NOMIM :: Volume #8

#757: Revolving fears

Ox head!” “牛头!” Qian Qian recognized this is of ox heads nether world's top ten gods, but his aura was not quite clearly right. 芊芊一眼就认出了这是幽冥十位大神之一的牛头,但他的气息分明不太对劲。 Before for a long time is very very long, Qian Qian has also seen the ox head, that is a character very temperate Spiritual God, but now, this ox head clearly is the ox head, but filled with tyrannical and bloodthirsty aura, lets the Qian Qian relates to two characters. 很久很久以前,芊芊也见过牛头,那是一个性格很温和的神灵,而现在,这个牛头分明就是牛头,但充满了暴虐和嗜血的气息,让芊芊联想到两个字。 Out-of-control. 失控。 The Spiritual God will lose control, the reason of out-of-control was anything cannot say, the Spiritual God somewhat meeting that but, will soon lose control had a sensation, they will not lose control quickly, generally will have enough time to resolve this crisis. 神灵是会失控的,失控的原因是什么却说不上来,不过,即将失控的神灵多少会有所感知,他们也不会很快失控,一般都会有足够的时间来应对这种危机。 Really could not deal, had a child, the issue basically solves. 实在应对不了,生个崽,问题就基本解决了。 For this reason, most Spiritual God believe, the Spiritual God will lose control , because could not control the own supernatural power, this will be in a state of out-of-control. 因为这个原因,大部分的神灵都认为,神灵会失控,是因为自己掌控不了自己的神力了,这才会陷入失控状态。 Also some thought that is the reason of godship, has the god disease incidence rate of godship is higher than does not have the Spiritual God of godship by far, but will not have the Spiritual God of godship to lose control similarly, this view will not be quite accurate. 也有的觉得是神格的原因,有神格的神发病率远远高于没有神格的神灵,但没有神格的神灵同样会失控,这个说法也不太准确。 Until now, Spiritual God out-of-control is still a riddle, looks like a disease, even the path of propagation does not make clear. 直到现在,神灵失控依然是一个谜团,就像是一种疾病,连传播路径都搞不清楚。 Thinks that an ox head such Spiritual God, marched into out-of-control finally, Qian Qian many somewhat is at heart sad. 想到牛头这样一个神灵,最终也步入了失控,芊芊心里多少有些悲伤。 Out-of-control god spirit power will be wilder, but lost thoroughly, lost the wisdom and emotion, be relentless will kill the seen all lives. 失控的神灵力量会更加狂暴,但彻底失去了自我,失去了智慧和情感,也会毫不留情地杀死所看到的一切生命。 However, this ox head is a little not right, he had not as if lost the wisdom completely, but also knows that shouted the aggressive statement. 不过,这牛头也有点不对劲,他似乎没有完全失了智,还知道喊狠话。 Qian Qian will certainly not be frightened by him, snow girl not, when the ox head person raises the steel fork to hit, the snow girl also trail arms move forward to meet somebody without hesitation. 芊芊当然不会被他吓到,雪女更不会,当牛头人提着钢叉打过来,雪女也毫不犹豫地提枪迎了上去。 Fought two moves, two people started the test of strength unexpectedly. 斗了两招,两人竟开始角力了。 The ox head strength is fearful, originally the cow is the vigorous representative, the ox head person of this god level, the strength naturally is much bigger. 牛头的力量非常可怕,本来牛就是大力的代表,这个神级的牛头人,力量当然是大得出奇。 But, the strength competition of snow girl and ox head, she has not actually lost. 可是,雪女和牛头的力量比拼,她却没有输。 Even, she has a little pressed the ox head. 甚至,她有点压过牛头了。 Earlier that exclaimed in surprise, this was the there's a long story behind this god, just became the god, the battle efficiency made this established Spiritual God heart be startled. 前期那不由惊叹,这就是大有来历的神了,才刚刚成为神,战斗力就让她这个老牌的神灵心惊。 Now can have the level that 55 open with her, waits later to grow, can the own position vacillate? 