OUATTWASSM :: Volume #1 升仙大会

#1: : Inn Chai Fang is as warm as in spring

The Azure Creek Province topography stands tall and erect, the mountain range is continuous, if some people asked this place highest mountain peak to be , the people will aim at a place as if by prior agreement. 苍溪州地势高耸,山脉连绵,然而若有人问起此地最高的山峰所在,人们都会不约而同地指向一个地方。 Mountain that a sword same towers, the wearing out cloud layer stands erect on the plateau, in the mountain has sect named Spirit Sword School, is famous family big faction that Cultivation World is second to none, monopolizes resources of state, this mountain also therefore acquires fame Spirit Sword Mountain. 一座剑一样耸立的高山,穿破云层屹立在高原上,山中有一门派名为灵剑派,是修仙界首屈一指的名门大派,独占一州的资源,此山也因此得名灵剑山 Spirit Sword Mountain Peak, in a fine bamboo system cab, wears sword to send the old man of hairpin to look at the sunny starry sky, in the hand is holding a long sword of handle silvery bright, the sword blade reflection star light, the fine complicated texture is similar to the wave pasts generally, is slowly upward from the sword hilt place, however then stops suddenly the class to half. 灵剑山巅,一座精致的竹制小室中,头戴剑型发簪的老者望着晴朗的星空,手中持着一柄银亮的长剑,剑身反射星光,精致繁复的纹理如同水波一般流转,自剑柄处缓缓向上,然而流到一半便戛然而止。 An old man eyebrow wrinkle, secretly said in one's heart omen. 老者眉毛一皱,心中暗道不祥之兆。 Sword light interrupt, this was the die young, sect master senior apprentice brother were you are telling fortunes to yourself?” As behind the sound resounds, a white robe barefoot female, is carrying a brown liquor bottle gourd, is holding a handle blue-green bamboo sword but actually, bringing air/Qi of tobacco and liquor to appear in the stargazing old man behind. “剑光中断,这是夭折之相啊,掌门师兄你这是在给自己算命么?”随着身后声音响起,一个白袍赤足的女子,一手拎着一只土黄色的酒葫芦,一手倒持着一柄青绿色的竹剑,带着一身烟酒之气出现在观星老者身后。 Stargazing the deduction of old man was broken, has to control one's breathing to stop work for the day, puts out foul air from the mouth. 观星的老者的推演被打断,不得不调息收工,从口中吐出一股浊气。 Fifth Junior Apprentice Sister, remembers next time knocks on a door.” 五师妹,下次记得敲门。” I go out knocks.” “我出门的时候有敲。” I meant that my gate, is not your gate.” “我是说我的门,不是你的门。” sect master also sighed: Asks me to do?” 掌门又叹了口气:“找我干什么?” Lends money.” “借钱。” „...... Words that did not remember incorrectly, you also owe me two ten thousand spirit stone not.” The sect master person was saying, the vision is serious and earnest. “......没记错的话,你还欠我两万灵石没有还。”掌门人说着,目光严肃而认真。 The female bitter in suffering and deep in hatred said: Oh, is not our Spirit Sword School is very poor and pedantic, thinks that my solemn Fifth Elder, the sect second master, consecrates unexpectedly 500 spirit stones every month, when this must be able to pay off to go into debt. Was inferior that senior apprentice brother you yield to me, I can divert the government money to render back the money......” 女子则苦大仇深道:“唉,还不是咱们灵剑派忒穷酸,想我堂堂五长老,门派第二高手,每月供奉居然才五百灵石,这要何年何月才能还清欠债。不如师兄你让位给我,我就可以挪用公款还钱......” Junior Apprentice Sister, you , to make this sect master, that......” 师妹,你若是真想做这个掌门,那......” „Do you yield to me? senior apprentice brother you really suffice the justice and humanity!” “那你就让位给我?师兄你果然够仁义!” I want to say that if you want to make sect master, first abstained the addicted to drink, closes up dives to cultivate 35 years, had the Nascent Soul Stage’s achievement to discuss again not lately.” “我是想说,你若想做掌门,就先戒了酒色财气,闭关潜修个35年,有了元婴期的成就再谈不迟。” The white clothing female pretends anything not to occur immediately: senior apprentice brother, taking advantage of my money.” 白衣女子立刻装作什么都没发生:“师兄,借我钱。” „......” “......” „...... Whom mentioned you to give to practice divination a moment ago, died young young early.” “......说来你刚才在给谁占卜,一副短命早夭之相。” sect master senior apprentice brother sinking sound said: Spirit Sword School.” 掌门师兄沉声说道:“灵剑派。” The Fifth Junior Apprentice Sister complexion changes, puts down the struggle of wine and women: Cannot!? Can Spirit Sword School exterminate an entire family?!” 五师妹脸色一变,放下酒色之争:“不会吧!?灵剑派要遭人灭门?!” „A Spirit Sword school, I feared incessantly this sword light refers to is entire Cultivation World, but also remembers Age of Chaos in legend...... Oh, this sword light from one-third breaks, feared that is the Cultivation World’s peaceful day has 35 years. Is it possible that can leave ten hundred million spirit stone to support Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance really to cultivate that five great antiquity Shenzhou?” “不止灵剑一派,我怕这剑光所指是整个修仙界,还记得传说中的末法时代么......唉,这剑光自1处断裂,怕是修仙界的太平日子只有35年。