NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#4620: Being truant

Long Chen both arms overlapping, blocked a fist of that Nine Stars disciple forcefully, the both arms fell slowly, revealed the Long Chen's face. 龙尘双臂交叉,硬生生挡住了那九星弟子的一拳,双臂缓缓下落,露出了龙尘的面孔。 During the Long Chen's vision is excited brings sharply, although he clothing was shattered, the whole body is the blood, looks extremely distressed, however in his vision, actually is the color of pleasant surprise. 龙尘的目光兴奋之中带着犀利,他虽然衣衫破碎,浑身是血,看上去极为狼狈,但是在他的目光之中,却全是惊喜之色。 So that's how it is, you with his strength, awakens own Power of Stars.” Universe Cauldron sees this, finally understood the Long Chen's intention. “原来如此,你这是用他的力量,来唤醒自己的星辰之力。”乾坤鼎看到这一幕,终于明白了龙尘的意图。 It has to sigh Long Chen's to be crazy, this fellow sometimes, will have some extremely scary idea. 它不得不感叹龙尘的疯狂,这个家伙有时候,会产生一些极为吓人的想法。 Long Chen from the beginning, caused heavy losses to by Nine Stars disciple intentionally, even by oneself situated in being on the verge of death edge, the goal is to awaken the strength of Nine Stars protects the lord automatically. 龙尘一开始,故意被九星弟子重创,甚至让自己处于濒死边缘,目的就是唤醒九星之力自动护主。 It can be said that this is a crazy gambling house, if the strength of Long Chen's Nine Stars, had not been awakened by the Nine Stars disciple strength, Long Chen will be killed while still alive, the opportunity of even counter-attacking did not have. 可以说,这是一场疯狂的赌局,如果龙尘的九星之力,并没有被九星弟子的力量唤醒,龙尘就会被活活打死,甚至连反击的机会都没有了。 However, currently speaking, Long Chen bet right, he kept being hit hard by the strength of Nine Stars, the strength of Nine Stars invaded his body, kept destroying his body function. 不过,从目前来看,龙尘赌对了,他不停被九星之力重击,九星之力侵入他的身体,不停地破坏他的身体机能。 Thus awakened the strength of his Nine Stars, the most important thing is, the strength of Long Chen's Nine Stars, starts to absorb the strength of opposite party to come powerful. 从而唤醒了他自身的九星之力,最重要的是,龙尘的九星之力,开始吸收对方的力量来强大自己。 This is the Long Chen's ultimate goal, this is the first time that Long Chen fought with Nine Stars disciple, moreover powerhouse of Nine Stars Lineage being in direct line department fights, this to Long Chen, peeps at the best opportunity in secret of Nine Stars. 这才是龙尘的最终目的,这是龙尘第一次与九星弟子交手,而且还是九星一脉嫡传系的强者交手,这对龙尘来说,是窥视九星之秘的最佳机会。 Long Chen to Nine Star Hegemon Body Art, but has a smattering of knowledge, he not possible to explain Nine Star Hegemon Body Art through the Nine Stars disciple move, magical technique and movement, that is not possible. 龙尘九星霸体诀,只不过是一知半解,他不可能通过九星弟子的招数、术法、动作来解读九星霸体诀,那是根本不可能的。 However can through the strength of own Nine Stars, absorb opposite party the strength of Nine Stars, thus inquires about the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art mystery little. 但是可以通过自己的九星之力,来吸收对方的九星之力,从而一点点探寻九星霸体诀的奥妙。 With the strength invasion of opposite party, the strength of Long Chen's Nine Stars was awakened, starts to absorb the strength of opposite party, at that moment, Long Chen almost bellows to yell excitedly. 随着对方的力量入侵,龙尘的九星之力被唤醒,开始吸收对方的力量,那一刻,龙尘差点兴奋地大吼大叫。 As because the strength of opposite party was absorbed, Long Chen felt strength of most primitive Nine Stars aura, at that moment, the person of Long Chen getting lost, finally found broad and open road probably. 因为随着对方的力量被吸收,龙尘感受到了九星之力最原始气息,那一刻,龙尘就好像一个迷路之人,终于找到了一条康庄大道 As the strength of opposite party was swallowed, the Long Chen as if flash broke in the sea from the creek, he saw the broad boundless world, peeps at he had never seen the mystery. 随着对方的力量被吞噬,龙尘仿佛一瞬间从小河冲入了大海,他看到了广阔无边的世界,同时也窥视到了他从未见过的奥秘。 as expected, I took many tortuous paths, what is lucky, my direction is right. 果然,我还是走了许多弯路,万幸的是,我的方向是对的。 