NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#4610: Gan Luo

The design by the blood plan, corrodes after the years, actually as before bright, Long Chen sees, this is Exquisite Blood Magnolia. 图案以血绘制,历经岁月侵蚀,却依旧鲜艳,龙尘一眼就看出,这是玲珑血玉兰 This is the second time that Long Chen the design that sees Exquisite Blood Magnolia, in Soaring Firmament Academy, Long Chen in the Pill Institute temple, had seen it initially. 这已经是龙尘第二次见到玲珑血玉兰的图案了,当初在凌霄书院,龙尘就在丹院的神殿内,见到过它。 But Yu Qingxuan when Mortal World is Long Chen resists the attack, vanished fragrance and crumbled jade(a beauty passes away), Exquisite Blood Magnolia appears, carries off Yu Qingxuan. 余青璇凡界龙尘抵挡攻击,香消玉殒时,玲珑血玉兰出现,将余青璇带走。 Long Chen had also asked Yu Qingxuan, but Yu Qingxuan has completely vanished to this memories, even hears the Exquisite Blood Magnolia name, does not have any fluctuation. 龙尘还曾经问过余青璇,但是余青璇对这一段记忆已经完全消失,甚至听到玲珑血玉兰的名字,也没有任何波动。 But now, Exquisite Blood Magnolia appears again, Long Chen thinks that it is certainly hiding any astonishing secret. 而如今,玲珑血玉兰再次出现,龙尘认为它一定隐藏着什么惊人的秘密。 When Long Chen continues to change the ancient book, actually the discovery puts in order this book only then two pages, but that Exquisite Blood Magnolia has not vanished like p. 1, it continuously in page. 龙尘继续翻动古书,却发现整本书就只有两页,而那玲珑血玉兰也并没有像第一页那样消失,它一直在书页上。 In the Long Chen heart moves, points at forehead, drop of forehead blood essence appears, Long Chen drops blood essence on Exquisite Blood Magnolia. 龙尘心中一动,手指眉心,一滴眉心精血出现,龙尘精血滴落在玲珑血玉兰上。 Buzz “嗡” When Long Chen's blood essence touches the Exquisite Blood Magnolia flash, it as if lived in a flash, the flower petal dances in the air, the Long Chen present world flash turned into a palatial palace. 龙尘的精血触碰到玲珑血玉兰的一瞬间,它仿佛一瞬间活了过来,花瓣飞舞,龙尘眼前的世界一瞬间变成了一片巍峨的宫殿。 “噗” Has not waited for Long Chen to see clearly the present change, suddenly sees the sharp blade to delimit together void, blood splash, a man who wears the white long dress, was pierced the chest by a sickle. 还没等龙尘看清眼前的变化,忽然见一道利刃划过虚空,鲜血飞溅,一个身穿白色长衣的男子,被一把弯刀洞穿了胸膛。 Man side Long Chen's, but he actually cannot see Long Chen, his vision is staring at the front stubbornly, in the eye is angry and unwilling, he gives out hysteric angry roaring: 那男子就在龙尘的身边,但是他却看不见龙尘,他的目光死死盯着前方,眼睛里全是愤怒和不甘,他发出歇斯底里的怒吼: Gan Luo, you dare to betray Sir Pill Emperor unexpectedly.” 甘洛,你居然敢背叛丹帝大人。” Long Chen looks to the distant place following the vision of man, sees only one to wear the golden long gown, the whole body by the middle-aged man who the flame packages, coldly looks at that person. 龙尘顺着男子的目光向远处望去,只见一个身穿金色长袍,周身被火焰包裹的中年男子,正冷冷地看着那个人。 The one who makes Long Chen shocking is, his aura is wild, arrives just like the fire god, Long Chen looks at he, feels the soul severe pain, as if must be lit. 龙尘震惊的是,他的气息狂暴无边,宛若火神降临,龙尘看着他,感觉灵魂剧痛,仿佛都要被点燃了。 That is existence of incomparable terrifying, on his corners of the mouth hangs is wiping the color of taunt: Pill Emperor does not have virtue, cannot the obedience, even Sir Brahma betray, I disciple as Sir Brahma, how could also to venerate master life/command?” 那是一个无比恐怖的存在,他嘴角上挂着一抹嘲讽之色:“丹帝无德,不能服众,连梵天大人都背叛了,我身为梵天大人的弟子,又岂能不尊崇师命?” I do not believe that how will Sir Brahma betray Sir Pill Emperor?” The man angrily roars. “我不信,梵天大人怎么会背叛丹帝大人?”那男子怒吼。 Pitiful child, I am disinclined to explain with you, relieved going!” “可怜的孩子,我懒得跟你解释,安心的去吧!” “噗” As the middle-aged man words fall, that person of sickle tremor, the wild strength, the flash shakes the powder him. 