莫非真要出十亿灵石赞助万仙盟去修那五艘洪荒神舟?” Spirit Sword School’s Stellar Grand Technique is the laws of Cultivation World few deduction, senior apprentice brother is in this eminent cannot make a mistake, but senior apprentice brother just now extends the immortal sword that uses, probably is not the year sword.” 灵剑派的星辰大衍术修仙界屈指可数的推演之法,师兄更是此中翘楚不会出错,不过师兄方才推延所用的仙剑,好像不是年剑。” sect master senior apprentice brother stares: Isn't the year sword?” Lowers the head to examine carefully hastily, the sword hilt place is really not the year character, but is...... 掌门师兄一愣:“不是年剑?”连忙低头细看,剑柄处果然不是年字,而是...... next moment, this overawes an old man of place of state to exude a panic-stricken cry by Soul Formation time cultivation base: How can be the tea sword!? This did not say that has three five the time it took to drink a cup of tea to end law!?” 下一刻,这名以化神修为威震一州之地的老者发出一声惊恐的叫声:“怎么会是茶剑!?这不是说离末法只有三五盏茶的时间!?” Fifth Junior Apprentice Sister has also been scared, liquor bottle gourd thump falls on the ground, the golden wine flows out, actually muddily does not care. 五师妹也吓傻了,酒葫芦咕咚一声落在地上,金色酒浆汩汩流出,却浑不在意。 sect master senior apprentice brother I told you how much nearsightedness honestly wear the eyeglasses, which type you divide with the tea in successive years are not clear must make...... Ok, now only then several tea must open Age of Chaos, senior apprentice brother you quickly pass on the position to me, making me die a worthy death.” 掌门师兄我跟你说了多少次近视眼就老老实实戴眼镜,你连年和茶都分不清楚是要闹哪样啊......算了,现在只有几盏茶就要开启末法时代,师兄你赶快传位给我,让我死得其所。” „...... I arrive, will not make Spirit Sword School be shamed.” “......我就算到死,也不会让灵剑派蒙羞。” I do not want monthly salary 500 spirit stones dead! Will die with injustice unredressed!” “我才不要月薪五百灵石而死!会死不瞑目啊!” During the quarrels, the time flies, the final three tea sneak off quietly. 争吵间,时光飞逝,最后的三盏茶悄然溜走。 Spirit Sword Mountain Peak, is away from starry sky recent place, the radiant starry sky is especially dazzling, the sidereal revolution star slowly and revolves firmly, each stars in a panic are vibrating, is similar to every way possible the pollen pellet in observed water under the god mirror, that is Nine Provinces Continent several thousand years have not had the phenomenon. 灵剑山巅,距离星空最近的地方,璀璨的星空格外炫目,周天星斗缓慢而坚定地运转起来,每一颗星辰都在仓皇抖动,如同在入微神镜下观察到的水中的花粉颗粒,那是九州大陆几千年也未曾有过的异象。 fellow apprentices is looking at each other, in the heart harbors the similar shock. 师兄妹对视着,心中怀有同样的震惊。 Stellar Grand Technique is not really false, Age of Chaos like this careless arrives at Nine Provinces, prepares be relentless to cancel Cultivation World’s all. 星辰大衍术果然不假,末法时代就这样漫不经心地降临九州,预备将修仙界的一切都毫不留情地抹去。 The final time, sect master senior apprentice brother brings to wipe the heterochrosis sinking sound start to talk. 最后的时刻,掌门师兄带着一抹异色沉声开口。 Junior Apprentice Sister, had a matter I to say that hundred years ago did not have the opportunity, since now end the law nears......” 师妹,有件事我在百年前就想说却一直没有机会,如今既然末法在即......” Along with the sect master person actually magnetic voice, the words that will be full of the true feelings sends in the opposite party ear bank old. The starry sky vibration is even more intense. 随着掌门人苍老却富有磁性的嗓音,将饱含真情的话语送入对方耳畔。星空抖动越发激烈。 I want to be the time tell you my real soul talk.” “我想是时候将我的真心话告诉你。” At the last minute, the change of the seasons, the star light anger splits like the flower, the nighttime sky shines like the daytime. A broom meteor delimits Heavenbreaker. 最后一刻,斗转星移,星光怒绽如花,夜空亮如白昼。一枚扫帚般的流星划破苍穹 That is in the legend the cutting edge Halley's Comet of end, the comet falls to the ground, the world vitality dries up, Age of Chaos arrives...... The Spirit Sword Mountain cloth in the summit, resists nine days of astral wind great formation to shiver suddenly, as if the day collapses nears. 那是传说中末日的先锋哈雷彗星,彗星落地,天地元气枯竭,末法时代降临......灵剑山布于山巅,抵御九天罡风的大阵霍然颤抖,仿佛天崩在即。 White clothing female bright eyes circulation, in the eye screens a Gold Core inverted image to rotate crazily, pours the bamboo sword that drags to be driven by her conveniently, delimits languidly slantingly upwardly, brings to obstruct the day light screen together, the vault of heaven that as if must falling down also holds. 白衣女子明眸流转,眼中映出一枚金丹的倒影疯狂转动,倒拖的竹剑被她随手拖动,懒洋洋斜划向上,却带起一道遮天光幕,仿佛要将倾塌的苍穹也托起来。 However the day after all has not changed, meteor and Nine Provinces Continent brushed past, but after the stars transfer, the myriad things belong to silent. 然而天终归没有变,流星与九州大陆擦肩而过,而星辰挪移之后,万物归于寂静。 Fifth Junior Apprentice Sister erratically urges bamboo sword to vacillate surprisedly, such as tentacle sensation the change of world vitality. 