NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#4564: Star Trace Chart

Xie Fei seems to have been ready, making a move whole body divine brilliance circulate, back God's Statue open the world, the prestige of Evil God radiates Nine Heavens, Sickle, Myriad Dao wail. 邪飞似乎早就做好了准备,一出手周身神辉流转,背后一尊神像撑开天地,邪神之威辐射九天,镰刀所过,万道哀鸣。 Xie Fei had once fought with Long Chen, previous he suffers a loss time, he has borne a grudge, wishes one could to tear to shreds Long Chen. 邪飞曾经与龙尘交过手,上一次他吃了大亏,他一直怀恨在心,恨不得将龙尘碎尸万段。 Just, Long Chen can to dupe Fusion Beast Clan, actually to dupe he, only then he knows the Long Chen's true strength, therefore, does not act already, acts is the swiftest and fiercest eruption. 只不过,龙尘可以忽悠融兽一族,却忽悠不了他,也只有他才知道龙尘的真正实力,所以,不出手则已,一出手就是最凌厉的爆发。 Strikes facing Xie Fei full power, Long Chen does not dare to neglect, direct summon had/left Seven Stars Battle Body, back Divine Ring circulate, in the hand above bloody long blade, star light cut forward fiercely. 面对邪飞全力一击,龙尘不敢怠慢,直接召唤出了七星战身,背后神环流转,手中血色长刀之上,星光点点向前猛斩。 Two divine weapon points, assigned the world, the whole world must be cut open, in the innumerable person panic-stricken vision, two divine weapon hit loudly in one. 两把神兵的锋芒,划过天地,整个世界都要被切开了,在无数人惊骇的目光中,两把神兵轰然撞在了一起。 Bang “轰” The brilliant brilliance, explodes broken like Sun, that flash everyone lost the field of vision, not only eye anything looks to disappear, the soul sensation also vanished. 绚烂的光辉,如同太阳爆碎,那一瞬间所有人失去了视野,不光眼睛什么都看不见了,就连灵魂感知也都消失了。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Void like boiling general, endless Grand Dao rune dances in the air, to wells up generally in all directions like the difficult situation. 虚空如同开了锅一般,无尽的大道符文飞舞,如同惊涛骇浪一般向四面八方涌去。 Hides from behind me!” “都躲到我后面!” Feng You drinks greatly, at the same time, in the Feng You hand golden long spear, the enlargement, to the land fierce thorn, the land flash was being pierced rapidly, huge long spear pricks in the land firmly. 凤幽大喝,与此同时,凤幽手中金色长枪,急速放大,对着大地猛刺,大地一瞬间被洞穿,巨大的长枪牢牢地刺入大地之中。 Bang “轰” Feng You just made this movement, terrifying astral wind, the pair of wings that she opens, trembles fiercely, golden divine brilliance dances in the air, that terrifying strength, almost makes her pair of wings explode broken. 凤幽刚刚作出这个动作,恐怖罡风袭来,她撑开的双翼,猛地一颤,金色神辉飞舞,那恐怖的力量,差点让她的双翼爆碎。 astral wind has delimited her cheeks, just like sharp blade cutting, making her cheeks painful, but her behind Fusion Beast Clan powerhouse, then closely hugged in the same place, supported taking advantage of the shield of Feng You by strenuous efforts. 罡风划过她的脸颊,宛若利刃切割,令她脸颊生疼,而她身后融兽一族强者们,则紧紧抱在一起,借着凤幽的掩护苦苦支撑。 But these response slow influences, were blown rapidly by terrifying astral wind back up, is unable to stand firm the figure, that astral wind simply formidable fearsome. 而那些反应较慢的势力们,则被恐怖罡风吹得急速倒退,根本无法稳住身形,那罡风简直可畏可怖。 Bang “轰” Also is an explosive, Long Chen spelled with Xie Fei hardly struck, the might that this struck, compared with the beforehand attack, went beyond. 又是一声爆响,龙尘又与邪飞硬拼了一击,这一击的威力,比之前的攻击,有过之而无不及。 Bang “轰” Is an explosive, these cuts time mutually, the whole world lost the color, above dusky void, Long Chen and Xie Fei fly upside down simultaneously. 紧接着又是一声爆响,这一次互斩,整个世界失去了颜色,灰蒙蒙的虚空之上,龙尘邪飞同时倒飞出去。 The Feng You looks at Long Chen's form, in the eye is the color of pleasant surprise, she knows now, the Long Chen's true strength, has terrifying how. 