going all out to attack the young girl, said lightly: Thinks so that own world was destroyed, is unimportant?” 方星剑看着仍旧在拼命攻击地少女,淡淡道:“就这么看着自己的世界被毁灭,不要紧么?” He shrugs, smiles was saying: You, if the present prevents, I will not block you.” 他耸了耸肩,微笑着说道:“你如果现在去阻止的话,我不会拦你哦。” In the eyes of ponytail young girl full kills intent, asked: What trick are you using?” 马尾少女的眼中满是杀意,问道:“你又在耍什么花招?” Nearby several other man-made people said: Li, do not listen to misleading of this devil!” 一旁的其他几名人造人说道:“迪丽尔,别听这恶魔的蛊惑!” Fang Xingjian smiled, fiercely after withdrew from 100 kilometers , to continue saying: „Don't you prevent really? If that seven emotions Sword Qi nobody prevents, but will cut the entire Qiming asterisk is two.” 方星剑笑了笑,猛地朝后退出了100公里,继续说道:“你们真的不去阻止么?那道七情剑气如果没人阻止的话,可是会把整艘启明星号一斩为二的。” Hears his these words, Warrior of other slaughter god squads have hesitated, a ponytail young girl brow wrinkle, said: You walk first, I prevent him.” 听到他的这番话,其他屠神小队的战士都迟疑了起来,马尾少女眉头一皱,说道:“你们先走,我来阻止他。” Saw that other people must reject, she exclaimed: Walks quickly, the safety of Qiming asterisk is first.” 看到其他人还要拒绝,她吼道:“快走,启明星号的安危才是第一位的。” Other people have looked at each other one scruple, slowly retreated eventually. 其他人迟疑地对视了一眼,终究还是缓缓退走了。 In the entire process, ponytail young girls one face alert is looking at Fang Xingjian, actually saw that the enemy has not always attacked, as if planned, whatever they depart to be the same. 整个过程之中,马尾少女都一脸戒备地望着方星剑,却看到对方始终没有进攻,似乎真的打算任由他们离去一样。 When left after all people, the ponytail young girl deeply looked at Fang Xingjian one, the cold sound said: Devil, you today to the matter that our world handles, I meet ten times of hundred times of places to give back your!” 待到所有人离开了以后,马尾少女深深地看了方星剑一眼,寒声说道:“恶魔,你今天对我们世界所做的事情,我一定会十倍百倍地还给你的!” Saying, her whole person double sword sweeps away, in an instant eliminated several hundred kilometers space, the whole person seemed flickers to move to draw back same, vanished in the Fang Xingjian vision. 说着,她整个人双剑横扫,转眼间消去了数百公里的空间,整个人好似瞬移一样退了出去,消失在了方星剑的目光之中。 Sees the slaughter god squad that retreats, Fang Xingjian shows a faint smile, looked the own somewhat shatter palm, shook the head: Martial arts projection, although meets the rebirth, but has no way anytime and anywhere the exhaust fumes, its limit lowered eventually.” 看到退走的屠神小队,方星剑微微一笑,看了看自己有些破碎的手掌,摇了摇头:“武道投影虽然会重生,但没法随时随地回气,其极限终究还是低了点。” Saying, he looks down to the earth of under foot: Was also enough.” 说着,他低头看向脚下的大地:“不过也足够了。” The next quarter, his whole person changed into together the empty shade, flees fiercely toward under deep place with the sword of Enters Void. 下一刻,他整个人已经化为一道虚影,以入虚之剑猛地朝底下深处窜去。 In the sky, the crown prince fell toward the metal earth on along with the shatter whole person of defense field of force, with an entire bang, the metal detritus that soars to the heavens, the entire earth resembles the ocean waves same to tumble. 天空之中,太子随着防御力场的破碎整个人朝着金属大地上坠了下来,伴随着一整巨响,冲天的金属碎屑,整个大地好像海浪一样翻滚起来。 But along with shatter of defense field of force, the extremely fast escape of atmosphere of entire Qiming asterisk surface in toward the universe vacuum in the past, has started hurricanes, the environment extremely fast worsening of entire spaceship. 而随着防御力场的破碎,整个启明星号表面的大气朝着宇宙真空之中极速逸散过去,掀起了一片一片的飓风,整个飞船的环境极速恶化。 However this moment crown prince stands in spaceship surface, looks that the massive metal buildings were changed into the fragment to blow the sky, in the look are bringing fiery. 不过此刻太子站在飞船表面,看着大量的金属建筑被化为碎片吹上天空,眼神之中却是带着一丝火热。 In her mind was still Fang Xingjian just stretched across the starry sky that sword. 她的脑海之中仍旧是方星剑刚刚横跨星空的那一剑。 At this moment, did not have any fighter aircraft to fly toward her position, entire spaceship all fighter aircraft all go toward the position gathering that sword light dropped. 此时此刻,却是没有任何战机朝她的位置飞来了,整艘飞船所有的战机全部朝着剑光落下的位置汇聚而去。 