OG :: Volume #24

#2332: Saint light knight group attacks!

Asked the subscription and monthly ticket ~~~ 求订阅、月票~~~ ...... …… Young Master Qin......” 秦少……” Everett Reid sees the Qin Fang's time once more, is three days later, Qin Fang has handled Ninghai that side matter, then immediately flew to the Paris of Europe, „, how you resembled...... Were some not quite same?” 埃弗雷德再次见到秦方的时候,已经是三天之后了,秦方处理好了宁海那边的事情,便立即飞往欧洲的巴黎了,“咦,你怎么好像……有些不太一样了?” Regarding this, Qin Fang smiled, and does not care. 对此,秦方只是笑了笑,并不在意的。 Matter investigates how?” “事情调查的怎么样了?” Relatively speaking, what Qin Fang cares is he arranges the Everett Reid investigation the matter. 相比而言,秦方更加在意的是他安排埃弗雷德调查的事情。 Checked some materials...... However, has not discovered the whereabouts of old master!” “查到了一些资料……不过,并没有发现老主人的下落!” Everett Reid has given Qin Fang this material immediately, then saying of cautious and solemn. 埃弗雷德立即将这一份资料递给了秦方,然后小心翼翼的说道。 He is the Qin Fang's subordinate, personal servant and lackey, then Qin Fang naturally is his master...... Qin Tiannan as the Qin Fang's father, called an old master, poured is also very reasonable. 他是秦方的手下、跟班、奴才,那么秦方自然是他的主人……秦天楠作为秦方的老爹,称呼一声老主人,倒也是非常合理的。 The Qin Fang's brow wrinkled the wrinkle slightly, but has not said anything, but with has studied in the hand this material. 秦方的眉头略微皱了皱,不过没有说什么,只是将这份资料拿在手中研究了起来的。 The Qin Family branch vein of Paris, moves more than 150 years ago to here comes...... That is the Opium War time, was quite truly remote, early here took root. 巴黎的秦家支脉,是在150多年前就迁徙到这里来的……那还是鸦片战争时期,距今确实已经相当的久远了,早已经在这里扎下了根的。 However, the person of Asian descent arrived at the community of caucasian, wants to survive, the difficulty is also considerably large...... Qin Family is also same, they passed through several generations of effort, this integrated this state. 不过,黄种人来到了白种人的聚居区,想要生存下来,难度也是相当大的……秦家也是一样,他们经过了几代人的努力,这才融入了这个国度的。 Has been far away from the main nerve of Qin Family, arrived at remote Europe, really has avoided by crazy chasing down of Blood Demon Sect, but inheritance of some Qin Family, cut off in their hands. 远离了秦家的主脉,来到了遥远的欧洲,果然避免了被血魔宗的疯狂追杀,但是一些秦家的传承,也是在他们的手中断绝了的。 If in main nerve. So long as the talent is good, can open Strength that Secret Martial Bloodline in Qin Family bloodlines records...... 若是在主脉的话。只要天赋还算不错,都可以开启秦家血脉中的血武秘录的力量…… However branch vein, each generation, at most only then such 2-3 individuals can open, and as a result of the reason of demon blood amber, Strength that opening Secret Martial Bloodline records is also extremely the low-end, they also can only comprehend some quite low-end the unique skill. 但是支脉这边,每一代人,顶多只有那么两三个人可以开启,且由于魔血琥珀的缘故,开启的血武秘录的力量也是极为低端的,他们也只能领悟一些较为低端的绝技。 The blood soul explodes, can say that was in compares the high-end secret art...... 血魂爆,可以说算是里面比较高端的绝学了…… The bonus is so, Qin Family also had the basis of foothold, more than 100 years get down. The family develops is also good. In the Paris 20 districts the Qin Family influence occupied one, is controlling another two in secret, is outstanding people in many underground influence. 