OSTI :: Volume #7 过去未来

#812: The immortal officer of Yaoguang division

At this time the sun is feeble, 33 days of situation is just thick! 此时天道衰弱,33天大势正浓! Ten main roads revere to sweep away the world, Hao extremely day remnants of defeated troops do not dare to crop up, the antiquity big monster was gingerly, did not hide away without the trace, ambushes the lackey, ascended the sky into, had nothing the generation of contending. 十大道尊横扫天地,就连昊极天的残部都不敢冒头,上古大妖都战战兢兢,不是隐遁无踪,就是潜伏爪牙,上天入地,无有抗衡之辈。 33 days regard to a world life body, even if are Demon, do not discriminate specially, clarification that therefore the world calculates, somewhat is quite peaceful auspiciously. This festival of the queen mother of the west is 33 days one of the three immortal meetings, scale You Sheng in Longhuahui and immortal hu congress. 33天对天地生灵一体看待,就算是妖怪,也不特别歧视,故而天地都算的澄清,颇有几分安宁祥和。这蟠桃会乃是33天三大仙会之一,规模尤胜于龙华会和仙葫大会。 The festival of the queen mother of the west is in the world the first grand feast, so long as the magical skill has the generation, the disciple of cultivating virtue in order to become an immortal, all may attend a meeting. 蟠桃会是天地间第一盛宴,只要道行有成之辈,修仙之徒,皆可赴会。 Longhuahui actually non- is the grand feast, but is a meeting, is in the world can greatly the generation, cultivates to lead the disciple audiences, the grand meeting of discussion magic arts, therefore there is the generation of qualifications attending a meeting really few, but actually many of high-end, particularly 33 days also allow the big monster to attend a meeting, this is the flat peach office does not have. Longhuahui for all that top level, but has the generation of qualifications attending a meeting after all, is very few, therefore was inferior that the festival of the queen mother of the west is lively. 龙华会却非是盛宴,而是道会,乃是天地间大能之辈,修带徒众,谈论道法之盛会,故而有资格赴会之辈甚少,但却高端的多,尤其是33天还允许大妖赴会,此为蟠桃会所无。只是龙华会虽然如此高层次,但毕竟有资格赴会之辈,就少之又少,所以不如蟠桃会热闹。 As for the immortal hu congress, there is a named minute of valuable congress! 至于仙葫大会,又有一名为分宝大会! Is one of the 28 Divine Mountain, the immortal root that Zhoushan does not pass on, this immortal root can tie 1000 bottle gourds, takes off one, then can grow one, the number will never be many, are forever many. After these bottle gourds form, can swallow to attract Spiritual Qi naturally, breeds the valuable embryo, every time grows for one year, waits, if Cultivate one year, grows every time the millenniums, waits, if Cultivate ten thousand years, above ten thousand years meet the time will take care of the matter, fall to the ground can breed a [say / way] treasure! 乃是28座神山之一,不周山所传的仙根,此仙根能结1000个葫芦,摘下一个,便能长出一个,数目永远不多,也永远不少。这些葫芦结成之后,天然能吞吸灵气,孕育宝胎,每生长一年,等若修行一年,每生长千年,等若修行万年,万年之上才会瓜熟蒂落,落地就能孕育一件道宝! Because there is this bottle gourd immortal root, therefore, not Zhoushan for the antiquity first Divine Mountain, the place of growth bottle gourd immortal root and had 1st, named multi- Baoyan! 因为有这座葫芦仙根之故,不周山号为上古第一神山,生长葫芦仙根之地又有一号,名为多宝岩! This bottle gourd immortal root was jealous, the multi- valuable immortal bottle gourd that forms by the world inborn, often does not wait till the age limit, for various reasons damages, or was clinched ahead of time, can grow over ten thousand years bottle gourds to be extremely few. 只是这座葫芦仙根天生遭天地妒忌,结成的多宝仙葫芦,往往不等到了年限,就因为各种原因损毁,或者被人提前摘走,能够生长万年以上的葫芦极少。 Afterward the master in Zhoushan, did not think that this is not means that held the immortal hu congress, making the generation of being predestined friends go to multi- Baoyan to seek for the bottle gourd, who can seek, was a big chance, reduced this epoch-making first immortal root inexorable fate. 后来不周山的主人,觉得这也不是个办法,就开了仙葫大会,让有缘之辈去多宝岩寻找葫芦,谁人能寻到,就是一场大机缘,也减少这开天辟地第一仙根的劫数。 