NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#5978: That person come

Chapter 5978 that person comes 第5978章伊人现身 Two forms, big, a slenderness, that big form, is fresh single horn, the on the back grows Silver Winged terrifying life, its body brings rich Hell aura. 两个身影,一个高大,一个纤细,那个高大的身影,是一个头生独角,背生银翼恐怖生灵,它身上带着浓郁的地狱气息 What is most fearful, its body brings vastly such as sea Emperor Aura, this Emperor Aura, wants is too more than Bi Tu powerful. 最为可怕的是,它身上带着浩瀚如海的帝气,这帝气,比毕屠还要强大太多。 It wears black Battle Armor, grasps blood-colored long spear, as soon as it appears, the terrifying pressure, making the Long Chen's heart tremble, this was a Emperor level life from Hell. 它身穿黑色战甲,手持一杆血色长枪,它一出现,恐怖的威压,令龙尘的心都为之一颤,这是一个来自地狱的帝君级生灵。 Although it does not have the Divine Blood Thunder Phoenix that big reputation, but Divine Blood Thunder Phoenix is God Sovereign Realm, but at present this, is Emperor powerhouse, judged from the pressure, also is more powerful than Divine Blood Thunder Phoenix. 虽然它没有神血雷凰那么大的名头,但是神血雷凰不过是神皇境而已,而眼前这位,可是一位实打实的帝君强者,从威压上来判断,比神血雷凰还要强大许多。 However, the Long Chen's vision has not fallen on its body, but placed behind him completely in that slender form. 不过,龙尘的眼光并没有落在它的身上,而是全部放在了他背后的那个窈窕的身影上。 That is one as beautiful as the pinnacle female, no matter the stature or the appearance, complete perfection to peak, complete perfection arrives at about the even/including eyebrow full symmetry. 那是一个美丽到极致的女子,不管是身材还是容貌,都完美到了极致,完美到连左右的眉毛都完全对称。 divine light in pair of sea-blue eye, to can freeze the soul of person coldly, her makings aloof, arrives at the human world just like the empress. 一双海蓝色的眸子内的神光,冷到可以冻结人的灵魂,她气质高冷,宛若女帝降临人间。 However sees the Long Chen's time, her pupil enlarges slightly, in eye contains ice-cold vanishes instantaneously, what replaces it is endless tender feelings. 但是看到龙尘的时候,她的瞳孔微微放大,眸子中蕴含的冰冷瞬间消失,取而代之的是无尽的柔情。 Her corners of the mouth bent a beautiful curve slowly, in morning sun like early winter, will scatter coldly, she is smiling looks at Long Chen, the long eyelash shivered slightly, she did not say a word, but that silent smile, as if the flash can exceed the countless words. 她的嘴角缓缓弯起了一个美丽的弧度,如同初冬里的朝阳,将寒冷驱散,她微笑着看着龙尘,长长的睫毛微微颤动,她一言不发,但是那无声的微笑,仿佛一瞬间可以胜过千言万语。 At that moment, the whole world as if fell into quietly, the Bi Xingyao whole person was ignorant, he by the technique of secret law blood sacrifice, summon had/left the Hell envoy. 那一刻,整个世界仿佛陷入了沉寂,毕星耀整个人都懵了,他以秘法血祭之术,召唤出了地狱使者。 However this Hell envoy, is not a person, but also leads a person, he from the beginning is very excited, because were many terrifying battle strength. 然而这地狱使者,不是一个人,还带着一个人,他一开始还是很兴奋的,因为多了一个恐怖战力 However at this time, on his face actually is the panic-stricken color. 但是此时,他的脸上却全是惊骇之色。 Pū-tōng 噗通 The body of that Hell envoy fell down, however its head has not fallen to the ground, but by that beautiful female, was grasped in the hand. 地狱使者的身躯倒在了地上,但是它的头颅没有落地,而是被那美丽的女子,抓在了手中。 That beautiful female, a head that carries with the hand the Hell envoy, a hand is grasping a white bones long sword, then gradually moves toward Long Chen. 那美丽的女子,一只手提着地狱使者的头颅,一只手握着一把白骨长剑,然后一步步走向龙尘 outside world powerhouse, no matter Bi Family or Luo Family, turned very quiet at this time, they do not know, exactly had anything, who this female is, why she will kill that terrifying Hell envoy. 