NOPTS :: Volume #14 淘汰之异星漂流

#893: Angry day flame spear/gun

Chapter 893 anger day flame spear/gun 第893章怒日炎枪 The elementary students know, between two points the line segment is shortest. 小学生都知道,两点之间线段最短。 Leads to go to opposite half mainland from Dolph, crossing the endless forest without doubt is the quickest shortcut. 从芬道夫领前往对面的半块大陆,横穿无尽森林无疑是最快的捷径。 But after the preliminary attempt, Luo Jie cancelled this thought rapidly. 但经过初步尝试,罗戒迅速打消了这个念头。 He is understands now why sky over the endless forest has never seen the large-scale flight demon beast, because there rips the younger sister black strong territory, as long as there is any lifeform to enter the range, will immediately attract the cockroach brother who blocks the sky to be expensive, clings to for dear life breaks rottenly cannot throw off. 他现在算是明白,为什么无尽森林上空从未见过大型飞行魔兽,因为那里是撕妹黑强的领地,但凡有任何生物进入范围,立刻会引来遮天蔽日的蟑螂兄贵,死缠烂打甩都甩不掉。 Luo Jie no doubt can burn, but that thing does not explode the valuable box not to have the overall, except for wastes the strength in vain, the flying speed cannot raise. 罗戒固然可以一路烧过去,可那玩意既不爆宝箱也没有积分,除了白白浪费力气,飞行速度也始终提不起来。 But, he can only choose the sea route, once explored new continent's marine trader with these, from the Dormont harbor, navigates to east along the curving coastline. 无奈之下,他只能选择走海路,与那些曾经探索新大陆的海商一样,从多蒙特市的港口出发,沿着弯弯曲曲的海岸线一路向东航行。 Rides naturally is that tattered Dying Gull, Except that the comfort level is poor, the safety coefficient of this ship in these flashy but lacking substance large merchants the harbor too be high more. 所乘坐的自然是那艘破破烂烂的【垂死海鸥号】,除了舒适度差一点,这艘船的安全系数可是要比港口中那些华而不实的大型商船高太多了。 Most essential is, Dying Gull One about ten meters single mast sailing ship, does not need so many sailors, ties up on the mast Automaton Lucifer one type When the jet drive, he alone can open. 最关键是,【垂死海鸥号】只是一艘十米左右的单桅帆船,不需要那么多水手,在桅杆上绑上【机巧人偶路西法・壹式】当喷气驱动,他一个人就能开得起来。 Compares the crisis-ridden endless forest, the sea of this star is quite actually temperate, at least offshore does not have any attack very strong marine life exists, several gather round occasionally Dying Gull Shark lifeform of patrolling, after was grasped to roast several to eat by Luo Jie continuously could not see again. 相比危机四伏的无尽森林,这个星球的海洋倒是极为温和,至少近海没有任何攻击型很强的海洋生物存在,偶有几条围着【垂死海鸥号】游弋的鲨鱼型生物,也在被罗戒连续抓来烤了几条吃后就再也看不到了。 Then is the long ocean navigation. 接下来就是漫长的海上航行。 Is good because of Luo Jie is not one person alone in the true sense, " Marikawa Shizuka " and " Scheherazade " and " Ram " and " " and other younger sister as if regarded the rare vacation this navigation, every day changes the different swimsuits to walk back and forth in the deck, the picture is quite beautiful cool. 好在罗戒并不是真正意义上的孤身一身,「鞠川静香」、「山鲁佐德」、「拉姆」、「蕾姆」等一众妹子似乎把这次航行当成了难得的假期,每天换着不同的泳衣在甲板上走来走去,画面极为清凉养眼。 If this is a play, it is estimated that is ready proper seventh volume or the eighth volume. 如果这是一部番剧,估计就是妥妥的第七集或第八集了。 Limited to the system convention, three blood brides " Shimohira Reika " and " Kamado Nezuko " and " Isayama Yomi " cannot also appear in the illusion world, and middle also 24 hours of summon cooling time, Luo Jie also can only their three to come out to ventilate in turn, has saying that is a small regret. 只是受限于系统规则,三名血新娘「下平玲花」、「灶门祢豆子」、「谏山黄泉」在幻境世界中不能同时出现,且中间还有24小时的召唤冷却时间,罗戒也只能让她们三人轮流出来透风,不得不说是个小小的遗憾。 Dying Gull It is not the luxurious yacht, day after day will feel eventually bored. 垂死海鸥号】不是豪华游艇,日复一日终究会感到无聊。 