OSTI :: Volume #7 过去未来

#820 Part 3: Deep pool empty day

The diplomatic envoys of hundredth clans wind were put into the prison, Xu Liao turned round all military strength contractions, therefore the Demon Clan scout of advanced post, discovered that this place nobody prevents, has cited immediately the innumerable Demon Clan armies, entered the deep pool empty day! 风之百族的使节团被投入了大牢,许了又复把所有的兵力收缩,所以前哨的妖族探子,发现此地无人阻挡,顿时就援引了无数妖族大军,杀入了渊虚天! The half day time, sky over deep pool empty day, is the Demon Clan flying unit, these Demon Clan advanced posts, cultivate for are not high, but is actually the bird clan, can therefore fly baseless. 只是半日功夫,渊虚天上空,已经尽数是妖族的飞行部队,这些妖族的前哨,修为不高,但却都是鸟族,故而可以凭空飞行。 The Demon Clan army intruded deep pool empty day later, scatters in all directions, killing this day all lives, hundredth the clans wind are unable to place oneself the extra mundane separately again, cursed 33 days of invincible forces maliciously, encouraged the clansman to revolt, but the unit people of hundredth clans these winds, have not seen a weaponry for a very long time, although courage not poor, but did not have a unified direction, even if same clan and tribe few people can in the soldier the clan gather, formed the battlefield, instead with the animal courage, carelessly broke in the Demon Clan army, the renowned brave warrior was not killed, on was captured. 妖族大军闯入了渊虚天之后,就四散开来,分头扑杀此天的一切生灵,风之百族再也无法置身世外,一面狠狠咒骂33天的天兵,一面鼓动族人反抗,但是这些风之百族的部民,久久没有见过阵仗,虽然勇气不菲,但却没有一个统一的指挥,就算同一个部族都很少有人能够把族中战士集合起来,结成战阵,反而都是凭着血气之勇,胡乱冲入妖族大军,很多著名的勇士不是被杀,就是被俘虏。 Side that hundredth the clans wind are repulsed is quick, however the Xu Liao army simply does not have any Demon Clan army to shake, as long as breaks in the big Ahan samsara bloodshed big range, Xu Liao does not even need the director subordinate to go to battle, these Demon Clan were covered by the blood light, refining up to change into the samsara blood demon, became the nutrient of accumulation big might. 风之百族败退的极快,但是许了的大军却根本没有任何妖族大军能够撼动,但凡冲入大阿含轮回血海大阵范围的,许了甚至都不需要指挥部下出战,这些妖族就被血光笼罩,炼化为轮回血魔,成为了增厚这座大阵威力的养份。 The Xu Liao unit audiences , were quite anxious, but treats sees the big Ahan samsara bloodshed big might, this understands why guards the least bit not to be startled. 许了手下的部众,本来还颇为焦虑,但是待得见到大阿含轮回血海大阵的威力,这才明白为何镇守半点也不惊慌。 The predecessors guard, not only the manner is inflexible, but also is somewhat womanishly fussy, therefore has also infected these subordinates. 前任镇守不但为人死板固执,还有些婆婆妈妈,故而也传染了这些部下。 This group of invincible forces see the big camp that oneself can protect, some people stated opinion, should rescue hundredth the clans wind! Dozens armed forces Hou even join up, advised to Xu Liao, although also quite pleased, thought the hundredth generations of clan taking the consequences for own actions these winds, but could not endure the fellow officer eventually most probably so, was coerced. 这群天兵见自己能守护的大营,就有人建言,应该去救风之百族!数十名军侯甚至联合起来,给许了进言,虽然其中也有颇为快意,觉得这些风之百族自作自受之辈,但是终究耐不住同袍大半如此,就被裹挟了来。 Xu Liao facing armed forces marquises of these petitions, said with a smile: I am the deep pool empty day guard, you are our department audiences. I protect the deep pool empty day to have responsibility, making and others be able to live is returning for 33 days, is duty-bound. But hundredth clans wind, not 33 days of people, quite hates us, do I hold true by save others?” 许了面对这些请愿的军侯,笑道:“我是渊虚天镇守,尔等是我部众。我守护渊虚天有责,让尔等能够活着回到33天,也责无旁贷。但风之百族,又非33天之民,又颇仇恨我们,我有什么理由去救人?” A armed forces marquis cannot bear say: Predecessor guarding caused saying that if calm hundred clans, we alone wooden hard to bring about......” 