NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#5984: Old drunkard

Chapter 5984 old drunkard 第5984章老酒鬼 No one guides, when Long Chen alone God peak discovered, the road of emperor peak simply has not guarded, does not have the checkpoint, who can on. 没有人带路,龙尘独自上帝峰时才发现,帝峰的路根本没有守卫,也没有关卡,谁都可以上。 At that moment, Long Chen felt, Sir Mountain Lord makes his God peak perhaps not simple. 那一刻,龙尘就感觉,山主大人让他上帝峰恐怕没有那么简单。 Main road Kang village, winds on, because the emperor peak was too big, Lu Ming ming is curved, but seems like straight. 大路康庄,蜿蜒而上,但是因为帝峰太大了,路明明是弯的,但是看上去却是笔直的。 Moreover Long Chen can guarantee, Elder Huang Xuan brings the road that he takes, definitely is not this, but, no one guides now, he can only walk upwardly. 而且龙尘敢保证,黄轩长老带他走的路,肯定不是这一条,不过,如今没有人带路,他只能自己向上走。 Walking, walking, the front road, turned into two, Long Chen does not know that which was right, chose one casually. 走着,走着,前方的路,就变成了两条,龙尘不知道哪一条是对的,就随便选了一条。 However took a section of road, the front turned into two, Long Chen did not pay attention, did not go deliberately to choose, chose one to continue to walk at will forward. 然而走了一段路,前方又变成了两条,龙尘并不理会,也不去刻意选择,随意选择一条继续向前走。 In the endless choice, Long Chen as if entered was maze-like, but Long Chen not flustered, consistently according to the specific speed walked forward. 在无尽的选择中,龙尘仿佛进入了迷宫一般,但是龙尘并没有慌张,始终按照特定的速度向前走。 Why does not know, walks on this labyrinth same road, the Long Chen's innermost feelings are instead calm, the soul is peaceful, Purple Blood in within the body is auspicious. 不知道为什么,走在这迷宫一样的路上,龙尘的内心反而是平静的,灵魂是安宁的,体内的紫血是祥和的。 Road ahead endless, more walks is higher, the purple fog appears, making one is unable to distinguish the direction, suddenly cold intent appears, Long Chen as if places oneself in the icehouse. 前路无尽,越走越高,紫色的云雾浮现,令人无法识别方向,突然冷意浮现,龙尘仿佛置身于冰窖之中。 Good rich murderous aura!” “好浓郁的杀气!” Long Chen stares slightly , to continue, Long Chen discovered, he walked into a grave unexpectedly. 龙尘微微一愣,继续前行,龙尘发现,不知不觉间他竟然走入了一片坟冢之中。 The grave is situated in by the main road, grave endless, has extended to the dense fog deep place, the two sides graves are quite crude, basically is a grave tablet, but on each tombstone is lying down weapon. 坟冢立于大路两边,坟冢无尽,一直延伸到迷雾深处,两边的坟冢极为简陋,基本都是一坟一碑,但是每一座墓碑上都躺着一把兵器 Long Chen just visited this piece of region, on a long sword by tombstone was attracted, that long sword did not know on the tombstone lay down many years, but was away from the scabbard even, Long Chen can induce to dreadful killing intent that it sent out. 龙尘刚刚踏足这片区域,就被一座墓碑上的长剑所吸引,那长剑不知道在墓碑上躺了多少年,但是即使隔着剑鞘,龙尘都能感应到它所散发出的滔天杀意 Before Long Chen arrives at the tombstone, on the tombstone does not have the name, actually writes a few words: 龙尘来到墓碑前,墓碑上没有名字,却写着一句话: Heavenly Dao extinguishes, Myriad Laws is poor, is unwilling the dead intent difficult draw!” 天道灭,万法穷,不甘身死意难平!” Suddenly Long Chen looks to another tombstone, by the tombstone, leans against long spear, on the tombstone is also carving a few words: 忽然龙尘看向另外一块墓碑,墓碑旁边,斜倚着一把长枪,墓碑上同样刻着一句话: intent difficult draw, when next life, the heavens weep blood Beheading Evil is eloquent!” “意难平,待来生,苍天泣血斩邪佞!” Beheading Evil is eloquent, treads vast sky, the world this solitary one shadow, no matter what my line!” 斩邪佞,踏长空,天地孤影任我行!” No matter what my line, with the startled great wild goose, what to fear both goes to netherworld!” “任我行,携惊鸿,何惧双双赴幽冥!” Goes to netherworld, howls Changfeng, Nether Sovereign Ghost Emperor kneels down to listen......” “赴幽冥,啸长风,冥皇鬼帝跪下听……” When Long Chen is reading the character on tombstone in a soft voice, at that moment, in his heart filled shock, seemed dragged into Primal Chaos battlefield, looks at mind/bosom hot blooded Supreme Talent, died with great regret, although their people died, but the hatred is needless. 龙尘轻声念着墓碑上的字,那一刻,他的心中充满了震撼,仿佛被拉入了混沌战场,看着一个个胸怀热血的天骄们,含恨而死,他们人虽然死了,但是恨意不消。 