NOPTS :: Volume #12 漆黑之多罗罗

#727: Ghosts don't emperor releases to call

" Ohagi " is just about to open the mouth to refute, suddenly realized anything, sneers saying: Almost on your clever trick, do not presumptuously think to delay the time...... I to acknowledge, the strength of that your female companion is very strong, I looked her eyes can feel chill in the air all over the body, but how can that? This is my lair, below is my lovable child, a person of spider's silk, sufficiently your companion while still alive in dire straits.” 阿萩」正要开口反驳,忽然意识到了什么,冷笑道:“差点就中了你的诡计,别妄想拖延时间……我承认,那个你那个女性同伴的力量很强大,我只是看她一眼就能感觉遍体寒意,但那又能如何?这是我的巢穴,下面都是我可爱的孩子,一人一口蛛丝,也足以将你那同伴活活困死。” Then, on nape of the neck that her sharp tooth bites in Luo Jie, slightly a toxin that brings to lull the feeling gradually spreads various whole body places following the blood. 说完,她尖锐的牙齿一口咬在罗戒的脖颈上,一股带着微微麻痹感的毒素顺着血液逐渐蔓延全身各处。 The body of Luo Jie relaxes, only thought that the strength of whole body is draining, even the sound is hard to send out, however from the dry and hot feeling of instinct actually even more intense. 罗戒的身体松弛下来,只觉得全身的力量都在流失,甚至连声音都难以发出,然而一股源自本能的燥热感却愈发的强烈。 Felt the whole body, only then can a place use the strength?” “是不是感觉全身只有一个地方能用上力?” " Ohagi " on the face shows the facial expression that plays tricks on, entrains that to use with the homespun cloth clothing of camouflage, four slender arms such as the wife serves the husband who goes home, the gentle solution goes to Luo Jie clothes armor. 阿萩」的脸上露出戏弄的神情,拽下那用以伪装的粗布衣衫,四条修长的手臂如妻子侍奉归家的丈夫般,轻柔的解去罗戒身上的衣甲。 My venom will gradually dissolve your muscle and internal organs, but also has extremely intense Cui emotion effect, regardless of you how does not prefer, body extremely honest wish will tie with me- about...... how? Had the feeling?” “我的毒液会逐渐溶解你的肌肉和内脏,但同时又具有极为强烈的崔情效果,无论你内心多么的不情愿,身体都会极为诚实的想要与我结-合……怎么样?是不是有感觉了呢?” " Ohagi " knows that Luo Jie is unable to reply her at this moment, these words also use thinking aloud of satisfied innermost feelings wicked interest merely. 阿萩」知道罗戒此刻根本无法回答她,这番话也仅仅只是用以满足内心恶趣味的自言自语。 You should be honored, even if I am Jorōgumo, seed that needs to borrow human multiplication descendant, but is not the casual what men can......” “你该感到荣幸,即便我是络新妇,需要借人类的种子来繁衍后代,可也不是随便什么男人都可以的……” " Ohagi " two arms grasp the head of Luo Jie, the fierce bone blade foot fold draws , the huge ventral sac upper extreme sank slowly... 阿萩」的两只臂膀抱住罗戒的头,狰狞的骨质刀脚折叠收拢,巨大的腹囊上端缓缓沉了下来。。。 Why does not know, from seeing your first, I impatient wants to make you my next group of children's father......? This feeling...... you are really not common human! Makes me bosom on a lot of lovable spider babies for you!” “不知为什么,从看到你的第一眼,我就迫不及待的想让你成为我下一批孩子的父亲……嗯?这个感觉……你果然不是寻常的人类呢!来让我为你怀上一肚子可爱的蜘蛛宝宝吧!” The corners of the mouth of Luo Jie hoist a helpless forced smile reluctantly- also why can be, naturally is because Blessing of 180 MM Title. 罗戒的嘴角勉强扯起一个无奈的苦笑-还能是为什么,当然是因为【180MM的祝福】称号。 He is knows that now this illusion world that " jet black " prefix referred to anything, was not he estimated darkness or evil the meaning, but referred to fused named «Jet black Shoots Thousand» works the world outlooks. 他现在算是知道这个幻境世界那「漆黑」前缀是指什么了,不是他预想中“黑暗”或是“邪恶”的意思,而是指融合了一部名为《漆黑的射千》作品的世界观。 What this work said was what story is unimportant, more importantly, this was in a illusion very rare principle kind of the world. 