现在就能和她有个五五开的水准,等以后成长起来,自己的地位岂不是要动摇? Thinks, cannot be victorious snow girl, Qian Qian presses strength mountain to be big. 想到以后打不过雪女,芊芊压力山大。 Harem Position -1. 后宫地位-一. Wait, she has not joined the Lin Yun harem! 等等,她还没加入林云后宫呢! The war is imminent, Qian Qian is actually thinking these strange things. 大战临头,芊芊却是在想这些奇奇怪怪的东西。 Is good also planned to look for the opportunity sneak attack because of her, now fights just now starts, she also indeed has no opportunity. 好在她本来也只是打算找机会偷袭,现在战斗才刚开始,她也的确没什么机会。 Might as well, not need to be reasonable simply, directly shoulder to shoulder on the child with this demon outlet? 不如干脆点,和这邪魔外道不用讲道理,直接并肩子上? Qian Qian had this idea, but is quick, her complexion some are not wonderful. 芊芊有了这个想法,但很快,她的脸色有些不妙。 In Huang Mengmeng's dense fog, there is a sound. 那黄蒙蒙的迷雾中,又有了动静。 Sound that the contrast the ox head made a moment ago, now is very likely one with the ox head Spiritual God of the same class. 对比刚才牛头弄出来的动静,现在来的很有可能是一个和牛头同级别的神灵。 Is which city lord Meng woman or? 是孟婆还是哪个城主? If the Yama comes is not wonderful directly. 要是阎罗直接来就不妙了。 The nether world Yama is very mysterious existence, Qian Qian visited the nether world before the time has not seen him, but he can other forcing Spiritual God, be revered by other Spiritual God for the king, wants to come, the strength also exceeds a numerous god level inevitably. 幽冥的阎罗是一个很神秘的存在,芊芊以前拜访幽冥的时候就没有见过他,但他能力压其他神灵,被其他神灵尊为王,想来,实力也必然是超越众神一个层次的。 According to gradation way, nether world Yama, is a god emperor level powerhouse. 按照分级方式,幽冥的阎罗,也算是一个神帝级强者。 This emperor level powerhouse is low-key, before had not heard such a person, Qian Qian even suspected that this Yama is some veteran god emperor disguises as. 只是,这个帝级强者过于低调,以前都没听说过这么一号人,芊芊甚至怀疑这个阎罗是某个老牌神帝假扮的。 But initially recognized as the god emperor level powerhouse, such several, four Saint beasts and four big god country emperors basically can remove, white ancestor has died to remove, that only had Eastern shining and Su'e. 但当初公认为神帝级强者的,也就那么几个,四圣兽和四大神国皇帝基本可以排除,白祖已死可以排除,那就只剩下东方耀和素娥了。 But Su'e by the seal, Eastern shining Qian Qian had been also seen, he also in the road of no return superior! 素娥被封印,东方耀芊芊也见过了,他还在不归路上等着呢! Is it possible that do 11 god emperors actually have 12? 莫非,十一神帝其实有十二个? In the Qian Qian brain the miraculous glow flashes suddenly. 芊芊脑子里忽然灵光一闪。 Everyone knows that the day god died, moreover is earliest god emperor powerhouse who various God dusk dies, but did he really die? 人人都知道日神死了,而且是诸神黄昏中死的最早的神帝强者,但他真的死了吗? Also, she and Lin Yun sees that Eastern shining in the space and time staggered future, is really Eastern shining? 还有,她和林云在时空交错的未来看到那一个东方耀,真的是东方耀吗? Was the solemn day god, so really weak? 堂堂日神,真有那么弱? Knows Qing Nu/Azure Lady obviously, should know that the Qing Nu/Azure Lady terrifying, does dare to speak unexpectedly the provocation? 明明知道青女,就应该知道青女的恐怖,居然敢出言挑衅? If the Yama were really the initial day god...... 那假如阎罗真的是当初的日神…… Qian Qian revolving fears extremely, felt oneself knew any serious secret. 芊芊细思恐极,感觉自己知道了什么不得了的秘密。 In she considers, in yellow mist form also walked. 在她思虑间,黄雾中的身影也走了出来。 That is a stature plentiful to the somewhat exaggerating woman . Moreover the attire exposes, only then several gores, block from some key places, but in she takes a walk, the cloth strip sways, the partly visible scenery, makes one be red in the face. 