五师妹惊疑不定地驱使竹剑左右摇摆,如触手般感知着天地元气的变化。 Probably...... Was all right?” “好像......没事儿了?” The females turn head immediately to the sect master senior apprentice brother proof, senior apprentice brother cultivation base is high her enough two realm --, although hits the female not to fear -- more authoritative to the world mutation. 女子随即回头向掌门师兄求证,师兄修为高她足足两个境界——虽然真打起来女子根本不惧——对天地异变更为权威。 A sect master senior apprentice brother face is desolate: At least is not Age of Chaos.” 掌门师兄一脸落寞:“至少不是末法时代。” „, Will grand technique also make a mistake? However is all right well, why senior apprentice brother do you appear very disappointed?” “哦,大衍术也会出错?不过没事就好,师兄你为什么显得很失望?” Nothing.” “没什么。” Evades the end rarely, Tathagata debt moratorium does not celebrate.” “难得避过末日,不如来减免债务庆祝一下吧。” „......” “......” The end crisis in the past, remembered the fervor that just now rushed to want, in sect master people's heart has a deep sigh. In addition, more has doubts. 末日危机过去,想起方才澎湃欲出的激情,掌门人心中只有一声长叹。除此之外,更多的则是疑惑。 grand technique is not absolute, but date premonition not wrong, just now, Nine Provinces Continent exterminated from the world brushed past. 大衍术并不绝对,但是那末日的预感并没有错,方才,九州大陆距离天地灭绝真的是擦肩而过。 Regarding this comes suddenly, goes to the sudden crisis, the sect master person full is vacant. 对于这场来得突然,去得更突然的危机,掌门人满是茫然。 But some can actually certainly determine, the influence that it brings, is seeping Nine Provinces Continent little. 但有一定却可以确定,它所带来的影响,正在一点点渗透九州大陆 The old men are looking up to the vast galaxy, sighed, in the hand manipulated the Stellar Sword glow again, after hesitating long time: Being survived must have the happiness in old age, after this crisis, likely welcomed the Cultivation World’s gold age...... Right, when our previous does time do Immortal Gathering is?” 老者仰望着浩瀚星河,叹了口气,手中再一次摆弄起了星辰剑芒,沉吟良久之后:“大难不死必有后福,这一次危机过后,很可能迎来修仙界的黄金年代......对了,咱们上一次搞升仙大会是什么时候?” Fifth Junior Apprentice Sister opens the eye: Lives, the fresh congress?” During speeches saliva already cannot help but. 五师妹睁大眼睛:“生、生鲜大会?”说话间口水已经不由自主。 The old men also pay no attention to her, counted on the fingers: At least also had more than 100 years, the next time, decided 12 years later, at the appointed time the world mutation should also appear, the non- extravagant demands were too many, if can reappear once more hundred years ago prosperous times, Spirit Sword School was hopeful on the revival.” 老者也不理她,掐指一算:“至少也有个100多年了,下一次,就定在12年后,届时天地异变也该有所显现,不奢求太多,若能再次重现百年前的盛世,灵剑派就复兴有望。” Mentioned sect to revive, the smiling face on Fifth Junior Apprentice Sister face collected, long yawned, regarding this old man was only a forced smile. 提到门派复兴,五师妹脸上的笑容敛去,长长打了个呵欠,对此老者只是一声苦笑。 Hundred years ago prosperous time were missed by us, Golden Generation only remaining our generation of ten people, these time regardless of how also......” “百年前的鼎盛时代被我们错过,黄金一代只剩下我们这一辈十人,这一次无论如何也......” Therefore the Fifth Junior Apprentice Sister successive yawned unable to hit, coldly snorted, turned around to depart. 于是五师妹连呵欠也打不出来,一声冷哼,转身离去。 Meanwhile, under Spirit Sword Mountain, the Azure Creek Province not well-known corner, a baby has the loud and clear weeping sound born in the world. 与此同时,在灵剑山下,苍溪州不知名的角落,一个婴儿带着洪亮的哭声降生于世。 -- -- ———— The years in a hurry, the Halley's Comet passed by the Nine Provinces Continent’s news became the legendv, the unusual person knows world that one live once incomparably close destruction. 岁月匆匆,哈雷彗星路过九州大陆的消息已成为轶闻,少有人知道自己生活的天地曾经无比接近毁灭。 What the Azure Creek Province’s people care will be only a matter, the Spirit Sword School interrupt already about hundred years of Immortal Gathering the beginning of next month, does not know where the person with outstanding ability can surface. 苍溪州的人们关心的只是一件事,灵剑派中断已近百年的升仙大会就在下月初,不知何方英才能够脱颖而出。 So-called Immortal Gathering, is actually the magnificent ceremony that Immortal Cultivation Sect recruits the new person, joins sect, opens path of cultivation, points to dwelling place of celestial beings Great Dao, henceforth immortal every different way, this is to rise the immortal. However now is not antiquity myth time, Cultivation World, only then the magnificent ceremonies of five big top sects have the qualifications to be called Immortal Gathering. 所谓升仙大会,其实就是修仙门派招收新人的盛典,加入门派,开启修行之路,直指仙家大道,从此仙凡殊途,此为升仙。