OG :: Volume #24

#2330: Fusion holy blood!

First, asked the subscription and monthly ticket ~~~ 第一更,求订阅、月票~~~ ...... …… Swallows?” “吞不吞?” This is one the difficult problem that is hard to choose...... Even if the evildoer/monstrous talent like Qin Fang, at this moment is quite somewhat is also puzzled. 这是一个非常难以抉择的难题……就算是妖孽如秦方,此刻也是颇有些纠结的。 The holy blood at present, Qin Fang even only needs to open mouth, can its induction port in...... 圣血就在眼前,秦方甚至只需要一张嘴,就可以将它吸入口中了…… The consequence that but does this how, Qin Fang is unable to guess...... 可是这样做的后果如何,秦方也是无法揣测的…… Perhaps he can fuse this drop of holy blood with ease, then the strength rises suddenly a section, he directly was possibly being contained by this drop of holy blood in the terrifying energy has blasted open the body! 或许他可以轻松的融合了这一滴圣血,然后实力暴涨一截,也可能他直接被这一滴圣血中蕴藏着的恐怖的能量炸裂了身躯的! Holy blood float in midair, has to be separated from the sign of Qin Fang control faintly. 圣血悬浮于半空中,隐隐有着要脱离秦方掌控的迹象。 Murders the god spear/gun, in fierce is shivering, as if invisible Strength are involving the holy blood, wants to draw it...... 弑神枪,也是在剧烈的颤抖着,似乎有一种无形的力量正在牵扯着圣血,想要将它重新拉回去…… The holy blood fuses and murders the god spear/gun in 2000, early has fused together, if not Qin Fang's [Medicine Harvesting] Skill extremely in going against heaven's will, it will not have been refined, even if murdered the god spear/gun to destroy this thoroughly were not good! 圣血融合与弑神枪2000年,早已经融为一体了,若非秦方的采药术技能太过于逆天的话,它还真的不会被提炼出来的,哪怕是将这弑神枪彻底毁灭了也不行! However give up...... 但是放弃…… The holy blood re-enters to murder the god spear/gun, Qin Fang wants to refine again it, but did not have so to be a moment ago easy...... 圣血重回弑神枪,秦方再想要将它提炼出来,可就没有刚才这么容易了…… Although the master of holy blood early has elapsed the innumerable years, but the holy blood with murdering the god spear/gun fused these many years, early has had some intelligence, will resist Qin Fang [Medicine Harvesting] Skill absolutely vigorously. 圣血的主人虽然早已经逝去了无数年,但圣血与弑神枪融合了这么多年,早已经产生了些许灵性了,绝对会极力的抵抗秦方采药术技能了。 Sudden that too first time has, this went well by Qin Fang, is the second time...... The obvious difficulty will be bigger, has almost been unlikely on Qin Fang's to work as. 第一次发生的太突然,这才被秦方得了手的,可是第二次……明显难度就会大了许多的,几乎已经不太可能上秦方的当了。 Has spelled......” “拼了……” So the treasure places at present, actually must waste in vain. Qin Fang is not glad obviously, „, even if cannot absorb completely, that cannot absolutely cheap Vatican that fellows......” 如此宝物放在眼前,却要白白浪费掉。秦方明显是不乐意的,“哪怕是不能完全吸收,那也绝对不能便宜了教廷的那帮家伙……” Murders the god spear/gun to take Vatican Divine Artifact, before did not have the news, Vatican then does not have the means...... But once murdered god spear/gun present world, then it will return to the Vatican hand finally. 弑神枪作为教廷神器,以前一直没有消息,教廷这才没有办法的……可一旦弑神枪现世了,那么最终它还是会回到教廷手中的。 As for the process of return...... 至于回归的这个过程…… Perhaps is Vatican sends the innumerable experts to rob, perhaps is the expenditure large amount price carries out the transaction...... 或许是教廷派遣无数高手进行抢夺,或许是花费巨额的代价进行交易…… But the result will return to the Vatican hand! 但结果都是会回到教廷手中的! Only if were did not fall into the hand of Dark Council carefully, or was ruined...... The Vatican aspect also can only , helpless give up, not that with all one's heart tracks down it! 除非是不小心落入了黑暗议会之手,亦或者是被毁掉了……教廷方面也只能无奈放弃了,才不会那么尽心的去追寻它的! Murdered the god spear/gun to fall into the Qin Fang's hand, the Vatican aspect obtained the news. Will find the way to recapture from the Qin Fang hand mostly...... Naturally. If the idea does not have to be possible, they will spend the price to trade. 偏偏弑神枪落入了秦方的手中了,教廷方面得到了消息。多半会想办法从秦方手中夺回……当然了。若是计无可施的话,他们才会花费代价来交易的。 