NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#4666: Gives me

The Yue Zifeng sound is very light, is very tranquil, however in angrily roars to roar innumerably, as well as in the endless thunderous sound, can actually transmit to the people clearly, seems Yue Zifeng to lie in their ear speeches is ordinary. 岳子峰的声音很轻,也很平静,但是在无数怒吼咆哮,以及无尽的雷鸣声中,却能清清楚楚地传递给众人,就好像岳子峰就趴在他们的耳边说话一般。 What is most fearful, when hears the Yue Zifeng sound, can obviously feel, swift and fierce sword intent had corroded their soul Willpower, as if has a sharp sword, has put up on the neck. 最可怕的是,当听到岳子峰的声音,能明显感觉到,凌厉的剑意已经侵蚀了他们的灵魂意志,仿佛有一把利剑,已经架在了脖子上。 As if his intention moves, can set at the person in the deathtrap, the feeling that life person controls, made these super powerhouse, felt with amazement. 仿佛他心念一动,就可以置人于死地,那种生命不由人掌控的感觉,令这些超级强者们,感到骇然。 Can here crossing tribulation, no one be the weak one, is powerhouse in powerhouse, the monster in monster, light/only hears the Yue Zifeng words, they can feel the fearfulness of this person. 能在这里渡劫,没有一个人是弱者,都是强者中的强者,怪物中的怪物,光是听到岳子峰的话,他们就能感受到此人的可怕。 However such a fearful person, is resigned to would rather be the subordinate unexpectedly, kept on proclaiming that made Boss named Long Chen's person, what degree that this Long Chen strove to excel, can such to submit to? 然而这么可怕的一个人,竟然甘心情愿给人做手下,口口声声称那个叫龙尘的人做老大,那这个龙尘到底要强到什么程度,才能让这样的人臣服? Moreover, in that sigh of Yue Zifeng, filled regretted the meaning, that regretted the meaning, absolutely was not the attire, because arrogant Sword Cultivator disdained in the deceit. 另外,岳子峰的那一声叹息中,充满了惋惜之意,那惋惜之意,绝对不是装的,因为高傲的剑修不屑于欺骗。 In other words, he thinks to be able very much with the Luó Changsheng two wars, but this desire, is unable to be realized eventually, listens to his tone, Luó Changsheng is very difficult to live from the Long Chen's hand. 也就是说,他很想能与罗长生二番战,但是这个愿望,终究无法实现,听他的口气,罗长生很难从龙尘的手中活下来。 As we all know, Sword Cultivator is arrogant, they disdain in playing the conspiracy and playing tricks, will not play the technique of what launching a psychological attack, he said, means that he thinks. 所有人都知道,剑修是孤傲的,他们不屑于玩阴谋、耍手段,更不会玩什么攻心之术,他如此说,就意味着,他就是这么认为的。 Cannot think that you are adaptable to the situation actually, this point admires actually very much, a pity, arrogant Sword Cultivator, unexpectedly is a corrupt obscene amorist, is unable eventually achievement Righteous Path.” Luó Changsheng also sighed, a face regretted said. “想不到你倒是能屈能伸,这一点倒是很佩服,可惜了,一个高傲的剑修,竟然是一个贪淫好色之徒,终究无法成就正道。”罗长生也叹了口气,一脸惋惜地道 Facing slandering of Luó Changsheng, a Yue Zifeng face indifferent color, the tone is still tranquil: Same working as, I on, you will not need to make futile efforts for the second time, keeps a strength, is thinking how to live in my Boss hand! I prayed for you.” 面对罗长生的污蔑,岳子峰一脸淡然之色,语气依旧平静:“同样的当,我不会上第二次了,你就不用白费心机了,还是留点力气,想着如何在我老大手中活下来吧!我为你祈祷。” Kills “杀” At this moment, powerhouse that grasps the long sword, separates the spatial sword, is coming to Yue Zifeng quickly pierced, that person is also a Sword Dao expert, can break through the blockade of Dragon Blood Warrior unexpectedly, is not the common people. 就在这时,一个手持长剑的强者,隔空一剑,对着岳子峰疾刺而来,那人也是一个剑道高手,竟然能突破龙血战士的封锁,绝非泛泛之辈。 