NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#5980: Ten thousand secret arts first Secret of Returning to Oneness

Chapter 5980 ten thousand secret arts first —— Secret of Returning to Oneness 第5980章万诀之首——归一诀 Buzz “嗡” The void tremor, the Long Chen present world fluctuates, purple divine brilliance filled the whole world. 虚空颤动,龙尘眼前的世界变幻,紫色的神辉充满了整个世界。 Long Chen discovered when does not know, the under foot is stepping on a giant mirror, when Long Chen looks down, he saw himself. 龙尘发现不知道什么时候,脚下踩着一面巨大的镜子,当龙尘低头看去,他看到了自己。 However in mirror, the back is the endless darkness, Long Chen as if can see that the endless soul is roaring, is roaring, throws crazily to him, as if must to his life demanding. 然而镜子中的自己,背后是无尽的黑暗,龙尘似乎可以看到无尽的灵魂在怒吼,在咆哮,疯狂地向他扑来,似乎要向他索命 These soul whole bodies are twining chain, as if by what strength surrounding, it sent out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, wants to get rid, is helpless, can only angry roar desperately. 那些灵魂周身缠绕着锁链,仿佛被什么力量给困住了,它发出凄厉的惨叫,想要摆脱,却无能为力,只能拼命地怒吼。 The mirror of Long Chen looks at under foot, in looks at mirror, his complexion exceptionally is calmly tranquil, coldly with these soul looking at each other, an audience, calmly observes looks at probably their performance. 龙尘静静地看着脚下的镜子,看着镜子中的自己,他的面色异常平静,冷冷地与那些灵魂对视,就好像一个观众,静静地观看着它们的表演。 Facing so many ghost life demanding, you doesn't fear?” At this moment, an old sound conveys. “面对这么多的冤魂索命,你一点都不怕么?”就在这时,一个苍老的声音传来。 When does not know, behind Long Chen's, stands to wear the purple long gown, old person who wears the purple crystal imperial crown. 不知道什么时候,龙尘的背后,站着一个身穿紫色长袍,头戴紫晶皇冠的老人。 The old person voice is gentle, is thin but distinctive-looking, but the body has one type not to get angry from aura of prestige, making person cannot help want to kneel pays homage. 那老人声音柔和,面容清癯,但是身上却带着一种不怒自威的气息,令人情不自禁地想要跪地膜拜。 Even if he has no pressure, cannot feel his fluctuation of energy, but the casual stand, actually as if stands erect god above eternal river, is overlooking all living things. 即使他没有任何威压,更感受不到他的能量波动,但是随随便便一站,却仿佛是屹立在万古长河之上的神祇,俯视着芸芸众生。 One group of clowns, I can kill their, can kill them to return innumerably. “一群小丑而已,我能杀它们一回,就可以杀它们无数回。 In my heart has the light, dao heart is steady, if rock, indestructible, what fearing does have? ” Long Chen has not turned head, indifferently said. 我心中有光明,道心稳若磐石,坚不可摧,何惧之有?”龙尘没有回头,淡淡地道 Steady, if rock, indestructible? Did this saying a little say in a big way?” The old man shows a faint smile to say. “稳若磐石,坚不可摧?这话说得有点大了吧?”那老者微微一笑道。 „ A heart, heart is also bright! When dao heart is brightly lit, it does not have greatly outside, in it slightly does not have. “道者心也,心者明也!道心通明之时,其大无外,其小无内。 The word of words mouth, the language of heart , the heart like the bright mirror, may shine upon universe Myriad Dao, how can there be the division of size? ” Long Chen shows a faint smile, takes back from the mirror of under foot the vision slowly, turns the head to look to that old man. 话者口之言,心之语也,心如明镜,可映照乾坤万道,又岂有大小之分?”龙尘微微一笑,缓缓将目光从脚下的镜子收回,转头看向那位老者。 That old man first stares, immediately also smiled, nods saying: Really is an interesting child, has three different bloodline, is Nine Stars Successor, has pill Emperor's Seal to record, I also felt Earth Cauldron aura......” 