NOPTS :: Volume #14 淘汰之异星漂流

#895: Has the world of magic is willful

Chapter 895 has the world of magic is willful 第895章有魔法的世界就是任性 Strict, on this star only has a mainland. 严格来说,这个星球上只有一块大陆。 But as a result of the impediment of middle endless forest, the two sides has been in does not know completely its condition of existence, can achieve the oceangoing voyage until the seacraft, is sent out the exploration fleet that to set foot on another side of the mainland land by Freya Gardeux empire for the first time. 但由于中间无尽森林的阻隔,两边一直处于完全不知其存在的状态,直到航海术能够做到远洋航行,由弗雷亚加尔德帝国派出的探索船队才第一次踏上大陆另一侧的土地。 To them, this is together the completely new mainland, then since „the new continent this name has then continued. 对于他们而言,这就是一块全新的大陆,而后“新大陆”这个称呼便一直延续至今。 Luo Jie is goes by boat to navigate to Northeast, from the map, he has entered this star middle latitude area, the environment climate also no longer " Dolph leads " the like spring all year round like before, but becomes cold incomparable, occasionally also under meeting on 1-2 snows. 罗戒是乘船一路向东北方向航行,从地图上来说,他已经进入这个星球的中纬度地区,环境气候也不再像之前「芬道夫领」那样四季如春,而是变得寒冷无比,偶尔还会下上1-2雪。 Since reached the destination, Luo Jie then no longer goes by boat, Dying Gull Takes back the storage space, transfers Automaton Lucifer one type Lifts off again, compares the map to fly directly to the inland. 既然到达了目的地,罗戒便不再乘船,将【垂死海鸥号】收回储物空间,换乘【机巧人偶路西法・壹式】再次升空,对照地图径直向内陆飞去。 Overlooks from several hundred meters upper air, under the mountains or the rivers, were covered by ice-cold pure white, beautifully and is also monotonous, cannot see any trace of human activities. 从数百米的高空俯瞰,下方无论是山川还是河流,都被一片冰冷的纯白色覆盖,美丽且又单调,看不到任何人类活动的踪影。 Will have this condition is not strange. 会有这种状况并不奇怪。 Before the civilization development the certain extent, human mostly seeks the water and soil lush warm region to settle down, only if really does not go on living, otherwise hardly knows some people to come the place of such bitter cold to suffer hardship on own initiative. 在文明发展到一定程度以前,人类大多都是寻着水土丰美的温暖地带定居,除非是实在活不下去,否则几乎不会有人主动来这样的苦寒之地受罪。 Naturally, what here said is human, but non- human is uncertain. 当然,这里说的是人类,而非人类就不一定了。 After thorough inland several hundred kilometers, in only has the trunk and branches in the fallen leaf forest, Luo Jie saw the first intelligent race in new continent. 深入内陆数百公里后,在一处只剩下枝干的落叶林中,罗戒见到了新大陆上的第一个智慧种族。 That is one wears the animal skin, at first sight comes up to seem like the young girl of human, two rabbit-ears that but the head raises up high and behind that very easily neglected wool ball short-tail, all indicates her different kind bloodline. 那是一个身着兽皮,乍看上去很像是人类的少女,但头上高高竖起的两支兔耳和身后那很容易被忽略的绒球短尾,无一不表明她的异类血统。 Hunter rabbit clan. 猎头兔族。 In «GATE Knocks on the Team world Fantasy», the hunter rabbit clan is the minority of Demi-Human clan- this Demi-Human is not the other Demi-Human, with Luo Jie that Demi-Human Relations do not have, generalized is in two dimensions has the kind of human form intelligent lifeform of some different kind characteristics. 在《GATE奇幻叩队》的世界中,猎头兔族是亚人族的一个少数种族-此“亚人”非彼“亚人”,跟罗戒那个【亚人】一点关系都没有,广义上来说就是二次元中有着部分异类特征的类人形智慧生物。 