这部作品讲的是什么故事已经不重要,重要的是,这是一部幻境中很少见的理番类世界。 The principle kind of the world and ordinary the world's largest difference are sexual discrimination- in this kind of the world, the male player when capturing/raiding the plot and NPC character will have the overwhelming superiority because of some inborn special skill, but the female player will be difficult because of some flaw, once the individual world defeat, will also face extremely cleverly- the defeat penalty of livestock. 理番类世界与普通世界最大的差异就是性别歧视-在这类世界中,男性玩家在攻略剧情与NPC人物时会因某种天生的特长而占据绝对优势,而女性玩家却会因某种缺陷寸步难行,个别世界一旦战败,还会面对极为鬼-畜的战败惩罚。 Also with has the female player who it corresponds to occupy the palace of advantage to fight the kind of the world, the male player also can only rub the corner branch small duty in this world in the surrounding. 与之对应的也有女性玩家占据优势的宫斗类世界,男性玩家在这种世界也就只能在外围蹭蹭边角支线小任务。 Not all principle kind of the world are the paradises of man, some individual also black deep remnant plots, for example like at this moment «Jet black Shoots Thousand». 并不是所有的理番类世界都是男人的乐园,个别也有一些黑深残的剧情,比如就像此刻的《漆黑的射千》。 This is a reorganization from Japan folklore «Tsune Motoyoshi And the Side horse Tian gou» story. 这是一个改编自倭国民间传说《源义经与鞍马天狗》的故事。 " Tsune Motoyoshi " is Japan is honored as the army god, is character who was similar Han Dynasty Huaiyin marquis Han Xin, the childhood drifted about destitute, after being grown, assisted elder brother Minamoto no Yoritomo to fight to win the state power, won one victory after another, was latter chased down by Minamoto no Yoritomo because of merit tall Zhenzhu, finally nursed hatred to commit suicide dead. 「源义经」是倭国被尊为军神,是个类似汉朝淮阴侯「韩信」的人物,幼年颠沛流离,成年后辅佐兄长「源赖朝」打江山,屡战屡胜,后因功高震主被「源赖朝」追杀,最终含恨自尽而死。 " Tsune Motoyoshi " once used infant name " Ushiwakamaru " , when childhood once in Kyoto Kuramadera learn/study, folklore his skill in Wushu and military tactics was in monster " crow tian gou " by Mt. Anma gave at that time. 「源义经」曾用乳名「牛若丸」,幼年时曾在京都鞍马寺学习,民间传说他那一身武艺与兵法就是那时由鞍马山上的妖怪「鸦天狗」所授。 In «Jet black Shoots Thousand», " Tsune Motoyoshi " that pretty shota " Ushiwakamaru " , but " crow tian gou " actually turned into an extraordinarily skillful big ominous governing elder sister, by his mother " often plate " requirement, escorts " Ushiwakamaru " to go to a city. 而在《漆黑的射千》中,「源义经」还是那个眉清目秀的正太「牛若丸」,而「鸦天狗」却变成了一个武艺高强的大凶御姐,受其母亲「常盘」的委托,护送「牛若丸」前往一条城。 This demon changes the world that mixes to build to have " Ushiwakamaru " and " shoots thousand " , Luo Jie does not know. But at present this Jorōgumo " Ohagi " actually «Jet black Shoots Thousand», the first monster who the lead two people of group institutes run into. 这个魔改混搭的世界存不存在「牛若丸」与「射千」,罗戒并不知晓。但眼前这络新妇阿萩」却正是《漆黑的射千》中,主角二人组所遇到的第一个妖怪。 Naturally, holds in the world strength rank in addition of fourth-order illusion, this spider essence may that only meet ying chirp the soft younger sister to be much more fearful than the original works, particularly at this spider hole home game, could definitely be the lifeform of BOSS rank. 当然,在四阶幻境的世界力量等级加持下,这个蜘蛛精可要比原著中那只会嘤嘤嘤的软妹子可怕得多,尤其是在这蜘蛛洞的主场,已经完全可以算是BOSS级别的生物了。 For a long time, with spider web fierce swaying, Jorōgumo " Ohagi " the body of that half -and-a-half people of spider is weak, the blade foot of curl often twitches slightly several. 