Scoffs “嗤” sword qi like Flying Rainbow, is coming to the Yue Zifeng straight thrust, Yue Zifeng looks at that said sword qi, was entirely still, saw with own eyes that said sword qi must pierce Yue Zifeng forehead, caused Dragon Blood Warrior one to call out in alarm, they could not think through, why Yue Zifeng did not counterattack. 剑气飞虹,对着岳子峰直刺而来,岳子峰看着那道剑气,纹丝不动,眼见那道剑气就要洞穿岳子峰眉心,引得龙血战士们一阵惊呼,他们想不通,岳子峰为何不还击。 However, making one that everyone shocks appear, that said that sword qi punctured a Yue Zifeng forehead three cuns (2.5 cm) place, cannot puncture unexpectedly again. 然而,令所有人震惊的一幕出现了,那道剑气刺到了岳子峰眉心三寸之处,竟然再也刺不进去了。 That person of complexion big change making a move, when Yue Zifeng looks to his flash, he felt that oneself world, fell into static, as if by a strange strength, was isolated with this world him. 那出手之人脸色大变,当岳子峰看向他的一瞬间,他感觉自己的世界,陷入了静止,仿佛被一种奇异的力量,将他与这个世界隔绝。 As Sword Cultivator, but also cares about what secular unwarranted reputation, you cannot be joined to the sword in your hand.” Yue Zifeng looks at that person, coldly said. “身为剑修,还去在乎什么世俗虚名,你配不上你手中的剑。”岳子峰看着那人,冷冷地道 “呼” Suddenly the Yue Zifeng big hand opens, a long sword appears in the hand, people discovered impressively, the long sword in his hand, impressively is that person of weapon, no one has seen clearly Yue Zifeng to use what means that separated to seize the sword of opposite party spatially. 忽然岳子峰大手张开,一把长剑出现在手中,人们赫然发现,他手中的长剑,赫然就是那人的兵器,谁也没看清岳子峰用了什么办法,将对方的剑隔空夺了过来。 „A person of sword , the master also friend, he does not match for your partner, seeks one to be able sincerely to your partner!” “一人一剑,亦师亦友,他不配成为你的伙伴,去找寻一个能够真心对你的伙伴吧!” “呼” The Yue Zifeng big hand wields, the long sword lets go, Flying Rainbow tears together void, vanishes instantaneously, the flash of then the long sword vanishing, its original master, changes into the flying ash in a flash. 岳子峰大手一挥,长剑脱手而出,一道飞虹撕裂虚空,瞬间消失,而那把长剑消失的一瞬间,它原来的主人,一瞬间化为飞灰。 Similarly, no one has seen Yue Zifeng to use what method to kill this person, that strange picture, making countless people scared. 同样的,谁也没看见岳子峰用了什么方法杀了此人,那诡异的画面,令无数人胆寒。 Saw this, the Long Chen corners of the mouth appears to wipe the smile, in the look has the admiration, Yue Zifeng not to disappoint him, after a setback, he stepped into higher Sword Dao realm, that realm, he could not even understand. 看到这一幕,龙尘嘴角浮现出了一抹笑容,眼神之中带着钦佩,岳子峰没有让他失望,经过一次挫折,他踏入了一个更高的剑道境界,那个境界,连他都看不懂。 Zifeng, here gave you.” Long Chen said. 子峰,这里交给你了。”龙尘道。 „A Boss war, has me although independently, all felt relieved.” Yue Zifeng nods to Long Chen. 老大尽管放手一战,有我在,一切放心。”岳子峰龙尘点点头。 Hears two people to talk, outside innumerable powerhouse feel immediately scalp tingles with numbness, as if had what important matter to happen. 听到两人对话,外面无数强者立刻感到头皮一阵发麻,似乎有什么大事要发生了。 Luó Changsheng still remembers before me, words that spoke?” Long Chen turns the head to look to Luó Changsheng, the style that the calm and wisdom before Long Chen, map out strategic plans in an army tent vanishes instantaneously does not see, what replaces it is bloodthirsty, wild and cold and gloomy killing intent. 罗长生还记得我之前说的话么?”龙尘转头看向罗长生,龙尘之前的从容、睿智、运筹帷幄的风范瞬间消失不见,取而代之的是嗜血、狂暴、森冷的杀意 This time Long Chen, as if wild with rage devil, has revealed the scarlet fang, got hold of the butcher knife, at that moment powerhouse on the scene, were infected by Long Chen biting cold killing intent, felt that soul trembles, that is the instinct fear to death. 