PDG :: Volume #11

#1009: Conversation

On earth that north the mainland, wind and snow cover, at this moment in the entire ground a piece clads in silvery white. 大陆北方,一片风雪笼罩的大地上,此刻整个地面上一片银装素裹。 Northernmost on this mainland land, year to year was covered by the wind and snow, lives numerous clans and tribes on this piece of earth year to year is at hungry and cold, under the threat of disease. 这片大陆最北端的土地上,常年都被风雪所笼罩,生活在这片大地上的众多部族常年都处在饥饿、寒冷、疾病的威胁下。 This also lets north these wild national customs at the battle, slaughters and endures patiently. This also lets on this stretch of earth, although had not established a formidable genuine unified state, has the continuous powerhouse to appear in each time. 这也就让这些北荒的民族习惯于争斗,厮杀和忍耐。这也让这片大地上虽然一直没有建立出一个强大的真正统一的国度,却在每一个时代都有着源源不断的强者出现。 But at this moment in this wind and snow, the position that a tribe is actually as warm as in spring, because all wind and snow of falling, so long as approaches the site of tribe, will dissipate does not see. 而此刻在这一片风雪之中,一个部落所在的位置却是温暖如春,因为所有落下的风雪只要靠近部落的所在地,都会消散不见。 In the ground that the entire tribe is at the green grass is even green, the cattle, probably are two world are in groups same as the coldness of outside. 整个部落所在的地面上甚至还是绿草青青,牛羊成群,就好像和外界的寒冷是两个世界一样。 This place, is the strongest tribe in northern uncivilized nationalities, has the name of verbal command north Desolate, the site of frost wolf tribe. 此地,正是北方蛮族中的最强部落,有号令北荒之称的,霜狼部落的所在地。 The brave warriors of innumerable frost wolf tribe gather in the central place of tribe, on their faces was all respectful and obeyed that is gazing at the central position, just like is looking Spiritual God that one worship. 无数霜狼部落的勇士都汇聚在部落的中心位置,他们的脸上全是恭敬和顺服,注视着中央的位置,宛如在看着自己崇拜的神灵。 But in these brave warriors are gazing at the position, a silver-haired middle age sits easely, has placed a checkerboard in his front, on the checkerboard is the dense and numerous back and forth staggered board game pieces. 而就在这些勇士所注视着的位置,一名银发中年悠然而坐,在他的前面摆放了一个棋盘,棋盘上面是密密麻麻来回交错的棋子。 At this moment the entire checkerboard has covered the overlapping distortion space, needs the greatly strengthened eyesight to see clearly the board game piece above that checkerboard, the mountain peak that unexpectedly is standing tall and erect, the migration of each board game piece, is mountain peaks rises straight from the ground impressively, might be considered as does great things but actually the sea. 此刻整个棋盘都笼罩了层层叠叠的扭曲空间,需要极强的目力才能看清楚在那棋盘之上的棋子,竟然是一座座高耸的山峰,每一次棋子的移动,赫然都是一座座山峰拔地而起,堪称是移山倒海。 Obviously this checkerboard is some people by the big supernatural power compression space, and put into many mountain peak formations. 显然这一盘棋盘乃是有人以大法力压缩空间,并且投入了许许多多的山峰形成的。 Only under wants this chess, must have the strength of doing great things, needs Martial Intent to be able through that overlapping distortion space. 光是想要下这盘棋,就必须拥有移山之力,更需要武道意志能够通过那层层叠叠的扭曲空间。 But in another side of checkerboard, Ulpian sits facing each other, is operating the mountain peak on checkerboard, while said in Martial Intent: Ye did brother, how consider?” 而在棋盘的另一边,乌尔比安相对而坐,一边操纵着棋盘上的山峰,一边在武道意志之中说道:“叶兄,考虑得如何了?” The silver-haired middle age looks at present Ulpian, in the vision the book has been concealing an exclamation. 银发中年看了看眼前的乌尔比安,目光之中书都隐含着一丝惊叹。 The opposite party arrived to find him three days ago suddenly, later both sides one fought, although he has not lost, but actually also saw the opposite party has not displayed absolutely fully. 