NOPTS :: Volume #10 灾难之机巧少女

#582: The duty is accomplished with the rank reward

When the Walpurgis Royal Academy students pass through uninterruptedly is eight battle continuously, the charm or the physical ability have reached the limit, this sudden accident immediately becomes last straw that crashes the fighting will. 华尔普吉斯学院的众学生们经过长达八时的不间断连续作战,无论是魔力还是体能均已经达到了极限,这突如其来的变故立刻成为了压垮战斗意志的最后一根稻草。 Damn! Do not come!” “见鬼!不要过来!” Who saves me! I was nipped!” “谁来救救我!我被咬了!” „! I am not dry! I must go on board! I have not wanted dead!” “啊啊!我不干了!我要登船!我还不想死啊!” The Kabane quantity of although through the underground walk swamping into are not many, the strength of set reserve forces can definitely its dozen, but the interior appeared makes most bonus hearts that scared the enemy brought chaotic. 尽管通过地下通道涌入的卡巴内数量并不算多,集合预备队的力量完全可以将其打回去,但内部出现敌人所带来的恐慌却令绝大多数饶心都乱了。 A defense line has the loophole, is the avalanche chain-reaction. 一处防线出现漏洞,紧接着便是雪崩般的连锁反应。 Thousands of Kabane as if were similar to found flood that proclaimed the drain port, along already completely collapse three reservation gap flooding into positions altogether, stepped on the tumbling mutually, such as the black ocean waves under storm, embezzled Doll and Doll that dozens ran away without enough time instantaneously cause. 数以万计的卡巴内仿佛如同找到了宣泄口的洪水般,沿着已经完全崩溃的三处预留缺口一股脑的涌入阵地内部,互相踩踏翻滚,如暴风雨下的黑色海浪,瞬间吞没了数十名来不及逃走的人偶人偶使。 Reserve forces go against-” “预备队顶上-” An Ashura Owen zi eye of desire cracks, will break in saves others, was actually blocked by a silver knight spear/gun in the chest front. 阿修罗・欧文眦目欲裂,正要冲入其中救人,却被一杆银色的骑士枪拦在胸前。 Felix said to shaking the head that he regrets: Retreats...... the present to retreat can also little die some people...” 菲利克斯向他遗憾的摇头道:“撤退吧……现在撤退还能少死一些人。。。” Akabane Raishin angry a collar that seized Felix, almost raised his whole person: What meaning is Felix your saying? Do you want to see somebody in danger and do nothing?” 赤羽雷真愤怒的一把揪住了菲利克斯的衣领,几乎将他整个人提了起来:“菲利克斯你这话是什么意思?难道你要见死不救吗?” Felix is right.” Luo Jie covers the wrist/skill of Akabane Raishin, depresses the arm that he lifts up high slowly, „, if the rescue vessel has not appeared, we have to cross the rubicon the control to stay in a brothel overnight the surface opportunity, but you have a look at the surrounding these bonus looks now, you thought how many people have to be willing in this type the aspect decline of collapse to save others completely excessively?” “菲利克斯是对的。”罗戒扣住赤羽雷真的手腕,将他高举的手臂徐徐压下,“如果救援船没有出现,我们还有破釜沉舟控制住局面的机会,但现在你看看周围这些饶眼神,你觉得有多少人愿意在这种已经完全崩坏的局面下调过头去救人?” The Akabane Raishin complexion was low-spirited, loosened Felix's collar. 赤羽雷真脸色黯然,松开了菲利克斯的衣领。 " All things " Ashura Owen displayed as a potential of leader and commander again, is withstanding the tremendous pressure and condemnation of innermost feelings made the most sane resolution. 「三千世界子」阿修罗・欧文再次表现出了作为一个领导者和指挥官的潜质,承受着内心的巨大压力与谴责做出了最理智的决断。 Reserve forces shield! Has the flight Doll person to send the wounded person in advance, others should not be chaotic, have the order to go on board to evacuate from the wharf!” “预备队掩护!