Long Chen puts out a hand to stroke the character on tombstone, has the hatred to bring being unwilling one by one, has the attachment and yearned. 龙尘伸手抚摸着墓碑上的字,一笔一划都带着恨意带着不甘,同时也带着眷恋与向往。 The characters on these tombstones, are tombstone nearby weapon carve, these weapon masters died, but these weapon actually inherited Willpower of master, here is protecting their masters. 这些墓碑上的字,都是墓碑旁边的兵器所刻,这些兵器的主人都死了,但是这些兵器却继承了主人的意志,在这里守护着它们的主人。 Long Chen places oneself in the grave, looks at these only leave behind last words, has not actually left the name the tombstone, the dismal meaning floods the heart. 龙尘置身于坟冢之中,看着这些只留下遗言,却没有留下名字的墓碑,悲凉之意充斥心头。 From these weapon, Long Chen can feel the ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) heroic feelings of their master, they are the true heroes, otherwise by their weapon, will not be so protected loyally. 从这些兵器上,龙尘可以感受到它们主人的万丈豪情,他们都是真正的英雄,否则也不会被他们的兵器,如此忠诚地守护。 Buzz “嗡” A Long Chen big hand move, the long sword on tombstone falls into the Long Chen hand, the Long Chen big hand wields. 龙尘大手一招,墓碑上的长剑落入龙尘手中,龙尘大手一挥。 Qiāng “呛” The long sword comes out of the sheath, purple Flying Rainbow crosses vast sky, the cold and gloomy sword qi separate vault of heaven, it makes a great show of one's talents, quiet innumerable year of it, as if saved the inexhaustible strength, must in this Era, bloom own ray. 长剑出鞘,紫色飞虹横贯长空,森冷的剑气割裂苍穹,它锋芒毕露,沉寂了无数年的它,似乎积蓄了无穷无尽的力量,要在这个时代,绽放出属于自己的光芒。 „Very regrettable, cannot with the Everyone hero syngenesis in Era, but you do not need to worry, inherited your Willpower person, quick comes!” Long Chen is grasping the long sword, the sinking sound said. “很遗憾,不能与诸位英雄同生在一个时代,不过你们也不用着急,继承你们意志的人,很快就来了!”龙尘握着长剑,沉声道。 These weapon are rare emperor, wants to obtain their approvals, obviously Heavenly Saint powerhouse is unlikely, after when enters step Human Sovereign, has the qualifications to challenge them. 这些兵器都是罕见的帝器,想要获得它们的认可,显然天圣强者是不太可能的,只有等到进阶人皇后,才有资格挑战它们。 These emperor, their once masters, were the extraordinary great people, ordinary powerhouse cannot enter their discernment, but inherited former master Willpower them, underwent the precipitation of trillion years, already somewhat impatient, wanted the as Master person to revenge. 这些帝器,他们曾经的主人,都是了不得的大人物,普通强者根本入不了它们的法眼,而继承了前任主人意志的它们,经过了亿万年的沉淀,已经有些迫不及待,要为主人报仇了。 That swift and fierce killing intent, is their revenge Willpower, fortunately Long Chen's Willpower strong, the average person is unable to withstand that terrifying killing intent. 那凌厉的杀意,就是它们的复仇意志,也亏得龙尘的意志超强,普通人根本无法承受那恐怖杀意 Buzz humming sound......” “嗡嗡嗡……” These divine weapon, as if in responding to Long Chen are ordinary, keeps glittering, the continuous endless grave, as if the stars in nighttime sky, making Long Chen look at the heart downward to sink. 这些神兵,似乎在回应龙尘一般,不停地闪烁,连绵无尽的坟冢,仿佛夜空中的繁星,让龙尘看得心直往下沉。 Primal Chaos Era experienced anything, how so many terrifying existence, so died unwillingly. 混沌时代到底经历了什么,怎么如此多的恐怖存在,都如此不甘地死去了。 Qiāng “呛” Long Chen sheathes the long sword, places above the tombstone slowly, from this above the long sword, Long Chen felt aura of its original master, that was powerful Emperor powerhouse, simultaneously was Sword Cultivator, a pity, except for these, Long Chen is unable to obtain many news. 龙尘将长剑入鞘,缓缓放在墓碑之上,从这把长剑之上,龙尘感受到了它原主人的气息,那是一个强大的帝君强者,同时还是一个剑修,可惜,除了这些,龙尘无法获得更多的讯息。 Long Chen took a deep breath, marches forward, his footsteps speed up, wants to pass through this grave a bit faster, here aura, is too depressing, making Long Chen somewhat unable to ventilate. 龙尘深吸了一口气,继续向前,他脚步加快,想快点穿过这片坟冢,这里的气息,太压抑,让龙尘有些透不过气来。 looks at these graves, some Long Chen fears, he is even afraid in the future one day, he and his soulmate, will be the same to these Purple Blood Clan peerless powerhouse, died with the endless hatred. 