对方在三天之前突然降临找到了他,之后双方一番交手,他虽然没有输,但却也看出了对方绝对没有施展全力。 Martial arts that especially the opposite party uses, it may be said that is unconventional, becomes a school, is different in the mainland any school of martial arts, is immeasurably deep, some all sorts of inconceivable abilities. 特别是对方所使用的武道,可谓是别出心裁,自成一派,不同于大陆上任何一门一派的武道,却又深不可测,有种种不可思议之能力。 Then they discussed three days, he cannot see the slight flaw of opposite party. 接下来他们论道三天,至今他也没能看出对方的丝毫破绽。 But during these three days, the opposite party towed him here, has prevented him regarding several thousand li (0.5km) away getting rid of imperial capital. 而在这三天之中,对方把他拖在了这里,也阻止了他对于数万里之外的帝都方面的出手。 Although he once complied with a person of this to live does not leave northern Desolate one step, but by his strength at this moment, even if separated by several thousand li (0.5km), can seem in the same old way near at hand same gets rid. 虽然他曾经答应一人此生不离开北荒一步,但以他此刻的实力,哪怕相隔数万里,照样可以好似近在咫尺一样地出手。 However compares the Ulpian strength, boundary and martial arts, makes Jing surprised, is the status of opposite party. 不过相比起乌尔比安的实力、境界、武道,更让叶景惊讶的,还是对方的身份。 From another universe...... regiment chief of silver regiment?’ ‘来自另一个宇宙……银色军团的军团长么?’ Ye Jing shook the head: Too take risked.” 叶景摇了摇头:“太冒险了。” Opposite Ulpian continues saying: „ Ye brother, by your aptitude, treads that step is the time issue. But even if you achieve the Divine Level 9th layer later strength, is unable to change the entire multi-dimensional universe the situation. 对面的乌尔比安继续说道:“叶兄,以你的资质,踏出那一步不过是时间问题。但纵然你达到神级九重之后的战力,也无法改变整个多元宇宙的形势。 The universe was too vast, even if can grasp several thousand tens of thousands formations, even if can grasp over a hundred galaxies, compares the entire universe, the entire multi-dimensional universe, was too tiny. ” 宇宙太浩瀚了,就算能掌握几千几万颗形成,就算能掌握上百个星系,相比起整个宇宙,整个多元宇宙来说,还是太渺小了。” Entire multi-dimensional universe......” Ye Jing shows a faint smile, said: That is not the matter that I and others can worry about.” “整个多元宇宙的……”叶景微微一笑,说道:“那本来就不是我等可以操心的事情。” Perhaps.” Ulpian then said: „But regardless of can achieve, perhaps at present was we should better is also the final opportunity.” “也许吧。”乌尔比安接着说道:“但不论做不做得到,眼前也许是我们最好也是最后的机会了。” In Ulpian both eyes flashes through a faint trace complex as well as the firmness, in being separated from the demon god's assimilation, in the innumerable universes and time shuttle back and forth, he knew many about multi-dimensional universe the information. 乌尔比安双眼之中闪过一丝丝的复杂以及坚定,在脱离魔神的同化,在无数的宇宙和时间中穿梭时,他可是知道了许许多多关于多元宇宙的信息。 13 demon gods are position are built on existence of entire multi-dimensional universe most peak, their thought that a thought that then sufficiently provides your entire world to display the Black Magic Law energy. “13位魔神乃是位立于整个多元宇宙最巅峰的存在,他们的一个念头,一个思想,便足以提供你们整个世界来施展黑魔法的能源。 But most powerhouses in 13 demon gods, the achromatic color does not have the source, is so-called God of Truth, if in usually, our actions is impossible to have any influence to him. 而13位魔神中的最强者,无色无相之源,也就是所谓的真理之神,如果是在平时,我们的所作所为对他都不可能产生任何影响。 However at this moment, because of that unprecedented big transformation, now is actually he weakest time. ” 但是此时此刻,因为那一场前所未有的大变革,现在却是他最为虚弱的时刻。” Ye Jing has not spoken, was only with bang a light sound, a mountain peak on checkerboard falls the ground, he has gotten down one again. 