Although slightly has the deviation, is good can revise because of the present promptly, all are not late. ” 虽然略有偏差,好在现在可以及时修正,一切都不算晚。” Long Chen looks at own both arms, are feeling within the body in Power of Stars of keep changing, at that moment, Long Chen felt the unprecedented self-confidence, at that moment, as if had the entire vault of heaven. 龙尘看着自己的双臂,感受着体内正在不停变化的星辰之力,那一刻,龙尘感受到了前所未有的自信,那一刻,仿佛拥有了整个天穹。 Long Chen blocked Nine Stars disciple strikes, that Nine Stars disciple has not attacked immediately, his both hands join the palms in greeting slowly, the thumb buckles, on the index finger and middle finger extended, tied an seal. 龙尘挡住了九星弟子的一击,那九星弟子没有立刻攻击,他双手缓缓合掌,拇指相扣,食指和中指上伸,结了一个印。 „Does Nine Stars have seal technique?” 九星也有印法?” Long Chen is startled, because of his summon Battle Body, has actually never thought that Nine Stars also has seal technique. 龙尘吃了一惊,因为他召唤战身,却从未想过,九星也有印法 Buzz “嗡” His back Seven Stars Divine Chart shivered fiercely, the back of the hand of his both hands, presented Seven Stars Divine Chart, flash when Seven Stars Divine Chart presents, the Long Chen fine hair is but actually vertical, shouted , an elbow struck, is making a flank attack to the body. 他背后七星神图猛地颤动了一下,紧接着他双手的手背,同样出现了七星神图,当七星神图出现的一瞬间,龙尘汗毛倒竖,一声断喝,一个肘击,对着身侧击去。 At that time Nine Stars disciple also in the Long Chen's front, when the Long Chen elbow section ejecting instance, Nine Stars disciple has appeared in the Long Chen's body side, a Long Chen elbow, center on the fist of opposite party. 当时九星弟子还在龙尘的前方,当龙尘肘部击出的瞬间,九星弟子已经出现在了龙尘的身侧,龙尘一肘,正中对方的拳头上。 Bang “轰” An explosive, the Long Chen elbow severe pain, bone was patted unexpectedly broke to pieces, the fist of that Nine Stars disciple, wants terrifying compared with Saint Weapon. 一声爆响,龙尘手肘剧痛,骨头竟然被拍碎了,那九星弟子的拳头,比圣兵还要恐怖 In the Long Chen heart, that Nine Stars disciple aura is with amazement invariable, but on after the palm presented seven star pattern, the strength had had the qualitative change. 龙尘心中骇然,那九星弟子气息不变,但是手掌上出现了七星图案后,力量已经出现了质的变化。 “呼” That Nine Stars disciple does not give the opportunity that Long Chen pants for breath, the five fingers like the hook, directly soars the Long Chen's throat to grasp, making a move swift and fierce fierce, almost just acted, the five fingers almost must touch the Long Chen's skin. 九星弟子根本不给龙尘喘息的机会,五指如钩,直奔龙尘的喉咙抓来,出手凌厉刚猛,几乎刚出手,五指几乎要触及龙尘的皮肤。 Scoffs “嗤” Long Chen full power moves sideways, a claw of that Nine Stars disciple, grasps on the Long Chen's shoulder, grasped flesh forcefully. 龙尘全力闪身,那九星弟子的一爪,抓在龙尘的肩膀上,硬生生抓下了一块血肉。 The Long Chen pain must look fierce, saw with own eyes that Nine Stars disciple kills again, Long Chen clenches teeth, by the chest, meets an opposite party palm unexpectedly hardly. 龙尘痛得龇牙咧嘴,眼见九星弟子再次杀来,龙尘一咬牙,竟然以胸膛,硬接对方一掌。 “噗” A Nine Stars disciple palm pierced the Long Chen's chest, this strikes, is not the flesh and blood can resist, this is also Long Chen, changed the other person, was hit by this palm, will be exploded blood fog directly. 九星弟子一掌洞穿了龙尘的胸膛,这一击,根本不是血肉之躯能抵挡的,这也就是龙尘,换了其他人,被这一掌击中,直接会被爆成血雾 “呼” The Long Chen chest was penetrated, the person flew upside down, Long Chen caused heavy losses, even if has Primal Chaos Space, he is unable in a flash the restore so terrifying injury. 龙尘胸口被击穿,人倒飞了出去,龙尘被重创,哪怕是有混沌空间在,他也无法一瞬间修复如此恐怖的伤势。 But the meaning that Nine Stars disciple, has not shown mercy slightly, the form in a flash, another fist is pounding to fall to Long Chen's face ruthlessly. 而那九星弟子,丝毫没有手下留情的意思,身影一晃,又一拳对着龙尘的面门狠狠砸落。 Facing Nine Stars disciple fatal strikes, Long Chen clenches teeth, is a boxing leaves, Long Chen's arm flash stars. 面对九星弟子的致命一击,龙尘一咬牙,也是一拳击出,龙尘的手臂一瞬间星辰化。 oh no 糟了 Long Chen suffered a palm intentionally, wants through the strength of Nine Stars, to remember Nine Stars disciple one move, coming to follow a model. 