NOMIM :: Volume #8

#766: I suspected that Lin Yun is a villain

A war, comes quickly, finished also quickly. 一场大战,来得快,结束得也快。 With pulled out the heart to be struck by lightning dead variably, the ox head person the domain suppression that jointly constructs by Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise, Meng woman cannot escape by luck, victory and defeat of fight on dust Luodong. 伴随着无常被掏了心脏遭了雷劈死去,牛头人被青龙和玄武共同构筑的领域镇压,孟婆未能幸免,战斗的胜负就尘埃落洞了。 Is this god war? 这就是神战么? Liu Ji looks dizzily in the one side mystically, is hopeful. 刘基在一旁看得目眩神秘,不禁心生向往。 immortal cultivation asked that to profound realm, felt at variance with the mortal gradually, unusual refined. 修仙问道,至高深境界,渐渐觉得异于凡人,超凡脱俗。 Now looks like, mortal in him, such as his in Spiritual God. 现在看来,凡人之于他,亦如他之于神灵。 Outside the mountain has the mountain, one should always strive for better. 山外有山,天外有天。 Perhaps, above the Spiritual God, still has more powerful existence, this is a main road, forever will be without limits. 或许,神灵之上,依然有更加强大的存在,这就是大道,永无止境。 To understand this, the say/way heart of Liu Ji was also firm. 想明白了这点,刘基的道心又坚定了许多。 So long as he is also living, will not stop to pursue the footsteps of main road. 只要他还活着,就不会停下追求大道的脚步。 Not to mention Liu Ji is how smug, Lin Yun overpowered the ox head and Meng woman, immediately then moved killed the heart. 且不说刘基如何踌躇满志,林云制服了牛头和孟婆,马上便动了杀心。 Only the deceased person is safest, before these two gods, thinks the pit he, Lin Yun usually had a grudge to revenge, because possibly the enemy will be too many to forget, but there is an opportunity to revenge he will not miss absolutely. 只有死人才最安全,这两个神之前还想坑他,林云素来是有仇报仇,可能会因为仇家太多而遗忘,但有机会报仇的时候他绝对不会错过。 Wait, do not kill me!” “等等,别杀我!” The ox head human eye looked that the situation is not right, hurries to beg for mercy. 牛头人眼看情况不对,赶紧求饶。 This time was plants in Lin Yun, but he did not think that Lin Yun will certainly kill itself. 这次算是栽在林云手里了,但他也不觉得林云一定会杀了自己。 The hatred between Spiritual God is very easy to reduce and solve, everyone's life span is very long, does not need, because the small contradiction hits to live to kill, at the worst, he admits mistakes, apologizes, this matter passed like this, good. 神灵之间的仇恨都是很容易化解的,大家的寿命都很漫长,没必要因为一点小小的矛盾就打生打死,大不了,他认个错,赔个礼,这件事就这样过去了,多好。 What last words do you have?” “你有什么遗言?” Lin Yun sword on the neck of ox head person, on Thunder Strike Sword the thunder sparkle, making ox head people feel own skin one numb. 林云的剑架在了牛头人的脖子上,奔雷剑上雷霆闪耀,让牛头人感觉自己的皮肤都一阵酥麻。 The ox head person flattered to say with a smile immediately: Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, everyone becomes the gods is not easy, why to kill, might as well sit to chat well, no gratitude and grudges cannot reduce and solve, right?” 牛头人顿时谄媚笑道:“误会,这是个误会,大家成神都不容易,何必打打杀杀,不如坐下来好好谈谈,没什么恩怨是化解不了的嘛,对吧?” Lin Yun hears here, showed the genial smile, then a sword cut the ox head of ox head person. 林云听到这里,也露出了和善的笑容,然后一剑砍下了牛头人的牛头。 You, why kill me!” “你,为何杀我!” The ox head fell the ground, still made the shocking sound. 牛头掉到了地上,依然发出震惊的声音。 He is a god, without is so easy dead, but Lin Yun cut off the behavior of his head, without doubt is not willing to let off his performance. 他是神,没这么容易死,但林云砍掉他脑袋的行为,无疑是不肯放过他的表现。 Really, Lin Yun cut several swords one after another, this is the attack of dark green blue supernatural power, the washout, is divine soul of ox head person. 