NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#4870: By to dupe

Long Chen thought jumps crazily, this seemingly ordinary stone, inside actually contains Power of Stars, but it can suspend here, showed that it is not absolutely ordinary. 龙尘心头狂跳,这件看起来普通的石头,里面竟然蕴含着星辰之力,但是它能摆在这里,就证明它绝对不普通。 Selects the thing while Mo Nian in the next door stall, before Long Chen arrives at the stall, greatly seizes territory took a fast look around one, this stall compared with on other stall big many, moreover entire stall, only then in a person, is busy at beginning earnestly the work. 趁着墨念在隔壁摊位上挑东西,龙尘来到摊位前,大略地扫视了一眼,这个摊位比别的摊位都大上许多,而且整个摊位只有一人,正在埋头忙着手里的活儿。 That is a stature rickets old man, originally is not tall, sitting is similar to a child there, he uses the towel to keep cleaning fist sizes the purple crystals. 那是一个身材佝偻的老者,本来个子就不高,坐在那里就跟一个小孩子差不多,他用毛巾不停地擦拭一颗颗拳头大小的紫色水晶。 Senior, was your gains in a big way?” In Long Chen looks at that old man bamboo basket one pile of purple crystals, can't help is startled. 前辈,您这是赚大了啊?”龙尘看着那老者竹筐里一堆紫色水晶,不禁吃了一惊。 That is Primal Chaos Purple Crystal, is the hardest currency that Long Chen knows, Primal Chaos Purple Crystal contains the Innate essence, each Primal Chaos Purple Crystal contains Primordial Chaos Purple Qi. 那是混沌紫晶,是龙尘所知道的最硬货币,混沌紫晶蕴含先天精华,每一颗混沌紫晶都包含着一丝鸿蒙紫气 At the beginning of this Primordial Chaos Purple Qi, the legend is the world is born, the Innate energy of forms, but this Primordial Chaos Purple Qi, is Earth Saint powerhouse enters the step Heavenly Saint important thing. 鸿蒙紫气,传说乃是天地诞生之初,所形成的先天能量,而这一丝鸿蒙紫气,乃是地圣强者进阶天圣至关重要的东西。 The Primal Chaos Purple Crystal most precious place, is it at the beginning of the world forms grows with the world together, it is Innate spirit stone, unlike other spirit stone, is unable the acquired production. 混沌紫晶最珍贵的地方,是它在天地形成之初与天地一起成长的,它是先天灵石,跟其他灵石不同,无法后天生成。 In other words, between Heaven and Earth Primal Chaos Purple Crystal is have several, a Primal Chaos Purple Crystal value is equivalent to ten million/countless top-grade Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 也就是说,天地间混沌紫晶是有数的,一颗混沌紫晶的价值相当于一千万极品混沌灵石 However this is only simple price estimates, but in fact, some extremely few people receive in exchange for top-grade spirit stone with Primal Chaos Purple Crystal, because this Primal Chaos Purple Crystal was too precious, once trades, was very difficult to trade. 但是这只是一种简单的价格估算,而实际上,极少有人用混沌紫晶去换取极品灵石,因为这混沌紫晶太珍贵了,一旦换出去,就很难换回来了。 But Primal Chaos Purple Crystal unexpectedly dozens in old man bamboo basket, therefore Long Chen can't help has a scare, the old man looked up Long Chen one slightly, the old man facial features seemed like not actually old, in the look brought to wipe indifferently, indifferently said: 而那老者竹筐中的混沌紫晶竟然有几十枚之多,所以龙尘不禁吓了一跳,那老者略微抬头看了龙尘一眼,老者面容倒是看起来没那么老,眼神之中带着一抹冷漠,淡淡地道: What gains to gain? Does your family do business does not have the cost? Doesn't the stall fee/spent ask for money? Ok, do not talk nonsense, settles on anything to take directly, above has the price, generally non- counter-offer.” “赚什么赚?你们家做生意没成本么?摊位费不要钱么?行了,别废话,看中什么直接拿,上面有价格,概不还价。” The old man voice is indifferent, seemingly arrogant tight, an appearance that is disinclined to respond the person, perhaps is because earned too, was disinclined to be busy at work again, quite had the stance of ahead of time quitting work. 