那位老者先是一愣,随即也笑了,点点头道:“真是一个有趣的孩子,拥有三种不同血脉,还是九星传人,拥有丹帝印记,我还感受到了坤鼎气息……” In pair of eye of old man, exudes purple divine light, as if emerged piece of Star Sea, must look at an insight Long Chen, however was saying to be saying, the smile on his face disappeared, closed the mouth. 那老者的一双眸子内,泛起紫色的神光,仿佛涌现出了一片星海,要将龙尘看个通透,然而说着说着,他脸上的笑容消失了,同时也闭上了嘴巴。 Long Chen looks at this old man, Long Chen knows at present, this old man certainly is the Purple Blood Clan ancestor, regarding his gaze, Long Chen has nothing to hide, does not mind his sensation own soul. 龙尘看着眼前这位老者,龙尘知道,这老者一定是紫血一族的先祖,对于他的注视,龙尘没有任何好隐藏的,也不介意他感知自己的灵魂。 When just, the facial features of old man gradually become is serious, Long Chen felt that had/left some differences. 只不过,当那老者的面容逐渐变得严肃时,龙尘感觉出了一些异样。 The old man looked at Long Chen quite a while, did not say a word, Long Chen did not speak, at that moment in mirror surface world, as if time static generally. 那老者看了龙尘半天,一言不发,龙尘也不说话,那一刻镜面世界里,仿佛时间静止了一般。 Suddenly on the old man face appears to wipe the smile, the whole person also became relaxed, he opened the mouth saying: 忽然那老者脸上浮现出一抹笑容,整个人也变得轻松了许多,他开口道: „My deceased person worries about so many to make anything, come the child, I teaches Purple Blood Clan unsurpassed secret standard —— Secret of Returning to Oneness to you.” “我一个死人操心那么多做什么,来吧孩子,我将紫血一族的无上秘典——归一诀传授给你。” The old men said, the big hand stretches out slowly, in Long Chen's forehead. 老者说完,大手缓缓伸出,点在龙尘的眉心 Buzz “嗡” In his fingertip, appears a purple symbol, at the same time, his body starts fast empty, that small purple symbol, the flash drains his all strengths completely. 在他的指尖,浮现出一个紫色的符号,与此同时,他的身体开始快速虚化,那个小小的紫色符号,一瞬间将他所有力量全部抽干。 My strength is insufficient, can only pass to you an outline, but, by your talent bloodline and wisdom, unifies secret Dian in Purple Blood Clan treasure house to verify, wants to comprehend should not be difficult, the child, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the future, will entrust to you! “我的力量已经不足,只能传给你一个轮廓,不过,以你的天赋血脉和智慧,结合紫血一族宝库内的秘典加以印证,想要参悟应该并不难,孩子,九天十地的未来,就托付给你们了! Remember, leaves your time is not many, this is the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths last chance. ” The old person form has disappeared, but his sound, but also reverberates in the mirror surface world. 记住,留给你的时间不多了,这是九天十地最后的机会。”老人身影已经消失,而他的声音,还在镜面世界里回荡。 As his sound vanishes, the Long Chen's forehead place, appeared one symbol. 随着他的声音消失,龙尘的眉心处,浮现出了一个“一”的符号。 Is one character, is simple, feels that symbol, Purple Blood of Long Chen within the body is starting to shiver slowly, as that one character number vanishes, Purple Blood returns again tranquilly, as if nothing happened generally. 就是个“一”字,再简单不过,感受着那个符号,龙尘体内的紫血开始缓缓颤动起来,随着那个“一”字符号消失,紫血再次回归平静,仿佛什么都没发生过一般。 If others, to a Long Chen such symbol, Long Chen will certainly shout abuse, is this sticks to play tricks? 如果是别人,给龙尘这么一个符号,龙尘一定会破口大骂,这是糊弄鬼么? The old man said that his strength, has been not enough the complete rune brand mark to get down, surplus can only comprehend by oneself, Long Chen must try to find the solution. 那老者说了,他的力量,已经不足以将完整的符文烙印下来,剩余的只能靠自己领悟,龙尘必须自己想办法了。 Was good because of Purple Blood already its brand mark, later Long Chen can calm the mind to comprehend slowly. 好在紫血已经将它烙印了下来,以后龙尘可以静下心来慢慢参悟。