不过如今已非上古神话时代,修仙界只有五大顶级宗派的盛典有资格称为升仙大会 The Cultivation World first big faction, occupies place of Central Province state Shengjing Immortal Gate \; Is known as place of Immortal Cultivation origin Kunlun Immortal Mountain \; The immortal book reservation first, has Gate of Ten Thousand Arts of name of Immortal Cultivation museum \; Army Imperial Mountain that the Nine Provinces first strengthening of the armed forces occupies \; Also, important person nobody, moneyless, wants the inside story not to have the inside story to inherit, why god knows was included Five Great Sects Spirit Sword School by Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance! 修仙界第一大派,盘踞中州一州之地的盛京仙门\;号称修仙起源之地的昆仑仙山\;仙籍典藏第一、有修仙博物馆之称的万法之门\;九州第一强军占据的军皇山\;还有,要人没人,要钱没钱,要底蕴没底蕴要传承没传承,天知道为什么被万仙盟列入五大宗派灵剑派! The Spirit Sword School person is scarce, the conduct low key, concerns the sect influence, let alone compared with that four top sects, had also been inferior compared with common first-class as, but the Five Great Sects advertisement made the person unable to look straight ahead glitteringly, moreover Cultivation World was also very long very for a long time has not conducted Immortal Gathering. 灵剑派人丁稀少,行事低调,论及宗派势力,别说和那四家顶级宗派相比,较之寻常一流似也有所不如,但五大宗派的招牌金光闪闪令人不能直视,而且修仙界也很久很久没有举办过升仙大会了。 Spirit Sword School conducts the Immortal Gathering news three years ago spreads Nine Provinces, the age 12 within, regardless of other conditions, compared with elegant family background to other ancestor 18 generations of sect, simply loosely scandalous. Therefore the world is ambitious youngster to act as soon as one gets the news, the villagers in far away mountain village, rich wealthy and powerful family's son and even a country imperial prince...... The enticement of Immortal Way is too strong, mortal world all in comparison insipid. 灵剑派举办升仙大会的消息从三年前流传九州,年龄12以内,其余条件不论,较之考究家世到祖宗18代的其它门派,简直宽松地不成体统。于是天下有志少年闻风而动,偏远山村的村民,富甲一方的豪族之子乃至一国皇子......仙道的诱惑实在太强,凡间的一切与之相比都索然无味。 At this time from congress one week of many, under Spirit Sword Mountain Spirit Creek Town has also been fully occupied. Spirit Creek Town as the Spirit Sword Mountain gate and mortal world stopover station, the resident population several hundred, the transient population has to break through ten thousand people of trends now but actually. At this time let alone few several inn, by the public toilet in the tent, were made the expedient place. 此时距离大会还有一周多,灵剑山灵溪镇已经人满为患。灵溪镇作为灵剑山门与凡间的中转站,常住人口不过几百,如今流动人口倒有突破万人的趋势。此时别说屈指可数的几家客栈,就连公厕旁边都被人支上帐篷,做权宜之地。 Many people and little land, naturally unavoidably knocks, Warm Inn that especially in the town that can amount to something is only the strategic location. 人多地少,自然免不了磕磕碰碰,尤其镇上那家唯一上得台面的如家客栈更是兵家必争之地。 Bang! 砰! Before inn gate, three person's shadow horizontal flights exit, in ground distressed ball up. And two tall have a face nosebleed to shout curses continuous. 客栈门前,三道人影平飞出去,在地上狼狈滚成球。其中两个身材高大的带着一脸鼻血叫骂不休。 Little mother skin, my family lord, but Azure Billow Kingdom Lord Teacher of the State, you dare to be so impolite to us!?” “小娘皮,我家主子可是沧澜国国师大人,你竟敢对我们如此无礼!?” But was supported by the arm to set out by them, a brown short curl, obviously is the young master status youngster person, is dripping the nosebleed, proprietress who while sneers with the inconceivable delay vision looks at inn gate. 而被两人搀扶起身,一头棕色短卷发,明显是少主身份的少年人,则一边淌着鼻血,一边用不可思议的呆滞目光看着客栈门内冷笑的老板娘。 His Wen Bao long is so big, has not hit him including his father, could not think unexpectedly by the inn proprietress fan the big ear and area around it! 闻宝长这么大,连他爸爸都没打过他,想不到居然被个客栈老板娘扇了好大的耳光! The proprietresses are not old, it seems like only then 14 or 15-year-old, a homespun cloth long gown, an apron of greasy dirt, but the look proud likely is a princess. 老板娘并不老,看来只有十四五岁,一身粗布长袍,一条油污的围裙,但神色骄傲地像是公主。 „Is Teacher of the State great? Your emperors came are also same hit! Said here sold out sold out, you cannot understand the logical expression!? Now the Great Ming Kingdom’s imperial princes honestly are squatting in firewood room, your this tiny small country indigenous also wants to live in the best room!? What does not owe to pull out is!? Doesn't Azure Billow Kingdom such have the family education?” 国师了不起么?你们皇帝来了也是一样打!说了这里客满客满,你们听不懂人话么!?现在大明国的皇子都在柴房老实蹲着,你们这蕞尔小国的土著也想强住上房!?不是欠抽是什么!?沧澜国都这么没家教吗?” Wen Bao has person of the national integrity extremely, bristles with anger, exclaimed loudly: You dare to insult our Azure Billow Kingdom!? Do not think that you lived in Spirit Creek Town we to fear you! You......” 闻宝是个极有民族气节之人,怒发冲冠,大声吼道:“你竟敢侮辱我们沧澜国!?别以为你住灵溪镇我们就怕了你!