一名军侯忍不住说道:“前任镇守使说过,若无风之百族,我们独木难成……” His words have not said that Xu Liao cannot bear say with a smile: „Before I come, hundredth the clans wind had not been injured, has not supported this soldiers and horses. Actually your this group of silly fellows, dying became extinct quickly, the predecessor guarded also lost the life. You told me...... How did this explain things?” 他话还未说完,许了就忍不住笑道:“我来之前,风之百族从不曾受过伤害,也从不曾支援过本部兵马。倒是你们这群傻兮兮家伙,死的快绝了种子,前任镇守也丢了性命。你来告诉我……这却如何分说?” This armed forces marquis making excuses moment, could not say the reasonable words, finally can only say one: Predecessor guards will not be wrong, I and others should listen to his verbal command!” 这名军侯支支吾吾片刻,也说不出来有道理的话,最后只能说一句:“前任镇守是不会错的,我等应该听他号令!” Xu Liao Slightly smiles, said: Such being the case, listens your, you!” 许了微微一笑,说道:“既然如此,就听你们的,尔等去吧!” These dozens armed forces marquises think that Xu Liao agreed that to be overjoyed, must reorganize the soldiers and horses hurriedly, but they to leave, the body departed a blood lotus. 这几十名军侯以为许了已经同意,大喜过望,急忙要去整顿兵马,但是他们才以动身,身上就飞出了一朵血莲。 The Xu Liao sound conveys leisurely: Since you are willing to obey order the order that the predecessor guards, is not willing to observe my this current to guard, I do not feel embarrassed and others. I will actually not shelter the non soldiers and horses, you cannot carry off big Ahan samsara bloodshed big.” 许了的声音悠悠传来:“既然你们愿意遵守前任镇守的命令,不愿意遵守我这个现任镇守,我也不为难尔等。只是我却不会庇护非本部之兵马,尔等不能带走大阿含轮回血海大阵。” These armed forces marquises were shocked immediately, how they do not know that does not have big Ahan samsara bloodshed big, their these several thousand soldiers and horses, cannot resist the Demon Clan army, even if exits is also brings death. 这些军侯立刻就愣住了,他们如何不知,没有大阿含轮回血海大阵,他们这数千兵马,根本抵挡不住妖族大军,就算出去也不过是送死而已。 They desire the request, Xu Liao already the carrying over sound entire battalion, shouted to clear the way: „To rescue the officers of hundredth clans wind, may leave the camp to battle with own armed forces marquis.” 他们欲待请求,许了已经传声全营,喝道:“想要救援风之百族的将士,可跟自己的军侯出营作战。” In the big camp is in a tumult immediately continuous, the armed forces marquises of these pleas, were kicked outside the big camp by Xu Liao directly, they facing the Demon Clan army who throws innumerably, can only rise spiritedly to revolt. 大营之中顿时骚动不休,那些求情的军侯,更是被许了直接踢出了大营之外,他们面对无数扑下来的妖族大军,只能奋起反抗。 Xu Liao passes message the big camp, immediately has the invincible force to have Battalion Laigen own armed forces marquis together, once they leave the big camp, the blood lotus in within the body flies away immediately, not big Ahan samsara bloodshed big protects and sustains again. Does not have big Ahan samsara bloodshed big to protect and sustain, these ordinary invincible forces, were surrounded by dozens times of Demon Clan armies, shortly will have several hundred people of corpses horizontally. 许了传音大营,顿时就有天兵出营来跟自己的军侯一起,他们一旦离开大营,体内的血莲立刻飞走,再无大阿含轮回血海大阵护持。没有大阿含轮回血海大阵护持,这些普通的天兵,被数十倍的妖族大军包围,顷刻间就有数百人尸横就地。 Dozens armed forces Hou Zhiqiao ya zi entirely to crack, shout out hurriedly loudly, lets under do not leave the camp, the scene is chaotic immediately. 数十名军侯只瞧的睚眦俱裂,急忙大声呼喝,让手下不要出营,场面顿时混乱不堪。 Finally also has the smart person, immediately called out loud: Guards, I and others knew wrong, please rescue the officers to return to the camp!” 总算还有聪明人,立刻高声叫道:“镇守,我等知错,请救护将士们回营!” As long as there is the generation of start to talk praying for rescue, has the blood light to fill the air, this person restored immediately with the big Ahan samsara bloodshed big relation, does not fear the Demon Clan soldier. 