这里是任何一切的起点。At this moment, in a corner that inprofoundOmmomeasures.
此时此刻,在玄奥莫测的一处角落之中。Most Exalted Lord Laois standinghere, hisunder footraisestogether the mysteriouscharttuart, onhispalm, is sending outtemperateandbringsray that destroys the aura.太上老君正站在这里,他的脚下升起一道玄妙图桉,在他手掌心上,散发着温和而又带着毁灭气息的光芒。Thisrayis a chain.
这光芒是一条链子。Inanother of chain, Chu Yuansits cross-leggedin that whole bodysending outgodlight/only.
在链子的另一段,楚缘盘坐在那,周身散发神光。Withtimepointspassing, the puregodlight/onlyflies into thisbirthsourcefrom various voidplacesone after another.
伴随着时间一点点的流逝,一道又一道纯粹的神光从虚空各处飞入这诞生源点之中。Speed that is hardto catchbyonetype, in front ofrapidarrivingChu Yuan, escapesintoChu Yuanwithin the body.
而后又以一种难以捕捉的速度,迅速的来到楚缘面前,遁入楚缘的体内。Godone after anotherlight/onlyintegratesChu Yuanwithin the body.
一道又一道的神光融入楚缘体内。Before long, the Chu Yuanbodyauraincreasedcrazily.
不一会儿,楚缘身上的气息就疯狂攀升了起来。Thispromotionisveryfast, among the moments, hisaurahad a flavor of uniqueworldmerely.
这种提升是非常快速的,仅仅片刻之间,他的气息就有一种超脱世间的味道了。Andin the aurahas a mysteriousfeeling.
并且气息之中带着一种玄妙至极的感觉。Butsuddenly, Chu Yuandetectedprobablyanything, opened the eyesinstantaneously.
可忽然之间,楚缘像是察觉到了什么,瞬间睁开双眼。Opens that flash of eyesinhim, twostronggodslight/onlyshootfromcentral cave.
在他睁开双眼的那一瞬间,两道浓烈的神光从中洞射而出。When the rayfliesto shoot, thisbirthsourcevibratedruthlessly, anyallseem like are Chu Yuanallow to pass through.
当光芒飞射而出时,这诞生源点都狠狠震动了一下,任何一切都像是在为楚缘让路。Flash that Chu Yuanopens, heknowsmatter that Nameless Worldhas.楚缘只是睁开的第一瞬间,他就知道了无名之界所发生的事情。„Luo'er, heavens, Luoxue, mythesedisciples.”
The Chu Yuanmindvacillates.楚缘心神动摇。Hehas the idea of returning.
他已经有了归去的想法。NearbyMost Exalted Lord Laosaw the idea of Chu Yuan, takes back the palmslowly, shakes the head, thenopens the mouth.
一旁的太上老君看出了楚缘的想法,缓缓将手掌收回,摇了摇头,而后开口。„Namelesslord, cannotlose concentration, onceloses concentration, wastes all previous efforts, yourpresentwithin the bodyhas the multi-gods of journeyslight/only, not to mentiondid not have the god in hominglight/only, isyourwithin the bodypresentgod you have not only fusedto complete.”
“无名之主,不可分神,一旦分神,前功尽弃,你如今体内有多道神光在,暂且不说还没归位的神光,就是你体内如今的神光你都还没融合完成。”„Ifloses concentrationnow, thesegodslight/onlyflee, inthisbirthsource, evenyourmypeakcollaborates, is still not necessarily ableto look.”
The meaning of Most Exalted Lord Laois very obvious.太上老君的意思已经很明显了。At this timecannotput in order the trick.
这个时候不能整幺蛾子。Onceputs in order the trick, laterwas difficultto process.
一旦整出幺蛾子,以后就难处理了。Thegravity, it goes without saying.
其严重性,不言而喻。Ifreallyhaswhataccident/surpriseto happen, thenlater the sourcelacks, andcannot look.