你......” Is short in my shop entrance kicks up a fuss!” “少在我店门口大吵大闹!” The Wen Bao words have not said that sees the proprietress brow one tightly, the personal appearance such as a wind foot sweeps off, two bodyguards have the wise feat of arms spatially, responded unexpectedly slightly without enough time that looks at young master was kicked like the sandbag helplessly, rumble get lost downward along the slopeway. 闻宝话没说完,就见老板娘眉头一紧,身形如风一脚扫去,两位保镖空有高明武技,竟丝毫来不及反应,眼睁睁看着少主像沙包一样被踢飞了,沿着坡道咕噜噜向下滚去。 The proprietress is the businessman, the businessman cannot help others do well the extreme methods, this foot seems like heroical is actually the supple vigor, the Wen Bao ache, actually the whole body numb and aching cannot move not , can only outside narrow the slopeway along the shop, a roller get lost get lost...... 老板娘是生意人,生意人与人为善不下死手,这一脚看似壮烈却是柔劲,闻宝并不甚疼痛,却浑身酸麻动弹不得,只能沿着店外狭窄的坡道,一路滚啊滚啊滚...... -- —— Wen Bao under supporting by the arm of bodyguard, returns to the inn gate before black and blue, although is in the heart wishes one could that proprietress to be cut to pieces, but actually does not utter a word, the default admitted defeat. 闻宝在保镖的搀扶下,鼻青脸肿地回到客栈门前,虽是心中恨不得将那老板娘千刀万剐,但却一声不吭,默认服了软。 Does not refuse to accept good. 不服不行啊。 Spirit Creek Town is the Spirit Sword Mountain gate and mortal world stopover station, was blessed by the entrance, every bit of property does not allow the bystander to damage, not to mention the proprietress in inn. For these days had the person not to believe in evil doctrines, after bodyguard chief liquor of Crown Prince Yan Kingdom caused trouble, a passed by Spirit Sword cultivator sword has chopped the head, crown prince was also kicked returning to homeland by a foot, always can not hire, but with occupying Great Yan Kingdom of place of Nether Province half state compared, Azure Billow Kingdom indeed was only the tiny small country, let alone the child of Teacher of the State was also inferior to a country crown prince. 灵溪镇灵剑山门与凡间的中转站,受山门庇佑,一草一木都不容外人损毁,更不必说客栈的老板娘。这几天不是没有人不信邪,燕国太子的保镖头子酒后闹事,被路过的灵剑修士一剑砍了脑袋,连带太子本人也被一脚踢回国,永世不得录用,而与占据幽州半州之地的大燕国相比,沧澜国的确只是蕞尔小国,更何况国师之子也远不如一国太子。 In the Wen Bao heart already hates, and regret, before the Spirit Creek Town custom comes, knows, before the congress starts, builds up to Spirit Creek Town, the entrant family member can not accompany, the bodyguard are most they, then...... Observes all customs in town. 闻宝心中既恨且悔,灵溪镇的规矩来之前就知道,大会开始前到灵溪镇集结,报名者家属不得随行,保镖最多两人,然后......遵守镇子里的一切规矩。 If not for several people are from afar tired brains to be dumbstruck, how the proprietress sees one country girl appearance already earth, and is ominous, several people are also insufficient to be excited in the shop to be restless for a while, now does not know whether the Spirit Sword Mountain gate knew the circumstances of the matter, but the future casts a shadow after all. 若不是几人千里迢迢累得头脑发懵,老板娘又怎么看都一副村姑模样既土且凶,几人也不至于一时激动在店里闹腾起来,现在也不知灵剑山门是否已经知情,但前途总归蒙上一层阴影。 Two bodyguards start to speak but hesitate, Wen Bao saw in the heart to sigh, this was wants to urge itself to apologize, was only the child of solemn Teacher of the State, in the Azure Billow Kingdom status even above the crown prince, now unexpectedly must lower the head to the country girl, frame of mind difficult draw! 两个保镖欲言又止,闻宝见了心中叹息,这是想劝自己去赔不是,只是堂堂国师之子,在沧澜国地位甚至更在太子之上,如今竟要对个村姑低头,心气难平啊! Stands in the shop entrance, Wen Bao several deep breath, the mood is gradually gentle, does not go to want just now shame , all around does not look fills with the malicious taunt vision -- these similarly well-born youngster, if usually can play the role of the good city palace in home, however did not have the elder to teach at this time, was the group enemy stands in great numbers, attacked the competitor time spared no effort. 站在店门口,闻宝几次深呼吸,情绪渐渐平和,不去想方才的羞辱,也不去看四周满怀恶意的嘲讽目光——这些同样出身高贵的少年们,若是在家中通常都能扮出好城府,然而此时没了长辈管教,又是群敌林立,打击竞争对手的时候可是不遗余力啊。 When Wen Bao walks into the inn, on the face has hung up the smile, however the smiling face has only maintained breath time. 闻宝走入客栈时,脸上已经挂起微笑,然而笑容只维持了一息时间。 Because the proprietress before counter is smiling similarly, compared with he more sincere happy expression, but smiling face right, is one looks like similarly 11 or 12-year-old, wear appearance averagely not wonderful youngster person. 因为柜台前的老板娘同样在笑,远比他更为真诚的笑意,而笑容所对,是一名看来同样十一二岁,穿着打扮平平无奇的少年人。 