Different races characteristics that here said that not only including common wild animal, birds and fish, even can also be the insect and crawling class, plant, mineral wait/etc. 这里说的异类特征,不仅包括常见的野兽、飞禽、鱼类,甚至还可以是昆虫、爬行类、植物、矿物等等。 Perhaps is crazed, you holds a blade on own body, can jump one pile of loli that wears the small yellow hat come to help you stop up the wound with the body. 再丧心病狂一点,说不定你在自己的身上捅一刀,都能蹦出一堆戴着小黄帽的萝莉来用身体帮你堵伤口。 The topic pulled far. 话题又扯远了。 The hunter rabbit clan still stayed in the tribe civilized hunting nationality, the population elimination rate is extremely high, can survive is the battle efficiency extremely strong elite. 猎头兔族是尚停留在部落文明的狩猎民族,人口淘汰率极高,能够存活下来的无一不是战斗力极强的精英。 But barbaric cannot stand off the civilization eventually, in «GATE Knocks on the Team original works Fantasy», such a powerful fight race was also hit finally extinguishes the country, the queens in clan by the human army the big princes by empire is seized to be the firearm slave. 可野蛮终究敌不过文明,在《GATE奇幻叩队》的原著中,这样一个强大的战斗种族最终还是被人类军队打得灭了国,族中的女王也被帝国的大王子捉去做了热兵器奴隶。 Sees the hunter rabbit clansman between below snowy area forests, Luo Jie realized that this is the inquiry news good opportunity. 看到下方雪地林间的猎头兔族人,罗戒意识到这是个打探消息好机会。 Although in his hand has from the new continent map of marine trader there plan, but the map precision of this age is really a long story, in adding on skillfully to catch up with the winter that the heavy snow closes off a mountain area unfortunately, all terrestrial references were buried under the thick snow deposit, he has become lost at present completely. 他手上虽然有着从海商那里绘制的新大陆地图,但这个年代的地图精确度实在是一言难尽,在加上好巧不巧赶上大雪封山的冬季,所有的地标都被掩埋在厚厚的雪层之下,他目前已经完全迷路了。 World book Runge Runge That that could not solve. 【世界全书・隆戈隆戈】都解决不了的那种。 A distracted time, below that hunter rabbit clan young girls have the tiger demon beast of white streak seemed like looks for food to do directly with one. 一个走神的工夫,下方的那名猎头兔族少女已经跟一只似乎是出来觅食的有着白色斑纹的老虎型魔兽正面干上了。 This named " streak saber-toothed tiger " the demon beast, has his distant relative that side Freya Gardeux empire, the strength is almost equal to the silver knight, the common hunter is unable to hunt alone this beast of prey. 这种名为「斑纹剑齿虎」的魔兽,在弗雷亚加尔德帝国那边也有其远亲,实力几乎与白银骑士等同,寻常的猎人根本无法单独狩猎这种猛兽。 But that hunter rabbit clan young girls only with a hunting knife, then fought well-matched with this white streak saber-toothed tiger, even also obviously got the winning side. 但那名猎头兔族少女仅凭着一把猎刀,便与这白色的斑纹剑齿虎斗了个旗鼓相当,甚至还明显占据了上风。 Is preparing to paste the slippery shovel in the hunter rabbit young girl, opens up the stomach strikes when , under ground that both sides that the streak saber-toothed tiger fight, the thick snow haunches up suddenly upwardly, a flat giant monster a person of tiger fierce top the midair, holds up the head to open that black hole big mouth to wait for falling of prey immediately. 就在猎头兔少女正准备贴地滑铲,给斑纹剑齿虎开膛破肚的一击时,双方战斗的地面下方,厚厚的积雪突然向上拱起,一只身型扁平的巨大怪物将一人一虎猛的顶上半空,随即昂头张开那黑洞般的大口等待着猎物的掉落。 Praying mantis catches cicada, canary. 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。 The hunter rabbit young girl has not expected herself to meet the rare place good great grouper completely, the body is unable to move with the strength in the midair, can only look desperately shuts the eyes. 