外界强者们,不管是毕家还是洛家,此时都屏住了呼吸,他们不知道,到底发生了什么,这个女子到底是谁,她为什么会杀死那个恐怖地狱使者。 Luo Family powerhouse, were the heart mentioned the throat, they have not seen the picture of that female strike to kill Hell envoy, but from Hell envoy that complete Battle Armor, the body of does not have any scar, it was struck to cut the head. 洛家强者们,更是心提到了嗓子眼,他们没看到那女子击杀地狱使者的画面,但是从地狱使者那完整的战甲,没有任何伤痕的躯体来看,它是被一击斩掉头颅的。 Strikes can get rid of Emperor level powerhouse, the strength of this female, to what situation? Eye looks at she is carrying the head and bone sword moves toward Long Chen, innumerable Luo Family powerhouse, despaired, does such existence, how defeat? Some people even closed the eye, does not dare to look at that picture. 一击就能干掉一个帝君级强者,这个女子的实力,到底到了一个什么地步啊?眼看着她拎着头颅和骨剑走向龙尘,无数洛家强者,都绝望了,这样的存在,如何战胜?有些人甚至闭上了眼睛,不敢看那个画面。 However facing that beautiful and terrifying female, Long Chen as if by her shocking, even Bloodline Power has not opened, has not shown the fight stance, as if has accepted fate. 然而面对那个美丽而又恐怖的女子,龙尘似乎被她给震慑住了,甚至连血脉之力都没有撑开,更没有摆出战斗架势,仿佛已经认命了。 The one who lets everyone not think, that beautiful female, arrives in front of Long Chen, the white bones long sword inserts toward the ground, puts out a hand to flutter the Long Chen's neck, gave a Long Chen deep kiss unexpectedly. 让所有人没想到的是,那个美丽的女子,走到龙尘面前,白骨长剑往地上一插,伸手勾住龙尘的脖子,竟然给了龙尘深深的一吻。 What?” “什么?” This picture, making countless people shock, this terrifying female, kisses Long Chen unexpectedly, although the Long Chen appearance is handsome, but also being insufficient lets a powerful woman, love at first sight? 这个画面,让无数人为之震骇,这个恐怖的女子,竟然去吻龙尘,虽然龙尘长相英俊帅气,但是也不至于让一个如此强大的女人,一见钟情吧? Originally was killed because of the Hell envoy, Bi Xingyao situated in panic-stricken , the uninformed say/way had anything, but sees that beautiful female, raises the sword to move toward Long Chen, in his heart filled excitedly, thinks that Long Chen must die today without doubt. 本来因为地狱使者被杀,毕星耀处于惊恐之中,茫然不知道发生了什么,但是见那个美丽的女子,提着剑走向龙尘,他心中充满了兴奋,以为龙尘今日必死无疑。 However the present picture, made him compel thoroughly ignorant, simultaneously an extremely not good feeling, raised from his heart. 然而眼前的画面,彻底让他懵逼了,同时一种极度不好的感觉,从他的心头升起。 Kisses the Long Chen's time in that female, he retrocedes slowly , the under foot has rune to reappear slowly, he prepares to slip away. 就在那女子亲吻龙尘的时候,他缓缓后退,同时脚下有符文缓缓浮现,他准备溜之大吉。 Scoffs “嗤” Suddenly, was inserted in the white bones long sword of ground, shivered slightly, sees only a white light to fly, Bi Xingyao body one stiff, immediately was motionless. 忽然间,那被插在地上的白骨长剑,微微颤动了一下,只见一道白光飞过,毕星耀的身躯一僵,顿时一动不动了。 Afterward, people see on the Bi Xingyao face, filled panic-stricken, his forehead, bridge of the nose, mouth, throat, chest front and lower abdomen presented a purple line. 随后,人们就看到毕星耀面孔上,充满了惊恐,他的眉心、鼻梁、嘴巴、喉咙、胸前、小腹出现了一条紫线。 That purple line, is Purple Blood of his within the body overflows. 那紫色的线,是他体内的紫色鲜血所溢出。 Tick-tock ticktack......” “嘀嗒嘀嗒……” The purple blood, drops slowly in the land, the quick land was invaded big purple, this is a very terrifying picture. 紫色的鲜血,缓缓滴落在大地上,很快大地就被侵染出了一大片紫色,这是一个很恐怖的画面。 However Long Chen both hands are holding the slender waist of that beautiful women's, forgets kindnesses with her hugs and kisses in the same place, as if between Heaven and Earth, only then their two. 然而龙尘双手抱着那美丽女子的纤腰,与她忘情地拥吻在一起,似乎天地间,只有他们两个。 