Good, a best room, please wait a bit, this makes the person tidy up.” “好的,一间上房,请您稍等,这就让人去收拾出来。” Wen Bao has a sentiment immediately by the grief and indignation that the person betrays, a best room!? Did not say a moment ago sold out, was occupied by Chai Fang including the Great Ming Kingdom’s imperial princes? Now this best room what's the matter? 闻宝当即就有一种感情遭人背叛的悲愤,一间上房!?刚才不是说客满,连大明国的皇子都住柴房么?现在这间上房又算怎么回事? However this time does not need over Wen Bao, in lobby other people also to be the grief and indignation: Proprietress! Your what meaning!?” 不过这一次不待闻宝出头,大堂里其他人也是悲愤不已:“老板娘!你什么意思!?” You did not say that doesn't have best room? The young master I spent 1200 silver even/including Chaifang not to result, what qualifications he had to live in the best room!?” “你不是说没有上房么?少爷我花了1200白银连柴房都没得住,他有什么资格住上房!?” Is Spirit Sword School, reasonable?” “就算是灵剑派,也得讲道理吧?” Proprietress, to the view!” “老板娘,给个说法吧!” Listens to the noise in lobby, the professional smile of proprietress to change to the cold ice wind and snow immediately: What to quarrel? Does not want to live to get lost! When you I are willing to serve your this group of waste firewood?” 听着大堂内的吵闹,老板娘的职业微笑顿时化作寒冰风雪:“吵什么?不想住可以滚啊!你当我愿意伺候你们这帮废柴啊?” The bad manner of proprietress causes popular indignation immediately, saw with own eyes that must have the community event, on the street has the good intention native of passing by to put out a hand to refer to advertisement: Your this group of outsiders, the eye not blind words, look carefully.” 老板娘的恶劣态度立时引起民愤,眼见就要发生群体事件,街上有路过的好心本地人伸手指了指门外的招牌:“你们这帮外来人,眼睛不瞎的话,就看仔细点。” Immediately some people run to surround, see only by the Warm Inn four characters, proposes the character person's inscription to write Feng Yin impressively. 立时有人跑出去围观,只见如家客栈四个字旁,提字人的落款赫然写着风吟 Feng Yin, raises alone is only slightly literary noun, but if adds on the Daoist Master two characters behind Feng Yin, is the Cultivation World illustrious peerless person of high skill. 风吟,单独提出来只是个略文艺的名词,但若在风吟后面加上真人二字,就是修仙界赫赫有名的绝世高人。 High? Spirit Sword Mountain is so high, lives in the Spirit Sword Mountain top, expensive is school of sect master, this is Daoist Master Feng Yin. 有多高?灵剑山那么高,住在灵剑山顶,贵为一派掌门,这就是风吟真人 Has the Spirit Sword Sect Master preface guard, the crown princes degenerate into the numerous skirt silk immediately, one group of people are dirty, does not have the balls color disclosure again. 灵剑掌门的题词护身,众太子顿时沦为众屌丝,一群人灰头土脸,再无胆色声张。 However pent-up anger difficult draw, the focal point of resenting then took advantage of opportunity to shift on that youngster, the so-called multitude of people referred, was making the youngster point of registration in the counter in the back, turned the head, sees only that person of pretty, the makings leaves the dust, although a silk long unlined close-fitting gown was not really magnificent and expensive, but was neat, complemented each other with that person. 然而心火难平,愤恨的焦点便顺势转移到了那个少年身上,所谓千夫所指,在柜台做着登记的少年锋芒在背,转过头来,只见那人眉清目秀,气质出尘,一身丝绸长衫虽然不甚华贵,但干净利落,与其人相得益彰。 However concerns the makings, Crown Prince Party on the scene never inferior? After short astonished, the resentment seethes with excitement once again. 然而论及气质,在场的太子党们又何尝逊色?短暂的惊愕之后,怨气再度沸腾起来。 The youngster brow selects, saw that atmosphere is not right, then coughs. 少年眉头一挑,看出气氛不对,便咳嗽一声。 Matter is not such that you imagine.” “事情不是你们想象的那样。” , Also said. 顿了顿,又说。 I and proprietress do not have intrigue.” “我和老板娘并没有奸情。” Such remarks, in almost all human brains has transferred a thought: This person and that young proprietress has the intrigue to be inadequate!? 此言一出,几乎所有人脑中都转过一个念头:难道此人和那小老板娘有奸情不成!? This time, the anger of Crown Prince Party dissipated actually little, because, since there is an intrigue that not to have the means. 这一次,太子党们的火气倒是消散了少许,因为,既然有奸情那就没办法了嘛。 The counter following proprietress cheek bright red cloud, has potential of the volcanic eruption. 只是柜台后面的老板娘却颊飞红云,有火山爆发之势。 Was good shifted topic because of youngster promptly. 好在少年及时转移了话题。 Spirit Creek Town is conducting Immortal Gathering to have prize entertaining guests, one of the rewards is Warm Inn accommodation voucher.” 灵溪镇正在举办升仙大会有奖酬宾活动,奖励之一就是如家客栈住宿券。” Here, the proprietress also confirmed: Is this, others are taking the lottery ticket open and aboveboard, your this group of waste honestly shut up.” 说到这里,老板娘也跟着确认道:“就是这样咯,人家是堂堂正正拿着奖券来的,你们这帮废物就老实闭嘴吧。” In lobby was peaceful afterward the moment, then some people set out to look for the stubble. 大堂里随后安静了片刻,便有人起身找起茬来。 In the circular that the activity of Spirit Creek Town, town entrance distributes writes is very clear, I in detail have also looked, may not mention any accommodation voucher matter.” 