A as ifnihility, actuallyseemedTaichu, the Hundun(Chaos)place.
When hereseems like the worldhas not opened, the primordial chaoshas not sentenced, when anyallhave not been borninbeginning.
这里像是天地未开时,鸿蒙未判,任何一切都未诞生时在起点。Here, Chu YuanandMost Exalted Lord Laorelativeandvertical.
在这里,楚缘与太上老君相对而立。At this moment, the face of Chu YuanandonMost Exalted Lord Laocovered entirelyonetypestrangely...
此时此刻,楚缘与太上老君的脸上都布满了一种奇怪的...„Youngmarquis, youget upa bit faster, was one's turnusto go on patrol.”
“小侯爷,您快点起来吧,轮到我们巡逻了。”„Where is my is at?”
“我这是在哪啊?”Qintigersatblurry, felt that bodycoolwhizwhiz, outsidewhistlingis also blowing the gale, immediatelyat heartstrange.
秦虎迷迷糊糊的坐了起来,感觉身上凉嗖嗖的,外面还呼呼的刮着大风,顿时心里一阵奇怪。„Aiya the youngmarquis, youwere how blurry, weinmilitary compound. Thisdouble-houris one's turnusto stand sentry, military lawhandling, the oldmarquiscannot protectyounow.”
“什么?”Qintigeropened the eyeto look,saw onlythis timeto stayin a tent, at presentissoldier who put onskinarmor.
秦虎睁开眼睛一看,只见自己此时正呆在一个帐篷里,眼前是个穿着皮甲的小兵。Inhimis thinking that the opens the mouthaskedanythingtime, suddenly a headachewantsto crack, a hugeinformation flowbroke inhismind, after severalseconds, heknows that oneselfpassed through.
正在他想张口问点什么的时候,忽然一阵头痛欲裂,一股巨大的信息流冲入了他的脑海,几秒钟之后他知道自己穿越了。Hefrom a modern specialsoldier, passed throughonealsoto callQintigeryoungmarquisbody, was the Capital Citysevenbigyoung tyrant'sheads!
他从一名现代特种战士,穿越到了一名也叫秦虎的小侯爷身上,乃京城七大恶少之首!ButthistimenamedYutowards/dynasty, historicallydoes not existgreatly.
而这个叫大虞朝的时代,历史上根本就不存在。Qintiger the ancestorwasgreatly one of the YuKaiguofourDuke28marquises, threemonths ago the fatherdied of illness, Qintiger the hereditary rank of nobility, became the newchampionmarquis.
秦虎的祖上是大虞开国四公二十八侯之一,三个月前父亲病逝,秦虎袭爵,成了新一任冠军侯。Qintigerwas spoiledby the parentssince childhood, did not likestudying, did not likepracticing martial art, playedconstantly, makes merry, runs amuckCapital City.
秦虎从小被爹娘宠坏了,不爱读书,不爱习武,一味玩耍,吃喝玩乐,横行京城。Grew upin the family/home to makehimreceiveto have a change of heart, thenset a marriage, the bride's sidewas the young lady of Chen Guogongfamily/home, namedChenRuoli, the prestigious familywas demure, outwardly refined and inwardly intelligent.
长大了家里想让他收收心,便定下了一门亲事,女方是陈国公家的大小姐,名叫陈若离,名门闺秀,秀外慧中。ThisQintigertootherswasferocious, butprettysuch asflower the fianceetothiswas obedient, regardedlike the treasure.
这个秦虎对别人都是穷凶极恶,可偏偏对这位貌美如花的未婚妻百依百顺,视如珍宝。But the matterleftinMissChen of thisfriends from childhoodbody.
可事情偏偏就出在了这个青梅竹马的陈大小姐身上。According to the memory of Qintiger, heentered the palaceto pay respect tocurrent dynastyChang'anprincesswith the fianceeon that day, the princessandChenRuoliis intimatesince childhood, then the arrangementbanquets.
根据秦虎的记忆,那天他携未婚妻入宫参拜当朝长安公主,公主与陈若离从小相好,便安排饮宴。ButQintigerdrank the fragmentafterward, waking uptime, the personhad arrived at the imperial edictprison of domestic protection. Hewas informed the alcoholic intoxicationto sexually harass the princess, the intentionillegalmatter.
可后来秦虎喝断片了,醒来的时候,人已经到了内卫的诏狱。他被告知醉酒调戏公主,意图不轨之事。Strangerinbehind, ChenRuolisubmitted a written statementto impeach the fianceQintiger72illegalmattersunexpectedly, each articlehaddepending onhaving the evidence.
更诡异的在后面,陈若离竟然上书弹劾未婚夫秦虎七十二条不法之事,桩桩件件有凭有据。Qintigerseemedliked a sudden thunderclapat that timegeneral, cannotbelieve the ownearsimply......