果然,林云接连又砍了几剑,这是苍蓝神力的攻击,冲刷的,是牛头人的神魂 Why, the ox head person cannot die.” “没有为什么,牛头人必须死。” Lin Yun shouted finally lines that he wants to say early, counts on the fingers the claw, grasps to the face of ox head person. 林云终于喊出了他老早就想说的台词,又屈指成爪,抓向牛头人的面部。 Wait, what do you want to make?” “等等,你想做什么?” In the voice of ox head person presented the fear finally, in fact, Lin Yun cuts his head, injures his nascent spirit, this will let his pain, is actually not the mortal wound. 牛头人的声音中终于出现了恐惧,实际上,林云砍他脑袋,伤他元神,这都会让他痛苦,却不是致命伤。 The Spiritual God and mortal are different, so long as really spirit does not extinguish, the body of not dying. 神灵和凡人不同,只要真灵不灭,就是不死之身。 Destroyed the body, can still the cutting off limb rebirth. 毁了躯体,依然能断肢重生。 But the mask on his face was different. 但他脸上的面具就不一样了。 Lost this thing, he and died is also similar. 丢了这个东西,他和死也差不多了。 At this moment, the ox head person understands suddenly why does not have the regular session to know perfectly well is not the Lin Yun opponent, still launched the suicide -type attack, finally was divided while still alive by Lin Yun. 这一刻,牛头人忽然明白,为什么无常会明知不是林云的对手,依然发起了自杀式的攻击,最后被林云活活劈死。 Is because Lin Yun attained the variable heart! 是因为林云拿到了无常的心! The Spiritual God of nether world will have the thing of own life-source, so long as the thing of life-source still , a point really attaches spirit, the body and divine soul were extinguished many times, can depend on the thing of rebirth life-source. 幽冥界的神灵都会有自己的本命之物,只要本命之物还在,一点真灵依附,身体和神魂被灭多少次,都可以依托本命之物重生。 If lost this thing, a supernatural power then must lose most probably, was equivalent to the own foundation not to have. 若是失去了此物,一身神力便要丢了大半,相当于自己的根基也没了。 Therefore, the thing of life-source is anything, is the taboo of god of nether world, will not make anybody know absolutely. 因此,本命之物是什么,一直是幽冥之神的禁忌,绝对不会让任何人知道。 Now wants to come, the variable heart is the thing of his life-source! 现在想来,无常的心就是他的本命之物吧! Lin Yun this person, is more terrifying, unexpectedly sees through their these gods the thing of life-source he imagines is anything. 林云这人,比他想象的还要恐怖,居然看穿他们这些神的本命之物是什么。 Then, on his towards oneself face grasps, is to snatch his mask? 这么说来,他朝自己脸上抓来,是想要抢他的面具? Does not want, to ask you, put me, do not take off my mask!” “不要,求求你,放了我吧,不要摘下我的面具!” The ox head person storm sob, Lin Yun has not thought that a keeping aloof Spiritual God, unexpectedly also submissively to this degree. 牛头人暴风哭泣,林云也没想到,一个高高在上的神灵,竟然也会低声下气到这种程度。 Brings you!” “拿来吧你!” Lin Yun has dug out the edge of mask. 林云已经抠到了面具的边缘。 The mask of this ox head person fits together perfectly, pasted is very tight, seems like also no difference from the genuine leather, Lin Yun makes an effort to dig up, the ox head person sends out the painful wail immediately. 这牛头人的面具严丝合缝,贴的很紧,和真皮看起来也没什么区别,林云使劲地扒拉,牛头人顿时发出痛苦的哀鸣。 But he cannot move under the suppression of double Saint domain, is incapable of revolting radically. 但他在双圣领域的镇压之下动弹不得,根本无力反抗。 Only hears to rip one, falls along with a little bit blood, an ox head person mask of covered with blood was torn by Lin Yun violent. 只听到撕拉一声,伴随着一滴滴血落下,一个血肉模糊的牛头人面具被林云暴力地撕扯了下来。 But ox head that leaves behind, then becomes covered with blood, on the face cannot see the facial features, the innumerable granulations were losing the mask later crazy creeping motion, looks at a Lin Yun nausea, hurried to deliver a fire, covered the ox head and his mortal body together. 