饶是如此,秦家也是有了立足的根本,100多年下来。家族发展的也还算是不错的。巴黎20个大区中秦家的势力占据了其中的一个,暗中控制着另外两个,也算是诸多地下势力中的佼佼者的。 Even they also traded through a series of authority money, have won over an official of piece of government. Pours also mixes in Paris and entire France quite good...... 甚至他们还通过一系列的权钱交易,拉拢了一片政府的官员。倒也在巴黎及整个法兰西都混的相当不错的…… The development of these many year of running free with the current. They as if early had forgotten kept the Qin main nerve of China. Even the Qin Family younger generations have not thought to that main nerve a wee bit reading! 这么多年顺风顺水的发展下来。他们似乎早已经忘记了留在了龙国的秦氏主脉。甚至秦家的小字辈都对那主脉没有一丁点的念想了! To...... 一直到…… Qin Family hedonistic son of rich parents, becomes second nature and indulges in dissipation loosely...... In addition the family influence is very strong, alcoholic intoxication later on strong a woman. And in also eliminated a potential informant this woman afterward. 秦家的一个纨绔子弟,风流成性、花天酒地的……加上家族势力很强,醉酒之后强上了一个女人。并且在事后还把这个女人灭了口。 Regarding such Qin juniors, will definitely suffer the family severe penalty...... Was battered this is slightly has punished, if handled severely, this was directly by the fate that the stick executed. 对于这样的秦氏子弟,必然会遭受家族严厉的惩罚……三刀六洞这都算是小惩罚了,若是从重处置的话,这是直接被杖毙的下场。 This fellow has the old lady who hides shortcomings extremely short, to protect own son, has sent the trusted subordinate directly, has ruined all evidence, including initially followed also to eliminate a potential informant in son bodyguard. 偏偏这个家伙有一个极短护短的老娘,为了保护自己的儿子,直接派了亲信,将所有的证据都毁掉了,连当初跟在儿子身边的保镖也灭了口。 This old ladies maternal home also extremely has the influence, the family was also a wealthy and powerful family in European Chinese circle, had such powerful background and backer, even did not buy the account of Qin Family person! 这个老娘们儿的娘家也是极有势力的,家族也算是欧洲华人圈子里的一个大户了,有这么强悍的背景和后台,甚至都不怎么买秦家人的账! Has not thought, this raped and killed woman, impressively is Vatican a granddaughter of status quite high bitter member...... The bitter member cannot departure Vatican easily, that side Vatican naturally also send for process, to the Qin Family important person! 万万没想到,这个被奸杀的女人,赫然是教廷一个地位颇高的苦修士的外孙女儿……苦修士不能轻易的离开教廷,教廷那边自然也就派了人出手,向秦家要人了! Even if the evidence had been ruined, but Vatican very overbearing...... Does not need the ironclad proof, so long as they have the suspicion in this aspect, then can recognize that this matter is you do! 即便证据都已经被毁掉了,可教廷非常之霸道的……不需要铁证,只要他们有这方面的怀疑,那么就可以认定这件事是你干的! As for discovered to make a mistake afterward, released people at most...... 至于事后发现弄错了,也顶多只是放人了事而已…… The Paris church parish, sent a white robe sacrificial offering to go to the Qin Family important person directly strongly, the manner quite! 巴黎教区这边,直接派了一个白袍祭祀前往秦家要人,态度相当的强硬! Said A kind-hearted mother may unintentionally ruin the upbringing of her children, the vixen most cheats! 都说慈母多败儿,泼妇最坑人! Comes across this matter, Qin Fang must handle this unfilial juniors, but actually absolutely impossible to give Vatican the person...... Even if is really this boy does, that cannot hand over absolutely, that with confessing without being pressed has not distinguished. 