有飞行人偶的人先行运送伤员,其他人不要乱,有次序从码头登船撤离!” Evacuates these two characters to get up simply, the actual operation is not easy, particularly in this defense line already completely under collapse. 撤离这两个字起来简单,实际操作起来却绝不容易,尤其是在这种防线已经完全崩溃的局面下。 Ashura Owen issues retreating fighting the order, carried out less than three minutes to turn into the comprehensive rout merely. 阿修罗・欧文下达的“且战且退”的命令,仅仅执行了不到三分钟就变成了全面溃败。 Countless Kabane wells up the trestle, the steam steamboat that comes to aid has to stop by far from a wharf dozens meters place, in order to avoid by Kabane jumping up deck. 不计其数的卡巴内涌上栈桥,前来接应的蒸汽轮船不得不远远停在距离码头几十米的地方,以免被卡巴内跳上甲板。 Quickly! Did not have the flight Doll person launching roaming in the past!” “快!没有飞行人偶的人下水游过去!” But...... but my Doll what to do? This was ground warfare Doll, launching was finished!” “可……可是我的人偶怎么办?这是陆战人偶,下水就完蛋了!” „, Did Doll assign/life at this time importantly importantly?” “都这种时候了,人偶重要还是命重要?” However these Doll make hesitant not be long, because that sent out death aura Kabane then to make the choice for them countlessly quickly. 不过这些人偶使并没有犹豫太久,因为身后那不计其数散发着死亡气息的卡巴内很快便替他们做出了选择。 Plop! Plop-! 扑通!扑通-! After several scruple uncertain students were eaten by Kabane tearing, other students do not have the unnecessary thought again, abandons in the ordinary day regards as the life precious Doll, under trestle like stuffed dumpling one after another leap of putting into the pot, or clever or clumsy braves the black smoke the steamboat to swim away to distant place that furiously. 在几名迟疑不定的学生被卡巴内撕裂分食后,其余学生再也没有多余的念头,纷纷扔下在平日里视作性命的宝贵人偶,如同下锅的饺子般接二连三的跃下栈桥,或灵巧或笨拙的向远处那冒着黑烟的轮船奋力游去。 But Kabane this lifeform as if there is obvious dislike to the water, or fears, besides was pushed accidentally/surprisingly several hundred Kabane of Xiaqiaotou, the following Kabane tide halted finally before flowing rapidly River Thames, stared one both to send out the quiet red ray getting sucked eye socket, on that giant steel steamboat toward the river surface exuded the intermittent unwilling roaring sound. 卡巴内这种生物似乎对水有着明显的厌恶,或者是惧怕,除了被意外挤下桥头的数百只卡巴内以外,后续的卡巴内大潮终于止步在了奔流的泰晤士河前,瞪着一双双发出幽红色光芒的深陷眼窝,向着河面上那巨大的钢铁轮船发出阵阵不甘的咆哮声。 ...... …… Setting sun receives to wipe the afterglow finally, the ancient wheel sincere city fell into the unprecedented darkness. 边的夕阳收起最后一抹余晖,古老的轮敦城陷入了前所未有的黑暗。 Carries the steam steamboats of Walpurgis Royal Academy student to sound the low and deep steam whistle, goes under the dim dim light of night slowly in tranquil River Thames. 搭载着华尔普吉斯学院众学生的蒸汽轮船拉响低沉的汽笛,在黯淡的夜色下缓缓行驶在平静的泰晤士河上。 Because the seat is limited, the male students gave the female students the cabin guest room on own initiative, with is unable to enter cabin large and middle scale Doll to push outside reveal deck massively together. 由于舱位有限,男生们主动将船舱客房让给了女生们,和大量无法进入船舱的大中型人偶一起挤在外面的露甲板上。 The initial more than 500 people died in battle now more than half, remaining is also all wounded, many people also lost Doll, a atmosphere low on deck, indistinct can also hear does not know where transmits faintly sobbing sound. Luo Jie takes out one Cool pill, Silent completed in secret one time " death recast " , returns again fills in the physical strength and psychic force that in the retreating process consumes, later opened the visual projection to examine this duty settlement. 