猎头兔少女完全没有料到自己会遇上罕见的地行巨鲶,身体在半空中又无法借力移动,只能面露绝望的闭起双眼。 The sharp sound air-splitting resounds in the ear bank, she then felt that oneself body banged into a strong crook of the elbow. 尖锐的破空声在耳畔响起,紧接着她便感觉自己的身体撞入了一个强壮的臂弯。 The hunter rabbit young girl opens eyes, sees only herself to be hugged by a strange black hair human man in the bosom, the foot steps on one to be bigger much the black great sword float in the midair. 猎头兔少女睁开眼,只见自己正被一个陌生的黑发人类男子抱在怀中,脚踩着一把大得出奇的黑色巨剑悬浮在半空。 But in dozens meters, sneak attacked her place good great grouper to be nailed tight by a bright scarlet red long spear/gun in the ground, the raging fire of spear's/gun's body combustion must incite to make noise the body cauterization, is scattering the burnt fragrance outward. 而在数十米的下方,之前偷袭她的地行巨鲶被一杆明亮的赤红色长枪钉死在地面上,枪身燃烧的烈火将皮肉烧灼得滋滋作响,向外飘散着焦糊的香气。 Luo Jie grasps void, the flame spear/gun changes to the ignition star to disperse immediately with the wind. 罗戒虚空一握,炎枪立刻化作点点火星随风而散。 The players can need to adjust the skill according to the fight the output intensity, this strikes is actually Angry day flame spear/gun The side attenuation version, the effect also attacked the magic to turn into the short-range single body magic from the long-distance group, the might in Adolla Burst Waits for under a series of hot attribute passive additions to be good, the biggest advantage lies in instantaneous, is suitable to be used to assault or sneak attack. 玩家可以根据战斗需要调整技能的输出强度,这一击其实就是【怒日炎枪】的极弱化版,效果也从远程群攻魔法变成了近程单体魔法,威力在【安德拉爆炎】等一系列火属性被动加成下还算不错,最大优势在于瞬发,非常适合用来抢攻或偷袭。 Luo Jie lifts the hand is an flame spear/gun flies, the streak saber-toothed tiger that prepares to sneak off quietly is also only giving to nail tight that in side of that big sheatfish. 罗戒抬手又是一杆炎枪飞出去,将那只正准备悄悄溜走的斑纹剑齿虎也给钉死在那大鲶鱼的旁边。 The black great sword falls to the ground slowly, the hot blast of spraying blew to melt all around snow, revealed below withered and yellow weeds. 黑色巨剑徐徐落地,喷射的热风吹融了四周的积雪,露出下方枯黄的野草。 Has a hunter rabbit young girl of maroon long hair to jump down, first discrete runs up to by the corpses of two demon beasts 11 to make up the blade in the vital part, later returns to front of Luo Jie knees down seriously serves with the big ritual. 有着一头栗色长发的猎头兔少女一跃而下,先谨慎的跑到两只魔兽的尸体旁一一在要害处补刀,随后才返回到罗戒面前单膝跪地郑重的施以大礼。 Honored master, thank your makes a move to rescue, according to the custom of clan and tribe, I became your house slave voluntarily, offered my body and loyalty for you.” “尊贵的法师阁下,感谢您的出手相救,按照部族的规矩,我自愿成为您的家奴,为您献上我的身体与忠诚。” ? Luo Jie a little accidental/surprised gawked staring, along with even felt relaxed. 哦?罗戒有点意外的愣了愣,随即便释然了。 Hunter rabbit clan the life region civilization degree, is a bit like has not entered the pass the beforehand Jurchen people, will have this type but actually is not voluntarily strange for the custom of slave. 猎头兔族无论是生活地域还是文明程度,很有点类似未入关之前的女真族,会有这种自愿为奴的风俗倒也并不奇怪。 Luo Jie beckons with the hand at will: Slave does not need, I just to pass by, saving you is also what conveniently called for...... you? Why will go hunting here?” 罗戒随意摆摆手:“奴隶就不必了,我就是刚好路过,救你也是随手而为……你叫什么?