Because is, therefore, the immortal hu congress scale is not really big, only then has resulted in not permission of Zhoushan master, has the opportunity to participate, moreover is some juniors, for example the big honorable person, the generation of monster god, does not have the qualifications to participate, these person self-respect status, will not attend this grade of congress, chance that robs the junior. 因是之故,仙葫大会规模也不甚大,只有得了不周山主人的允许,才有机会参加,而且都是一些小辈,比如大真人,妖神之辈,都没有资格参加,这些人也自尊身份,不会来参加这等大会,抢夺小辈的机缘。 Therefore immortal hu congress, during three immortals meet, rank final, but actually also most received the world Cultivate a generation of joy. 故而仙葫大会,在三大仙会之中,排名最后,但却也最受天地间修行之辈的欢悦。 Xu Liao, jade empty and clear empty, wants to attend the flat peach congress, only need probably want, that enters one's name in 33 days, the magical skill has , the disciple of cultivating virtue in order to become an immortal, which person was also not on the several th the casual cultivates, can attend a meeting, only then 33 angel famous generations, can be invited, went to attend a meeting, the obscure individual naturally cannot participate. 许了,玉虚和清虚,想要参加蟠桃大会,唯有一件必须得要,那就是在33天标名,道行有成在,修仙之徒,也不是随便哪一个人修炼几日,就能去赴会,只有33天仙籍有名之辈,才能得到邀请,前去赴会,无名之辈自然不能去参加。 The yellow lucky immortal also had quota, is only his immortal Ji Taixiao, can only the one person alone attend a meeting, does not lead the apprentice, he dies, is this Cheap does not have, Xu Liao and jade empty, clear empty, not acquiring fame number, is actually must not for 33 days. 黄吉大仙本来也有名额,只是他仙籍太小,只能孤身去赴会,带不得徒弟,他一死,便是这点便宜都没有,许了和玉虚,清虚,没得名号,却是去不得33天。 Xu Liao inquired 33 days of customs, naturally had the means that wanted for 33 days to mark, the simplest means that were the magical skill break through, obtain 33 days of attention. Naturally, this grade of breakthrough, decides limitedly, the common Spirit Warrior breakthrough part of great bear gentleman, does not have pays attention, but the part of great bear gentleman breaks through to the fifty gentleman, will be paid attention, the fifty gentleman breaks through the Daoist boundary, will be by the big attention. 许了打听得33天的规矩,自然就有了办法,想要33天标明,最简单的办法,就是道行突破,得到33天的关注。当然,这等突破,也有限定,寻常灵士突破天罡士,是没得关注,但天罡士突破至大衍士,就会被关注一番,大衍士突破道人境界,更是会被大大的关注。 If the magical skill profound generation, will be gathered, if the aura impure generation, will have a day of tribulation, the past of so long as crossing, same will be gathered. But if magical skill slightly bad generation, for example the big apprentice of yellow lucky immortal, he breaks through the fifty gentleman, because accumulates is too low, only refining fifty [lineage/vein], 33 days are not rare pay attention. 若是道行高深之辈,就会被招揽,若是气息不纯之辈,就会有天劫,只要渡的过去,一样会被招揽。但若是道行稍差之辈,比如黄吉大仙的大徒弟,他突破大衍士,因为积累太低,只炼开一条大衍脉,33天就不稀罕理会。 Only then these disposition stubborn generations, are not willingly 33 days of Fu Di to do to be small, contends with 33 days of lawful right blatantly, even if there is a supernatural power, has the magical skill, will be screened, on non- immortal, labelling does not get the given name. 只有那些心性桀骜之辈,不甘心去33天伏低做小,公然抗衡33天权柄,纵然有法力,有道行,也会被甄别出来,上不仙籍,标注不得名号。 At this time 33 days of also some innumerable monster immortals, although is the Demon family background, practice is also Demonic Qi, but there is an immortal mark, same can be counted the immortal, was actually another charming story. 此时33天还有无数妖仙,虽然是妖怪出身,修炼的也是妖气,但有仙籍标明,一样可以算作仙人,却是另外一番佳话了。 Xu Liao, the jade empty, clear empty three people, are the Daoist progressions, wants to break through, temporarily cannot, if not break through, 33 days will not pay attention. However Xu Liao has the method, can lower the magical skill, breaks through a Daoist boundary. 许了,玉虚,清虚三人,已经是道人级数,想要突破,暂时不能,若不突破,33天也不会关注。但是许了另有法子,可以降下道行,重新突破一番道人境界。 