遇到这种事情,秦方必然要处置这个不孝子弟的,但却绝对不可能将人交给教廷的……即便真是这小子干的,那也绝对不能交,那就跟不打自招没有区别的。 If really fell in the Vatican hand, this matter really troubled...... 真要是落到了教廷手中,这件事就真的麻烦了…… Qin Family in the European 150 years, experienced, experienced, naturally knows that Vatican was existence of what kind of domineering, confirmed the murderer, really that boy must die without doubt, entire Qin Family with meeting with a disaster. 秦家在欧洲150年,经历了许多,也见识了许多,自然知道教廷是何等强势的存在,确认了凶手,果然那小子必死无疑,整个秦家都会跟着遭殃的。 In Qin Family is dealing with that white robe sacrificial offering, while must handle that Qin Family juniors in secret time, that old ladies son was unexpectedly direct the arrangement person to pack off her the son of causing trouble...... 就在秦家一边应付着那个白袍祭祀,一边要暗中处置了那个秦家子弟的时候,那个老娘们儿居然直接安排人将她那个闯祸的儿子送走了…… Is more ruthless is, this woman thinks that this white robe sacrificial offering anything, has not sent a trusted subordinate hand/subordinate chaotic stick at the worst unexpectedly directly, expelled from Qin Family this white robe sacrificial offering...... 更狠得是,这女人以为这个白袍祭祀没有什么大不了的,居然直接派了亲信手下一顿乱棍,将这白袍祭祀从秦家打跑了…… Right now thoroughly has an accident...... 这下子就彻底出事了…… That Old Gentleman directly been mad lying down of Qin Family on the bed, almost such went...... May by luck preserve a life, how long it is estimated that cannot boil! 秦家的那个老爷子直接就被气的躺在床上了,差一点就这么去了……可就算是侥幸保住了一条命,估计也熬不了多久了! The matter was noisily big, the Paris church parish set out the troops to kill Qin Family directly! 事情闹大了,巴黎教区直接就出动了人马杀完秦家了! Meanwhile, the Paris church parish also ordered other underground influences of Paris to attack the Qin Family influence forcefully...... That two by the district influence of Qin Family in secret control, were almost first on the treachery. 同时,巴黎教区还勒令了巴黎的其他地下势力强行进攻秦家的势力……那两个被秦家暗中掌控的大区势力,几乎是第一时间就倒戈了的。 This has one misfortune after another...... 这更是雪上加霜的…… Because of hedonistic son of rich parents, a in addition moron vixen, directly puts in the extermination of the clan Qin Family in the danger. 就因为一个纨绔子弟,外加一个脑残的泼妇,直接将秦家置于灭族的危险之中的。 Facing such crisis, Qin Family also has to choose to accept a challenge! 面对这样的危机,秦家也是不得不选择应战的! Qin Family also has to open the expert who Secret Martial Bloodline records, although the final achievement is not very big, however Grandmaster Level expert, has such several, even has including the Great Grandmaster Level experts. 秦家也是有开启血武秘录的高手,虽然最终的成就不算很大,但是宗师级层次的高手,也还是有那么几位的,甚至连大宗师级高手都有。 Depending on the military force of Paris church parish, but also is really not the rivals of Qin Family these experts, is almost very relaxed by the Qin Family person repelling. 就凭巴黎教区的武力,还真不是秦家这些高手的敌手,几乎是很轻松的就被秦家人给击退了的。 What a pity, the Qin Family person absolutely does not have the time to be happy, the disaster approached. 可惜,秦家人根本就没有时间高兴,灾难就来临了。 At that time. Dorothy exactly in Paris, after hearing this matter, then outrageously process...... Has repelled Qin Family these experts with ease, but also has killed two conveniently. 当时。多罗西恰好就在巴黎,听说了这个事情之后,便悍然出手了……非常轻松的击退了秦家的这些高手,还顺手杀了两个。 