灵溪镇的活动,镇门口发的传单上写的很清楚,我也详细看过,可从没提到什么住宿券的事。” Moreover the person echoes saying: Reward everybody who you said that has attained, nothing but is some woodcarving, the protective charm and so on souvenir, has not heard to have accommodation voucher, in this lobby also dozens over a hundred people, why only then can he attain the lottery ticket?” 另外又有一人附和道:“你说的奖励大家都拿到过,无非是些木雕,护符之类的纪念品,可从来没听说有住宿券,这大堂里也有几十上百人,为什么就只有他能拿到奖券?” The proprietresses do not spare a glance to this issue, first one crooked, reveals contemptuous smiling face that the houseboy is less than and seeks. 老板娘对这种问题根本不屑一顾,将头一歪,露出竖子不足与谋的轻蔑笑容。 That youngster person has patience to explain actually very much: Because this reward is hideaway, will not issue you at the scene.” 倒是那少年人很有耐心地解释道:“因为这个奖励是隐藏的,不会当场发给你们。” Crown prince of that fault-finding sneers: You said actually how can issue us?” 那个找茬的太子一声冷笑:“那你倒是说说,要怎么才会发给我们?” „, The flow is this, first talks with the uncle who distributes the circular in the town entrance, he to you will narrate that the story of this town, and informs in the town one on facility information, including hotel, inn, general store...... Here must listen patiently, can the triggering next point.” “哦,流程是这样,首先与在镇门口发传单的老大爷对话,他会给你讲述这个镇子的故事,并告知镇内的一应设施情报,包括酒店、客栈、杂货铺等......这里要耐心听完,才能触发下一环。” Hears here, the Crown Prince Party in lobby stare dumbfounded, town entrance that outmoded old man speech is ambiguous, is only a town front door can introduce that half double-hour, who has the free time to listen to him to tell the story of entire town!? 听到这里,大堂内的太子党们瞠目结舌,镇门口那个老掉牙的老头子说话含含糊糊絮絮叨叨,光是一个镇子大门就能介绍半个时辰,谁有工夫听他讲完整个镇子的故事!? However, the grove was big, any chicken also has. 不过,林子大了,什么鸡也有。 At that time, I also listened.” “当时,我也听完了。” The crown princes turn the head to look that many people have sucked in a cold air, because they have recognized, that is came from Cloud Province Grand Cloud Empire’s Second Imperial Prince, Hai Yunfan. 众太子转头看去,不少人倒抽了口凉气,因为他们已经认出,那是来自云州云泰帝国的二皇子,海云帆 Grand Cloud Empire is the powerful nation that Nine Provinces Continent ranks among the best, Hai Yunfan is in emperor many male offspring most splendid one, tenth that year, the people believe that one day he will expel finally from the position of crown prince his big brother. 云泰帝国九州大陆数一数二的强国,海云帆则是皇帝诸多子嗣中最出色的一位,十岁那年,人们就相信终有一日他会将他的大哥从太子之位上撵下来。 Who knows, this Second Imperial Prince actually throws down an empire, runs to come to here to seek the immortal! 谁知,这位二皇子却丢下一个帝国,跑来这里求仙! The Hai Yunfan vision is imposing: I listened to old person's story, but not next point.” 海云帆目光凛然:“我听完了老人的故事,但并没有下一环。” Result that youngster smiles: How to tell you clearly what next point? Needs you to become aware. The old person told the story, will cough several, said one were thirsty, at this time must deliver him the water to drink.” 结果那少年笑起来:“怎么会明明白白告诉你什么下一环?需要你自己去悟啊。老人讲完故事,会咳嗽几声,说自己口渴,这时候就要送他水喝啊。” Finally Hai Yunfan shook the head: I also had given at that time water.” 结果海云帆摇了摇头:“当时我也给了水。” youngster also said: Then kind of group life insurance said that drank water, instead the feeling belly was hungry.” 少年又说:“然后老人会说,喝了水,反而感觉肚子饿了。” Hai Yunfan: Right, therefore I made servant divide his one dry rations of my belt along.” 海云帆:“没错,所以我让下人将我随身带的干粮分了他一份。” youngster: He will say thanks, obviously but eats is unhappy.” 少年:“他会说谢谢,但显然吃的并不开心。” Hai Yunfan knit the brows: „...... Then?” 海云帆皱起眉:“......然后呢?” Then must ask, what but there is discontented? The old person will say, not discontented, but remembers east of town Liu Ji a thousand layers cake suddenly.” “然后就要问,可是有什么不满?老人就会说,没有不满,只是忽然想起镇东柳记千层糕。” Then...... Can buy a thousand layers cake for him? Will he give you accommodation voucher?” “然后......就要给他买千层糕?他就会给你住宿券?” Where is so simple, later must go to the Liu Ji dessert shop, the shop owner will tell you a thousand layers cake to sell-out , to continue to inquire that knew the teahouse boss one breath has bought ten people of shares a thousand layers cake. Goes to the teahouse, the boss is busy playing chess with the guest, at this time should not be tired of him with the a thousand layers cake matter, must kibitz to help him win in secret, later free will obtain a thousand layers cake, with a thousand layers cake to entrance old man, old man to you, as soon as seals the letter of recommendation, took the letter of recommendation to find Mayor, Mayor wanted you to collect materials...... Later goes to the tailor shop...... Then arrives at outside the village...... Again,...... Finally, old person who the copper ring gives the town entrance, can attain accommodation voucher.” “哪有那么简单,之后要去柳记的点心铺,店主会告诉你千层糕已经卖完了,继续询问下去,得知茶馆老板一口气买了十人份的千层糕。