NOPTS :: Volume #12 漆黑之多罗罗

#723: Request of Nui No Kata

Sees the lead, represented to contact the main line plot. 见到主角,就代表着接触到了主线剧情。 If traded to do just entered Luo Jie in this illusion, could not say that must pretend not to see on direct careless one wave. 若换做是刚进入本场幻境中的罗戒,说不得就要装作没看见直接苟上一波了。 After all fourth-order the main line plot of very difficult world, is not his current this lowering can receive with the equipment, a narrow escape secondary, possibility that the key simply has not completed. 毕竟四阶最高难度世界的主线剧情,可不是他当前这种低配装备可以接取的,九死一生都是次要的,关键是根本没有完成的可能性。 However since now has " Minamoto no Raikō " this five-star fight Heroic Spirit in the side, to evil spirit Special Attack evil spirit secret killing, it can be said that is like a fish in water in the chaos caused by war world of this bad people running wild, how his high priority was in the limited 100 days of time as far as possible many stratagem benefits to oneself. 不过现在既然有「源赖光」这个五星战斗型英灵在身边,又是对邪灵特攻的妖魔秘杀者,在这个群魔乱舞的战乱世界可以说是如鱼得水,他优先考虑的就是怎样在有限的100天时间里给自己尽可能多的谋福利了。 Contacts the main line plot on own initiative opens the harvesting pattern shortcut without doubt. 主动接触主线剧情无疑就是开启收割模式捷径。 Thinks the clear key, Luo Jie without hesitation took out combined the C gold/metal of steam mechanism/organization Lan dragon soul shadow, Makes contact with the broken demon special-purpose secret Yinjian, The bowstring clank, an arrow shot through a monster wolf head that plunges the aristocrat female... 想清关键,罗戒毫不犹豫的取出组合了蒸汽机关的C金【岚龙魂・影】,搭上破魔专用的【秘银箭枝】,弓弦铮铮,一箭射穿了一只扑向贵族女子的妖狼头颅。。。 Lai light, life-saving!” “赖光,救人!” " Minamoto no Raikō " the Heroic Spirit prototype is not only evil spirit secret killing, is the career military, to damaging the evil spirit of civilians has the intense hatred malice. 源赖光」的英灵原型既是妖魔秘杀者,又是职业軍人,对为害平民的妖魔有着强烈的憎恶感。 Only waits for Luo Jie to order, that selects the plentiful female military commander then to change to the purple meteor to leap forward the battlefield high, the double grenade glittering, changes to a water blue big shaving cutter in an instant, enters in the monster pack of wolves to start a piece of reactionary reign of terror. 只等罗戒下令,那高挑丰满的女武将便化作紫色的流星跃入战场,双手雷光闪烁,刹那间化作一杆水蓝色的大薙刀,杀入妖狼群内掀起一片血雨腥风。 The rear area suddenly has the new force to kill, the monster pack of wolves is somewhat thrown into confusion immediately, assumes rear wolf king call letter one, has several male wolf tones to meet head-on personally, however only one puts in an appearance by " Minamoto no Raikō " the big shaving cutter deducts from beginning to end the neat two leaves of wolf platoons, the colorful internal organs flowed everywhere. 后方突然有生力军杀出,妖狼群顿时有些乱了阵脚,坐镇后方的狼王呼号一声,亲自带着数只雄狼调头迎战,然而只一个照面就被「源赖光」的大薙刀从头到尾劈成整齐的两扇狼排,花花绿绿的内脏流了满地。 The wolf dies, other monster wolves did not have the fighting spirit again, disperses instantly like stray cur fearfully. 头狼一死,其他妖狼再也没有了斗志,惶惶如丧家之犬般一哄而散。 On the alley restored tranquilly, the warriors of being survivor of disaster sit on the ground are puffing, the whole body collapses stands unexpectedly for a long time does not set out. 小路上重新恢复了宁静,劫后余生的武士们一屁股坐在地上喘着粗气,全身虚脱得竟是许久站不起身。 Luo Jie has not gone forward to contact that aristocrat female who eagerly embraces the swaddling clothes, but first inspected that only by the monster wolf corpse that he shoots dead. 罗戒也没有急于上前接触那名怀抱襁褓的贵族女子,而是先检查了那只被他射死的妖狼尸体。 Arrow slanting rear area injects from the head of monster wolf, penetrates the skull to reveal the arrow directly. 箭枝是从妖狼的头部斜后方射入的,直接穿透颅骨露出箭头。 