若是真的有什么意外发生,那么以后本源有缺,并且找不回来。Chu Yuanbe not thinkingrestoredtoonce the namelesslordwas in peak condition.楚缘就别想着恢复到曾经无名之主的巅峰状态了。„Mymanydiscipleshave the danger of life, Ihave no alternative butto manage.”
“我的诸多弟子有生命之危,我不能不管。”Chu Yuanopens the mouthin a soft voice.楚缘轻声开口。
The soundis very light, is very peaceful, buthasfirm and resolute.
他必须救他的弟子们。Hisdisciplesaccompanysincehim, for a long time was too too long, regardedhischildhisdisciples the long timetohim.
他的弟子们陪伴他至今,太久太久了,久到他都将他的弟子们都当成他的孩子了。„Namelesslord, you.”
“无名之主,你着相了。”„Worldnature, hasitsrule, complies withthen, if the hitshouldhavethistribulation, whenthatnaturecrossesthistribulation, if the hitdoes not havethistribulation, joins the inexorable fateforcefully, is hardto cause the slightestto injure.”
“天地自然,自有其规律,顺应即可,命中若该有此劫,那自然当渡此劫,命中若无此劫,强行加入劫数,也难以对其造成分毫伤害。”Most Exalted Lord Laoactuallyshakes the head, feeling that does not care aboutquite the same as.太上老君却是摇了摇头,一副浑然不在意的感觉。„This......”
“这……”Chu Yuanheartonetight.楚缘心头一紧。That said that buthecannotlook that hisdiscipleshave an accident.
话是这么说,可他不能看他的弟子们出事呀。ThisMost Exalted Lord Lao, tooBuddha.
这太上老君,也太佛了吧。HeandMost Exalted Lord Laowas togetheralsofor sometime, knew the temper of opposite partyprobably.
他和太上老君相处也有一段时间了,大概也知道对方的性子了。ThisMost Exalted Lord Lao, withhisprevious generation, is the namelesslordis the good friend.
The namelesslordmostlyis‚invinciblelonely’existence, therefore the wordsare few, aloof, became the good friendwiththisMost Exalted Lord Lao.
无名之主多半是个‘无敌寂寞’的存在,所以话少,高冷,也就和这太上老君成为好友了。ButthisMost Exalted Lord Lao, is existence of extremeBuddhadepartment, advocatesto comply with the nature, quietism and inaction.
而这太上老君,则是一个极度佛系的存在,主张顺应自然,清静无为。According to the idea of Most Exalted Lord Lao, world all haveitsoperationrule, complies with the nature, namelycomplies with the world.
按照太上老君的想法,天地一切皆有其运作规律,顺应自然,即顺应天地。If,muststraightforwardly, thatbea few words, sometimes the worldallsamestrength, transporting the herois not free.
如果说,要更为直白点的话,那就是一句话,时来天地皆同力,运去英雄不自由。Complies with the world, the worldboosts, maybreakten thousandlaws.
顺应天地,天地助力,可破万法。Maylook likeinChu Yuan, thisveryBuddha.
可在楚缘看来,这就很佛了。Lethimlookhelplesslyhisdisciplescomply with the world, hereallycannot achieve.
让他眼睁睁看着他的弟子们去顺应天地,他真的做不到。Ifhisdisciplesreallydiedseveral, hecanlove dearlydies.
见此一幕。Most Exalted Lord Laosmiles.太上老君又是一笑。As ifhealsoknowsChu Yuanthinks.
似乎他也知道了楚缘所想。Heconsidereda moment later, opened the mouth, relaxedinhas the happy expression.
他思量片刻之后,才开口了,语气轻松之中带着笑意。„Complies with the nature, why notcomplies with the world.”
“顺应自然,顺应天地有何不可。”„Butnamelesslordyou to know, the worldiswecreates, complies with the worldto comply withus.”
“但无名之主你要知道,天地是我们所创造,顺应天地即顺应我们。”„Ifyourdisciplesreallyhad an accident, thatalsodoes havewhatto fear? In an instant, canletitsresurrecting.”