The experience to the fearfulness of supreme boundary Expert, the Qin Family expert is also helpless goes all out, immediately some people the secret skill that uses the blood soul to explode, almost Dorothy burying alive...... 见识到至尊境强者的可怕,秦家的高手也是无奈拼命的,立即有人动用了血魂爆的秘技,差一点就把多罗西给坑杀了…… What a pity, the disparity of strength was too big, finally has not succeeded. 可惜,实力的差距太大了一些,最终没有成功。 Under has a lingering fear, Dorothy not further forces the Qin Family person. But seized the chance to seize a living witness! 心有余悸之下,多罗西并没有进一步的逼迫秦家人。而是趁机抓走了一个活口! Had anything as for behind. Qin Fang naturally also has guessed correctly. 至于后面发生了什么。秦方自然也已经猜到了的。 This Fuck also is really not the ordinary pit father......” “这尼玛还真不是一般的坑爹啊……” Read this material, Qin Fang regarding the long and short of the story also understanding of entire item matter very was clear, has saying that the informed sources of Everett Reid are very valiant. Unexpectedly such thoroughness of investigation. 看了这一份资料,秦方对于整件事的来龙去脉也就了解的非常清楚了,不得不说,埃弗雷德的消息来源还是非常彪悍的。居然调查的如此透彻。 However. Also can look from these materials. Entire item matter as if with Qin Fang's father Qin Tiannan not any relations. 不过。从这些资料中也可以看得出来。整件事似乎跟秦方的老爹秦天楠没有任何关系。 Does not suit......” “不对劲……” However, Qin Fang has pondered over, thought that some do not suit. Also turned head carefully to study started the material. 但是,秦方琢磨了一下,又觉得有些不太对劲的。又回头仔细的研究了一下手中的这一份资料。 Qin Family, since has such formidable strength, how possible influence only then such a little bit?” 秦家既然有这么强大的实力,怎么可能势力只有这么一点点?” Moreover this district, Qin Family has managed safely for more than 30 years, but this another two districts...... Actually is in the half year takes, moreover Vatican begins, these two districts immediately treachery!” “而且这一个大区,秦家已经稳稳当当的经营了30多年了,而这另外两个大区……却是这半年多才抢到手的,而且教廷一动手,这两个大区就立即倒戈了!” Carefully studied this material, Qin Fang had discovered some did not suit. 仔细的研究了一下这一份资料,秦方才发现了些许不对劲的。 Mainly is Qin Family the opportunity of influence expansion, seemed the time of Europe to be too close with his father Qin Tiannan...... 主要是秦家的势力扩张的时机,似乎跟他老爹秦天楠到欧洲的时间太接近了…… Before Qin Family , has been very low-key, occupies a district, managed for 30 years not to step fully one step, in the half year has attacked, and one time occupied two districts. 秦家之前一直都很低调,盘踞一个大区,整整经营了30年都没有跨出来一步,偏偏这半年就出击了,且一次占据了两个大区。 „......” “难道……” Qin Fang has thought suddenly a possibility, „the Qin Family expert, in fact is among half year grows?” 秦方突然想到了一个可能,“秦家的高手,实际上是这半年间才成长起来的?” If so, perhaps was quite easy to explain. 如果是这样的话,或许就比较容易解释了。 Over six months time, the Qin Family expert strength rose suddenly, the strength beyond example inflates, perhaps did not satisfy only occupies a district, then turned toward the surroundings to stretch out the sharp lackey. 半年多的时间,秦家的高手实力暴涨了许多,实力空前膨胀,或许就不满足于只占据一个大区了,便向着周围伸出了锋利的爪牙了。 But person who can achieve this point, as if not many...... 而能够做到这一点的人,似乎并不多…… Qin Fang's father Qin Tiannan, without doubt is one of them! 