看着那些坟冢,龙尘甚至有些害怕,他害怕将来有一天,他和他的红颜知己们,也会跟这些紫血一族的绝世强者们一样,怀着无尽的恨意长眠地下。 Emperor level powerhouse, so young, has the lofty sentiments, actually changes into graves finally, the hatred difficult draw, only leaves behind divine weapon to inherit own Willpower, will replace itself to look at the future. 帝君级强者,一个个如此年轻,心怀豪情壮志,却最终化为一个个坟冢,恨意难平,只留下神兵来传承自己的意志,代替自己去看未来。 Does not know how long, Long Chen went out of that grave finally, the covering the heavens purple haze also followed to diverge, what heaving in sight is a sunny world, at that moment, the Long Chen's heart, as if also becomes sunny. 不知道走了多久,龙尘终于走出了那片坟冢,遮天的紫色雾霾也跟着散去,映入眼帘的是一片晴朗世界,那一刻,龙尘的心,似乎也变得晴朗起来。 At present, purple lakes, just like a giant purple crystal, are shining upon the vault of heaven, is mystical and elusive. 眼前,一片紫色的湖泽,宛若一块巨大的紫色水晶,映照着天穹,神秘而又空灵。 looks at that lakes, the distracting thoughts in Long Chen heart, as if the flash were washed, the endless worry can put behind instantaneously. 看着那湖泽,龙尘心中的杂念,仿佛一瞬间被洗涤,无尽的烦恼都可以瞬间忘却。 Sir Mountain Lord said should be here?” Long Chen looks at this lakes, in the can't help heart sighed. 山主大人说的应该就是这里了吧?”龙尘看着这片湖泽,不禁心中感叹。 Here truly is a practice good place, the matter that in his heart wants to read are too many, absorbed so many rune in Purple Clouds Pavilion, lets the Long Chen's mind, even more is unassuageable. 这里确实是一个修行的好地方,他心中所想所念的事情太多,在紫云阁又吸收了那么多符文,让龙尘的心神,更加难以平静。 But here, is practice Treasure Trove, Long Chen can rely on here strength , helping practice, Long Chen is also the person who sees the oversized world, sees this lake water, is not absolutely ordinary. 而这里,是一处修行宝地,龙尘可以借助这里的力量,来帮助自己修行,龙尘也是见过大世面的人,一眼就看出这湖水,绝对不一般。 However, the Long Chen itself/Ben thinks that here is a peak, then saw that behind enters the clouds the mountain peak to discover, here as before is a halfway up the mountainside. 不过,龙尘本以为这里已经是峰顶,然后看到身后直入云霄的山峰才发现,这里依旧是半山腰。 Does not manage, if can comprehend here well, if the comprehension, crawled again upwardly is not late.” “不管了,如果能在这里领悟最好,如果领悟不了,再向上爬也不迟。” The time press, Long Chen time does not want to waste, the flying arrives at the lake center, holds the Yuan to defend one, the whole body endless Purple Qi ascension, trillion rune disperses rapidly, overspread the entire lake surface instantaneously. 时间紧迫,龙尘一点时间都不想浪费,飞身来到湖泊中央,抱元守一,周身无尽的紫气升腾,亿万符文急速散开,瞬间铺满了整个湖面。 However in Long Chen starts practice to comprehend, in the corner of lakeside, whole body greasy dirt, hair disorderly just like the beggar common old man, regains consciousness from the fire of high-piled firewood. 然而就在龙尘开始修行参悟之时,在湖边的一个角落里,一个浑身油污,头发凌乱宛若乞丐一般的老者,从火堆旁边苏醒。 Just, this old man wakes up, has not first opened the eye, but extends the big hand that shivers to try to find out by the fire of high-piled firewood carelessly, after he touches to a liquor bottle gourd, immediately the spirit shakes, the hand no longer shivers, pushes aside the bottle gourd stopper, attracted one fiercely: 只不过,这老者醒来,没有先睁开眼睛,而是伸出颤抖的大手在火堆旁胡乱摸索,当他摸到一个酒葫芦后,顿时精神一震,手不再颤抖,扒开葫芦塞,猛吸了一口: „, Gets a grip!” “哇,得劲!” The old person sends out extremely satisfied acclaiming, this opens the eye slowly, when the Long Chen's form maps in his bleary eyes dim eye, he opened the eye suddenly, a tipsy feeling awoke immediately several points: 老人发出一声极为满足的赞叹,这才缓缓睁开眼睛,当龙尘的身影映入他醉眼朦胧的眸子中时,他忽然睁大了眼睛,一身酒意顿时醒了几分: Troubled, this fellow appears, perhaps my free day must to the end, ok, must, might as well drink in any case to the end again, rests the little while again!” “麻烦了,这个家伙出现,我的逍遥日子恐怕是要到头了,算了,反正要到头了,不如再喝点,再睡会儿!” Thump thump...... 咕咚咕咚…… The old man filled several liquor , the bleary eyes are immediately dim, rests the head on the liquor bottle gourd to continue to go off directly. 那老者又灌了几口酒,顿时又醉眼朦胧起来,直接枕着酒葫芦继续睡去。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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