随着中年男子话落,那人身上的弯刀颤动,狂暴的力量,一瞬间将他震成粉末。 When that filling the sky powder vanishes, Long Chen saw a form flashes passes, Long Chen one startled: 当那漫天粉末消失,龙尘看到了一个身影一闪即逝,龙尘一惊: Fate Hunting Race 猎命一族 Although saw a remnant shadow, but Long Chen caught aura, that aura and Yingtian were exactly the same, definitely will not have the mistake. 虽然只是看到了一个残影,可是龙尘捕捉到了一丝气息,那气息应天一模一样,绝对不会有错。 What is only different, aura of that form, is deeper than Yingtian even more, even more is fearful. 唯一不同的是,那身影的气息,比应天更加深沉,更加可怕。 „It is not Sir Brahma and Sir Fallen Heavenly Night one is the person, kills off completely!” That middle-aged man shouted. “凡不是梵天大人和落天夜大人一系之人,全部杀光!”那中年男子一声断喝。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Sees only the trim palace to start to shiver, the angry roaring sound and imprecations, wept and wailed the sound to interweave, was actually sheared the sound of body to cover by the sharp blade. 只见整片宫殿开始颤动,怒吼声、咒骂声、哭喊声交织,却被利刃割体的声音所掩盖。 This is a deliberate slaughter, simply had not been guarded by killing, even some people are exchanging with the same side, was actually struck to kill suddenly, they do not know at the point of death had anything. 这是一场有预谋的屠杀,被杀者根本没有防备,甚至有些人正在与同门交流,却被忽然击杀,他们临死都不知道发生了什么。 Ka ka ka......” “咔咔咔……” A Long Chen's pair of fist, pinches creaks to make noise, why does not know, when these people were killed, his sympathize, that the sharp blade, as if punctured on his body. 龙尘的一对拳头,捏得嘎吱作响,不知道为什么,那些人被杀时,他感同身受,那一把把利刃,仿佛刺在了他的身体上。 Before these person angry and unwillingness, well up at the point of death generally to him like the tsunami, Long Chen cannot bear roared facing the heaven. 那些人临死前的愤怒、不甘,如同海啸一般向他涌来,龙尘忍不住仰天怒吼 Your this group of rebels......” “你们这群叛徒……” The Long Chen both eyes blood red piece, does not know that is Pill Emperor memories awakens, making him fall into crazily, he foot treads void, is flushing away to that middle-aged man, a fist pounds fiercely. 龙尘双目血红一片,不知道是不是丹帝记忆觉醒,令他陷入疯狂,他脚踏虚空,对着那中年男子冲去,一拳猛砸。 a pity, the Long Chen's fist passed over gently and swiftly from void, anything has not bumped into, the present picture is only the picture, but he, from this picture, isolated the endless space-time river. 可惜,龙尘的拳头从虚空之中掠过,什么都没碰到,眼前的画面只是画面,而他,距离这画面,隔绝了无尽的时空长河。 However after Long Chen strikes, that middle-aged man as if startled realize suddenly, he examined to all around, after has not discovered any exceptionally, immediately gives orders, concentrates everyone. 不过龙尘一击过后,那中年男子似乎猛然惊觉,他向四周查看了一下,没有发现任何异常后,立刻发号施令,将所有人集中起来。 At this time fought had finished, besides endless bloody aura, all constructions did not seem to receive anything to affect. 此时战斗已经结束,除了无尽的血腥之气外,所有建筑似乎并没有受到什么影响。 Under these people lead in that middle-aged man named Gan Luo, arrived at a temple, this temple is in this palace is most palatial, broadest. 这些人在那个叫甘洛的中年男子带领下,来到了一处神殿,这座神殿是这片宫殿中最巍峨,最恢弘的一座。 The Gan Luo big hand wields suddenly, the temple surrounding four light beams shoot up to the sky, Gan Luo both hands forming seal, recited Scripture. 甘洛忽然大手一挥,神殿周围四道光柱冲天而起,甘洛双手结印,紧接着口诵真经 Great Brahma Scripture sixth volume 大梵天经第六卷 Long Chen rushes to depress the anger in heart, listens quietly with rapt attention, remembers each syllable carefully, simultaneously is staring at the hand of Gan Luo stubbornly. 龙尘赶忙压下心中的怒火,凝神静听,仔细记住每一个音节,同时死死地盯着甘洛的手。 