With for the super influence of underground world, Vatican estimated that will adjust an alliance to bring both sides together directly, even is the direct exchange...... Qin Fang how going against heaven's will, may before his strength can disregard the correct path alliance. This face must sell. 同为地下世界的超级势力,教廷估计会直接找正道联盟牵线搭桥、甚至是直接交易的……秦方再如何的逆天,可在他的实力能够无视正道联盟之前。这个面子还是要卖的。 Then. Murders the god spear/gun time in his hands. Also will not be long...... 那么。弑神枪在他手中的时间。也并不会太长的…… Let alone, Qin Fang also has another worry...... 更何况,秦方还有另外一个担心…… If his parents' outside implication because of that Qin Family, but by words that the Vatican person seizes. Qin Fang also can only with murdering the god spear/gun goes to carry on the exchange with Vatican...... 万一他的父母因为那个秦家外支的牵连,而被教廷的人抓捕的话。秦方也只能拿弑神枪去跟教廷进行交换的…… May no matter what, enmity between Qin Fang and Vatican cannot erase...... 可不管怎么样,秦方教廷之间的仇怨是抹不掉的…… Murders the god spear/gun to return to Vatican, that to Vatican strength, this type supporting the enemy the stupid behavior, Qin Fang is not willing to do obviously...... Another idea that therefore, he is to hit now! 弑神枪回归教廷,那就是给教廷增强实力,这种“资敌”的愚蠢行为,秦方显然是不愿意做的……所以呢,他现在则是打的另一个主意! Even if murders the god spear/gun to return, that also gives back to Vatican one defective product! 即便是弑神枪必须要归还,那也还给教廷一个“残次品”! Departure of holy blood, let murder the god spear/gun to fall several scales without doubt...... The might is unable with murdering the summit time of god spear/gun by far places on a par, even after it, is inferior including the spear/gun of Vatican famous Divine Weapon Longinus. 圣血的离开,无疑是让弑神枪降了好几个档次的……威力远远无法与弑神枪的颠峰时期相提并论的,甚至它以后连教廷著名的神兵朗基努斯之枪都不如的。 Harms others and selfish, why not? 损人且利己,何乐而不为呢? Some dangers how? I do not believe unable to shoulder......” “些许危险又如何?我就不信扛不住……” Qin Fang also secretly made a determined effort, direct mouth, has inhaled in that drop of holy blood the mouth directly. 秦方也是暗暗发了狠,直接嘴巴一张,直接将那一滴圣血吸入了口中。 Buzz ~~ 嗡~~ Almost this holy blood just an entrance, Qin Fang immediately felt that the bloody aura, then directly followed the Qin Fang's throat to enter in the abdomen fast, immediately boundless Strength instantaneously proliferated in Qin Fang's within the body. 几乎这圣血刚一入口,秦方立即感觉血腥的气息,然后直接顺着秦方的咽喉快速的进入了腹中的,顿时就有一股磅礴的力量秦方的体内瞬间扩散开来了。 ~~ “噗~~” This Strength terrifying to peak, the impulse that type erupted instantaneously, almost almost the internal organs in Qin Fang's gave the brace to explode, even if were suppressed by Qin Fang forcefully, may also make Qin Fang open mouth is a blood has then emitted...... 这一股力量恐怖到了极致的,那种瞬间爆发出来的冲击力,几乎差一点将秦方的内腑都给撑爆了,即便是被秦方强行压制了,可也还是让秦方张嘴便是一口鲜血喷吐了出来…… Too formidable......” “太强大了……” Qin Fang could not bear sighed at heart. 秦方也是忍不住心里感叹了一下的。 Although already guessed correctly that this holy blood might is fearful, this had the psychology to prepare, but true swallowing down, made Qin Fang shock ruthlessly. 尽管早就猜到这圣血的威力非常可怕,他这都已经有了心理准备了,但真正的吞下去,还是让秦方狠狠的震撼了一下的。 Can to become Saint is really the anomaly that goes against heaven's will......” “能够成圣的果然都是逆天的变态……” Through the ages, in human Expert, can to become Saint, almost be few truly...... But any, is existence that in human goes against heaven's will extremely, such strength is not present human Martial Artist is absolutely conceivable. 古往今来,人类强者中,真正能够成圣的,几乎是屈指可数的……但任何一个,都是人类中极度逆天的存在,那样的实力绝对不是现在的人类武者可以想象的。 Even if only a drop of blood, in 2000 tempering of time, actually still sharp incomparable...... 哪怕只是一滴血,经过了2000年时光的磨砺,却依然犀利无比的…… Naturally, Qin Fang the drop of holy blood that from murdering god spear/gun refines is somewhat different, it fuses and murders the god spear/gun, but murdered the god spear/gun to soak and nourish the innumerable years in the holy-water basin, its intelligence and prestige can not only did not have slight weakening, perhaps also strengthened also perhaps. 