NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#4613: Three types of Supreme Treasure

Who is?” “是谁?” Yu Qingxuan one startled, she from that sound, heard wild flame Willpower, simultaneously when he pronounced, is supplementing the Great Brahma Scripture tonality. 余青璇一惊,她从那个声音之中,听到了狂暴的火焰意志,同时他发音时,附带着大梵天经的音调。 Is Great Brahma disciple, if I guess right, here is also his goal. “是大梵天弟子,如果我猜的没错,这里也是他的目标。 This temple was controlled by Great Brahma, the goal is to attract the bystander, temple outside has barrier of Great Brahma establishment, the bystander, once touches, will walk into a trap. ” Hears that sound, Long Chen looks the murderous intention. 这座神庙被大梵天控制,目的就是吸引外人,神庙外面有大梵天设置的结界,外人一旦触碰,就会自投罗网。”听到那个声音,龙尘面露杀机。 Long Chen understands finally why he will receive summon, seeks for that corpse, without Exquisite Blood Magnolia Divine Chart, he cannot come. 龙尘终于明白,为什么他会受到召唤,找寻到那具尸体,如果没有玲珑血玉兰神图,他根本进不来。 Although Long Chen does not know, these what's the matter, but he knows, in this involved certainly what karma, will otherwise not direct him to come here. 虽然龙尘不知道,这其中到底是怎么回事,但是他知道,这里面一定牵扯了什么因果,否则也不会一路指引他来到这里。 Outside barrier, is the Great Brahma unique seal, when has Great Brahma Willpower, Long Chen rescues Yu Qingxuan, feels its fearfulness, that is an irresistible strength, at least at present, he does not have the strength to shake it. 外面的结界,是大梵天特有的封印,拥有大梵天意志,龙尘余青璇时,感受到了它的可怕,那是一种无可抵挡的力量,起码目前,他没有力量去撼动它。 That white clothed man as Great Brahma disciple, is very likely takes here as the informed and experienced place, but he does not enter here eagerly, because he knows, except for him, no one can break open the seal. 白衣男子身为大梵天弟子,很有可能是把这里作为历练场所,不过他不急于进入这里,因为他知道,除了他,没有人能破开封印。 Therefore, he arranged the medicine slave to defend in the surroundings, calmly waited for the prey to enter the net, but oneself slaughtered the giant beast to collect precious medicine in the surroundings, is also searching the Long Chen's trail. 所以,他安排了药奴守在周围,静静等待猎物入网,而自己则在周围屠杀巨兽收集珍药,同时也在搜索龙尘的踪迹。 He has a dream cannot think, Long Chen arrived at the temple unexpectedly, and entered in the temple. 只是他做梦也想不到,龙尘竟然来到了神庙,并且进入了神庙之中。 We now what to do?” “我们现在怎么办?” Yu Qingxuan asked that at this time the main hall started to be cracked, how long it is estimated that could not want to collapse, outside had Great Brahma barrier, had the white clothed man, they were equal to that was stranded here. 余青璇问道,此时大殿开始龟裂,估计要不了多久就要坍塌,外面有大梵天结界,更有白衣男子在,他们等于是被困在这里了。 Ka ka ka......” “咔咔咔……” At this moment, the statue crack scatters, that golden Lotus Flower throne also crashed, in the flash of Lotus Flower throne avalanche, the golden light blooms, the sacred ray, illuminated the entire main hall. 就在这时,雕像龟裂散落,那金色莲花宝座也崩塌了,在莲花宝座崩塌的一瞬间,金光绽放,神圣的光芒,照亮了整座大殿。 This is......” “这是……” Long Chen sees that golden light, a can't help face does not dare to believe the color, that unexpectedly is golden lotus seed. 龙尘看到那金光,不禁一脸不敢置信之色,那竟然是一枚金色莲子 When the Long Chen also god, Golden Lotus Seed in Long Chen Primal Chaos Space trembles fiercely, seemed attracted to be the same, flew from Primal Chaos Space unexpectedly automatically. 就在龙尘还愣神之际,龙尘混沌空间内的金色莲子猛地一颤,仿佛受到了吸引一般,竟然从混沌空间里自动飞了出来。 Buzz “嗡” Two Golden Lotus Seed fused one, Golden Lotus Seed by the empty revolutions reality, was transferred by the reality empty, kept fluctuating, in the meantime, the circulate of innumerable scrip­tures around lotus seed, formed one after another chain of order. 