许久,随着蛛网一阵剧烈的摇晃,络新妇阿萩」那半人半蛛的身体瘫软下来,卷曲的刀脚不时轻微抽搐几下。 She haunches the body, two handle gently is caressing the slender waist by the lower abdomen of Shimohira frank, making two hands hold the face of Luo Jie to kiss one lightly, regretting that yearned for said: Such good seedling source, ate was somewhat a pity......, but I had pledged to not be moved to any human man again, if keeps today you, I only fear really being able to get down hand.” 她撑起身体,两只手轻抚着纤腰以下平坦的小腹,令两只手捧起罗戒的脸轻吻了一口,略带留恋的惋惜道:“这么好的种源,吃掉有些可惜了……但我早已发过誓,不会再对任何一个人类男人动情,如果今天将你留下来,我只怕真的会下不去手呢。” Eats to hang...... me...... you to regret............” Luo Jie forces to squeeze out several characters from the gap between teeth. “吃吊……我……你会后悔……的……”罗戒勉强从牙缝里挤出几个字。 Jorōgumo " Ohagi " cannot help but gawked staring, she sees many men to ask itself in crying of nervous breakdown do not eat him finally, however she cannot see any fear in the eyes of this man, instead has to plant to bring to tease the taunt of feeling intensely. 络新妇阿萩」不由得愣了愣,她见过很多男人会在最后精神崩溃的哭求自己不要吃掉他,然而她在这个男人的眼中看不到任何的恐惧,反而有种带着强烈戏谑感的嘲讽。 This look enraged her thoroughly, that attractive young girl face instantaneous expansion and deformation, revealing fully is the spider prototype of compound eye, full is the mandible of advantage tooth opens like the flowers, then has to make her loathe the look head that to nip from the nape of the neck, chews in the mouth crushes. Suddenly, the jet black tunnel deep place transmits billowingly thunderous, the terrifying lightning reversion rises straight from the ground together, the bang put on the above precipice, is connected with the horizon dark cloud, in an instant presents the giant thunder and lightning diamond who a central block wheel high and low awl punctured to poke the appearance. 这种眼神彻底激怒了她,那漂亮的少女面孔瞬间膨胀变形,露出满是复眼的蜘蛛原型,满是利齿的大颚如花朵般张开,一口便将那有着让她厌恶眼神的头颅从脖颈上咬下,在口中嚼得粉碎。突然间,漆黑的地洞深处传来滚滚雷鸣,一道恐怖的闪电逆向拔地而起,轰穿了上方的山岩,与天际的乌云相连,刹那间呈现出了一个中央刀轮上下锥刺的巨大雷电金刚杵模样。 „? Is this...... what's the matter?” “啊?这是……怎么回事?” " Ohagi " the blade foot climbs up rapidly, hides the body behind the hole rock, danger dangerous avoided that terrifying thunder light, raised the head actually to see her these spider heir whole bodies to be exploded dozens meters upper air jet black, crash of no vitality in the ground, fall piles of burnt fragment powder. 阿萩」的刀脚急速攀爬,将身体掩藏在洞岩后方,险之又险的避开了那道恐怖雷光,抬头却见她的那些蜘蛛子嗣们浑身漆黑被炸上数十米的高空,毫无生机的坠落在地面上,摔成一堆堆焦糊的碎块粉末。 „- My child!” “啊-我的孩子!” " Ohagi " four arms hold the head, a zi eye of desire crack, facial expression hatred looked that to that the slender person's shadow that jumps from thunder light. 阿萩」四臂抱头,眦目欲裂,神情怨毒的看向那从雷光中跃起的窈窕人影。 I, no matter you are the monster are the person or the god, you harmed my child, I destroy all your!” “我不管你是妖是人还是神,你伤害了我的孩子,我就毁灭你的一切!” " Minamoto no Raikō " both eyes are glittering the dazzling ray, when sends the tree top bandage not to know falls off, may steadily and place pitch-black beautiful hair in blue white thunder light, in such as ten thousand Shecuan moves everywhere dances in the breeze, every step will tread to bloom a lotus flower thunder and lightning mark in the under foot, bright heavenly prestige will just like the demon god arrives. 源赖光」的双目闪烁着刺眼的光芒,发梢的绑带不知何时脱落,长可及地的乌黑秀发在如万蛇窜动的蓝白色雷光中漫天飘舞,每一步踏出都会在脚下绽放出一朵莲花型的雷电印记,煌煌天威恍若魔神亲临。
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