凤幽看着龙尘的身影,眼中全是惊喜之色,她现在才知道,龙尘的真正实力,到底有多么恐怖 Damn Human Race, you truly have real skill, but, I by the evil Divine Power baptism, the strength of Destiny had been awakened completely, before me, you are a slightly powerful ant.” “该死的人族,你确实有两下子,不过,我已经被邪神之力洗礼,天命之力已经完全觉醒,在我面前,你不过是一只略微强大一些的蚂蚁罢了。” Buzz “嗡” At this moment, Xie Fei back of the head divine brilliance circulate, seven star marks like seven meteors, dragging the long tail to revolve. 就在这时,邪飞脑后神辉流转,七道星纹如同七颗流星,拖着长长的尾巴在旋转。 With circulate of seven star marks, the strength of the world is blending, Myriad Dao Laws is gathering, under that seven star mark blessing, Xie Fei seems this stretch of the world 's control, read the myriad things to live, read the world to extinguish. 随着七道星纹的流转,天地之力在交融,万道法则在汇聚,在那七道星纹加持下,邪飞仿佛是这一片天地的主宰,一念万物生,一念天地灭。 How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” When sees Xie Fei back of the head Star Trace Chart, in the Feng You eye is the panic-stricken color. 当看到邪飞脑后星痕图,凤幽眼中全是惊骇之色。 Long Chen is careful, he had awakened ahead of time Star of Destiny, that was equivalent to him to awaken ahead of time strength of the part of Divine Venerable.” Feng You yelled loudly. 龙尘小心,他已经提前觉醒了天命星辰,那相当于他已经提前觉醒了一部分神尊之力。”凤幽高声大叫。 Stupid and dirty Fusion Beast Clan, known actually many, but what's the big deal? “愚蠢而又肮脏的融兽一族,知道的倒是不少,不过那又如何? The front door opens in any case also has the little time, killed you with this time, should be enough. ” Xie Fei looks the fierce color. 反正大门开启还有一点点时间,用这点时间杀了你们,应该足够了。”邪飞面露狰狞之色。 Buzz “嗡” Huge Sickle in his hand has delimited void, points to Long Chen, wild killing intent, Long Chen flash locking. 他手中的巨大镰刀划过虚空,直指龙尘,狂暴的杀意,将龙尘一瞬间锁定。 “呼” Long Chen was locked, does not have any flustered color, but shoulders toward the shoulder on bloody long blade, coldly looks at Xie Fei: 龙尘被锁定,没有任何慌张之色,而是将血色长刀往肩膀上一扛,冷冷地看着邪飞: Seven Stars Destined? Ahead of time awakens Star Trace Chart? Was equivalent opened strength of the part of Heavenly Venerable ahead of time? That looked like me to be more earnest.” 七星天命者?提前觉醒星痕图?相当于提前开启了一部分天尊之力?那看来我得认真一些了。” Stupid fellow, dares boasting shamelessly by the present.” “愚蠢的家伙,到现在还敢大言不惭。” Buzz “嗡” The Xie Fei back of the head seven star chart twinkles, the whole person flash vanish, what is shocking, his person disappeared, however back Evil God Phenomenon on the spot. 邪飞脑后星图闪烁,整个人一瞬间消失,不过让人震惊的是,他的人消失了,但是背后的邪神异象却还在原地。 "pā" “啪” At this moment, the strong drive of Long Chen big hand in void, an explosive, swings big piece ripple void, a form flew upside down, people send out one to call out in alarm, that form, impressively is Xie Fei. 就在这时,龙尘大手在虚空之中猛抽,一声爆响,虚空荡起大片涟漪,紧接着一个身影倒飞了出去,人们发出一阵惊呼,那个身影,赫然是邪飞 Stupid idiot, was separated from Evil God statue blessing, you are unable to lock me. “愚蠢的白痴,脱离了邪神雕像的加持,你根本无法锁定我。 I looked, you awakened ahead of time Star Trace Chart, obtained strength of blessing powerful Destiny, however Evil God the strength of blessing, will receive the strength of Destiny to affect. 我看出来了,你提前觉醒星痕图,获得了强大的天命之力加持,但是邪神加持之力,会受到天命之力所影响。 The fish and bear's paws cannot have both, you obtained part of strengths, must discard another part of strengths. ” Long Chen wielded to be shaken some hands of tingling with numbness, indifferently said. 鱼与熊掌不可兼得,你获得了一部分力量,就要舍弃另外一部分力量。”龙尘挥了挥被震得有些发麻的手,淡淡地道 Although Long Chen said calmly calm, but in the heart was actually full of the shock, according to the strength of Long Chen this palm of the hand, may pull out his profile to explode absolutely. 龙尘虽然说得从容淡定,但是心中却充满了震惊,按照龙尘这一巴掌的力量,绝对可抽得他半边脸爆开。 