The lip minute/share, two people look in the eyes, Long Chen both eyes blush slightly, the big hand strokes her long hair gently, in the sound leads to sob: Cangyue, you were thin.” 唇分,两人四目相对,龙尘双目微微发红,大手轻轻抚摸着她的长发,声音里带着一丝哽咽:“苍月,你清减了。” Heard Long Chen to call her name, that beautiful female smiled, that smile bloomed just like Lotus Flower, the beautiful local products, that beautiful, cannot scatter world all worries. 听到龙尘唤出了她的名字,那美丽的女子笑了,那笑容宛若莲花绽放,美艳不可方物,那种美,可以驱散世间一切烦恼。 „Very happy, you responded, otherwise, you definitely will be intimate a sword.” Ming Cangyue white/shell Chiqing bites, on the face brings mischievous. “很高兴,你答对了,否则,你肯定会挨上一剑。”冥苍月贝齿轻咬,脸上带着一丝调皮。 Buzz “嗡” At this moment, the land shivers, space twists, a vast strength, is pulling to Long Chen like the tornado generally. 就在这时,大地颤动,空间扭曲,一股浩瀚的力量,如同龙卷风一般对着龙尘拉扯而来。 Sees only the Ming Cangyue white hands to extend, black rune interwove, formed shield, covered Long Chen, that strength was isolated instantaneously. 只见冥苍月玉手一伸,黑色的符文交织,形成了一个护盾,将龙尘笼罩,那力量瞬间被隔绝。 The Ming Cangyue jade handles gently caresses the Long Chen's cheeks, in eye full is the tender feelings: „ Husband, here Laws in summon you, but I cannot stay here am too long. 冥苍月玉手轻抚龙尘的脸颊,眸子中满是柔情:“夫君,这里的法则召唤你,而我也不能在这里停留太久。 Previous time leaves, I and Yueyan going all out self-torture, to one day can break world shackles, accompanies together with husband appearance. 上次一别,我与月颜拼命苦修,就是为了有一天能打破天地桎梏,与夫君长相厮守。 Now, we have traced the say/way of our practice, husband, when we were powerful enough , helping you, said goodbye, man who I most love. ” 如今,我们已经摸到了自己的修行之道,夫君,等我们足够强大了,就来帮你,再见了,我最爱的男人。” Ming Cangyue said, again gently a kiss on the Long Chen's cheeks, but at this moment, on the head of that Hell envoy, there is strange rune to keep shivering. 冥苍月说完,再次在龙尘的脸颊上轻轻一吻,而就在这时,那地狱使者的头颅上,有奇异的符文不停地颤动。 “呼” Long Chen as if induced Nether World Laws the strength of pulling, the Ming Cangyue form vanished instantaneously, only left behind the headless body of Hell envoy. 龙尘似乎感应到了冥界法则的拉扯之力,冥苍月的身影瞬间消失,只留下了地狱使者的无头尸体。 Cangyue, Yueyan, is waiting for me!” 苍月,月颜,等着我!” Long Chen closely is grasping the fist, he has not thought that here will meet Ming Cangyue, at the same time, is less to pour out the lovesickness in a hurry, distinguishes again. 龙尘紧紧地握着拳头,他没想到在这里会遇到冥苍月,匆匆一面,不及倾诉相思,就再次分别。 Exhausted feeling that above the Ming Cangyue beautiful appearance, that is unable to conceal, deeply the stabbing pain the Long Chen's heart, he must become stronger, he does not want oneself woman, lives so laboriously. 冥苍月美丽的容颜之上,那无法掩饰的疲惫之感,深深地刺痛了龙尘的心,他要变得更强,他不要自己的女人,活得如此辛苦。 Long Chen took a deep breath, the headless body of Hell envoy, receives Primal Chaos Space. 龙尘深吸一口气,将地狱使者的无头尸体,收入混沌空间 But the body of Bi Xingyao, had been slivered two pieces, Purple Blood actually by the strength of space to the suck dry, did not have Purple Blood to fluctuate again. 毕星耀的身体,已经被切成了两片,一身紫血竟然被空间之力给吸干,再无紫血波动。 ! 呼! Ming Cangyue leaves, she keeps in the air barrier also to follow to dissipate slowly, at this time the Long Chen location space large surface area twisted, a powerful strength is wrapping Long Chen, vanished in same place. 冥苍月离开,她留在空中的结界也跟着缓缓消散,这时龙尘所在空间大面积扭曲,一股强大的力量包裹着龙尘,消失在了原地。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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