NOPTS :: Volume #10 灾难之机巧少女

#571: Akabane Raishin you draw back the group

Walpurgis Royal Academy of Machinart. 华尔普吉斯王立机巧学院 Luo Jie just from extracurricular returned, then detects in the school to be as if covered by a unusual serious atmosphere. 罗戒刚从校外返回,便发觉到学院内似乎被一种不寻常的严肃气氛所笼罩。 On the campus alley the contact students look in a hurry, did not see the past happy talks and laughters, had conversation in a low voice occasionally, was the whole face worried appearances. 校园小路上往来的学生们神色匆匆,再也不见以往的欢声笑语,偶有低声交谈,也都是满脸心事重重的模样。 Luo Jie had a premonition indistinctly anything, jumped to step " Lucifer " , grazes the most campus in a flash, crashes in own dormitory from the window directly. 罗戒隐约预感到了什么,纵身踏上「路西法」,转瞬飞掠大半个校园,径直从窗口冲进自己的宿舍。 Sure enough, Succulent Plant waited for a long time in the room, sees Luo Jie to rush to welcome. 果不其然,多肉植物早在房间内等待多时,一见罗戒赶忙迎了上来。 Big brother Ye Yan, you may come back...” 夜魇大哥,你可回来了。。。” Was the Kabane virus outbreak?” “是卡巴内病毒爆发了吗?” Succulent Plant nods hastily, language fast extremely quick explained to Luo Jie: Before about an hour, Buckingham Palace sends people to spread the news, said that is the western suburbs discovered the large-scale Kabane community, quantity more than ten thousand, have possibly sent out the army to block at present, wants our Walpurgis Royal Academy all teachers and students to enter the readiness condition, if the front war is disadvantageous, might transfer Doll to enable anytime to go to battlefield- naturally, will say is possible, matter that but that can definitely have to our players.” 多肉植物连忙点头,语速极快的给罗戒说明:“就在大约一小时前,白金汉宫派人传来消息,说是西郊发现大规模的卡巴内群落,数量可能不下万只,目前已经派出军队进行阻击,要我们华尔普吉斯学院的全体师生进入备战状态,如果前方战事不利,随时都有可能会调动人偶使前往战场-当然,说是可能,但对咱们玩家来说那就是肯定会发生的事。” Over ten thousand Kabane? Quantity how so many?” “上万只卡巴内?数量怎么那么多?” Also calculated probably the animal, although after all the suburban population were few, but to satisfy the meat supplies in urban district, many breeding farms opened there......” “大概是把动物也算进去了吧,毕竟郊区人口虽少,可为了满足市区内的肉食供给,有不少养殖场都开在那里……” The Luo Jie complexion is dignified, although he knows that under Kabane virus outbreak will be very definitely bad, but has not actually expected unexpectedly bad to this situation. 罗戒脸色凝重,虽说他知道卡巴内病毒爆发下的局面肯定会很糟糕,但却没有料到居然会糟糕到这种地步。 Kabane virus during enhancement organism vitality and defensive power, will conduct the comprehensive strengthening to other body functions . Moreover the organism has not infected the physique before virus to be better, the ability after infection will be stronger. 卡巴内病毒在增强生物体生命力与防御力的同时,也会对其他身体机能进行全面强化,而且生物体未感染病毒前的体质越好,感染后的能力就会越强。 In the middle of these more than ten thousand Kabane, even if beast of burden and so on large animal only accounts for 1/10, is not these is still using the lobster soldier of old style rifle to repel. 这万余只卡巴内当中,哪怕牛马之类的大型动物只占十分之一,都不是这些还在用着老式步枪的龙虾兵可以击退的。 Even delays next time is very difficult to achieve. 甚至连拖延一下时间都很难做到。 „The multi- meat, making your dog go " " to call Frey.” “多肉,让你的狗去把「芙蕾」叫来。” Luo Jie told, then took out a wheel sincere urban district map from the drawer, launched the careful examination on the table. 罗戒吩咐完,便从抽屉里取出了一张轮敦市区地图,在桌上展开仔细查看。 