老头声音冷漠,看起来高傲的紧,一副懒得搭理人的模样,或许是因为赚得太多了,懒得再去忙活,颇有提前收摊的架势。 Long Chen looks to that stone, discovers by that stone, truly label, when sees the price on label, can't help suck in a breath of cold air. 龙尘看向那块石头,发现那块石头旁边,确实有一个标签,不过当看到标签上的价格时,不禁倒吸一口冷气 3 million?” “三百万?” Long Chen speechless, the broken stone, price-marks together unexpectedly 3 million, how to snatch? 龙尘一阵无语,就这么一块破石头,竟然标价三百万,怎么不去抢啊? Can bring to have a look?” Long Chen asked. “可以拿过来看看么?”龙尘问道。 Ok, looks one time, one million.” Old man does not lift, the eye does not open said. “可以,看一次,一百万。”那老者头不抬,眼不睁地道 You......” “你……” The Long Chen air/Qi wants to curse at people, you special money-mad, looks that must receive money, if counterfeiting what to do? 龙尘气得想骂人,你特么财迷啊,看一看都要收钱,如果是作假的怎么办? What situation?” “啥情况?” At this moment, Mo Nian and Yu Tong Yu Fei walked, can't help asked. 就在这时,墨念雨桐雨菲走了过来,不禁问道。 All right, walks!” Front goes to have a look, Long Chen shakes the head to say. “没事,走吧!”去前面看看,龙尘摇头道。 Mo Nian saw Long Chen to look at that stone, can't help had drawn out the curious heart , before gathering up, looked, suddenly old man coldly shouted said: 墨念龙尘看过那块石头,不禁起了好奇之心,也凑上前看了看,忽然那老头冷喝道: Looks looked, do not collect is so near.” “看就看,别凑那么近。” Your did always compel to ascend, gives your face not? What has a look at this is?” The Mo Nian eye stares, in the hand the purple ray presently, in his hand also had/left Primal Chaos Purple Crystal suddenly much. “你个老逼登,给你脸了是不?看看这是什么?”墨念眼睛一瞪,手中紫色光芒骤现,他手中也多出了一颗混沌紫晶 When the old man sees Primal Chaos Purple Crystal in Mo Nian hand, immediately the pupil shrinks slightly, although is concealing own mood vigorously, but Long Chen obviously felt he had flustered. 当那老者看到墨念手中的混沌紫晶,顿时瞳孔微微一缩,虽然极力掩饰着自己的情绪,但是龙尘明显感觉到了他有一丝慌张。 This little friend, you, although is rich, but the old man does not covet your, but also please speak to put to respect some.” Although the old man the tone is indifferent, actually obviously somewhat lacked in resonance. “这位小友,你虽然有钱,但是老夫也不贪你的,还请你说话放尊重一些。”那老者虽然语气冷漠,却明显有些底气不足了。 I am disinclined to see through you, you also tread the nose upper eyelid, let me tell you, City Lord was my Big Brother, believed me to raise your outdoor shop?” Mo Nian coldly snorted said. “我都懒得拆穿你,你还蹬鼻子上脸了,我跟你说,城主是我大哥,信不信我把你的摊子掀了?”墨念冷哼道。 Hears the Mo Nian tone, Long Chen is suddenly enlighted, the sentiment he was swindled, this is an old fox, these Primal Chaos Purple Crystal in his frame are most likely false. 听到墨念的口气,龙尘恍然大悟,感情他上当了,这是一个老狐狸,他框里的那些混沌紫晶十有八九是假的。 a pity, Long Chen has only heard Primal Chaos Purple Crystal, has actually never seen, never expected that is given to dupe today, the climate does not hit one. 可惜,龙尘只听说过混沌紫晶,却从未见过,没想到今天被人给忽悠了,顿时气不打一处来。 The old man sees the surrounding many people attracted by here sound, somewhat was immediately anxious, did not scratch these purple crystal, rushed to receive, on the face squeezed a smile: 那老者见周围不少人被这边的声音吸引过来,顿时有些紧张了,也不擦那些紫晶了,赶忙收起来,脸上挤出一丝笑容道: Little brother, your other angry, isn't this one method of doing business? You settled on what, although takes is looking, favored, I give you a satisfactory price, don't you regard as?” “小兄弟,您别生气,这不也是做生意的一种手段么?你看中了什么尽管拿着看,看好了,我给您一个满意的价,您看成不?” This old man turning hostile speed quick astonishment, previous quarter rampant serious, the smile welcomes the person now, the Long Chen can't help forced smile, own experience was more defective. 