NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#4275: storm rainstorm Cloud Piercing Arrow

Half-step Immortal level powerhouse, just presented to be ripped two pieces by a pair of big hand forcefully, the demon blood splash, invaded the sky. 半步不朽级强者,刚刚出现就被一双大手硬生生撕成两片,魔血飞溅,侵染了天空。 The blood of Half-step Immortal level powerhouse, changes to endless rune instantaneously, a drop has not fallen on the ground. 半步不朽级强者的鲜血,瞬间化作无尽符文,一滴也没有落在地上。 Bang “轰” That Demon Race Half-step Immortal level powerhouse, fleshly body was torn into shreds, Primordial Spirit actually worked loose, his shouted angrily, but only roared half, by black sharp claws, was grasped broke to pieces Primordial Spirit. 魔族半步不朽级强者,肉身被撕碎,元神却挣脱了出来,他一声怒喝,但是只吼到了一半,就被一只黑色的利爪,抓碎了元神 Primordial Spirit explodes broken, during the rune splash, was void gradually revealed an iron tower general form. 元神爆碎,符文飞溅中,虚空之中逐渐露出了一个铁塔一般的身影。 Sir Palace Lord 殿主大人” Long Chen calls out in alarm, that person of making a move, is not others Sir Palace Lord. 龙尘一声惊呼,那出手之人,不是别人正是殿主大人。 The Palace Lord big face chest cavity is dark, in both eyes, is actually supplementing the endless exciting color. 殿主大人脸膛黝黑,双目之中,却附带着无尽的兴奋之色。 I make a move now, always did not have the issue!” “我现在出手,总没问题了吧!” Sir Palace Lord looks at own palm, thought aloud, suddenly his shouted at: 殿主大人看着自己的手掌,自言自语,忽然他一声断喝: Dares to move my academy disciple dead!” “敢动我书院弟子者死!” Sir Palace Lord face upwards the long and loud cry, the sound of vigorous dragon's roar, formed the tsunami general sonic boom, his aura is deep and vigorous, endless Blood Energy Power transpiration. 殿主大人仰天长啸,浑厚的龙吟之声,形成了海啸一般的音爆,他的气息深沉而浑厚,无尽的气血之力蒸腾。 Those who let Long Chen be pleasantly surprised, Sir Palace Lord is also Half-step Immortal level powerhouse, moreover in Half-step Immortal level powerhouse existence of super terrifying. 龙尘又惊又喜的是,殿主大人也是一位半步不朽级强者,而且还是半步不朽级强者中超级恐怖的存在。 Long Chen walks quickly, Sir Palace Lord is far-fetched, once he is insane, by all means oneself, no matter others.” 龙尘快走,殿主大人不靠谱,他一旦疯起来,只管自己,不管别人的。” Bai Zhantang passes message to Long Chen, he too knew about Sir Palace Lord, he feared that Long Chen misunderstands Sir Palace Lord, thinks that Sir Palace Lord will protect them. 白展堂龙尘传音,他对殿主大人太了解了,他怕龙尘误会殿主大人,以为殿主大人会保护他们。 Obtains Bai Zhantang to remind, Long Chen grasps the demon blade, leading the people to continue to speed along forward, does not dare to have the least bit stay. 得到白展堂提醒,龙尘手持魔刀,带着众人继续向前飞驰,不敢有半点停留。 „A Savage Dragon clan becomes pets that Human Race reared in a pen, what qualifications having is rampant? I come to be able you.” 蛮龙一族成了人族圈养的宠物,有什么资格嚣张?我来会会你。” The void explosive, Kunpeng opens the pair of wings, camouflaged the vault of heaven, crushed eight side clouds, revealed the All Heavens stars. 虚空爆响,一只鲲鹏撑开双翼,遮蔽了天穹,击碎了八方云朵,露出了诸天星辰。 That Kunpeng is Phenomenon, but the Phenomenon master, impressively is a Kunpeng Race old man, this person Kunpeng clan present age patriarch, similarly is Half-step Immortal level powerhouse. 鲲鹏乃是一尊异象,而异象的主人,赫然是一位鲲鹏族的老者,此人正是鲲鹏一族当代族长,同样是一位半步不朽级强者 Bang “轰” patriarch of that Kunpeng clan, the back pair of wings shivers, a claw ejects, ten thousand li (0.5 km) claw shadow disintegration is void, is separating to grasp spatially to Sir Palace Lord. 鲲鹏一族的族长,背后双翼颤动,一爪击出,万里爪影崩碎虚空,对着殿主大人隔空抓来。 Sir Palace Lord coldly snorted, one step steps forward, the same claw ejects, explodes claw of broken, huge Dragon Claw and Kunpeng void hits in the same place. 