However the strength of this palm of the hand, actually by a strange strength blocking, was equal to that the strength of entire world, withstood for Xie Fei this struck. 但是这一巴掌的力量,却被一股奇异的力量给挡住了,等于是整个天地的力量,替邪飞承受了这一击。 Therefore, although Xie Fei pulled out by a palm of the hand flies, but has not actually been injured, this makes Long Chen thought imposing, condenses Star Trace Chart Xie Fei, with before, obviously has huge difference. 所以,尽管邪飞被一巴掌抽飞,但是却并没有受伤,这让龙尘心头凛然,凝聚出星痕图邪飞,跟以前,明显已经有了天壤之别。 Although Xie Fei has not been injured, but Power of Stars of Long Chen this palm of the hand implication, shakes his head to buzz, as if had the filling the sky star in the top of the head chaotic revolutions, the whole person pulls out ignorant. 邪飞虽然没有受伤,但是龙尘这一巴掌蕴含的星辰之力,震得他脑袋嗡嗡作响,仿佛有漫天星斗在头顶乱转,整个人都被抽懵了。 When he restores, sees surrounding innumerable powerhouse, when vision looks at of correct use difference him, his eye flash becomes blood red. 等他恢复过来时,见周围无数强者,正用异样的目光看着他时,他的眼睛一瞬间变得血红。 I must tear to shreds you!” “我要将你碎尸万段!” Long Chen has hit his slap in the face previous time, that time, almost makes him want ashamed and resentfully, but now, this slap in the face even more is resounding. 龙尘上一次就打过他耳光,那一次,差点就让他羞愤欲死,而如今,这一耳光更加响亮。 Although he has not been injured, but compares the injury on physical body, spiritual shame even more made one be hard to accept, especially this slap in the face dozen in front of Nine Heavens World innumerable powerhouse. 虽然他没有受伤,但是相比肉体上的伤害,精神上的羞辱更加令人难以接受,尤其这一耳光是在九天世界无数强者面前打的。 He was rather killed, is not willing to receive such shame, at that moment, he was thoroughly wild with rage. 他宁愿被杀死,也不愿意受这样的羞辱,那一刻,他彻底狂怒了。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” His back Evil God Phenomenon appears again, back of the head Star Trace Chart circulate, the person kills again to Long Chen, but this time, Long Chen was locked once again. 他背后的邪神异象再次浮现,脑后星痕图流转,人再次向龙尘杀来,而这一次,龙尘又一次被锁定。 Long Chen knows, locks his is not Xie Fei, but is Evil God Willpower, facing locking of Xie Fei, in the Long Chen hand on the blood-color sword appears again a star light. 龙尘知道,锁定他的并非是邪飞,而是邪神意志,面对邪飞的锁定,龙尘手中血色战刀上再次浮现出点点星光。 Makes me think over, your weight!” “让我来掂量掂量,你的斤两!” Death “死” Long Chen and Xie Fei charge into the opposite party simultaneously, two people lift the blade simultaneously, is cutting to the enemy fiercely, that appearance, as if must perish together with the enemy. 龙尘邪飞同时冲向对方,两人同时举刀,对着敌人猛斩,那模样,似乎要与敌人同归于尽。 Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰……” Two divine weapon change to filling the sky illusory shadow, cuts to strike crazily, at that moment their form disappeared, between Heaven and Earth, only had two divine weapon to cut mutually, wild killing intent, with the sound of howling, seized the person heart and soul. 两把神兵化作漫天虚影,疯狂斩击,那一刻两人的身影消失了,天地间,只剩下了两把神兵在互斩,狂暴的杀意,与呼啸之声,夺人心魄。 Buzz “嗡” In two people battle crazily, suddenly a golden form, flushed like the meteor generally, impressively is that Purple Pupil Golden Monkey. 就在两人疯狂激战之时,忽然一个金色身影,如同流星一般冲了过来,赫然是那位紫瞳金色猴子 Damn Human Race, this king so many time you had not decided the victory and defeat, dares to offend a Golden Heaven Spanning Monkey clan, dies!” “该死的人族,本王没那么多时间等你们分出胜负了,敢得罪金毛通天猴一族的,就去死吧!” Those who let Feng You and the others shock, this Purple Pupil golden hair monkey can the mouth spit the criticism/human language unexpectedly. 凤幽等人震骇的是,这个紫瞳金毛猴子竟然能口吐人言。
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