为什么会在这里打猎?” Regarding the hunter rabbit clan, becomes the house slave of powerhouse is not a shame, instead is one type can the honor that the clansman shows off. 对于猎头兔族而言,成为强者的家奴并不是耻辱,反而是一种可以向族人炫耀的荣光。 Listens to Luo Jie to flatly refuse, chestnut/trembling send/hair the hunter rabbit young girl obviously somewhat loses, makes strenuous efforts to reply: I called " Lila " , was neighbor the hunting team leader of biggest hunter rabbit clan and tribe Dewe Department, because the empire closes off the trade route this year, we have not traded the grain that enough winterred, has to take risk to hit some prey to go back to give the clansman to fill in the belly.” 罗戒一口回绝,栗发猎头兔少女明显有些失落,强打精神回答道:“我叫「德莉拉」,是附近最大的猎头兔部族蒂尤蕾部的狩猎队队长,因为今年帝国封锁了商路,我们没有交易到足够过冬的粮食,不得不冒险出来打些猎物回去给族人填肚子。” Dewe Department?” Luo Jie seemingly heard a familiar name. “蒂尤蕾部?”罗戒貌似听到了一个熟悉的名字。 Right, the custom of our hunter rabbit clan is, most powerhouses in clan are the head of the clan, the name name of clan and tribe also by head of the clan. " Dewe " head of the clan is not only in our clan and tribe the most powerful soldier, is our hunter rabbit clan most powerhouse in history.” “对,我们猎头兔族的规矩是,族中的最强者即为族长,部族也以族长的名字命名。「蒂尤蕾」族长不仅是我们部族中最强大的战士,更是我们猎头兔族有史以来的最强者。” Speaking of own head of the clan, " Lila " subconscious very growth good chest, as the member of most powerful clan and tribe, she also with having glory. 提起自己的族长,「德莉拉」下意识的挺起了发育良好的胸脯,作为最强大部族的成员,她也是与有荣焉。 Hunter rabbit queen " Dewe " is in the original works an unusual patho character, she to save the life of entire clansmen, becomes the slave of empire big prince voluntarily, but actually does not know that the opposite party violated the agreement to slaughter her clansman as before, she also therefore fortunately survived hunter rabbit clan regarded as to covet life and fear death to sell the rebel who the clan sought personal glory. 猎头兔女王「蒂尤蕾」是原著中一个非常悲情的人物,她为了保住全族人的性命,自愿成为帝国大王子的奴隶,但却不知对方依旧违背约定屠杀了她的族人,她本人也因此被幸存的猎头兔族视作贪生怕死卖族求荣的叛徒。 In the original works has not raised " Dewe " how the battle efficiency, enters the stage each time almost is beaten unilaterally, is miserable full screen is the mosaic, the feeling is the fragile miserable small rabbit rabbit. 原著中并没有提过「蒂尤蕾」的战斗力如何,每次出场几乎都是在单方面遭受殴打,惨得满屏都是马赛克,感觉就是个弱不经风楚楚可怜的小兔兔。 However thinks carefully can also understand this is a false appearance, the hunter rabbit clan listens to the name to know that is race that advocates individual military force, commands a queen of clan, how possibly is only to meet ying chirp the soft younger sister? 然而仔细想想也能明白这就是个假象,猎头兔族听名字就知道是个崇尚个人武力的种族,身为统帅一族的女王,怎么可能是个只会嘤嘤嘤的软妹子? Naturally, this is not the key. 当然,这都不是关键。 From " Lila " in the tone, Luo Jie obviously can listen to an information- hunter rabbit queen " Dewe " the clan and tribe has not been attacked by empire army. 从「德莉拉」的语气中,罗戒明显可以听出一个信息-猎头兔女王「蒂尤蕾」的部族还没有遭到帝国军队的攻击。 But only depends on this information, was unable to determine completely he «GATE Knocks on at present Fantasy the Team of» plot time selects. 但仅凭这个信息,还不能完全确定他目前所处的《GATE奇幻叩队》剧情时间点。 After all hunter rabbit queen " Dewe " presence in the second quarter, the extermination of the clan recollection is also insufficiently detailed, is unable to judge that actually this fights to happen before gate opens, after gate opens . 