殿主大人冷哼一声,一步跨出,同样一爪击出,虚空爆碎,巨大的龙爪鲲鹏之爪撞在一起。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” The void distortion, the land caves, between Heaven and Earth formed a terrifying vortex, resembles the mouth of devil, must swallow the whole world. 虚空扭曲,大地塌陷,天地间形成了一个恐怖漩涡,似恶魔的嘴巴,要吞噬整个世界。 Saint King Province must be hit to sink.” Some people yelled panic-stricken. 圣王州要被打沉了。”有人惊恐地大叫。 People look to the land, is keeping the downward collapse, during is void the endless rune fragment to dance in the air, at that moment, between Heaven and Earth Laws all went haywire. 人们看向大地,正不停地向下塌陷,虚空之中无尽的符文碎片飞舞,那一刻,天地间法则全部都陷入了混乱。 Long Chen and the others from the sky sped along, as Laws becomes chaotic, they lost unexpectedly ability that controls space. 龙尘等人原本在空中飞驰,但是随着法则变得混乱,他们竟然失去了驾驭空间的能力。 Runs “快跑” At that moment, besides Half-step Immortal level powerhouse, everyone lost the ability that flies high the flight, has to change with the both legs dashes. 那一刻,除了半步不朽级强者外,所有人都失去了凌空飞行的能力,不得不改成用双腿飞奔。 Long Chen has the pair of wings spatially, is actually not able to soar, can only lead the people to dash about wildly, the Mo Nian speed is actually invariable, his broken boots are strange, is not affected. 龙尘空有双翼,却无法飞翔,只能率领众人一路狂奔,倒是墨念速度不变,他的那双破靴子非常古怪,根本不受影响。 Long Chen, how many does your strength have?” Mo Nian rushes to Long Chen side, is passing on the sound said to Long Chen. 龙尘,你力量还剩下多少?”墨念奔到龙尘身边,对着龙尘传音道。 Less than 30%.” “不足30%了。” Long Chen does not know that Mo Nian asked these words are what meaning, but replied honestly. 龙尘不知道墨念问这句话是什么意思,不过还是老老实实地回答道。 I go, were so few? Your this is not good, what the man is most important is lasting.” Mo Nian cannot bear say. “我去,这么少了?你这也不行啊,男人最重要的是持久。”墨念忍不住道。 Long Chen almost does not have one to stagger to fall on the ground , this fellow also had the thoughts to play this joke at this time. 龙尘差点没一个趔趄摔在地上,都这个时候了,这家伙还有心思开这种玩笑。 How many do you also remain?” Long Chen cannot bear ask. “你还剩多少?”龙尘忍不住反问道。 Also remains 95%.” Mo Nian complacent said. “还剩95%。”墨念得意洋洋地道 Does not blow flamboyant, we are good the brothers.” The Long Chen anger said. “不吹牛逼,我们还是好兄弟。”龙尘怒道。 Deceives you to do? Do not visit me unable to do to that Yan Wuji, but this fellow cannot do to me. “骗你干啥?你别看我奈何不了那个燕无极,但这个家伙也奈何不了我。 However by putting together the endurance, my energy consumption dies his three, haven't you seen this fellow to disappear? This fellow strength less than 50%, him had been afraid, feared that was caught the opportunity to kill him by me. ” Mo Nian complacent said. 但是论拼耐力,我能耗死他三个,你没见这个家伙消失了么?这个家伙的力量已经不足50%,他害怕了,怕被我逮到机会弄死他。”墨念得意洋洋地道 Is so flamboyant?” Long Chen cannot bear say. “这么牛逼?”龙尘忍不住道。 hehe, I think that your strength can also retain 50% at least, you first resting meeting, I take the lead, you preserve a strength.” Mo Nian hehe said with a smile. 嘿嘿,我以为你实力最起码还能保留50%呢,你先歇会,我来打头阵,你保存点力量。”墨念嘿嘿一笑道。 Long Chen nods, with that blade that Long Aotian puts together, is the Ming Hong blade final desire, Long Chen does not have the means to retain, that blade exhausted 40% strengths directly. 龙尘点点头,跟龙傲天拼的那一刀,是鸣鸿刀最后的愿望,龙尘没办法保留,那一刀直接耗尽了40%力量。 In fact that blade, Long Chen does not need to consume so many strengths, because the Ming Hong blade has the breakage at that time, the so wild strength pours into, it is unable to control, has wastes most probably. 