这老者变脸速度快的惊人,前一刻嚣张的不得了,现在笑脸迎人,龙尘不禁苦笑,自己的经验还是欠缺了许多。 Long Chen did not speak, took that stone directly, the stone was not big, only then ruler square, but the extraordinary ground submergence was heavy. 龙尘也不说话,直接将那块石头拿了起来,石头不大,只有尺许见方,但是出奇地沉重。 When a Long Chen hand takes that stone, the old man pupil shrinks fiercely, he understood this stone extremely, if he, the non- pneumatosis gathers the strength, takes radically motionless. 龙尘一只手将那块石头拿起来,那老者瞳孔猛地一缩,对于这块石头他极为了解,如果是他,不积气蓄力,是根本拿不动的。 At this time he understands finally, oneself annoyed a terrifying role, immediately was honest, he pointed on that rubble stone hand palm print saying: 此时他终于明白,自己惹上了一个恐怖角色,顿时老实了许多,他指着那块石头上的一个手掌印道: This is terrifying powerhouse, a palm pats, periphery you look at the irregular shape, the pellet of waterdrop, this explained under a palm, the terrifying strength, the mountain same giant stone will hit to explode together. “这是一位恐怖强者,一掌拍上去的,你看周围不规则的形状,还有水滴形的颗粒,这说明一掌之下,恐怖的力量,将一块高山一样的巨石打爆。 Part that can keep, absolutely is the essence in essence, although I am Earth Saint powerhouse, but wants to open it to have a look several times, actually cannot achieve. 能留下来的这一部分,绝对是精华中的精华,我虽为地圣强者,但是数次想打开它看看,却始终做不到。 Let me tell you, this absolutely is treasured object, when used for casting weapon, may forge existence of Heavenly Saint divine weapon level very much, my price actually completely have no reason. ” 我跟您说,这绝对是一件宝贝,如果用来铸造兵器,很有可能锻造出天圣神兵级的存在,我那价格其实也不是完全没理由。” Mountain same giant stone? High mountain?” Long Chen disdainfully said, this fellow will imagine actually. “高山一样的巨石?多高的山?”龙尘不屑地道,这个家伙倒是蛮会想象的。 Should be very high.” The old man does not have beforehand cold proud, compensates to say with a smile. “应该很高吧。”那老者已经没有了之前的冷傲,赔笑道。 When that stone starts, Long Chen truly induced the fluctuation of Power of Stars, but on after taking, the trace on looks at stone, can't help looks at that old man said: 当那块石头入手,龙尘确实感应到了星辰之力的波动,但是拿到手上之后,看着石头上的纹路,不禁看着那老者道: You add something superfluous and ruin the effect.” “你真是画蛇添足。” The old man an awkwardness, in fact he also discovered immediately in that stone, there is Power of Stars, but Power of Stars is extremely weak, he thinks oneself clever, attempts to pervert quietly, making Power of Stars send out is more intense, this is easy to discover. 那老者顿时一阵尴尬,实际上他也发现了那石头上,有星辰之力,但是星辰之力太过微弱,他自作聪明,悄悄做了手脚,让星辰之力散发得更强烈一些,这样才容易让人发现。 But this small movement, has made countless people be swindled, observing and emulating fee/spent gained much, therefore, he has the custom that spends to look at again, to put it bluntly, is the to dupe person. 而这个小小的动作,已经让无数人上当,“观摩费”都赚了不少,所以,他才有花钱再看的规矩,说白了,就是忽悠人的。 „It is not right, this Power of Stars, not in this stone surface.” “不对,这星辰之力,不在这石头表面。” In the Long Chen heart moves suddenly, he puts out a hand to press the big hand slowly to the hand imprint on stone, in that moment, Star Sea in his dantian as if received the hauling, shivered in a flash. 龙尘忽然心中一动,他伸手将大手缓缓按向石头上的手印,就在那一刻,他丹田内的星海仿佛受到了牵引,一瞬间颤动了起来。 God, this is......” that moment Long Chen thought jumps crazily. “天啊,这是……”那一刻龙尘心头狂跳。 Long Chen, you came out from the tortoise shell finally.” 龙尘,你终于从龟壳里出来了。” At this moment, an sharp sound passed on, one group of people encircled Long Chen and the others. 就在这时,一个尖锐的声音传了过来,紧接着一群人将龙尘等人团团围住。
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