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” At this moment, the purple mirror surface world collapses, a strong suction transmission of Long Chen from space. 就在这时,紫色的镜面世界坍塌,一股强大的吸力将龙尘空间传送了出去。 “呼” When Long Chen appears in Luo Family, Luo Family from top to bottom, cheered the sound shook day, Life Severing Platform finished, Long Chen wins, this was to Bi Family most advantageous counterattack, henceforth Luo Family besides Luo Fengying, had/left a peerless talent. 龙尘出现在洛家时,洛家从上到下,欢呼声震天,绝生台结束,龙尘了,这是对毕家最有利的还击,从此洛家除了洛风影外,又多出了一个绝世天才。 Long Chen, what you see is which Old Ancestor, what magical technique divine ability taught your?” A Emperor old man, stands to say impatiently. 龙尘,你见到的是哪位老祖,传授了你什么术法神通?”一个帝君老者,迫不及待地站出来道。 As we all know, the Life Severing Platform final victor, can open the strength of totem with Bloodline Power, talked with the ancestor, and will obtain the ancestor to inherit. 所有人都知道,绝生台最后的胜利者,可以用血脉之力开启图腾之力,与先祖对话,并会获得先祖传承。 In Purple Blood Clan, some specific magical technique divine ability, are unable through the external force inheritance, only to depend upon this way to continue. 紫血一族里,有一些特定的术法神通,是无法通过外力传承的,只能依靠这种方式来延续。 But this divine ability, is Purple Blood Clan strongest divine ability, therefore, even Emperor level powerhouse, cannot bear first inquires. 而这种神通,才是紫血一族最强神通,所以,即使是帝君级强者,也忍不住第一时间打探。 Long Chen does not know that the appearances of these blessings ancestors, doesn't your feel embarrassed the person?” Another Emperor level powerhouse, ill-humoredly said. 龙尘根本不知道那些赐福先祖们的模样,你这不是为难人么?”另外一个帝君级强者,没好气地道 Right, was I neglects!” Old man immediately some awkward said. “对对对,是我疏忽了!”那老者顿时有些尴尬地道 Regarding Life Severing Platform, let alone was Long Chen, most disciple, do not know secret, where Long Chen can recognize is which ancestor. 对于绝生台,别说是龙尘了,绝大多数的弟子,都不知道其中的秘密,龙尘哪能认出是哪位先祖。 „Was the divine ability name that Long Chen, you obtain what?” Another Emperor level powerhouse asked. 龙尘,你得到的神通名字叫什么?”另外一个帝君级强者问道。 Secret of Returning to Oneness!” 归一诀!” Long Chen has not concealed, they can inquire flagrantly, explained this matter also has nothing to conceal. 龙尘也没隐瞒,他们能这么明目张胆地打听,就说明这种事情也没什么好隐瞒的。 Purple Blood secret Dianwan secret art first —— Secret of Returning to Oneness?” 紫血秘典万诀之首——归一诀?” What he sees is......” “那他见到的是……” When hears this name, Emperor level powerhouse on the scene, the heart shakes all crazily, hardly can believe that own ear, but Purple Blood Clan young generation powerhouse, know nothing about these Old Ancestor, is why shocking. 当听到这个名字,在场的帝君级强者们,无不心头狂震,几乎不敢相信自己的耳朵,而紫血一族年轻一代强者们,茫然不知道这些老祖们,为什么如此震惊。 ...... …… Secret of Returning to Oneness 归一诀 When hears this name, has been paying attention to Long Chen's four big mountain lord, almost stood simultaneously, in their eyes is the wild with joy color, the Mountain Lord San Yun body cannot bear shiver excitedly. 当听到这个名字,一直关注着龙尘的四大山主,几乎同时站了起来,他们的眼睛里全是狂喜之色,三运山主更是激动地身躯忍不住颤抖。 Secret of Returning to Oneness appears, our Purple Blood Clan big transports/fortunes, finally came!” 归一诀出现,我们紫血一族的大运,终于来了!” The Sir Mountain Lord looks at distant place, in the look full is high-spirited, the corners of the mouth rise. 山主大人看着远方,眼神里满是意气风发,嘴角上扬。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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