当然了,秦方从弑神枪里面提炼出来的这一滴圣血有些不同,它融合与弑神枪,而弑神枪又在圣水池中浸泡、滋养了无数年,它的灵性、威能不但没有丝毫的减弱,或许还增强了也说不定的。 Then, murders these several hundred years that the god spear/gun loses , the prestige can possibly lose, but should not many...... Contacted has murdered the god spear/gun to be so long, its Strength was completely reserved, lost naturally is also very small. 而后,弑神枪丢失的这几百年的时间里,威能可能是损耗了一些,但应该不算很多……接触了弑神枪这么久,它的力量完全是内敛的,损耗自然也是非常小的。 The drop of holy blood that Qin Fang swallows, perhaps slightly is only weaker than its summit time...... 秦方吞噬的这一滴圣血,或许只比它颠峰时期稍微弱一些…… „A drop of holy blood had such prestige to be able, what degree is unable to imagine such saint to be formidable to really......” “一滴圣血都有如此威能了,真的无法想象那样的圣者会强大到什么样的程度……” This is in the Qin Fang heart is also quite curious. 这也是秦方心中颇为好奇的。 What a pity, the saint early has not saved in world...... 可惜,圣者早已经不存于世了…… But the present age environment and condition, in human Martial Artist surmount Expert of supreme boundary unable to walk continually, let alone was the saint...... Even if Qin Fang is having the so mysterious system, looked forward to that can surmount the supreme boundary. 而当世的环境、条件,人类武者中连超越至尊境的强者都走不出来,更别说是圣者了……即便是秦方拥有着如此神奇的系统,也只是憧憬一下自己可以超越至尊境而已。 A stronger level, he cannot think...... 更强一个层次,他是不敢想的…… Because of by nowadays environment and condition, this is impossible to achieve! 因为以现如今的环境、条件,这是根本不可能做到的! Even if Qin Fang can break through, where on Earth does not have to provide to his enough spiritual energy with taking consolidating own cultivating for...... Only if in three big Secret Realm! 即便是秦方真的可以突破,地球上也没有什么地方可以提供给他足够的灵气用以巩固自身的修为……除非是在三大秘境之中! However, three big Secret Realm are not that relaxed, but inside Expert are innumerable, crisis on top of crisis...... 但是,三大秘境可不是那么轻松的,里面可是强者无数、危机重重的…… Holy blood in Qin Fang's within the body proliferation bit by bit...... 圣血在秦方的体内一点一点的扩散了…… The Qin Fang entire in internal organs look like have one group of flame in combustion, that scalding hot feeling is also the unusually intense, makes his face directly red red, very uncomfortable. 秦方整个内腑就像是有一团火焰在燃烧似的,那种灼热感也是异常强烈的,直接让他的那一张脸都变得通红通红的,非常之难受的。 However, before soon, Qin Fang just had experienced the smelting of hot essence, the resisting force of body powerful incomparable...... His supreme astral body is powerful from inside to outside, defensive power, almost including ordinary supreme boundary Intermediate Stage Expert also not necessarily to catch up. 不过,就在不久之前,秦方刚刚经历过地火精华的熔炼,身体的抗力可是强悍无比的……他的至尊罡躯可是从内而外的强悍,防御力之强,几乎连一般的至尊境中期强者也未必赶得上。 Trades to do is the average person words, the holy blood prestige can in the internal organs such eruption, was not already good...... It is not in the internal organs by Strength of Berserk is rumbled one pile of rotten meat, is the meridians is shaken an cuns (2.5 cm) break by Berserk Strength. 换做是一般人的话,圣血威能在内腑中如此的爆发,早就已经不行了……不是内腑被狂暴力量轰成一堆烂肉,就是经脉被狂暴力量震得寸寸断裂。 Qin Fang now obviously is much better...... 秦方现在却明显好得多了…… In various internal organs internal organs quite tenacious, although encountered the holy blood essence devastated and attacks unceasingly, making Qin Fang suffer very hard to endure suffering, but this was also insufficient to destroy the Qin Fang's defense. 内腑各处脏器都相当的坚韧,虽然遭遇到了圣血精华的不断摧残、冲击,让秦方遭受着非常难忍的折磨,但是这还不至于摧毁秦方的防御。 The meridians are also same, early underwent several times expansion and strengthening, the toughness is unequalled...... Four look like Yuan Qi that Yuan Qi fuses, the prestige can, is slightly no longer only then under trivial drop of holy blood. 