NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#3710: Talisman Cultivator reveals divine prestige

He Changtian acts, is full power strikes , there is nothing to retain, wild Flame Power, making Nine Heavens change color. 贺长天一出手,就是全力一击,根本没有任何保留,狂暴的火焰之力,令九天变色。 Even Supreme Powerhouse, still can't help changes countenance, can promote the strength to this situation in a flash, is very difficult. 即使是至尊强者,也不禁动容,能一瞬间将力量提升到这种地步,是非常难的。 Any powerhouse fights, needs to conduct warming up, because enters the battle condition from the ordinary condition, the vitality in within the body, after must operate several sidereal revolutions, can achieve. 要知道,任何强者战斗,都需要进行“热身”,因为从普通状态进入战斗状态,体内的气血,必须运行数个周天后才能做到。 Without warms up, erupts the too big strength in a flash, the meridians can unable to withstand, but causes injured, has not injured the enemy, first injures oneself. 如果没有进行热身,一瞬间爆发太大的力量,经脉会承受不起,而导致受伤,未伤敌,先伤己。 But the He Changtian flash marches into the battle condition, aura heavens frightening, has a scare everyone. 贺长天一瞬间步入战斗状态,气息惊天,把所有人都吓了一跳。 However people responded quickly, He Changtian can achieve this point, ten had eight / nine is to depend on his Heavenly Seal Battle Armor, Battle Armor helped him counter-balance certain strength. 不过人们很快就反应过来了,贺长天之所以能做到这一点,十有八/九是靠着他的天玺战甲,战甲帮他抵消了一定的力量。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” long spear like the dragon, howls to go, because of this spear/gun, curled up the huge cyclone void. 长枪如龙,呼啸而去,虚空因为这一枪,卷起了巨大的气旋。 Facing so powerful strikes, Xia Chen has not erupted any imposing manner, the right hand stretches out presented golden rune talisman. 面对如此强悍的一击,夏晨没有爆发任何气势,右手伸出之间出现了一枚金黄色的符篆 Burns “燃” Xia Chen shouted, in the hand golden rune talisman exploded loudly broken, formed golden divine brilliance, divine brilliance just like the liquid, invaded the entire palm, the palm flash was similar to the gold to cast general. 夏晨一声断喝,手中金色符篆轰然爆碎,形成了金色神辉,神辉宛若液体,侵染了整个手掌,手掌一瞬间如同黄金铸就一般。 Bang “轰” In everyone panic-stricken vision, the palm of Xia Chen that golden, claps above long spear, heavens frightening explosion, the world altogether shakes. 在所有人惊骇的目光中,夏晨金色的手掌,就那么拍在长枪之上,一声惊天爆响,天地共震。 The left hand of Xia Chen according to behind, his behind presented a trillion miles spider web instantaneously, camouflaged the vault of heaven. 夏晨的左手按在身后,他身后瞬间出现了一道亿万里的蛛网,遮蔽了天穹。 Then people see above the Xia Chen left hand, the endless flame floods into the spider web, that spider web flash became the flame spider web. 然后人们看到夏晨左手之上,无尽的火焰涌入蛛网之中,那蛛网一瞬间成了火焰蛛网。 He Changtian Flame Power, shift.” “将贺长天火焰之力,转移了。” People one startled, He Changtian full power strikes, was reduced and solved unexpectedly like this, Xia Chen has not been injured slightly, after his back spider web the flame burns, an cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, changes to filling the sky divine brilliance. 人们一惊,贺长天全力一击,竟然就这样被化解了,夏晨丝毫没有受伤,他背后的蛛网被火焰燃烧后,寸寸碎裂,化作漫天神辉 Talisman Cultivator, he unexpectedly is Talisman Cultivator!” 符修,他竟然是符修!” Some people call out in alarm, at this time some people saw the Xia Chen status, when Xia Chen acted a moment ago, the left and right hands is grasping rune talisman respectively, like this easily He Changtian struck blocking. 有人惊呼,这时有人看出了夏晨的身份,刚才夏晨出手之时,左右手各握着一张符篆,就这样轻而易举地将贺长天的一击给挡住了。 The Long Chen corners of the mouth appear to wipe the smile, Talisman Cultivator was really mysterious, small rune talisman, has the energy of Spanning the Heavens geodesy, he has not ravelled by the present, true mystery. 龙尘嘴角浮现出一抹笑容,符修真是太神奇了,一枚小小的符篆,却有着通天测地之能,到现在他都没弄明白,这其中的真正奥妙。 Bang “轰” At this moment, before He Changtian bullies near Xia Chen body suddenly, a fist is pounding to fall to Xia Chen face, his strain velocity is extremely fast, unexpectedly is a close combat expert. 就在这时,贺长天忽然欺近夏晨身前,一拳对着夏晨面门砸落,他应变速度极快,竟然是一个近战高手。 Bang “轰” Xia Chen both hands join the palms in greeting, in both hands is clamping rune talisman, keeps off a He Changtian fist hardly, when a He Changtian fist pounds on the Xia Chen palm, above Xia Chen both hands, presented shield, just blocked He Changtian to strike. 夏晨双手合掌,双手之间夹着一张符篆,硬挡贺长天一拳,当贺长天一拳砸在夏晨手掌上的时候,夏晨双手之上,出现了一道护盾,刚好挡住了贺长天一击。 