叶景没有说话,只是伴随着轰隆一声轻响,棋盘上的一座山峰又落到了地上,他已经再下了一子。 As 12 is silver Mage King in Mage, he regarding Black Magic Law, existence of demon god, naturally has understood. 身为12系巫师之中的银巫王,他对于黑魔法,魔神的存在,自然是有所了解的。 12 in this world are Black Magic Law, Evil God that its strength originates is the strengths of 12 demon gods, but their sworn enemy Truth Church, dependence is the strength of another demon god. 这个世界上的12系黑魔法,其力量来源的邪神便是12名魔神的力量,而他们的死对头真理教廷,依靠的便是另一位魔神的力量。 These 13 demon gods, are entire multi-dimensional universe most tyrannical existences. 这13位魔神,便是整个多元宇宙最为强横的存在。 After Divine Level every time overcomes an obstacle, is mutual gambling between 13 demon gods, in infinite broad multi-dimensional universe, by innumerable overwhelming, destroys the powerhouse who the day extinguishes the place is the board game piece, is operating the thousands, inexhaustible universe time line. 神级之后的每一次闯关,更是13位魔神之间的相互博弈,是在无限宽广的多元宇宙之中,以无数翻江倒海,毁天灭地的强者为棋子,操纵着成千上百,无穷无尽的宇宙的时间线。 The mutual change of time line, mutual series, when has created link of embryonic form. 时间线的相互改变,相互串联,则造成了一个又一个的时之环雏形。 Probably is a game of unprecedented big chess is the same, drops, the formation of link along with the powerhouse board game pieces, when were been close by link of , that is a big big world and demon god strength gets up by the seal, falls into during the eternal circulation. 就好像是一局前所未有的大棋一样,随着一个个强者棋子落下,一个又一个时之环的形成,一旦被时之环封闭,那便是一大片一大片的世界和其中的魔神力量被封印起来,陷入永恒的循环之中。 Probably is a Chinese chess is the same. 就好像是一场围棋一样。 But takes the entire multi-dimensional universe as the checkerboard, takes the innumerable peak powerhouses as the board game piece, when takes the link seals up world for the method, in this chess, the flames of war between 13 demon gods has proliferated the end of Space-Time and thought. 只不过是以整个多元宇宙为棋盘,以无数巅峰强者为棋子,以时之环为手段封闭一个又一个世界,在这盘棋中,13位魔神间的战火已经遍布了时空与思想的尽头。 Ulpian said: This world, entered the seventh impact, the time are not much. Perhaps we could not defeat him, but at least can recapture this world from their hands.” 乌尔比安说道:“这个世界,已经进入了第七次冲击,时间不多了。我们也许战胜不了他,但至少可以从他们的手上夺回这个世界。” But your procedure, too has take risked, I only saw a hope extremely.” Ye Jing knit the brows to say. “但你的做法,太冒险了,我只看到了万分之一的希望。”叶景皱了皱眉说道。 Regarding demon god, even if 1/100010000 were too many, let alone is extremely one?” Ulpian said: „ Let alone besides me, but can also have other people. “对于魔神,哪怕是1都已经太多,何况是万分之一?”乌尔比安说道:“何况除了我之外,还可以有其他人。 Character who not only you, several other Mage King, as well as all hide, if can converge the strengths of all people, we not necessarily cannot succeed. ” 不只是你,还有其他的几位巫王,以及一切隐藏起来的人物,如果能够汇合所有人的力量,我们未必不能成功。” But hoped to be still uncertain, light depended on this is impossible to convince their.” Ye Jing both eyes is staring at Ulpian stubbornly, every single word or phrase said: Once however is defeated, what possibly brings is the ruinous disaster. You walk, is not the road of justice, but is taking revenge.” “但希望仍旧渺茫,光靠这样是不可能说服他们的。”叶景的双眼死死盯着乌尔比安,一字一句道:“而一旦失败,可能带来的是毁灭性的灾难。你所行走的,已经不是正义之路,而是在复仇。” Ulpian has not spoken, because in this regard, him indeed is unable to convince the opposite party. 乌尔比安没有说话,因为在这一点上,他的确无法说服对方。 He in a low voice said: One time good, even if after has won, immediately died, I must win his one time.” 他只是低声说道:“一次就好,哪怕是赢了以后就立刻死亡,我也要赢他一次。”
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