两枚金色莲子融合到了一起,金色莲子由虚转实,又由实转虚,不停地变幻,同时,无数经文在莲子周围流转,形成了一道道秩序之链 Is the Great Brahma Scripture scrip­tures “是大梵天经的经文” Long Chen recognizes, that chain of order, unexpectedly is comprised of the Great Brahma Scripture scrip­tures. 龙尘一眼认出,那秩序之链,竟然是由大梵天经的经文组成。 Buzz “嗡” Suddenly Golden Lotus Seed vanishes, returns to the Primal Chaos Space sky, is hanging the space just like a round of golden Sun, entire Primal Chaos Space, becomes the even more vitality because of it abundant, even Long Chen in Primal Chaos Space, felt Laws aura. 忽然金色莲子消失,返回混沌空间的上空,宛若一轮金色的太阳悬挂天上,整个混沌空间,因为它而变得更加生机盎然,甚至龙尘混沌空间里,感受到了法则气息 If beforehand Primal Chaos Space, is a disorderly world, after Golden Lotus Seed return, Primal Chaos Space as if had own order Laws. 如果说以前的混沌空间,是一个无序的世界,当金色莲子回归后,混沌空间仿佛有了自己的秩序法则 Bang “轰” When Long Chen's Golden Lotus Seed, after taking away Golden Lotus Seed in Lotus Flower throne, the entire main hall flash is decayed, loudly avalanche. 龙尘的金色莲子,收走了莲花宝座中的金色莲子后,整座大殿一瞬间腐朽,轰然崩塌。 Death “死” At this moment, space twists, a white form emerges out of thin air, his whole body is wrapping the flame, a fist is pounding to Long Chen fiercely. 就在这时,空间扭曲,一个白色身影凭空出现,他浑身包裹着火焰,一拳对着龙尘猛砸。 This person that white clothed man, this time he, the complexion is fierce, just like the evil spirit, as if Long Chen just dug his family/home ancestral graves to be the same, the whole face is the color of hatred. 此人正是那白衣男子,此时的他,面色狰狞,宛若厉鬼,仿佛龙尘刚刚刨了他家祖坟一般,满脸都是怨毒之色。 Now Heaven strike explodes your dog head “今天打爆你的狗头” Saw with own eyes that the white clothed man kills, the Long Chen's killing intent flash was lit, whole body scales covers, first summon had/left Divine Ring, Star Sea shivered, dragon's roar was shocking, Long Chen erupted the strongest strength directly. 眼见白衣男子杀来,龙尘的杀意一瞬间被点燃,全身鳞片覆盖,第一时间召唤出了神环,星海颤动,龙吟震天,龙尘直接爆发出了最强力量。 Bang “轰” A Long Chen fist pounds fiercely, an explosive, Long Chen is stuffy simultaneously snort/hum with that white clothed man, flew upside down. 龙尘一拳猛砸,一声爆响,龙尘与那白衣男子同时闷哼一声,倒飞了出去。 Dares to destroy the place of my trial, steals my Supreme Treasure, your one crowd of despicable shameless thief, gives under me Hell to go!” “敢毁我试炼之地,偷我至宝,你们一群卑鄙无耻的小偷,都给我下地狱去吧!” That white clothed man sees the God's Statue avalanche, the Lotus Flower throne does not see, at that moment, his face twists deformation, his both hands forming seal, at the same time, he recited the scrip­tures rapidly, the entire main hall vanished instantaneously, at the same time, at that moment, Long Chen saw outside world. 白衣男子看到神像崩塌,莲花宝座不见,那一刻,他的脸扭曲到变形,他双手急速结印,与此同时,他口诵经文,整座大殿瞬间消失,与此同时,那一刻,龙尘看到了外面的世界。 In the surrounding of main hall, presented a transparent prisoner's cage, innumerable flame chain, have locked here firmly, Long Chen and the others became the cageling. 在大殿的外围,出现了一道透明的囚笼,无数的火焰锁链,已将这里牢牢锁住,龙尘等人成了笼中之鸟。 Through the slit of birdcage, Long Chen saw, the outside broken temple has vanished, they changed into the dust completely. 通过鸟笼的缝隙,龙尘看到,外面残破的庙宇已经消失,它们全部化为了尘埃。 When Long Chen took Golden Lotus Seed, this world as if cannot undergo the corrosion of years to change into the dust again. 龙尘取走了金色莲子,这片世界似乎再也经受不住岁月的侵蚀而化为尘埃。