The imperial decreegot downquickly, readingwas activeinQintiger the ancestor, the capital crimemayexempt, the sufferingwas difficultto escape, is sent to frontier serviceYouzhou, before the armyworked, retains the title, lightened a punishment and watched subsequent behavior.
圣旨很快就下来了,念在秦虎祖上有功,死罪可免,活罪难逃,发配幽州,军前效力,保留爵位,以观后效。However after Youzhou, hewas arrangedonfrontlinequickly- vanguardgreetinglistensto use.
但是到了幽州之后,他很快就被安排上了前线-先锋帐前听用。Thesethingsafter the brain of Qintiger, hehave basically wantedto understand, thisshouldbe a snare.
这些事情在秦虎的脑子里过了一遍之后,他基本上就想明白了,这应该是个圈套。BecauseChen Guogonghas wantedto break an engagementwithhim.
因为陈国公早就想和他退婚。QinandChenare the politicsmarried, bothwantto build stronger and bigger, Qintiger who thencomesexcept forwas a playboy, had almost no merit to speak, cansay that lostcompletely the face of championHou Residence.
秦家和陈家本来就是政治联姻,两家都想做强做大,而后来的秦虎除了是个纨绔,几乎一无是处,可以说把冠军侯府的脸都丢尽了。All previouschampionmarquis, is the hero character, has the incomparableinfluencein the army, mayarrive atthisgeneration, had/leftsimplynot to get up the battlefieldwaste.
The oldmarquislivingtime, Chen Guogonggives back to the face, the oldmarquisdied, Chen Guogonghas a falling out, performed a mourning hallto break an engagementunexpectedly.
老侯爷活着的时候,陈国公还给面子,老侯爷死了,陈国公翻脸无情,竟然上演了一幕灵堂退婚。ButQinHushenlovedChenRuoli, did not permit, butChenRuolihas actually loathedabout his young tyrant.
但秦虎深爱陈若离,死活就是不允,而陈若离对他这个恶少却早已非常厌恶。Therefore a disaster, arrives!
于是一场祸事,就此降临!RegardingChang'anprincess, thatwas simpler, shewasQintigermale cousin'scousin, so long asQintigerdied, the hugefamily property of championHou Residence, naturallyscoldedthismale cousin'sbodyentirely.
至于说长安公主嘛,那就更简单了,她是秦虎堂兄的表妹,只要秦虎一死,冠军侯府的庞大家产,自然悉数落到这位堂兄的身上。Theseinfluences, accord to his need, act in collusion, unitedlike thisrapidlygot up......,
这几股势力,各取所需,沆瀣一气,就这样迅速的联合了起来……,Reallyenters the noblestemdeepassea, wants who hedies, but also are really many.
果然是一入侯门深似海,想让他死的人,还真多呀。„Qin'an, yousaid that wedo look for the placebackbackto be in fashion?”
Under the brightmoonlightshines, the crudenorth windbrings the gratingwhistling tone, passed over gently and swiftly the spaciouswilderness, flashes on and offto extinguishclear(ly) that severalflaresblow, just likeinnumerableis cutting the skin of person the throwing knife.
明亮的月光照耀下,粗暴的北风带着刺耳的哨音,掠过空旷的原野,把几只火把吹的明明灭灭,更犹如无数把飞刀切割着人的皮肤。„It is not good the youngmarquis, will be handledby the military law.”
“不行啊小侯爷,会被军法处置的。”QintigerandQin'annecking inshrank the footis braving the wind, ranfrom the military camp, stepped on the heavy/thicksnowto runforward.
秦虎和秦安缩头缩脚的顶着风,从营寨中跑出来,踩着厚重的积雪向前跑。EmaciatedQin' one does not pay attention, threw offby the galedirectly.
瘦弱的秦安一不留神,直接被大风掀翻了。Tworelieving a garrisonsentriesseethemto come out, the looking at each othersinister smile, heldtwosnowsto extinguish the bonfire of heating, thenwent insidein the tent.
The mother, even the soldiersgaveto buy, wantsto freeze to death the father!
娘的,连小兵都给收买了,想冻死老子!Thisis the scaleverysmallmilitary camp, the probably20tents, the surroundingssurroundwith the carriage, the surroundingChevalantlerwithout the arrangement, the nearbyistopographically flat , without the dangermaydefend, lookedwould have no planto be stationedfor a long time.
这是个规模很小的营寨,大概有二十座帐篷,周围以马车环绕,外围连拒马鹿角都没有排列,附近更是地势平坦,无险可守,一看就没打算长期驻扎。According to the memory of Qintigerprevious generation, herewas stationed about 200people, theyareYutowards/dynastyZhengbeiGeneralLiQinXianfengying.