那是一个身材丰腴到有些夸张的女人,而且衣着非常暴露,只有几条布片,遮住一些关键部位,但在她走动之间,布条摇晃,若隐若现的景色,更让人面红耳赤。 The stature is the dark reddish purple. 身材是酱紫的。 Lin Yun first sees, cannot bear casts a sidelong glance. 林云第一眼看到,也忍不住多瞟了一眼。 He looked that the younger sisters look from the leg upward. 他看妹子都是从腿往上看的。 This woman, stimulation! 这女人,刺激啊! However, saw the part of head, Lin Yun almost separates the supper to spit. 然而,看到脑袋的部分,林云差点隔夜饭都吐出来了。 This woman body and human have no difference, but above the neck is actually a chapter of fish head, the hair is eight tentacles, on each tentacle is the dense and numerous eyes. 这个女人身体和人类没什么区别,但脖子以上却是一个章鱼头,头发是八条触手,每条触手上都是密密麻麻的眼睛。 The intensive phobophobia can pass away here at the scene. 密集恐惧症能在这里当场去世。 Lin Yun is also experienced, this small scene, this being insufficient makes him disgusting, but this octopus mother has been opening mouth to angrily roar, exudes the intermittent fizz, in big mouth that since she opens, can see that a tentacle stretches out from her throat, the crazy swing, the tentacle is sticky, full is the yellowish white thing. 林云也算是见多识广,这种小场面,本不足以让他恶心,但这“章鱼娘”一直在张嘴怒吼,发出阵阵嘶嘶声,而从她张开的大嘴中,可以看到一条触手从她喉管中伸出,疯狂摇摆,触手粘乎乎的,满是黄白之物。 The bonus is the Lin Yun energetic resistance is high, now also a gastric disorder. 饶是林云精神抗性高,现在也一阵反胃。 Qian Qian takes the lead to respond, dignified said/tunnel: Is careful her spiritual impact.” 芊芊率先反应过来,凝重地道:“小心她的精神冲击。” cultivator heart firm like iron, can have the strong mood, surely is because encountered exceptionally. 修士心坚如铁,能产生强烈的情绪,必定是因为遭遇了异常。 But present, Qian Qian has not seen, but looks at her exaggerating stature, the scarce cotton material, Qian Qian only thinks a god, that is Meng woman. 而眼前的这一位,芊芊没见过,但看她夸张的身材,还有稀少的布料,芊芊只想到了一个神,那就是孟婆。 Before Qian Qian, has seen Meng woman, that time Meng woman stature was proud, the looks were charming, quite had the young married woman makings. 芊芊以前也见过孟婆,那时候的孟婆身材傲人,姿容妩媚,颇有少妇气质。 Flees from calamity to be different to the nether world Spiritual God with other, Meng woman is the place of nether world Spiritual God, is responsible for guarding Naiheqiao, only then crossed the soul of Naiheqiao, has the qualifications to accept to forget the baptism of Sichuan river, the reincarnation rebirth. 和其他逃难到幽冥界的神灵不同,孟婆本来就是幽冥之地的神灵,负责看守奈何桥,只有过了奈何桥的生魂,才有资格去接受忘川河的洗礼,转世重生。 If sinned too, is unable to pass Naiheqiao, then delivered to that side the ox head, making the ox head sentence them. 若是生前造孽太多,则无法度过奈何桥,转而送到牛头那边,让牛头对他们进行处刑。 The Meng women believe in the nature, therefore does not like receiving any fetter, including clothes. 孟婆信奉道法自然,所以不喜欢受到任何束缚,包括衣服。 However, because her stature is good, always provodes the unrest, she wore clothes reluctantly little blocking. 不过,因为她身材太好,总是引发骚乱,她才勉强自己穿上了一点点“衣服”遮挡。 Un, the unrest was more serious. 嗯,骚乱更加严重了。 But this little cotton material is the limit that she can accept, even if were nether world ruined, she did not want several plus one clothes, the gods took her not to have the means that some busybodies were also warned: I urged you do not mind others' business!” 但这一点点布料已经是她能接受的极限了,哪怕是幽冥界毁掉了,她也不愿意多加一件衣服,众神都拿她没办法,有一些好事者还被警告:“我劝你们不要多管闲事!” Therefore, Meng woman continuously this. 于是,孟婆就一直这样了。 But did a goddess well, how become the octopus to be strange? 但好好的一个女神,怎么成章鱼怪了?
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