Fluttered for a month the sea later, was unable from rumbling to lie found the pleasure Luo Jie, starts to ponder over to oneself is looking for a matter to do. 在海上飘荡了一个月后,已经无法从轰趴上找到乐趣的的罗戒,开始琢磨着得给自己找点事干。 Right, oneself one pile of boxes have not started probably. 对了,自己好像还有一堆箱子没有开。 Said is a box, actually majority is strikes to kill some pleasantly surprised boxes that the empire punitive expedition army mixed soldiers drop out randomly, genuine valuable box only then that wind attribute magician Geyl and gold tooth fatty feudal lord " marquis Dolph " and devil " Oslo duke " three people of striking kills the valuable box. 说是箱子,其实大部分是击杀帝国讨伐军杂兵随机掉出的一些惊喜盒,真正的宝箱只有那个风属性魔法师「盖尔」、金牙胖子领主「芬道夫侯爵」和恶魔化的「奥斯陆公爵」三人的击杀宝箱。 The one breath operated more than ten pleasantly surprised boxes, without exception is some useless junks, for example the bill signed in acknowledgment of debt of picture and usury of one's beloved, sends out artificial tooth anything that the smell shoe pad and paternal grandmother are forgetting. 一口气开了十几个惊喜盒,无一例外都是些无用的杂物,比如心上人的照片、高利贷的欠条、散发着气味的鞋垫、奶奶遗忘的假牙什么的。 Luo Jie holds the volume speechless, threw into the sea these at sixes and sevens thing conveniently. 罗戒无语扶额,将这些乱七八糟的玩意随手扔进了大海。 Own this non- earthly branch bloodline operates the pleasantly surprised box not to count on, opens honestly strikes to kill the valuable box. 自己这非酋血统开惊喜盒是别指望了,还是老老实实开击杀宝箱吧。 Geyl's valuable box What starts out is a itself/Ben Gale blade technique. 【盖尔的宝箱】中开出的是一本【大风刃术】。 This is the wind system low level attack magic arts Wind blade technique Entering step version, the quality is D is blue, western imaginary side legal system occupation definition. 这是风系低级攻击法术【风刃术】的进阶版,品质为D蓝,西幻侧法系职业限定。 Rate of output of this skill in illusion is very high, but the player quantity of legal system occupation are more, is in the market the quite marketable commodity. 此技能在幻境中的出产率很高,但法系职业的玩家数量更多,算是市场上比较抢手的商品。 Valuable box of marquis Dolph What starts out is a gold tooth. 【芬道夫侯爵的宝箱】开出的是一副金牙。 Right, is in the original works that big gold tooth of this greasy fatty most symbolic. 对,就是原著中这油腻胖子最标志性的那副大金牙。 After the item description is the equipment, can increase own nouveau riche makings, to worshipping money female NPC attraction MAX. 物品说明是装备后可以增加自身的暴发户气质,对拜金女型NPC吸引力MAX。 Looks at probably very fierce appearance, ponders over is actually the trash skill, one pile of bills can achieve the same effect, let alone Luo Jie also has rich woman Heroic Spirit that can the soft food eat hardly " Scheherazade " . 看着好像很厉害的样子,实际一琢磨就是个垃圾技能,一摞钞票就能达到同等效果,更别说罗戒还有个可以软饭硬吃的富婆英灵山鲁佐德」。 However this thing cannot say that uses not to have, no matter how said that after all is the pure gold, is really not good can also work as the currency directly. 不过这玩意也不能说一点用没有,不管怎么说毕竟是纯金的,实在不行还可以直接当货币。 Valuable box of devil Oslo Grand Duke Was put by Luo Jie finally. 【恶魔奥斯陆大公的宝箱】被罗戒放到了最后。 In his opinion, this is one is most likely to start out striking of high value goods to kill the valuable box. 在他看来,这是一个最有可能开出高价值物品的击杀宝箱。 Sure enough, after turning on valuable box, presents in the Luo Jie present that " Oslo duke " symbolic skill- strategic magic Angry day flame spear/gun! 果不其然,在开启宝箱后,出现在罗戒眼前的正是那「奥斯陆公爵」的标志性技能-战略魔法【怒日炎枪】! Angry day flame spear/gun 【怒日炎枪】 Type: Magic( magician occupation definition) 类型:魔法(魔法师职业限定) Quality: D( gold/metal) 品质:D(金) Rank: LV.1 等级:LV.1 Synopsis: The strategic magic of powerful force, conducts the high density to compress the hot element, hits the target backward all around to release the flame continually. May gather the strength through long time, increases the firing distance and flame releasing time. 