实际上那一刀,龙尘根本不需要消耗那么多力量,因为鸣鸿刀当时已有破损,如此狂暴的力量注入其中,它无法驾驭,有大半都浪费了。 However Long Chen did not regret, he is willing for this ally who accompanies him to go on an expedition, sees off for it with the strongest strength, does not make it have any regret. 但是龙尘不后悔,他愿意为这位陪着他一路征战的战友,用最强的力量为它送行,不让它有任何遗憾。 Buzz “嗡” Long Chen received Seven Stars Battle Body, is only retaining Dragon King Battle Body, his aura all of a sudden dispirited. 龙尘收起了七星战身,只保留着龙王战身,他的气息一下子萎靡了下来。 Suddenly in the Long Chen heart moves, he could not bear to all around looks at one, the Long Chen surface maintained composure, the look deep place actually appeared to wipe the dense color. 忽然龙尘心中一动,他忍不住向四周看了一眼,龙尘表面不动声色,眼神深处却浮现出一抹森然之色。 Long Chen is not good, was about to kill him!” 龙尘不行了,快杀了他!” When Long Chen receives Seven Stars Battle Body, innumerable powerhouse yelled, Supreme Talent that particularly Lian Wuying, Ye Wuchen and Zhao Hangtian these have been in hot pursuit, angrily roared to kill. 龙尘收起七星战身,无数强者大叫,尤其是莲无影叶无辰赵行天这些一直紧追不舍的天骄们,怒吼着杀了上来。 They pursue, when their cunning, pursues does not act, but is calmly rests, speeds up restoring, making others consume Long Chen and the others battle strength, now they saw Long Chen to receive Seven Stars Battle Body, thinks that Long Chen to the spent force, exerted. 他们一路直追,只不过他们非常狡猾,追赶之时并不出手,而是静静地休息,加快恢复,让别人来消耗龙尘等人的战力,如今他们见龙尘收起了七星战身,以为龙尘到了强弩之末,一个个奋起来了。 storm rainstorm Cloud Piercing Arrow.” 疾风暴雨穿云箭。” A Mo Nian tread foot treads void, he below boots illumination, by the influence of Space Turbulent Flow, was not stood in the above of team fully, in the hand the long bow moves rapidly. 墨念一蹬脚踏虚空,他足下的靴子发光,并不受空间乱流的影响,站在队伍的上方,手中长弓急速拨动。 Scoffs......” “嗤嗤嗤……” arrow like drizzle general lasing, arrow Break Void, its potential like electricity. 箭矢如同牛毛细雨一般激射而出,箭矢破空,其势如电。 Rumbling......” “轰轰轰……” Lian Wuying and the others discovered panic-strickenly, above each arrow, supplements terrifying Death Qi, the lotus leaf of Lian Wuying is stabbed by arrow, immediately withers rapidly rottenly. 莲无影等人惊骇地发现,每一道箭矢之上,都附带着恐怖死亡之气,莲无影的荷叶被箭矢刺中,顿时急速枯萎腐烂。 pū pū......” “噗噗噗……” Their surrounding innumerable powerhouse were stabbed by arrow, exudes the appalling pitiful yell sound, as long as arrow, almost without struggling several, turned into a rotten corpse. 他们周围无数强者箭矢刺中,一个个发出令人毛骨悚然的惨叫声,但凡中箭者,几乎没挣扎几下,就变成了一具腐尸。 Corpse Poison?” 尸毒?” Long Chen thought shakes, suddenly he understood, Mo Nian walks randomly in the tomb for a long time, frequently contaminated various kinds Corpse Poison, Long Chen also helped him dispel with Lightning Power excessively poisonously. 龙尘心头一震,忽然他明白了,墨念长期在墓穴中游走,经常沾染各种尸毒,龙尘曾经还用雷霆之力帮他祛过毒。 Corpse Poison has been puzzling Mo Nian, when robs a grave often will meet terrifying Corpse Poison, once some Corpse Poison contaminate, was very difficult to eliminate. 尸毒一直困扰着墨念,盗墓之时经常会遇到恐怖尸毒,有些尸毒一旦沾染,就很难清除掉了。 But Mo Nian tries another method unexpectedly, the Corpse Poison transformation is divine ability, this contains Corpse Poison arrow, is not only Mo Nian dispels the poisonous method, is terrifying killing move. 墨念竟然另辟蹊径,将尸毒转化为神通,这包含着尸毒箭矢,不光是墨念自我祛毒的方法,也是一个恐怖杀招 Bang “轰” In Mo Nian reveals divine ability greatly, the distant place transmits the heavens frightening loud sound, Long Chen goes following the prestige, immediately the heart jumps crazily. 就在墨念大显神通之际,远处传来惊天巨响,龙尘循声望去,顿时心头狂跳。
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