前往茶馆,老板正忙着和客人下棋,这时候不要用千层糕的事情烦他,要暗中支招帮他取胜,之后就会免费得到一份千层糕,拿千层糕给门口的老者,老者会给你一封推荐信,拿着推荐信可以找到镇长,镇长要你收集素材......之后去裁缝铺......然后到村外......再之后......最后,将铜戒指交给镇门口的老人,就能拿到住宿券了。” ...... ...... The language finishes, in lobby peacefully only rapid heartbeats of remaining audiences Crown Prince Party. 语毕,大堂内安静地只剩下一众太子党的急促心跳声。 The people come from the Heavenly South Haibei, is high-ranking, young, but the fresh matter also sees has listened, however listens to that youngster to narrate that this accommodation voucher origin, actually only thinks inconceivable. 众人来自天南海北,身居高位,年纪虽小,但再新鲜的事也都见过听过,然而听那少年讲述这张住宿券的来历,却只觉不可思议。 If this accommodation voucher is Spirit Creek Town design of desirably, the designer certainly is silly compels, at least the brains have your illness, this type complex to make the blood boil procedure, who can want to obtain? If Hai Yunfan is so intelligent and careful, only followed second step unable to follow, but behind at least also several steps waited to be completed! _ one by one unthinkable! 如果说这住宿券灵溪镇的刻意设计,那设计者一定是个傻・逼,至少脑髓是有贵恙,这种复杂到令人发指的程序,谁能想得到?如海云帆这般聪慧而细心的,也只跟到了第二步就跟不下去,可后面至少还有十几个步骤等待完成!一个比一个更匪夷所思! But that youngster is not the brain of normal person, for this accommodation voucher, he at least ran inside and outside the town all day! Let alone from beginning to end, nobody told him such to insist that can have the repayment! He why? 而那少年也不是正常人的脑子,为了这张住宿券,他至少在镇子内外跑了一个整天!何况从头到尾,没有人告诉他这么坚持下去能有回报!他凭什么? Hai Yunfan cannot bear ask: „Do you know all these beforehand?” 就连海云帆都忍不住问:“你事先知道这一切?” youngster has raised the eyebrow: Why need to know in advance? An eye looks at huge duty chain puts at present, any qualified adventurer will arrive at the bottom!” 少年扬了扬眉:“何需事先知道?眼看着一个庞大的任务链摆在眼前,任何一个合格的冒险者都会一路走到底啊!” Said that then turned around with slightly two in two buildings, natural that the back could not say. 说完便转身跟小二上了二楼,背影说不出的潇洒。 Hai Yunfan frowned, the youngster expression is so natural, as if only then retarded cannot understand, but...... He indeed has not understood. 海云帆皱起眉头,少年的语气是如此理所当然,仿佛只有弱智才听不懂,但是......他的确没有听懂。 However this was immaterial, accommodation voucher of best room is not really actually important, more importantly, this youngster person actually who is he exactly? 不过这已经无关紧要,一张上房的住宿券其实并不甚要紧,重要的是,这个少年人究竟何方神圣? At this time gathers at the Spirit Creek Town youngster talent, as long as some fame even some special skills, in the Hai Yunfan brain have its material, but this youngster actually hears something never heard of before present, properly speaking the only this unthinkable inference breaks the price record the generation of ability then non- legal proceeding...... Thinks of here, Hai Yunfan even more thought that this person of depth not measured, the hearsay gathers this place except for the common custom powerful official's son, also there are Immortal Clan juniors, is it possible that......? 此时聚集在灵溪镇少年才俊,但凡有些许名望甚至些许特长,海云帆脑中都有其资料,但眼前这少年却闻所未闻,按理说单凭这匪夷所思的推理破关能力便非籍籍无名之辈......想到这里,海云帆越发觉得此人深浅莫测,传闻聚集此地的除了世俗的权贵之子,也有修仙家族的子弟,莫非......? Hai Yunfan is not far from the counter, vision shoots a look at quietly to the liber, just sees that person of name. 海云帆离柜台不远,目光悄然瞥向登记册,刚好看到那人姓名。 Wang Lu......? Has not heard.” 王陆......?没听说过啊。” Wang Lu?” 王陆?” In lobby look excellent Crown Prince Party is no lack of such people, the Wang Lu’s reputation then low voice spreads quickly. 大堂里眼神过人的太子党不乏其人,王陆的名头很快便小声传开。 Can it be that Southern Range Province that Wang Family? Heard that family odd person pours forth, pours also the fitting.” “莫不是岭南州的那个王家?听说那家族怪人辈出,倒也贴合。” „, Will not hear that Southern Range Province and Spirit Sword School have the big enmity, Immortal Clan will not make the posterity do obeisance into Spirit Sword disciple.” “不会,听说岭南州灵剑派有大仇,修仙家族绝不会让后人拜入灵剑门下。” Or is Shengjing Wang Family?” “或者是盛京王家?” Puts Shengjing Immortal Gate not to go, coming Spirit Sword School to acknowledge as teacher? Although Shengjing Immortal Gate long Immortal Gathering, but Shengjing Wang Family posterity wants to join the entrance not to be difficult.” “放着盛京仙门不去,来灵剑派拜师?盛京仙门虽然久不开升仙大会,但盛京王家的后人想加入山门可没那么难。” Oh, wishful thinking that you discussed that has not known what others used was the real name.” “唉,你们讨论的一厢情愿,还不知道人家用的是不是真名。” ...... ......
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