Fights the commander in chief of airplane group to stare at the position that sword light is dropping stubbornly, with the sword light whereabouts, the entire Qiming asterisk spaceship was cut open a width to surpass 1000 kilometers huge opening, just like is the entire battleship starts to crack two halves from the middle. 战机群的总指挥官死死盯着剑光落下的位置,伴随着剑光的下落,整艘启明星号飞船被切开了一道宽度超过1000公里的巨大口子,宛如是整艘战舰从中间开始裂成两半。 With sword light under presses, in the dark opening erupts explosions one after another unceasingly. 伴随着剑光的一路下压,黑暗的裂口之中不断爆发出一阵接着一阵的爆炸。 Fighter aircraft headed on, are falling in torrents the infinite firepower toward the sword light bombardment in the past, hopes can prevent this destruction world struck. 一艘艘的战机扑面而来,倾泄着无穷的火力朝着剑光轰击过去,希望能阻止这毁灭世界的一击。 Over 1 billion fighter aircraft simultaneously are falling in torrents the firepower, fires the bulb entire Miracle World sufficiently the destructive power in this moment is to actually appear so weak. 超过1000000000的战机同时倾泄着火力,足以将整个奇迹世界都烧成玻璃球的破坏力在这一刻却是显得如此无力。 Lives a sword of strength of gathering extinguishing facing that innumerable world, their attacks are meaningless, sword light still inch by inch under pressed, will put in order a spaceship to cut open slowly. 面对那无数世界生灭之力汇聚的一剑,他们的攻击毫无意义,剑光仍旧一寸一寸下压,缓缓将整艘飞船切开。 The slaughter god squad also arrived at the sword light position, looks the earth that at present cracks unceasingly, looks at that to look at giant canyon not to the end, the complexion of people are exceptionally ugly. 屠神小队也来到了剑光的位置,看着眼前不断开裂的大地,望着那一眼都望不到头的巨大峡谷,众人的脸色都是异常难看。 Gets down, must prevent him!” “下去,一定要阻止他!” The ponytail young girl howls, is bringing a face decidedly, in sword light toward canyon had overrun, the members of other slaughter god squads look at each other one mutually, the facial color are dignified, jumped without hesitation. 马尾少女呼啸一声,带着一脸的决然,已经朝着峡谷中的剑光冲了过去,其他屠神小队的队员相互对视一眼,面色凝重,也毫不犹豫地跳了下去。 These more than ten had the man-made person speed of Divine Level 6th layer strength fast, in an instant arrived above sword light, eliminated with various spaces, high-temperature low temperature, material decomposition and so on attack fell, the space of surrounding area thousand li(500 km) was stirred pot chaotic gruel, all materials of entire space decomposed the most basic granule completely, changed into pot chemistry thick soup under the high-temperature high fever. 这十多名拥有神级六重战力的人造人速度飞快,转眼间已经来到了剑光上方,伴随着各种空间消去,高温低温,物质分解等等的攻击落下,方圆千里的空间被搅成了一锅乱粥,整个空间的所有物质全部分解成了最基本的粒子,在高温高热下化为了一锅化学浓汤。 These more than ten people of collaborations, change into the hell entire Earth sufficiently, at this moment fully is actually used to prevent cutting of sword light. 这十多人的联手,足以将整个地球化为地狱,此刻却是全力用来阻止剑光的切割。 Another side high tower position, when sword light falls, Katherine was insane. 另一边的高塔位置,在剑光落下的时候,凯瑟琳已经要疯了。 Her whole person is launching attack breathless, the beams of antimatter cannon sway recklessly, present Fang Xingjian and earth embezzle thoroughly, eliminated several hundred meters high metal earth, hit a surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km) ground directly has undercut several hundred meters. 她整个人气急败坏地发动着攻击,一道道反物质大炮的射线肆意挥洒,将眼前的方星剑和大地彻底吞没,生生消去了数百米高度的金属大地,将方圆数千里的地面直接打得下陷了数百米。 Fang Xingjian! Were you insane? Do you know that you are doing?” The gem on Katherine forehead sends out the mind shake wave unceasingly, the attack opposite party consciousness the time, is disseminating the information, but the present heaven projection does not reply her cursing. 方星剑!你疯了么?你知不知道你在干什么?”凯瑟琳额头上的宝石不断散发出心灵震荡波,攻击对方意识的时候,也传播着信息,但眼前的皇天投影根本不回答她的咒骂。 Idiot, you do not know that you have made the big trouble.” “蠢货,你根本不知道你惹了多大的麻烦。” It is not able to decide the victory and defeat shortly in a short time, Katherine operates is extinguishing a god machine whole person submersion, then strided in the metal earth, probably drilled into liquids to be the same, toward the spaceship fast submersion of under foot in the past. 眼看着无法在短时间内分出胜负,凯瑟琳操纵着灭神机整个人一个下沉,便跨入了金属大地之中,好像是钻入了一片液体一样,朝着脚下的飞船快速下沉过去。
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