Soon, as before is Frey that pearl side ponytail is dressing up, bringing her 13 Gahm dogs to flood into the Luo Jie dormitory in noisy disorder, a face ignorant appearance has not clarified the current condition obviously. 不多时,依旧是那扎着珍珠色侧马尾打扮的芙蕾,带着她那十三只加姆犬乱哄哄的涌进了罗戒的宿舍,一脸懵懂的样子显然还没搞清当前的状况。 Ye Yan, do you look for me?” 夜魇,你找我?” Luo Jie has not given any explanation to Frey, explained in any case even she still affirmed did not understand. 罗戒没有对芙蕾做任何解释,反正就算解释了她也肯定理解不了。 Two people interactions were always he say Frey to comply, even if were some sounds very odd order, this girls will not ponder with the brain whether reasonable. 两人一直以来的相处模式都是他说芙蕾照做,哪怕是一些听上去都很离谱的命令,这女孩都不会用脑子思考一下是否合理。 Sometimes Luo Jie even felt, if changes into " Eve's heart " the brain of Frey, perhaps this girl can also be more intelligent than the present. 有时罗戒甚至觉得,如果把芙蕾的脑子换成「夏娃之心」,说不定这丫头还能比现在更聪明一点。 Frey, later you and multi- meat two people, bring food of beforehand reserve with Gahm dog, goes to a round of sincere port directly, no matter steals or snatches, does to a ship comes...... , if no steam steamboat, big point sailing ship.” 芙蕾,待会儿你和多肉两人,用加姆犬带着之前储备的食物,直接前往轮敦港,不管是偷还是抢,去搞到一艘船来……如果没有蒸汽轮船,大一点的帆船也可以。” Big brother Ye Yan, really do not go to Japan?” Succulent Plant looks surprisedly, he also thinks that before Luo Jie is cracking a joke. 夜魇大哥,你不是真的要去倭国吧?”多肉植物面露惊讶,他之前还以为罗戒只是在开玩笑。 He of excavation branch duty has seen, but has not actually seen to dig a branch stretches across most Earth. 挖掘支线任务的他见过,可却没见过为挖一个支线就横跨大半个地球的。 Even in the technologically developed modern society, the oceangoing voyage cannot guarantee absolutely safe, the current world background just completed industrial leather let alone merely- life the 19 th century E country. 即便是在科技发达的现代社会,远洋航行都不能保证万无一失,更何况当前的世界背景仅仅只是刚完成了工业革-命十九世纪的E国。 Now is not I must go to sea, but is the current disaster aspect compels us to go to sea.” Luo Jie launches the map, drew the arrow of directional round of sincere urban district with the pencil in the western suburbs position, „, although has not been clear how this time Kabane tide erupts, but one thing is certain, by the E country- army existing weaponry definitely cannot withstand.” “现在不是我一定要出海,而是当前的灾难局面逼着我们必须出海。”罗戒展开地图,用铅笔在西郊位置画了指向轮敦市区的箭头,“虽然目前还不清楚这次的卡巴内大潮是如何爆发的,但有一点可以肯定,以E国-军队现有的武器装备是肯定顶不住的。” That without anything can prevent, the existing Kabane quantity will get bigger and bigger like making a snowman, I estimated that the most half-day time, Kabane will invade a round of sincere urban district initially, at the appointed time the quantity may achieve terrifying 1 million.” “在没有任何东西可以阻挡的情况下,现有的卡巴内数量会像滚雪球一样越滚越大,我估计最多半天时间,卡巴内就会初步入侵轮敦市区,届时数量可能会达到恐怖的一百万。” What is most troublesome, with the estimate in the situation in the urban district erupting not too, this time Kabane tide erupts in the western suburbs unexpectedly, in addition his free diffusibility, this also means, northwest southern three are the blind alleys, is only left over the east direction to evacuate the personnel.” “最麻烦的是,跟预想中在市区内爆发的情况不太一样,这次的卡巴内大潮居然是在西郊爆发,再加上其本身的自由扩散性,这也就意味着,西北南三个方向已经是死路,只剩下东边一个方向可以撤离人员。” We know, turns to be located in southeastern Great Britain Island, is looks out the Straits of Dover of Europe to east again...... a round of sincere port, although is big, wants to move away several million population in a short time definitely is impossible, at