This method is to invert Cosmos sheds the god law, the sovereign uncle of four coastal territory charts heard that Zhong creates, he by this method, breakthrough monster god time, refining 16 real [lineage/vein], is through the ages, on being considered as the talent is outstanding, monstruous talent peerless generation. 此法门就是颠倒乾坤蜕神法,四海疆图的皇伯闻仲所创,他凭借此法门,突破妖神的时候,一口气炼开16条真脉,便是古往今来,也算得上天赋出众,妖孽绝伦之辈了。 Xu Liao has taught this law to jade empty and clear empty, but makes them for the time being do not practice, oneself repair the supernatural power in advance, so as to avoid three brothers lose the supernatural power together, was planned, has bad luck alas. 许了传授了此法给玉虚和清虚,但却让两人暂且不要修炼,自己先行重修法力,免得三兄弟一起失去法力,被人算计,就倒霉的呜呼哀哉了。 Jade empty and clear empty, naturally will not have objection, therefore Xu Liao after arranging valuable likely palace all sort of business, with concentration cultivates to invert Cosmos to shed the god law, but the several days have dispersed a movement strength , the duplicate moon/month, broke through the part of great bear gentleman, turns round again in March, advances into the fifty, he breaks through the fifty gentleman time, 33 days look upon with favor, but also lowered an auspicious sign to protect. 玉虚和清虚,当然不会有甚异议,所以许了就在安排好了宝象宫诸般事务之后,就潜心修炼颠倒乾坤蜕神法,不过数日就散了一身法力,又复月余,就突破了天罡士,再复三月光景,就跻身大衍,他突破大衍士的时候,33天垂青,还降下了条条紫气佑护。 Covers because Xu Liao saves vigorously, breaks through the fifty gentleman time, refine 28 fifty [lineage/vein], may be considered as does not have through ancient times. When he breaks through Daoist boundary time, sky over the valuable palace, lowered a jade aim likely floatingly, unexpectedly has bestowed a person in office to him, selected 33 days of Yaoguang departments to be the immortal officer. 盖因为许了积蓄雄浑,突破大衍士的时候,一口气炼开了28条大衍脉,可算得亘古所无。待得他重新突破道人境的时候,宝象宫上空,飘飘降下了一道玉旨,居然给他赐了一道官身,选拔到了33天耀光司去做仙官了。 Xu Liao received this jade aim, knows one already had the qualifications of attending a meeting, makes the jade empty and clear empty, starts to practice to invert Cosmos to shed the god law, oneself protect and sustain to them. 许了收了这道玉旨,知道自己已然有了赴会的资格,就让玉虚和清虚,开始修炼颠倒乾坤蜕神法,自己给两人护持。 Jade empty and clear empty, is the generation of sun looking upon with favor, cultivates, is extremely quick, compared with common generation of again supernatural power many, does not miss many with Xu Liao. 玉虚和清虚,乃是天道垂青之辈,重新修炼,也是极快,比寻常之辈重新法力强了不少,跟许了也差不许多。 When they also respectively broke through the Daoist boundary, 33 days really also lowered the jade aim, unexpectedly also selected into Yaoguang division, have been the immortal officer with Xu Liao together, the duty was also common. 待得两人也各自突破了道人境界,33天果然也降下了玉旨,居然也都选拔入了耀光司,跟许了一同做了仙官,职务也都是一般。 Xu Liao and jade empty, clear empty, on this day is polishing Yuan Qi silently, in order to restores peak supernatural power, suddenly has a huge consciousness to lower the induction to the world, the heart naturally has the induction, knows that this flat peach congress must convene, three people left for different destinations disciple disciple one, having more than ten to accompany, has built one group of five colors Xiangyun, directly soared the heavenly palace to go. 许了和玉虚,清虚,这一日正在默默打磨元气,以求恢复巅峰法力,忽然感应到天地间有一股庞大的意识降下,心头自然生出感应,知道此一届蟠桃大会就要召开,三人分赴了门人弟子一声,带了十余个随从,架起了一团五色祥云,就直奔天宫而去。 Three people are the immortal officer of Yaoguang division, the authority are not small, can therefore have agreement several to accompany, their side follows is three young crown princes, the Dawn Mills brand monster Nanyue, north alone corner/horn white rhinocero Demon the animal mentioned in ancient texts, the golden boy child, the azure young lad and snow young lad, as well as several cultivate to diligently, apprentice who now broke through the boundary, enormous and powerful, pours is also quite lordly. 三人都是耀光司的仙官,权位不小,故而可以带契几个随从,他们身边跟随的就是三个小太子,青牛妖南岳,独角白犀牛妖怪北兕,还有金童子,青童子和雪童子,以及几个修为勤奋,如今已经突破境界的徒弟,浩浩荡荡,倒也颇为气派。
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