So that's how it is, the syllable transformation of Great Brahma Scripture sixth volume scrip­tures, needs to adjust according to the change of seal technique, no wonder I recited no matter how, did not feel right.” “原来如此,大梵天经第六卷经文的音节转变,需要根据印法的变化而调节,难怪我不管怎么吟诵,都感觉不对。” When sees in that Gan Luo hand the change of seal technique, the Long Chen flash is suddenly enlighted, finally found the know-how, when Great Brahma Scripture recited completed, Long Chen blended the penetration immediately, completely remember. 当看到那甘洛手中印法的变化,龙尘一瞬间恍然大悟,终于找到了窍门,当一段大梵天经吟诵完毕,龙尘顿时融汇贯通,全部记住。 Originally Long Chen spent the innumerable energy to study to Great Brahma Scripture, he missed was this, this clear comprehension, all became simple. 本来龙尘就对大梵天经花费了无数精力去研究,他差的就是这一步而已,这一步明悟了,一切都变得简单了。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” When Gan Luo recited the scrip­tures, both hands seal technique changed again, around the temple four light beams interwove rapidly, formed a light net, sealed off the temple firmly. 甘洛吟诵完经文,双手印法再次变化,神殿周围的四根光柱急速交织,形成了一道光网,将神殿牢牢封锁。 Buzz “嗡” Huge Immortal Language soars to the heavens to fall, falls above the temple front door, that Immortal Language illumination, unexpectedly is one huge buddhist character. 紧接着,一道巨大的仙文冲天而降,落在神殿大门之上,那仙文发光,竟然是一个巨大的“梵”字。 When buddhist the flash of character illumination, the innumerable chain lasings, will put in order a temple to block. 当“梵”字发光的一瞬间,无数锁链激射而出,将整座神殿封锁。 This is the Great Brahma seal.” “这是大梵天的封印。” Long Chen saw through the Gan Luo intention, when that seal formation, the strength of the whole world, as if the flash was drained. 龙尘一眼就看穿了甘洛的意图,当那封印形成,整个世界的力量,仿佛一瞬间被抽干。 Bang “轰” Suddenly the picture vanishes, Long Chen appears at present again that skeleton. 忽然画面消失,龙尘眼前再次浮现出那具骸骨。 Buzz “嗡” Suddenly, that ancient book shivers, the Exquisite Blood Magnolia design on page, fell in the Long Chen's palm unexpectedly. 忽然,那古书颤动,书页上的玲珑血玉兰图案,竟然落在了龙尘的掌心之中。 The Long Chen's palm, by seal in Exquisite Blood Magnolia, that ancient book was started to make decent, then that skeleton is also same, in front of Long Chen, changes into the dust in a flash. 龙尘的掌心,被印上了玲珑血玉兰,紧接着那古书开始风化,然后那骸骨也是一样,在龙尘面前,一瞬间化为尘埃。 could it be that is summon my Exquisite Blood Magnolia?” 难道召唤我的是玲珑血玉兰?” The design in Long Chen looks at palm, he felt that this is a special arrangement, because of this Exquisite Blood Magnolia, he saw this temple destruction truth. 龙尘看着手心中的图案,他感觉这是一场特殊的安排,因为这玲珑血玉兰,他看到了这片庙宇覆灭的真相。 a pity, no one can the Long Chen answer, be able to the Long Chen answer, to draw up this Exquisite Blood Magnolia person, a pity, she has unravelled, except for memories, a mark, anything has not stayed behind, perhaps, she carries off, just like person who these died, is angry, is unwilling, with cannot believe. 可惜,没有人能给龙尘答案,能给龙尘答案的,是绘制了这玲珑血玉兰的人,可惜,她已经灰飞烟灭了,除了一段记忆,一片印记,什么都没留下,或许,她带走的,跟那些死去的人一样,是愤怒,是不甘,和不敢相信。 Long Chen is bowing to these dust, turns around to go out of the underground secret room, witnessed the original condition in this temple, Long Chen had distinguished clearly the direction quickly, directly soars Core Region to walk. 龙尘对着那些尘埃鞠了一躬,转身走出了地下密室,曾经目睹过这片庙宇的原貌,龙尘很快就辨明了方向,直奔核心区域走去。 Quick he saw a sacred broad main hall, when Long Chen sees clearly one group of people before temple, Long Chen killing intent soars to the heavens immediately. 很快他就看到了一座神圣恢弘的大殿,不过当龙尘看清神庙前的一群人,龙尘顿时杀意冲天。
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