简介:威力强大的战略魔法,将火元素进行高密度压缩,击中目标后向四周持续释放火焰。可通过长时间蓄力,增加射程与火焰释放时间。 Reika, first waits, I experiment a new skill.” 玲花,先等一下,我试验一个新技能。” Luo Jie greets with " Shimohira Reika that " is steering in the deck, jumps to leap Dying Gull, Steady standing in fluctuating uncertain sea level. 罗戒与正在甲板上掌舵的「下平玲花」打了个招呼,纵身跃下【垂死海鸥号】,稳稳的站在起伏不定的海面上。 Can achieve this point, naturally is that dragon Ring Teigu that because in the hand wears Water Dragon bases on dark horse forest. 能做到这一点,自然是因为手上戴着的那枚龙型戒指-帝具【水龙凭依・黑马林】。 The intention flashes, the blazing flame in the right hand palm of Luo Jie like the storm revolving gathering, changes to a scarlet red long spear/gun that just like the entity. 心念闪动,炽热的火焰在罗戒的右手掌心如风暴般旋转汇聚,化作一杆犹如实体的赤红色长枪。 Walks you!” “走你!” Does not need to make an effort specially, this flame long spear/gun then lets go to shoot up to the sky, like missile spraying the long hot tail, the diameter is non-stop flying to distant that green and luxuriant coastline. 无需特别用力,这杆火焰长枪便脱手冲天而起,如同飞弹般喷射着长长的火尾,径直飞向远方那片郁郁葱葱的海岸线。 Luo Jie steps changes into the black great sword shape Automaton Lucifer one type, Follows pursues in the field of vision to fly rapidly the far that flame, spans several kilometers distance an edge that somewhere until the flame spear/gun grips in the endless forest, the peripheral several hundred meters range will burn a sea of fire. 罗戒踏上化为黑色巨剑形态的【机巧人偶路西法・壹式】,紧随其后追赶着视野中急速飞远的那道火光,直到炎枪跨越数千米的距离一头扎在无尽森林的某处边缘,将周边数百米的范围燃成一片火海。 Buzz-! 嗡-! The countless black muscle brother expensive/noble whipped the wing to fly the sky to look at a sample from the combustion woods is this strikes exactly to bind the old nest of some sparks/Mars cockroach. 不计其数的黑色肌肉兄贵从燃烧的树林中拍打着翅膀飞上天空看样是这一击恰好扎到了某个火星蟑螂的老窝。 Luo Jie does not want with these quack remedy insect group entanglements, roughly to confirm after attack range and attack effect, then the rapid tone returns. 罗戒也不想跟这些狗皮膏药般的虫群纠缠,大致确认了攻击范围与攻击效果后,便迅速调头返航。 How the test result said...... 试验结果怎么说呢…… Although all within the expectation of Luo Jie, but is somewhat greatly disappointed unavoidably. 虽然一切都在罗戒的预料之内,但还是难免有些大失所望。 Angry day flame spear/gun The might of this skill was really low . Moreover the effect was a arson, so long as the opposite party has prepared, with fireproof vessel or magic cover this flame spear/gun cover that inserted in the ground lived, the injury of this thing even might as well " Succulent Plant " a round of salt fish artillery. 【怒日炎枪】这技能的威力实在是太低了,而且效果就是一个纵火,只要对方有所准备,用耐火的容器或魔法罩把这杆插在地上的火焰枪罩住,这玩意的伤害甚至还不如「多肉植物」的一发咸鱼炮。 Only remarkable, is that ultra far firing distance. 唯一可圈可点的,就是那超远的射程。 Was a moment ago casual strikes flew about ten thousand meters, if gathers the strength, it is estimated that the firing distance can also continue to increase several times again. 刚才只是随便一击就飞了近万米,如果是蓄力,估计射程还能再继续增加个几倍。 Naturally, the accurate aim also is very touching...... this thing is the ultra-large number magic flees after all a day of monkey, wants the accurate hit beyond the apparent distance, that can only repose in the belief. 当然,准头也很感人……毕竟这玩意就是个超大号的魔法窜天猴,想要在视距以外准确命中,那就只能寄托于信仰了。 Today the condition is unsatisfactory, only then 2000 characters, excuse me. 今天状态不佳,只有两千字,见谅。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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