经脉也是一样的,早已经经过了数次的拓宽、强化,韧性更是无与伦比的……四象元气融合起来的元气,威能之强,可是丝毫不再只有区区一滴的圣血之下的。 The nature, the meridians is Qin Fang most feels relieved on the contrary...... 自然的,经脉这边反倒是秦方最放心的…… After confirming the meridians could unable to destroy by the prestige of such terrifying holy blood essence, Qin Fang mentioned the heart of throat, put immediately...... Basically fuses the holy blood the success ratio already over 50%. 在确认了经脉不会被这样恐怖的圣血精华的威能破坏之后,秦方原本提到嗓子眼的心,也是立即放过去了……基本上融合圣血的成功率已经在五成以上的。 Remaining 50%, part is to look at the luck, at the same time looked finally can fuse the holy blood essence many shares...... 剩下的五成,一部分是看运气,一边看最终可以融合圣血精华的多少份额了…… Holy blood bit by bit spreads in Qin Fang's within the body, tries to carry on the destruction and destroying, but is not successful, instead by Qin Fang differentiation bit by bit, then absorption of cautious and solemn...... 圣血一点一点的在秦方的体内扩散,试图进行破坏、摧毁,但却怎么也不成功,反而被秦方一点一点的分化了,然后小心翼翼的吸收着…… Hiss ~~ “嘶~~” Does not absorb does not know, an absorption...... Qin Fang cannot bear took a deep breath. 不吸收不知道,一吸收……秦方也是忍不住倒吸了一口气的。 Even if only a wee bit holy blood essence, integrated in Qin Fang's in the internal organs of internal organs...... Qin Fang felt immediately a burning severe pain, probably was the sharp weapon held above hole. 哪怕只是一丁点的圣血精华,融入了秦方的内腑的脏器中……秦方立即感觉到了一阵火辣辣的剧痛,就好像是利器在上面捅了一个窟窿似的。 However quick, the holy blood essence starts to send out the terrifying Strength, carried on to the Qin Fang's internal organs further strengthened...... 但是很快,圣血精华就开始散发出恐怖的力量,对秦方的脏器进行了进一步的强化了…… That fierce pain, will transform instantaneously is peak comfortable...... Make Qin Fang comfortable has almost to plant the emanation moan that wants to be able not help has impulsed, was really too crisp. 那种剧烈的痛楚,瞬间就会转变为极致的舒爽……让秦方舒服的几乎有种想要情不自禁的发出呻吟的冲动了,实在是太爽了。 The cultivation is one is laborious, but also is very comfortable matter...... Especially strength enormous promoted time, that type turned the feeling of peak crisply, made all Martial Artist be worried. 修炼是一件非常辛苦,但也是非常舒爽的事情……尤其是实力得到极大提升的时候,那种爽翻到了极致的感觉,更是让所有的武者都魂牵梦萦的。 The holy blood essence strengthened the Qin Fang's internal organs, lets in Qin Fang's the internal organs tenaciously and stable...... Like this even if encounters to the attack of outside, is insufficient to vacillate Qin Fang's to be basic. 圣血精华强化了秦方的脏腑,让秦方的内腑更加的强韧、更加的稳固……这样即便是遭遇到外界的打击,也不至于动摇秦方的根本。 This was also equal to making the Qin Fang's strength obtain progressed considerably large...... 这也等于是让秦方的实力得到了相当大的进步了…… In the meridians is also same, the essence of holy blood was split as the innumerable twinkle stars, then fused with the Qin Fang's meridians...... 经脉中也是一样的,圣血的精华被分裂为无数的星星点点,然后与秦方的经脉融合了…… Part integrated the meridians, lets meridians further expansion of Qin Fang within the body, and has the tenacity, probably is the strength rises suddenly that huge change that a level has brought. 一部分融入了经脉,让秦方体内的经脉进一步的拓宽,且更有强韧,就好像是实力暴涨了一个层次带来的那种巨大的变化似的。 Part, was and Astral Qi in Qin Fang meridians and Yuan Qi of fusion flowing in one...... The effect is also very good, Qin Fang can very clear saw Astral Qi and Yuan Qi of own within the body instantaneously strengthened. 还有一部分,则是与流动于秦方经脉中的罡气元气融合在了一起……效果也是非常好的,秦方可以非常清晰的看到自己体内的罡气元气都是瞬间就增强了许多的。 Four of even if always keeping aloof look like Yuan Qi, almost pulls strings to be motionless they including Qin Fang, but this they are also driving offered the olive branch, has absorbed many holy blood essence, and integrates...... 即便是一向高高在上的四象元气,连秦方都几乎指使不动它们的,可这一回它们也是主动的伸出了橄榄枝,吸收了不少的圣血精华,且融入其中的……
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