而留下的牛头,则变得血肉模糊,脸上看不到五官,无数的肉芽在失去了面具之后疯狂蠕动,看得林云一阵恶心,赶紧送上了一把火,将牛头和他的肉身一起覆盖了。 In the flame, the voice of ox head person is even more sad and shrill, hearing the person to be fearful and apprehensive, the back sends coolly. 在火焰中,牛头人的声音越发凄厉,听得人心惊胆战,后背发凉。 Liu Ji looked that was also stranger to the Lin Yun look. 刘基看向林云的眼神也更加古怪了。 This fellow, has the air/Qi field of Demonic Path overlord very much. 这家伙,很有魔道霸主的气场。 Liu Ji felt oneself as Demon Cult Cult Master, in cruel and merciless this, possibly cannot compare Lin Yun. 刘基觉得自己身为魔教教主,在心狠手辣这一块,可能都比不上林云 Facing begging for mercy of weak one, he can not change countenance, strikes to kill the opposite party in the thunder method again, is simply agile, is a ruthless person. 面对弱者的求饶,他能毫不动容,再以雷霆手段将对方击杀,干脆又利落,是个狠人。 Saw that the own two companions died a tragic death, Meng woman also trembles. 眼看着自己的两个同伴就这么惨死,孟婆也瑟瑟发抖。 She hurried to change the human form, because feared, the body is shivering crazily, the body meat obviously had the mighty waves. 她赶紧变回了人形,因为恐惧,身体疯狂颤抖着,身上的肉都明显有了波澜。 What a pity, looks at her to turn into the tentacle strange appearance, Lin Yun sees that now she also has firing in bursts being afraid/painful. 可惜,看过她变成触手怪的样子,林云现在看到她都还有点发憷。 Although said that Lin Yun rarely begins to kill the pretty woman, probably...... 虽然说林云很少动手杀漂亮女人,好像…… From coming out to mix to start, this quantity is zero, but his not that type saw type that the woman does not hate to kill. 从出来混开始,这个数量是零,但他并不是那种看到女人就舍不得杀的类型。 The Meng women also die today! 孟婆今天也死定了! However, first killed her to dig up her clothes again, otherwise he feared that others misunderstood. 不过,还是先杀了她再扒她衣服吧,不然他怕别人误会。 The Meng woman's strength in the middle of the three sacred criteria is weakest, but, she is actually that most intelligent. 孟婆的实力在三神当中是最弱的,不过,她却是那个最聪明的。 Now faced with the death fear, she is still finding the way to seek livehood. 现在面临死亡的恐惧,她依然在想办法求生。 Turning into the human form is part, in the meantime, she is also displaying own talent divine ability, lends small and weakly pitiful nowhere aura, making one have the sympathy. 变成人形就是其中的一部分,同时,她也在发挥自己的天赋神通,散发出弱小可怜又无处的气息,让人不禁心生同情。 Especially in witnessing Lin Yun killed the ox head after the cruel method, others should have about this survivor do not endure. 特别是在目睹了林云以残忍手段杀死牛头之后,其他人理应对她这个幸存者心生不忍。 In fact, she succeeded. 事实上,她成功了。 Qian Qian and snow girl move. 芊芊雪女都中招了。 They had the sympathy to the Meng women, especially Qian Qian, had also had to do with Meng woman before, the beforehand Meng woman is very friendly, although does not like putting on clothes to be a little strange. 她们都对孟婆产生了同情心,特别是芊芊,以前还和孟婆打过交道,以前的孟婆还是挺友善的,虽然不喜欢穿衣服这点有点奇怪。 But what snow girl is pure is only does not like to losing the person of resistivity starts. 雪女单纯的只是不喜欢对失去抵抗力的人下手。 However, snow girl and Qian Qian are not that stupid ignorant person, this scene, Holy Mother like Zhen Li/truth, may not open the mouth to advise against Lin Yun even. 但是,雪女芊芊都不是那种愚笨无知的人,这种场景,就算圣母如真理,可能都不会开口劝阻林云 For all this, making others think that she does not have the significance pitifully. 尽管如此,让其他人觉得她可怜也不是毫无意义。 This is only for the ground that oneself go on living to prepare, wants to live truly, but must depend on the benefit. 这只是为自己活下去做的铺垫,真正想要活下来,还得靠利益。 Do not kill me, I have the means to help you turn on the samsara!” “不要杀我,我有办法帮你们开启轮回!”
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