最初的五百多人如今战死半数以上,剩下的也是个个带伤,不少人还失去了人偶,甲板上的气氛一片低迷,隐约还能听到不知何处传来的隐隐呜咽声。罗戒取出一枚【凉凉丸】,无声无息的暗中完成了一次「死亡重铸」,再次回满在撤退过程中消耗掉的体力与精神力,随后打开了视觉投影查看本次的任务结算。 Duty " All Quiet on the Western Front " has completed.】 【任务「西线无战事」已完成。】 Player " Ye Yan " strikes to kill the contribution rank personally: 1st.】 【玩家「夜魇」个人击杀贡献排行:第一位。】 Reward: 300,000 overalls.】 【奖励:30万积分。】 Player " Ye Yan " team strikes to kill the contribution rank: 3rd.】 【玩家「夜魇」队伍击杀贡献排行:第三位。】 Reward: C blue quality random vehicle treasure box.】 【奖励:C蓝品质随机载具宝箱。】 In team the member may to rewarding the item conducts bidding, bids the highest member to obtain this/should item, will auction the obtained overall to divide equally to other team members.】 【团队内成员可对奖励道具进行竞价,出价最高的成员获得该道具,拍卖所得积分将均分给其他队伍成员。】 Regarding this result, feeling of Luo Jie is not only reasonable, and is unexpected. 对于这个结果,罗戒的感觉既在情理之中,又在意料之外。 Strikes to kill to contribute first personally, should be because he struck to kill only large-scale Kabane aggregate " black smoke " , was equivalent to a person to take striking of several thousand Kabane to kill the quantity. 个人击杀贡献第一,应该是因为他击杀了唯一一只大型卡巴内集合体「黑烟」,相当于一个人拿下了数千只卡巴内的击杀数量。 Even if he took MVP of audience, cannot pull up the rank of their team as before, first and second respectively and " all things " these two bountiful teams attains by " silver false face " . 然而即便是他个人拿下了全场的MVP,依旧没能拉起他们队伍的排行,第一与第二分别被「银色假面」和「三千世界子」这两饶队伍拿到。 Without the means that after all these two's follower number in school was really many, even if there is no high-end strength, piled the quantity to squint per capita. 没办法,毕竟这两人在学院中的追随者数量实在是太多了,就算没有什么高端战力,按人头堆数量也不可觑。 Another two player members in team, " Succulent Plant " and " Flaming Cactus " also received the system prompt and reward, the expression on face is various. 队伍内的另外两名玩家成员,「多肉植物」和「火红仙人掌」也收到了系统提示与奖励,脸上的表情各不相同。 Luo Jie does not have to inquire that these two bountiful strike to kill the specific amount of reward personally, calling two people to come, to lower the sound saying: Team rank rewarded you to see, did some people want?” 罗戒也没有去询问这两饶个人击杀奖励的具体数额,叫过二人来,压低声音道:“团队排行奖励你们都看到了,有人想要吗?” The population can bid fairly, they altogether on three people, did this form to have no meaning again. 人数多可以竞价以示公平,他们总共就三个人,再搞这种形式就没什么意思了。 Expression that some rich loli disdains, her vehicle are many, if the thing of C purple following quality has no attraction to her completely. 某富萝莉不屑的表示,她的载具已经很多了,如果是C紫以下品质的东西对她完全没有任何吸引力。 But some poor wretch really does not have the overall to do vehicle type of gaudy thing, his collection detection, fights, rides instead of walking in any case and moe to favor and other as one multipurpose saber dogs- is runs a little card crotch. 而某穷光蛋是实在是没积分搞载具这种花里胡哨的东西,反正他有一条集侦查、战斗、代步、萌宠等多功能于一体的“万能军刀狗”-就是跑起来有点卡裆。 Since two people do not want, Luo Jie gives a discount 100,000 overall to receive the random vehicle treasure box that this team rewarded, forwarded to them directly respectively 50,000 overalls. 既然两人都不要,罗戒就将这团队奖励的随机载具宝箱折价10万积分自己收了,直接转给了他们两个各5万积分。
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