Addition McClatchy steam mechanism/organization module Lan dragon soul shadow Is the C gold/metal level bow and arrow, if the third-order illusion, this arrow has been enough to shoot to explode an elite strangely at the scene, but the monster wolf of this floor monster beast is only the eyeball scrap bleeds profusely from the head merely. 加装了【麦克拉奇蒸汽机关组件】的【岚龙魂・影】是C金级的弓箭,若是三阶幻境,这一箭已经足以将一只精英怪当场射爆,而这只底层妖兽的妖狼仅仅只是眼球炸碎七窍流血。 Even one of the skull animal whole body hardest skeletons, still fully showed the world strength rank of this trial illusion compared with beforehand " double sun " is almost the qualitative spans. 即便颅骨的动物全身最硬的骨骼之一,也足以说明这个试炼幻境的世界力量等级比之前的「双喰」几乎是质的跨越。 Speaking of the world strength rank, here has to put on one. 说到世界力量等级,这里就不得不提上一句。 Enters the players in illusion world to face such a type initially confusedly- obviously before , the first-order illusion also expert rips the tank, how sharing can hit the severe wound to under the bicycle of first-order illusion oneself? 很多初入幻境世界的玩家都会面对这样一种迷茫-明明前一阶幻境自己还能手撕坦克,怎么到了下一阶幻境连共享单车都能把自己撞成重伤? This is actually the system regarding the control of the world strength rank. 这其实就是系统对于世界力量等级的控制。 Simply speaking, the same thing, in the real intensity that the low rank world and high rank world have, is actually completely different. 简单来说,同样一件东西,在低阶世界与高阶世界所拥有的真实强度,其实是完全不同的。 Cites a quite vivid example, «duo A Dream» once stories- the lead of good-for-nothing " wild ratio hero took the spaceship to arrive at an outside star that greatly " accidentally alone has the intelligent life, although the whole world seemed like to Earth is quite similar, but the gravity was minimum, the steel or the concrete, were crisp like the popcorn, therefore " wild ratio hero on that Earth fought five dregs greatly " the physicals, here became the invulnerability strength greatly infinite superhuman. 举个比较形象的例子,《哆啦A梦》中曾经有一个小故事-窝囊废的主角「野比大雄」无意中乘坐飞船独自来到了一个有着智慧生命的外星球,尽管整个世界看上去与地球极为相似,但重力却极小,无论是钢铁还是混凝土,脆得如同爆米花,于是「野比大雄」那地球上战五渣的体质,在这里就成了刀枪不入力大无穷的超人。 Naturally, from the scientific perspective, existence of such star cannot stand firmly, influence that but this story can actually very good explanation world strength rank difference bring to the player. 当然,从科学角度来讲,这样星球的存在是站不住脚的,但这个小故事却可以很好的解释世界力量等级差异给玩家带来的影响。 The promotion of illusion step position, the player will experience an obvious weak time each time, but this is not the strength of player( author) is suppressed by the system forcefully, merely normal relative performance under current world strength rank. 每次幻境阶位的提升,玩家都会经历一个明显的无力期,但这并非是玩家的实力被系统(作者)强行压制,仅仅只是在当前世界力量等级下的正常相对表现罢了。 Now Luo Jie experiences is such a stage, before obtaining fourth-order equipment and skill of correspondence, he can only fortify at every step the discrete vanguard like all novices. 罗戒现在所经历的就是这样一个阶段,在没有获得对应的四阶装备与技能之前,他就只能像所有的新手一样步步为营谨慎前行。 Luo Jie sets out the wolf blood that scratches to switch hands to contaminate, that attire magnificent and expensive female has arrived at the near accompanied by two warriors, embraces the swaddling clothes to kneel on the ground serves with the big ritual to him. 罗戒起身擦掉手上沾染的狼血,那名衣着华贵的女子已经在两名武士的陪同下走到近前,怀抱襁褓跪在地上向他施以大礼。 Thank two chivalrous people's life-saving effortses to our.” “感谢两位侠士对我们母子的救命之恩。” „The slight effort, the madame does not need to be polite.” “举手之劳,夫人不必客气。” Luo Jie courtesy is speaking the pleasantries, in the heart has determined at present the status of this aristocrat female. 罗戒礼节性的说着客套话,心中已然确定了眼前这名贵族女子的身份。 «Dororo» world lead " Hyakkimaru " birth mother, " Nui No Kata " . 正是《多罗罗》世界主角「百鬼丸」的生母,「缝夫人」。 „Will not Chiburi artificial what appear here?” “不知夫人为何会出现在此处?” Hears the inquiry of Luo Jie, in the Nui No Kata facial expression reveals wipes to be sad and helpless, covers the face to sob saying: Is open about the facts two chivalrous people, I am king monarch sovereign " Daigo Kagemitsu " Sir's wife, because my child the look is unusual, by the god officer was predicted for " ominous child " , said that will bring the disaster to the country, must execute immediately.” 听闻罗戒的询问,缝夫人的神情中露出一抹哀伤与无奈,掩面欲泣道:“不瞒二位侠士,我本是国主「醍醐景光」大人之妻,我的孩儿因为相貌异常,被神官预言为「不祥之子」,说是会给国家带来灾难,必须立即处死。” This eventually is the flesh and blood that I am pregnant to give birth to October/ten months, how I can be cruel enough to look that his adult hadn't been killed by the own father? Therefore I brought my child to escape secretly, planned to place to a safe place, but has not actually thought that the halfway met the monster pack of wolves...... two chivalrous people to intend to rescue luckily, the great kindness we will remember for the rest of one's life.” “这终究是我十月怀胎生下的骨肉,我怎能忍心看着他还未成人就被亲身父亲所杀?所以我就偷偷带着我的孩儿逃了出来,打算寄养到一个安全的地方,可却没想到半路遇到了妖狼群……幸好有二位侠士出手相救,大恩大德我们母子二人没齿难忘。” Well? This plot is not probably right...... 咦?这个剧情好像不对啊…… In the original works " Hyakkimaru " was put in the river to run its own course, later passed by doctor Shouhai rescued, brings back to the home to adopt. 原著中「百鬼丸」是被放到河里自生自灭,随后被路过的医生「寿海」所救,带回家收养。 But how did this world turn into " Nui No Kata " to defy the husband to assign/life flees with the child? 可这个世界怎么变成了「缝夫人」违抗夫命携子出逃了呢? Moreover, this time line also rather too early- the plot line of original works starts after " Hyakkimaru " is grown, but present " Hyakkimaru " was just born. 另外,这时间线也未免太早了-原著的正篇剧情线开始是在「百鬼丸」成年以后,可眼下的「百鬼丸」才刚刚出生。 Where does the madame want to go to?” Luo Jie even more is being curious on the plot that the demon changed to the introduction. “那夫人是要去哪里?”罗戒对着开篇就魔改的剧情是愈发的好奇了。 I plan to go to Mt. Anma.” After all has the life-saving efforts, " Nui No Kata " has not concealed to own traveling schedule, „when I have not gotten married, my father once had the graciousness in Mt. Anma " one develops the monk " , I want to look that he should give shelter to my child in the past friendship.” “我打算去鞍马山。”毕竟有着救命之恩,「缝夫人」对自己的行程也没有隐瞒,“我尚未出嫁时,我父亲曾有恩于鞍马山的「壹演僧正」,我想看在当年的情分上他应该会收留我的孩子。” ? Must send to the temple...... in this chaos caused by war continuous age, beyond temple side the place but actually truly is an appropriate destination. 哦?要送去寺庙么……在这个战乱不休的年代,寺庙这种方外之地倒确实是个合适的去处。 Is only......” " Nui No Kata " starts to speak but hesitates, finally clenches teeth, suddenly kneels down again in front of Luo Jie, crouches/submits body pleaded: Now on the main road has the army of my husband to hunt down, taking the mountain road is the monster beast four volts, is only my strength unable to arrive in Mt. Anma...... I to know that this request is very impolite, but hopes that two chivalrous people show mercy, help my pitiful child! He was sentenced the death penalty from the birth, has not even eaten breast milk by the present......” “只是……”「缝夫人」欲言又止,最终咬了咬牙,忽然再次跪倒在罗戒面前,伏身恳求道:“现在大路上有我夫君的军队在搜捕,走山路又是妖兽四伏,单凭我一人之力根本无法到达鞍马山……我知道这个请求很无礼,但希望二位侠士大发慈悲,帮帮我这可怜的孩子吧!他从出生就被宣判了死刑,到现在甚至连一口奶水都没有吃过……” Luo Jie suddenly has the premonition of emergency task. 罗戒忽然有种突发任务的预感。 Sure enough, one line of familiar system prompts jumped from the visual projection. 果不其然,一行熟悉的系统提示从视觉投影中跳了出来。 Duty: Request of Nui No Kata.】 【任务:缝夫人的委托。】 Goal: Escorts " Hyakkimaru " to arrive in Mt. Anma, guarantees " Hyakkimaru " health survival.】 【目标:护送「百鬼丸」到达鞍马山,确保「百鬼丸」健康存活。】 Time limit: Does not have.】 【时限:无。】 Reward: B gold/metal weapon " Kurama Tengu's feather fan " .】 【奖励:B金武器「鞍马天狗的羽扇」。】
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