the appointed time will definitely appear robs the chaotic scene of existing ships.” “我们都知道,轮敦位于大不列颠岛的东南部,再向东就是遥望欧洲的多佛尔海峡……轮敦港虽大,想要在短时间内运走几百万的人口肯定是不可能的,届时必然会出现抢夺现有船只的混乱场面。” Therefore, I want you to snatch the ship now, after the ships succeed in obtaining, do not stay in the harbor, immediately opens to the downstream along River Thames, I will find the way to converge with you.” “所以,我要你们现在就去抢船,船只到手后不要在港口停留,立刻沿着泰晤士河向下游开,我会想办法与你们汇合。” Then, Luo Jie summoned two " Ghost Pipe Fox " , hung in Succulent Plant and Frey two people of top of the heads respectively. 说完,罗戒召唤出了两只「幽灵管狐」,分别挂在了多肉植物芙蕾二人的头顶。 This Shikigami invisible does not have the nature in any case, will hang will not be affecting the cervical vertebra, where no matter these two people will arrive, he can through between the contact with " Ghost Pipe Fox " find the opposite party. 反正这种式神无形无质,就这么挂着也不会影响颈椎,不管这二人走到哪里,他都能通过与「幽灵管狐」之间的联系找到对方。 ...... …… Just sent off Succulent Plant and Frey two people, the magic loudspeaker in school then resounded the alarm sound of emergency muster. 刚送走了多肉植物芙蕾二人,校内的魔法扩音器便响起了紧急集合的警报声。 Luo Jie receives the map to go out of the door, met in the corridor corner coincidentally hears the news to run down the building " Akabane Raishin " and " Charlotte Rau " . 罗戒收起地图走出房门,刚巧在走廊的拐角遇到了闻讯跑下楼的「赤羽雷真」和「夏洛特・比劳」。 And their Automaton " every night " and Sigmund. 以及他们的机巧人偶「夜夜」与「西格蒙德」。 Well? Really rare, will thunder you really walk with Charlotte unexpectedly in the same place?” Luo Jie cannot help but opens the eyes. “咦?真是少见,雷真你居然会跟夏洛特走在一起?”罗戒不由得睁大双眼。 Why can't this fellow walk with me in the same place? Am I very fearful?” Charlotte's discontented raising up eyebrow. “这家伙为什么不能跟我走在一起?难道我很可怕吗?”夏洛特不满的竖起眉毛。 Charlotte, I thought that Mr. Ye Yan is not saying you.” “夏洛特,我觉得夜魇先生并不是在说你。” Sigmund turns head " every night " , obviously this that looked at a side whole face to clench jaws gloomy was a sensible person-, understood the dragon. 「西格蒙德」扭头看了一眼身旁满脸阴沉咬牙切齿的「夜夜」,显然这是个明白人-嗯,明白龙。 Akabane Raishin sees Luo Jie, made a movement that subconsciously protects the neck, looks the forced smile to say immediately: Ye Yan , did you have the mood to crack a joke? You do not know that we could in the battlefield by the faction......” 赤羽雷真看到罗戒,下意识的做出了一个护脖子的动作,随即面露苦笑道:“夜魇,都什么时候了,你还有心情开玩笑?你难道不知道吗,我们可能要被派上战场了……” Luo Jie indifferent beckoning with the hand: Puts with ease, the sky collapses has the big stature is going against, even if front has the mighty force, is still the beginning page 13 people first to/clashes, do you do anxiously yourself to do what?” 罗戒无所谓的摆摆手:“放轻松一点,天塌下来有大个儿的顶着,就算前面有千军万马,也是始页十三人先冲,你把自己搞得这么紧张干什么?” You were excessive......, although did not have your position to be high, but I was also this time beginning page 13 people!” The depression of Akabane Raishin whole face. “你过分了啊……虽然没有你的名次高,但我也是这次的始页十三人啊!”赤羽雷真满脸的郁闷。 „......” “……” Luo Jie remembered at this time, at the beforehand party, Akabane Raishin beat " Ze Carlos probably ranked the 9 th brother " . 罗戒这时才想起,在之前的夜会上,赤羽雷真好像是击败了排名第9的「泽卡路士・兄」。 Hasn't this fellow too had the feeling? Does not have own Doll to be conspicuous as a lead, loses face? You yourself draw back the group...... 这家伙也太没有存在感了吧?作为一个主角都没有自己的人偶显眼,丢不丢人?你自己退群吧……
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