秦方的老爹秦天楠,无疑是其中之一! In his hand has Qin Fang to give his Medicinal Pill, demon blood amber that the Qin Family people need...... Not can only help the Qin Family bloodlines open Strength that Secret Martial Bloodline records, and can help their strength to promote rapidly. 他手中有秦方交给他的丹药,还有秦家人都必须要的魔血琥珀……既可以帮助秦家血脉开启血武秘录的力量,又可以助他们实力快速提升。 Everett Reid , to continue to send for the further thorough investigation......” 埃弗雷德,继续派人进一步的深入调查……” more thinks that Qin Fang on more thought matter should be this. 越想秦方就越觉得事情应该是这样的。 Dorothy's appearance, is many people have not thought...... Takes cultivating of his supreme boundary as, even if Qin Fang's Qin Tiannan supports Qin Family in the back , is still not able to resist such Expert. 多罗西的出现,是很多人都没有想到的……以他至尊境的修为,即便是秦方的秦天楠在背后支持秦家,也依然无法抵挡这样的强者 Moreover, from the material, Qin Family was quite unstable, almost may momentarily crash. 而且,从资料上来看,秦家内部已经颇为不稳定了,几乎随时都可能会崩盘的。 By the urogenouses of certain people, once Qin Family collapsed, these people to maintain life, are very likely to work as traitor to China, betrays Qin Family core high level in some secret or the family. 以某些人的尿性,一旦秦家崩了,这些人为了保命,极有可能会当“汉奸”,出卖秦家的一些隐秘或是家族中的核心高层。 Has the possibility, mysterious person also one and accuses Qin Tiannan this has accomplished Qin Family formidable. 更有可能,将秦天楠这个造就了秦家更加强大的“神秘人”也一并告发了的。 Regarding a such Qin Family branch vein, Qin Fang does not have what interest obviously...... Even if this lineage/vein also possibly are the branch vein that Qin Fang this fortunately survives, Qin Fang will not care. 对于这样的一个秦家支脉,秦方明显没有什么兴趣的……即便这一脉也可能是秦方这一房幸存下来的支脉,秦方也不会关心的。 If this branch vein has a mind, already returned to China to look for falling of main nerve. 若是这支脉真有心的话,早就回龙国找寻主脉的下落了。 But they have not done this, but is relieved develops in France, and family influence should be very good, has not seen them to move has recognized the thoughts that the ancestor returns to the sect, obviously they do not approve regarding the main nerve. 可他们并没有这样做,而是安安心心的在法兰西发展,且家族势力应该算是很不错了,也没见他们动了认祖归宗的心思,显然他们对于主脉一点也不认同的。 Such being the case, does the Qin Fang why enthusiastic look paste the cold buttocks? 既然如此,秦方又何必热脸去贴冷屁股呢? Perhaps Qin Fang's father Qin Tiannan, received gradually influencing and influence of Qin Family older generation, met has met process to help one group, but Qin Fang such will actually not do...... 秦方的老爹秦天楠,或许是受了秦家老一辈的熏陶和影响,遇到了会出手帮一帮,但秦方却不会这么做的…… Young Master Qin, has had an accident......” 秦少,出事了……” But made Everett Reid further arrange during that the person investigated, that side Everett Reid actually suddenly hurriedly to give the message in Qin Fang to come, tone quite anxious, as if had very extraordinary matter. 而就在秦方埃弗雷德进一步安排人调查的当口,埃弗雷德那边却突然急匆匆的传递了消息过来的,语气相当的焦急,似乎发生了很了不得的事情。 How?” “怎么了?” A Qin Fang brow wrinkle, can make Everett Reid have such mood, that matter will not be absolutely small. 秦方眉头一皱,能够让埃弗雷德出现这样的情绪,那事情绝对不会小。 Vatican process, the Saint light knight group has killed Qin Family......” 教廷出手了,圣光骑士团杀到了秦家……” Everett Reid also immediately indicated. 埃弗雷德也是立即表示道。 This also is really not small matter...... 