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Suddenly in the cage space twists, arrow of the one after another flame condenses, the flash when the arrow of that flame condenses, Long Chen felt that soul shivers, Long Chen does not dare to neglect, back lightning Wing shivers, plunges the white clothed man like a lightning. 忽然笼中空间扭曲,一道道火焰之箭凝聚而成,当那火焰之箭凝聚的一瞬间,龙尘感到灵魂一阵颤抖,龙尘不敢怠慢,背后雷霆羽翼颤动,如同一道闪电扑向白衣男子。 Cloud Dragon Offering Claw 云龙献爪 The sound of dragon's roar rings out, covering the heavens Dragon Claw, in Phenomenon from Long Chen finds out, is grasping to the white clothed man fiercely. 龙吟之声大作,一只遮天龙爪,从龙尘背后异象之中探出,对着白衣男子猛抓。 "DANG" “当” In Long Chen's Dragon Claw will soon fall when the white clothed man body, suddenly a big hand of pair of forming seal, kept off before the white clothed man body, blocked Long Chen's to strike. 就在龙尘的龙爪即将落在白衣男子身上时,忽然一双结印的大手,挡在了白衣男子身前,挡住了龙尘的一击。 What?” “什么?” On that pair of transparent big hand, endless symbol circulate, sacred dignified aura, such as Heavenly God arrives, is irresistible. 那双透明的大手上,无尽的符号流转,神圣威严的气息,如天神降临,不可抵挡。 Is the Great Brahma strength Long Chen is startled. “是大梵天的力量”龙尘一惊。 Damn ants, the place of this trial, three types of Supreme Treasure are Master leaves my. “该死的蝼蚁,这试炼之地,有三样至宝师尊留给我的。 One is Master Brahma Divine Power, one is primitive Great Brahma Scripture, one is that yellow Golden Lotus Seed. ” The white clothed man clenches jaws said. 一个是师尊梵天神力,一个是原始大梵天经,还有一个就是那黄金莲子。”白衣男子咬牙切齿地道 So that's how it is, three types of Supreme Treasure, I obtain its two, the Great Brahma thing, I cannot have a liking , was also content.” A Long Chen eyeball revolution, hehe said with a smile, happiness that the appearance that looks at that white clothed man clenched jaws, Long Chen could not say at heart. “原来如此,三样至宝,我已经得到其二,大梵天的东西,我看不上,也知足了。”龙尘眼珠一转,嘿嘿一笑道,看着白衣男子咬牙切齿的模样,龙尘心里说不出的痛快。 Meanwhile, Long Chen silently sensation that barrier strength, if cannot break open barrier, he with Yu Qingxuan on danger. 同时,龙尘在默默地感知那结界的力量,如果不能破开结界,他跟余青璇就危险了。 After that Exquisite Blood Magnolia he delivers, vanished, how wants to go out, must depend on Long Chen. 玲珑血玉兰将他送进来后,就消失了,想要怎么出去,就得靠龙尘自己了。 But that barrier is condenses by the Great Brahma strength, only then white clothed man Great Brahma disciple can pass in and out freely, wants, can only try to find the solution from the white clothed man. 而那结界是由大梵天的力量所凝聚,只有白衣男子这个大梵天弟子才能自由进出,想要出去,只能从白衣男子身上想办法了。 Hands over Golden Lotus Seed, otherwise......” “交出金色莲子,否则……” The white clothed man turned the head to look to Yu Qingxuan of distant place, on his face, appeared to wipe the immoral smile. 白衣男子转头看向了远处的余青璇,他的脸上,浮现出一抹淫邪的笑容。 Goes to you / mother /!” “去你/妈/的!” Has not waited for the white clothed man to continue to speak, the Long Chen's dreadful killing intent flash was detonated, a wrong body, a palm of the hand flings ruthlessly on the face of white clothed man. 还没等白衣男子继续说话,龙尘的滔天杀意一瞬间被引爆,一个错身,一巴掌狠狠甩在白衣男子的脸上。 "pā" “啪” The white clothed man has not thought that body protection divine brilliance that he has one's wish, slow one step, Long Chen this palm of the hand will pull out the profile to blast out unexpectedly, the blood splash, flew like the meteor generally. 白衣男子怎么也没想到,他随心所欲的护体神辉,竟然会慢了一步,龙尘这一巴掌抽得半边脸炸开,鲜血飞溅,如同流星一般飞了出去。 Today I make you know how the dead characters write!” “今天我就让你知道,死字怎么写!” Long Chen roared facing the heaven, the person like insane same plunged the white clothed man. 龙尘仰天怒吼,人如同疯了一样扑向白衣男子。
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