根据秦虎前世的记忆,这里驻扎了大约两百人,他们是虞朝征北将军李勤的先锋营。But the goals of thistimeLiQin20,000armiesareYutowards/dynastyold enemyinborder, eastern Liaoningcountry.
而此次李勤两万大军的目标则是虞朝在边境上的宿敌,辽东国。„, The youngmarquis, yousaid that we can also live?” The Qin'anentirebodyrolls upin the snowy area, the lip and faceare blue, the speech is also worn out, as ifwill diemomentarily.
“咳咳,小侯爷,你说我们还能活着回去吗?”秦安整个身体蜷缩在雪地上,嘴唇和脸都是青的,说话也是有气无力,仿佛随时都会死。Qintigersighed, Qin'anwas purelyis implicatedbyoneself, butif the matterdevelopedaccording to this, theymustdiewithout doubt.
秦虎心里叹了口气,秦安纯属是被自己连累的,而事情若是照此发展下去,他俩是必死无疑的了。Thesewant who hedies, has not tormented to deathhimin the deliberation hall, under the evil behind-the-scenes manipulatorin the military compoundhits the staggering blow, puts in orderhim.
那些想让他死的人,在朝堂上没整死他,就在军营里下黑手打闷棍,把他往死里整。ButQintigerwas not the person of sitting waiting for death, thisobviousframedmatter, hecannotconclude.
The lifeisendlessstrugglingstrove forsaving, just wait, the fathernot only need go on living, will also returnCapital City, does accountswithyou.
人生本来就是无休止的挣扎求存,等着吧,老子不但要活下去,还会杀回京城,与你们算算账。„Qin'an, wego out, how manypaper moneybrought?”
“秦安,我们出门的时候,带了多少银票?”„Did not have the paper money, mybodyonly hadtwotensilver tael. On the imperial decree said that we are sent to frontier serviceto be sent to frontier service, the family propertyprohibits.”
“没有银票了啊,我身上只有二十两银子。圣旨上说了,我们是充军发配,家产封禁。”Qin'anthis yearis only16 years old, wasQintiger the personalbookchild, longwas very emaciated, extremelyhas suffered, lookedremains the one breath.
秦安今年才16岁,是秦虎的贴身书童,长的很瘦弱,早已经不堪折磨,看上去就剩一口气了。ActuallyQintiger was also no better, Xianfengyingmarchedfor these daysevery day30li (0.5 km), the dry/doesworkwas, built roads through the mountainswith the waterbridging, chopped firewoodto light a fire, trenchesto carry water, buildmilitary camp.
其实秦虎也好不到哪里去,这几天先锋营每天行军30里,干的工作就是,逢山开路遇水搭桥,砍柴烧火,挖沟挑水,搭建营寨。But the fellows of thesetwosoft and fair skin, whatconditionevery dayandseveral hundredtallearthen mounds do eighttreatin the same placecanbe?
而这两个细皮嫩肉的家伙,每天和几百个五大三粗的丘八待在一起会是什么状况?Definitelydoes the most tiredwork, has the worstfood, bymost poisonoushitting, by the biggestair/Qi......
肯定是干最累的活儿,吃最差的饭,挨最毒的打,受最大的气……Qintigerestimated,hispredecessorwas possibly suffered dead while still alive.
秦虎估计,他的前身可能就是被活活折磨死的。Alsoishispunishment is deserved.
也算是他罪有应得吧。Thispain, needshimshouldernow, words that cannot shoulder, hewill also die.
“给我。”QinHuxiang, hemustfirsttryto preserve the life of Qin'an, thentried to findothersolution.
秦虎想好了,他必须先设法保住秦安的命,然后再想别的办法。Butmustmaintain life is actually not difficult, the simplestmethodbribes, as the saying goesmoney talks, this means that althoughis primitive, butforevereasy-to-use.
而要保命其实也不困难,最简单的方法就是行贿,俗话说财能通神,这个办法虽然原始,但永远都好使。Butnowthissituation, henot possibleto bribe the senior official, becauseno onedaresto touch on slightlywithhim. Alsodid not havemoney.
但现在这种情况,他不可能去贿赂高官,因为没人敢跟他沾边。再说也没钱。Thereforeinhismindthought of a person, hundredhusbandlongLi Xiaokun.
所以他的脑海里面想到了一个人,百夫长李孝坤。Alsois the member in Xianfengyingat present. To look at the newestchaptercontent, pleasedownloadto readapp, does not have the advertisementto read the newestchaptercontentfree. The websitedoes not update the newestchaptercontent, the newestchaptercontentinhas read the APPrenewal.
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