毕竟猎头兔女王「蒂尤蕾」的出场是在第二季,灭族回忆也是语焉不详,无法判断这场战斗究竟是发生在“门”开以前,还是“门”开以后。 If before, that this inside feasibility were big, Luo Jie can definitely rush to " the Arnous hill " directly cat, waited for that side the empire just to open the transmission gate, one round of increment version Angry day flame spear/gun The goalkeepers blow up, directly from starting to strangle the following plot in the seed. 如果是在以前,那这里面的可操作性就大了,罗戒完全可以直接赶往「阿尔努斯山丘」猫着,等帝国那边刚开启传送门,就一发加量版的【怒日炎枪】把门炸毁,直接把后续剧情从开始就扼杀在萌芽中。 If in later, that all needed further consideration. 如果是在以后,那就得一切从长计议了。 It seems like goes to see that hunter rabbit queen personally " Dewe " . 看来得去亲自见见那个猎头兔女王「蒂尤蕾」。 Lila, I was a little hungry, can lead me to go to your clan and tribe to eat a thing?” Luo Jie has not revealed own intention rashly directly, but found an excuse. “德莉拉,我有点饿了,能带我去你的部族吃点东西吗?”罗戒并没有贸然直接表露出自己的意图,而是找了个借口。 This......” chestnut/trembling send/hair hunter rabbit young girl " Lila " heard that the word is somewhat awkward, because of the reason of empire, our hunter rabbit clan did not like human, in the clan stipulated cannot have strange human to enter the tribe......” “这……”栗发猎头兔少女「德莉拉」闻言有些为难,“因为帝国的原因,我们猎头兔族并不怎么喜欢人类,族中更规定了不许带陌生人类进入部落……” „, This.” “哦,这样啊。” „......” chestnut/trembling send/hair hunter rabbit young girl " Lila " complexion slightly hangs the eye to say red in a low voice: Copulation object who if catches as me, in the clan others will not stop...... to be only actually, to your such powerhouse, possibly is not the unacceptable insult.” “不过……”栗发猎头兔少女「德莉拉」脸色微红垂目低声道:“如果是作为我捕捉到的交配对象,族中其他人倒是不会阻拦……只是,对您这样的强者来说,可能是无法接受的侮辱。” „???” “???” Has listened to " Lila " the explanation, Luo Jie knows, originally the hunter rabbit clan is the matriarchal clan, the female position is higher than the male, to breed a stronger descendant, the women of hunter rabbit clan have had to grab the other families strong masculine custom. 听过「德莉拉」的解释,罗戒才知道,原来猎头兔族属于母系氏族,女性的地位要高于男性,为了孕育更加强壮的后代,猎头兔族的女人一直都有劫掠外族强壮男性的习俗。 If the masculine strength is powerful enough, will present by the situation that many hunter rabbit clan females share. 如果男性的实力足够强大,甚至会出现被多名猎头兔族女性共用的情况。 The national custom does not appraise temporarily, Luo Jie only wants to know, the hunter rabbit clan doesn't have the reproductive isolation? 民族习俗暂不评价,罗戒只想知道,猎头兔族难道没有生殖隔离吗? Really has the world of magic is willful...... 果然有魔法的世界就是任性…… Today is 51, therefore rested slightly...... the folk customs of hunter rabbit clan is the author fungus two creates, please do not go into seriously, but the matriarchal clan should real, because in the recollection has not seen the male. Lila is «Knocks on the rabbit-ear hostess in Team Arnous Hill Tavern Fantasy», is the hunter rabbit clan places the spy there, actor's pay that in the second quarter the fourth volume has her and rabbit rabbit queen. The painted eggshell chapter has the chart. 今天是五一,所以稍稍休息了一下……猎头兔族的民俗是作者菌二创,请不要深究,但母系氏族应该是真的,因为回忆中没看到男性。德莉拉是《奇幻叩队》中阿尔努斯山丘酒馆中的兔耳女招待,也是猎头兔族安插在那里的间谍,第二季第四集有她和兔兔女王的戏份。彩蛋章有图。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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