这还真不是小事情…… Saint light knight group. Is Vatican standing-by arms Strength, although by the reputation, does not have inquisition such ominous outstanding...... The significance that but it represents is different. 圣光骑士团。是教廷的常备武装力量,虽然以声名来说,没有异端裁判所那样的凶名卓著……可它代表的意义却是不一样的。 Was only rolled the surprise attack by the Saint knight, that basically can be determined as the heresy...... 被圣光骑士团突袭,那基本上就可以被定性为异端的…… These Vatican glorious knights rush to the extermination to go absolutely...... Every resister, executes completely \; Some chief culprit, is by inquisition ruling. 这些教廷的荣耀骑士绝对是奔着灭门而去的……凡是抵抗者,全部就地格杀\;还有一些“首恶”,更是会被异端裁判所“裁决”。 Damn bastard......” “该死的混蛋……” Heard this news, the Qin Fang's complexion completely changed. 听到了这个消息,秦方的脸色是完全都变了的。 Everett Reid, subscribes that side sound frequently, once discovers my parents' trail, cannot at all costs. Protects their securities...... I overtake immediately!” 埃弗雷德,时刻订好了那边的动静,一旦发现我父母的踪迹,不许一切代价。保护他们的安全……我马上就赶过去!” Whether Qin Family exterminated an entire family. Qin Fang does not care. 秦家是否被灭门。秦方并不太在意的。 Truly what he is worried, his parents really in Qin Family...... Then encounters the Saint light knight group that these went crazy, then on suitable danger. 他真正担心的是,他父母真的在秦家……那么遭遇这些发了狂的圣光骑士团,那就相当的危险了。 At this time, he could not give a thought to that many. 这时候,他已经顾不上那么多了。 If parents really in Qin Family. Then Qin Fang will not mind that starts to this Saint light knight group...... 父母若真在秦家。那么秦方就丝毫不会介意对这一只圣光骑士团下手的…… Extermination? I extinguished your knight to roll......” “灭门?那我就灭了你一只骑士团……” Qin Fang is not the Buddhism believers. Making a determined effort. But where weakly to does not go compared with these Demon Sect and Evil Sect expert...... How the Saint light knight rolls, before soon, he has also wiped out the team of inquisition, has also included assistant manager Dorothy of inquisition! 秦方可不是什么善男信女。发起狠来。可是丝毫不比那些魔门邪宗的高手弱到哪里去的……圣光骑士团又如何,不久之前他还全歼了异端裁判所的一支队伍,其中还包括了异端裁判所的副所长多罗西! His Dorothy dares to kill. What also has not to dare to do? 他连多罗西都敢杀。还有什么不敢做的呢? Naturally, the death of Dorothy, murders the whereabouts of god spear/gun, this took the rap by Pir Bados...... Vatican that side estimate a short time clarity that too has not investigated. 当然了,多罗西之死、弑神枪的下落,这都由毕尔巴多斯背了黑锅的……教廷那边估计一时半刻的也还没有调查的太清楚。 Facts showed, Qin Fang's guessed is not groundless. 事实证明,秦方的猜测不是完全没有道理的。 Young Master Qin, discovery...... Discovered the old master! He really in Qin Family......” 秦少,发现……发现老主人了!他真的在秦家……” In Qin Fang rushes to Qin Family on the way, Everett Reid this information transmit...... In process of telephone conversation, but can also hear very obvious fighting sound, obviously that side hits quite intense. 就在秦方赶往秦家的途中,埃弗雷德就把这个消息传递过来了……通话的过程中,还可以听到非常明显的打斗声,显然那边打的相当的激烈。 Does not hesitate at all costs, protects my parents' safety!” “不惜一切代价,保护我父母的安全!” The Qin Fang tone gloomy instruction said. 秦方语气阴森的吩咐道。 Then...... 然后…… He again did not have what estimate. 他就再也没有什么估计了。 Buzz ~~ 嗡~~ Almost is the flash, his whole person left a terrifying on release to the peak fearful imposing manner, in the body dissipated one richly to the peak fearful blood fog, has wrapped his whole person. 