但凡有开口求救之辈,就有血光弥漫上来,此人顿时就恢复了跟大阿含轮回血海大阵的联系,再也不惧妖族战士。 Although these invincible forces are hundred war residual gas, does not fear death, but this and other meaningless sacrifices, cannot bear eventually, particularly died, looks the fellow officer who helplessly one share a common hatred was surrounded the circle to kill by innumerable Demon Clan, the mood is uncomfortable seriously , can only implore urgently. 这些天兵虽然都是百战余气,并不怕死,但是这等毫无意义的牺牲,终究还是都耐不得,尤其是自己死了也就罢了,眼睁睁的看着自己同仇敌忾的同袍被无数妖族围住圈杀,心情当真不是滋味,也只能苦苦哀求。 Less than half double-hour, all the invincible forces of going out to welcome, were not rescued by big Ahan samsara bloodshed big, dies in the Demon Clan army hand, outside big camp clean, does not have a living witness again. 半个时辰不到,所有出迎的天兵,不是被大阿含轮回血海大阵救回,就是死在妖族大军手里,大营之外干干净净,再无一个活口。 Dozens armed forces marquises decreased 30%, the remaining armed forces marquises look at each other in blank diamay, finally knew current guards, non- is any delicate generation. 数十名军侯减损了三成,剩下的军侯面面相觑,终于知道了现任镇守,非是什么柔弱之辈。 Xu Liao initially enters the military compound, first refining up with big, protects and sustains these hundred to fight the invincible force, when they feel grateful, quite despises Xu Liao, only thought that this person was well below the predecessor guards staunchly, will therefore have various types to defy the action of military order. 许了初入军营,就先用大阵炼化,护持这些百战天兵,他们感激之余,也颇轻视许了,只觉得此人远远不如前任镇守刚烈,所以才会有各种违抗军令之举。 Xu Liao gently acts bashful, this group of veterans understand finally that the predecessor guarded died in battle, they are the subordinates who new guarded. 许了只是轻轻拿捏,这群老兵终于明白,前任镇守已经战死,他们已经是新任镇守的麾下了。 Armed forces Hou Men sighed respectively, is not thinking rescued hundredth the clans wind, new guarded with the predecessor is different, clarifies has not liked these being hostile to own deep pool empty day, therefore people, the working style and method were also different. They do the matter according to the means of following the predecessor guarding, will not obtain the favor of new guarding. 军侯们各自叹息一声,再也不想着去救援风之百族,新任镇守跟前任不同,摆明了不喜欢这些敌视自己的渊虚天故民,做事风格和手段也不同。他们按照跟随前任镇守的办法做事儿,再也不会得到新任镇守的欢心。 Under invincible force peaceful, Xu Liao has not treated as matter, although these invincible forces some ideas, but such as will the character of Xu Liao this grade of progression, where take into consideration? 手下天兵安生了下来,许了也没当作怎么一回事儿,这些天兵虽然有些想法,但如许了这等级数的人物,哪里会去顾及? The vision experiences of these invincible forces, but ants , he if does the matter according to the idea of ants, that anything matter did not need to do. 这些天兵的眼光见识,不过蝼蚁,他若是按照蝼蚁的想法做事儿,那就什么事儿也不用做了。 Xu Liao waited for the several days patiently, finally the remnants of defeated troops of hundredth clans wind, killed nearby the big camp, here had not been broken through, hundredth the clans wind usually knew maneating of invincible force, therefore was congenial. 许了耐心等候了数日,终于有一支风之百族的残部,杀到了大营附近,这里一直不曾被攻破,风之百族又素来知道天兵的凶悍,故而才来相投。 Xu Liao under invincible force desire becomes friends with, but how big Ahan samsara bloodshed big Xu Liao, jade empty, clear empty, has the strength of control, Xu Liao does not shut out, is only the request: But there are to throw the generation of armed forces, is willing to study the big Ahan samsara bloodshed big clan, can join the army to shelter, the people of wanting, cannot handle the life and death voluntarily.” 许了手下天兵本欲结纳,但是奈何大阿含轮回血海大阵只有许了,玉虚,清虚,才有操控之力,许了也不是闭门不纳,只是要求:“但有投军之辈,愿意修习大阿含轮回血海大阵之族,才能入营得庇护,不愿意之民,可以自行打理生死。”
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