The meaning of Most Exalted Lord Laois very obvious.太上老君的意思很明显。Youfear a ball, complies with the world, the worldisourtheseexiststo create, complying with the worldcomplies withus.
你怕个球,顺应天地,天地是我们这些存在所创造,顺应天地就是顺应我们。Moreover, evenhad an accident, so long asyouachievein peak condition, in an instant, did not resurrect.
而且,就算出事了,只要你达到巅峰状态,一念之间,不就复活了。From the startthereforecannot have anything.
Such a was proposedbyMost Exalted Lord Lao.
被太上老君这么一提点。Chu Yuaninstantaneouslysuddenly.楚缘瞬间就恍然了。Unexpectedly can also thisappearance.
居然还能这个样子。As if, absolutelydoes not have the problem.
似乎,完全没毛病。Ifheis in peak condition, can indeed resurrectconveniently.
他若是巅峰状态,的确可以随手复活。BeforehissubordinateZhenghad saidwithhim.
之前他的属下峥可是和他说过的。Thatdarkruler, ishemakesconveniently.
The peakresurrectsanyexists, shouldnot have the issue.
不过……Chu Yuanis not willingto see that the owndiscipledied.楚缘还是不愿意看到自己的弟子死去。Thereforehemustto complete the godlight/onlyto returnas soon as possible, after being goodto restoreto be in peak condition, hurries backimmediatelystill.
Such a thinks,Chu Yuanrestrained the mindimmediately.
这么一想,楚缘顿时将心神收敛了。InsaidafterMost Exalted Lord Lao, hethenshuts tightly the eyes , to continue to startto fuse the godlight/only.
在和太上老君说了一声后,他便紧闭双眼,继续开始融合神光。Chu Yuanstartedto calculateat heart, how longheneeded to reach the peakprobably, namelesslord who restored the completeshape.
The namelesslord of completeshape, hasmanypowerfulprinciples.
完整形态的无名之主,是拥有诸多强大法则的。Such ascannotlook straight ahead, is incomprehensible, unimaginable, cannotread aloud, indescribablewait wait/etc. etc..
A eachstrengthisextremelypowerful.
每一种力量都是极为强大的。In which‚cannotlook straight ahead’, hehas felt, the visionis the result, heis all invincible.
其中的‘不可直视’,他已经感受过了,目光所致,他皆无敌。Otherstrengthshehas not felt, butheknows,absolutelyisverystrong.
其他力量他没有感受过,但他知道,绝对是很强的。„Picks up the speedto restore the completeshape.”
“加快速度恢复完整形态。”„Achievesmein peak condition, cantruewas invincible.”
“达到巅峰状态的我,就可以真正的无敌了。”Chu Yuanwhatdesiredoes not havenow, heonlywantsto protecthisdisciples.楚缘现在什么欲望都没有,他只想要保护好他的弟子们。Immediately, hestarts the calming the mindgodto come, the entrycondition of heart and soul, the godwithin the bodylight/onlyacceleratesto fuse.
In Chu Yuanfuses the godwholeheartedlylight/only.
The war in star sea, mustbeginfinally.
星海之中的大战,终于要揭开序幕了。Strengthsfromrulersflooded into star sea.
The protectionoutsidestar sea, in the face of the strength of ruler, just like the glassis ordinary, was easily ground.
在星海之外的防护,在支配者的力量面前,犹如玻璃一般,被轻易碾碎。Protection outside thisstar seahas no effect, the onlyfunction, letknowinstar seaanotherYe Luoand the others the rulershave arrived.
这星海之外的防护没有什么效果,唯一的作用,就是让在星海另一段的叶落等人知道了支配者们已经到来。Ye Luoand the othersafterknowing the rulersarrive, instantaneousearnest, one by onecompletedinstar seaanotherendpreparation that launches the attack.叶落等人在知道支配者们到来后,瞬间认真了起来,一个个都在星海另一端做好了发起攻击的准备。
The warstarts......
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