几乎是一瞬间,他整个人就释放出了一股恐怖到了极致的可怕气势了,身体中逸散出了一股浓郁到极致的可怕血雾,将他整个人都包裹了起来的。 The Seamless Strolling in the Snow movement launches completely, sees Qin Fang likely is together blood light, on the avenue, roof in Paris fast passed over gently and swiftly...... 踏雪无痕身法完全展开,就看到秦方像是一道血光似的,在巴黎的大街上、房顶上快速的掠过…… Wife, a bit faster comes out to look at God......” “老婆,快点出来看上帝啊……” Some people have discovered the Qin Fang's form accidentally/surprisingly, has exuded such screams. 有些人意外的发现了秦方的身影,也都是纷纷发出了这样的惊呼声的。 What a pity, Qin Fang is will definitely not respond these, he is rushing to the destination full power...... 可惜,秦方是肯定不会搭理这些的,他正在全力赶往目的地…… ...... …… Qin Family, the flames of war almost spread the entire family. 秦家,战火几乎已经蔓延到了整个家族了。 Wears the Saint light knight group of silver knight armor, the hand-held knight sword or knight spear/gun, is attacking the Qin Family manor crazily...... But the Qin Family expert, almost also all sent out, had always has few, the whole staff attacked, tenacious resisted the Saint light knight to roll the attack that. 身着银色骑士铠甲、手持骑士剑或是骑士枪的圣光骑士团,正在疯狂的进攻着秦家的庄园……而秦家的高手,几乎也是全部出动了的,有老有少,全员出击,顽强的抵挡着圣光骑士团的进攻。 ...... 只是…… Saint light knight group takes one of the Vatican most formidable strengths, strength what kind of fearfulness, can it be that the ordinary Martial Arts family of Qin Family this mixing underground world can compare? 圣光骑士团作为教廷旗下最强大的战力之一,实力何等的可怕,又岂是秦家这种混地下世界的普通武道家族可以比拟的呢? Although cannot call easily accomplished, but absolutely does not have what nice resistance, the Saint light knight rolled then directly entered the center of Qin Family manor...... 虽然称不上摧枯拉朽,但也绝对没有什么像样的阻力,圣光骑士团便直接杀入了秦家庄园的腹地了…… Also is this, compelled to hide Qin Tiannan in Qin Family manor makes an appearance. 也就是这样,才逼得隐藏在秦家庄园里的秦天楠露面了。 Unusual coincidence...... 非常巧合的…… Ferriero, you are playing with fire......” “费列罗,你这是在玩火……” Qin Tiannan knew team leader who unexpectedly this Saint light knight rolls...... Ferriero, on Devil's Island informed and experienced Vatican expert, but also had been taught by Qin Tiannan ruthlessly. 秦天楠居然认识这一只圣光骑士团的领队……费列罗,一位曾经在魔鬼岛上历练过的教廷高手,还曾经被秦天楠狠狠地教训过。 Plays with fire? You made a mistake...... I am the Vatican Saint knight, has the deity to aid!” “玩火?你错了……我是教廷圣骑士,自有天神护佑!” Sees Qin Tiannan, Ferriero somewhat is slightly surprised. 见到秦天楠,费列罗略微有些意外。 After all knew Qin Tiannan time, he is the teachers on Devil's Island...... But underground universally accepted, the teachers in Devil's Island are regardless of not to be how impossible to leave that to hang in Devil's Island of overseas this lofty one. 毕竟认识秦天楠的时候,他还是魔鬼岛上的教官……而地下世界公认的,魔鬼岛的教官是无论如何也不可能离开那一座孤悬于海外的魔鬼岛的。 But now, Qin Tiannan actually living appearance in Ferriero's front, how also to let his accident/surprise? 可现在,秦天楠却活生生的出现在费列罗的面前,又如何不让他意外呢? But, thinks that own mission, this Ferriero was quiet, the response that a face does not care about said...... 可是,一想到自己的使命,这费列罗就平静了下来,一脸不在意的回应道……
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