此时的龙尘,仿佛狂怒的恶魔,已经露出了猩红的獠牙,握紧了屠刀,那一刻在场的强者们,都被龙尘凛冽杀意所感染,感到灵魂一阵颤栗,那是对死亡的本能恐惧。 I have said that you can aim at me, can challenge me, but, you should not throw filthy water to Dragon Blood Legion, you should not falsely accuse my these unyielding brothers, should not blaspheme Dragon Blood Legion this signboard.” “我说过,你可以针对我,可以挑战我,但是,你不应该给龙血军团泼脏水,你不应该诬陷我这些铁骨铮铮的兄弟,更不应该亵渎龙血军团这个招牌。” Long Chen looks at Luó Changsheng, said, each character, jumps every single word or phrase from the Long Chen gap between teeth, has the bloody hatred. 龙尘看着罗长生,一字一句地道,每一个字,都是从龙尘牙缝里蹦出来的,带着血淋淋的恨意。 What's the big deal?” Luó Changsheng sneers to say. “那又如何?”罗长生冷笑道。 „ Your technique of misleading, since is invalid to Zifeng, I do not need to bear patiently, to be honest, you are very disgusting fellow. “你的蛊惑之术,既然对子峰已经无效,那我也就不需要隐忍了,说实话,你是一个非常令人恶心的家伙 Confuses right and wrong black and white, fabricated a rumor to discredit others, obviously sinister virulent, actually must fit out the honorable gentleman, but I, was most repugnant, most hated was people like you. 颠倒是非黑白,造谣抹黑别人,明明阴险恶毒,却要装成正人君子,而我,平生最讨厌,也最憎恨的就是你这种人。 Because of people like you, without the human nature, without the bottom line , therefore, today, I who any despicable method uses will not make you live departure. ” Long Chen facial features gloomy said, he has gotten up to Luó Changsheng must kill the heart. 因为你这种人,没有人性,没有底线,什么卑鄙的手段都用的出,所以,今天,我不会让你活着离开。”龙尘面容阴森地道,他对罗长生已经起了必杀之心。 Obviously, Yue Zifeng understands Long Chen, knows that Long Chen must kill Luó Changsheng today, therefore, he has the beforehand that words. 显然,岳子峰非常了解龙尘,知道龙尘今天必杀罗长生,所以,他才有之前的那番话。 Long Chen experiences countless people, but he knows, like Luó Changsheng this despicable small human, is most dangerous, whenever necessary must kill, otherwise no end of trouble for the future, he cannot take risk to leave Yue Zifeng him. 龙尘阅人无数,但是他知道,像罗长生这种卑鄙小人,才是最危险的,一旦需要就必须打死,否则后患无穷,他不能冒险将他留给岳子峰 haha, a shameless legion chieftain, one crowd will be having the evil thought to the holy good Spirit Race female fellow, dares to stand in the commanding point of morals accuses me? You thought that here person, believe your words?” Luó Changsheng haha laughs. 哈哈哈,一个无耻军团的头目,一群对着圣洁善良的灵族女子都会产生邪念的家伙,也敢站在道德的制高点来指责我?你觉得这里的人,会相信你的话么?”罗长生哈哈大笑。 Facing the taunt of Luó Changsheng, Long Chen coldly said: „ I know, highest realm of technique of misleading, deceives including oneself. 面对罗长生的嘲讽,龙尘冷冷地道:“我知道,蛊惑之术的最高境界,就是连自己都欺骗。 Doesn't matter, I will not argue anything, I said these, wants to tell you, today you must die without doubt, a while, you have what method, although causes, otherwise, do not blame me not to give you opportunity. ” 没关系,我不会去辩解什么,我说这些,就是想告诉你,今天你必死无疑,一会儿,你有什么手段,尽管使出来,否则,别怪我没给你机会。” boasting shamelessly, I must have a look but actually, you have what method.” Luó Changsheng seemed to be also stimulated the anger, he is also unparalleled Supreme Talent, Yue Zifeng and Long Chen's performance, made him be angry. 大言不惭,我倒要看看,你到底有什么手段。”罗长生似乎也被激发了怒火,他也是盖世天骄,岳子峰龙尘的表现,也令他感到了愤怒。 You open eyes attractively, be not frightened to wet pants!” “那你就睁开眼好好看看吧,别被吓尿裤子了!” Long Chen shouted, in the hand a lightning great blade appeared, struck to cut. 龙尘一声断喝,手中一把雷霆巨刃出现,一击斩出。
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