龙尘故意挨了一掌,是想通过九星之力,记住九星弟子刚才的一招,来个照葫芦画瓢。 As soon as he after striking, instinct summon had/left the stars arm, that is the move in Star River Vault of Heaven Secret Art, but Nine Stars disciple that move, his summon does not come out. 可是他一击过后,本能地召唤出了星辰臂,那是星河苍穹诀里的招数,而九星弟子的那一招,他根本召唤不出来。 “噗” A Long Chen pain, entire arm flesh collapse open/start, arm bone crack, almost directly by burst. 龙尘一声痛哼,整条手臂血肉崩开,臂骨龟裂,差点直接被震爆。 “呼” At this moment, a Nine Stars Successor fist raids again. 就在这时,九星传人再次一拳袭来。 Calm, calm, recalls that seal technique carefully.” “冷静,冷静,仔细回想那个印法。” This time Long Chen, beset with a crisis death, if cannot catch this move again, he might fight with the fists dead very much. 此时的龙尘,陷入了死亡危机,如果再接不住这一招,他很有可能会被一拳打死。 At that moment, between Heaven and Earth lost the original sound instantaneously, but a fist of that Nine Stars disciple also slowed down, only then the stars in vault, but also is keeping glittering. 那一刻,天地间瞬间失去了原来的声音,而那九星弟子的一拳也变慢了,只有穹顶上的星辰,还在不停地闪烁。 Long Chen closed the eye suddenly, in his mind, appears the Nine Stars disciple forming seal process, the movement is very simple, there is no mysteriously. 龙尘忽然闭上了眼睛,他的脑海中,浮现出九星弟子结印的过程,动作很简单,没有什么玄奥可言。 This movement playbacks in the Long Chen's mind, Long Chen suddenly discovered, in the Nine Stars disciple forming seal instance, the stars above vault of heaven, is glittering rapidly. 这个动作在龙尘的脑海中回放,龙尘忽然发现,在九星弟子结印的瞬间,天穹之上的星辰,在急速闪烁。 I understood “我明白了” Long Chen calls out in alarm suddenly, others forming seal, inspires strength of Heavenly Dao, but Nine Stars disciple forming seal, what inspiring is All Heavens Power of Stars. 龙尘忽然惊呼,别人结印,都是引动天道之力,而九星弟子结印,引动的是诸天星辰之力 Before, his attention centralized on Nine Stars disciple seal technique, actually neglected the stars change above vault. 之前,他的注意力都集中在了九星弟子印法上,却忽略了穹顶之上的星辰变化。 Thinks of here, Long Chen flash clear comprehension, although Long Chen has not studied forming seal, but his practice Star River Vault of Heaven Secret Art, has studied Star Embodiment , knows the All Heavens stars position and change. 想到这里,龙尘一瞬间明悟了,虽然龙尘没有学过结印,但是他修行星河苍穹诀,学过引星入体,知道诸天星辰的位置和变化。 At this time sees this, immediately achieves mastery through a comprehensive study, but wants to display at this time, radically without enough time. 此时看到这一幕,顿时融会贯通,但是此时想要施展,根本来不及了。 “呼” lightning shield appears in front of Long Chen together, Long Chen the life in shortly, has to summon have Lei Ling'er to help in the fighting at this time. 一道雷霆护盾出现在龙尘面前,龙尘此时命在顷刻,不得不召唤雷灵儿助战。 Bang “轰” shield that an explosive, Lei Ling'er and she summon has, fought with the fists to explode simultaneously, the strength of a fist of that Nine Stars disciple, contains, is not unimaginable, even by Lei Ling'er terrifying, is unable to catch this to strike. 一声爆响,雷灵儿和她所召唤出的护盾,同时被一拳打爆,那九星弟子的一拳,所蕴含的力量,是无法想象的,就算是以雷灵儿恐怖,也无法接住这一击。 However impediment of Lei Ling'er, won the precious respite time to Long Chen, Long Chen backed up rapidly, with the help of Primal Chaos Space, his arm has fully restored, large cave/hole of chest, is also healing fast. 不过雷灵儿的阻挡,给龙尘赢得了宝贵的喘息时间,龙尘急速倒退,在混沌空间的帮助下,他手臂已经完全恢复,胸口的大洞,也在快速愈合。 “呼” Long Chen both hands forming seal, the movement and Nine Stars disciple is exactly the same, in Long Chen back Phenomenon Star Sea, the innumerable stars started in a disorderly way to shine. 龙尘双手结印,动作与九星弟子一模一样,龙尘背后异象星海之中,无数星辰开始有规律地亮了起来。 Buzz “嗡” On Long Chen's both hands, appeared similarly seven star pattern. 龙尘的双手上,同样浮现出了七星图案 Bang “轰” An explosive, two fists that appear different Seven Stars Divine Chart, hit in one. 一声爆响,两个浮现出不同七星神图的拳头,撞在了一起。
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