An explosive, two people drew back simultaneously backward three steps, He Changtian sneered: Is the external force, I look at you to have many rune talisman.” 一声爆响,两人同时向后退了三步,贺长天冷笑:“不过是外力而已,我看你有多少符篆。” Xia Chen took him two to strike, actually discarded three rune talisman, these rune talisman were disposable, used up did not have, although powerful force, but was actually the consumables. 夏晨接了他两击,却报废了三张符篆,这些符篆都是一次性的,用完就没了,虽然威力强大,但却是消耗品。 As Talisman Cultivator, this you do not need to worry, you are worried about yourself!” Xia Chen sneers. “身为符修,这点你不用担心,你还是担心担心你自己吧!”夏晨冷笑。 “呼” Suddenly his both hands open, chest front overlapping, refers to the seams clamping eight rune talisman, shouted at: 忽然他双手张开,胸前交叉,指缝间夹着八张符篆,一声断喝: Eight Ghost Exorcism Command 八鬼驱魔令 Bang “轰” As Xia Chen shouted, that eight rune talisman exploded loudly, in each rune talisman drilled a transparent life, these lives like the head of person, hold the long tail, bringing the strange laughter to charge into He Changtian. 随着夏晨一声断喝,那八张符篆轰然爆开,每一张符篆里钻出一个透明的生灵,这些生灵如同人的头颅,托着长长的尾巴,带着诡异的笑声冲向了贺长天 When hears that strange laughter, everyone feels scalp tingles, that sound seems the life demanding laughter of devil, making one be afraid. 当听到那诡异的笑声,所有人感到一阵头皮发麻,那声音仿佛是魔鬼的索命笑声,令人感到恐惧。 What most terrifying is, this sound invades the soul, is unable to defend, suddenly all face discolorations. 恐怖的是,这个声音直侵灵魂,根本无法防御,一时间所有人脸色变了。 spirit strength attack?” 灵力攻击?” Some people call out in alarm, the spirit strength attack is the spirit strength cultivator unique strength, this strength between soul force and Spiritual Power, virtually impossible to guard against. 有人惊呼,灵力攻击是灵力修炼者特有的力量,这种力量界于灵魂之力精神之力之间,令人防不胜防。 insignificant ability, dares to take to reveal shortcomings.” 雕虫小技,也敢拿出来献丑。” Saw with own eyes that eight strange lives approach, He Changtian sneers, Heavenly Seal Wild Lion in back Phenomenon roared. 眼见八个怪异生灵靠近,贺长天冷笑一声,背后异象之中的天玺狂狮一声咆哮。 Buzz “嗡” Sees only together the flame halo, runs out from his Phenomenon, radiates, swallows that eight strange life instantaneously. 只见一道火焰光环,从他的异象之中冲出,辐射开来,瞬间将那八个怪异生灵吞噬。 When that hot link hits lives on Spirit Body strangely, that life loudly explodes broken, when that life explodes the broken flash. 当那火环撞在怪异生灵身上之时,那生灵轰然爆碎,不过当那生灵爆碎的一瞬间。 “噗” A He Changtian blood spurts crazily, He Changtian forehead splits, the blood overflows, as if has anything, exploded in his head breaks to pieces generally, almost gave the scrap the head. 贺长天一口鲜血狂喷而出,贺长天眉心裂开,鲜血溢出,仿佛有什么东西,在他的脑袋里爆碎了一般,差点将脑袋给炸碎。 When that strange life explodes the broken flash, the countless people on the scene send out the pitiful yell, is covering the head, shows the painful expression. 当那诡异生灵爆碎的一瞬间,在场无数人发出惨叫,捂着脑袋,露出痛苦的表情。 „The technique of Ghost Dao? Detonation soul?” 鬼道之术?引爆灵魂?” Some people call out in alarm, the innumerable powerhouse complexions changed, the hearsay only has Ghost Dao, can probably affect a soul of person, was controlled, this situation, is a bit like to the world of mortals ghost upper body. 有人惊呼,无数强者脸色变了,传闻只有鬼道,才可以神不知鬼不觉得影响到一个人的灵魂,在不知不觉间被掌控,这个情形,有点类似于凡间的“鬼上身”。 Even if in Immortal World, Ghost Dao may not ponder over as before, people filled to them unknown, was still full of the fear. 即使是在仙界,鬼道依旧是不可琢磨的,人们对它们充满了未知,也充满了恐惧。 People can relates to Ghost Dao, be because Xia Chen just said Eight Ghost Exorcism Command, only has Ghost Dao, will have such terrifying strange attack method. 人们之所以能联想到鬼道,是因为夏晨刚刚说出的“八鬼驱魔令”,也只有鬼道,才会有如此恐怖诡异的攻击方式。 Not only in He Changtian incurred, some soul force weak powerhouse, felt that the headache wants to crack, the soul as if must clash general from the skull. 不光贺长天中招了,一些灵魂之力弱一些的强者,都感到头痛欲裂,灵魂仿佛要从脑壳里冲出来一般。 Long Chen and the others have a scare, this move was he just studied, has met, has never revealed him unexpectedly. 就连龙尘等人都吓了一跳,这一招是他刚刚才研究的,还是早就会了,竟然从未将他露过。 Knows to play sinister trick, despicable fellow, you think that this small method, can injure to me? You have a dream.” He Changtian face upwards the long and loud cry, wild aura shoots up to the sky, endless Flame Power spews out, the whole world turned into the sea of fire instantaneously. “就知道耍阴招,卑鄙的家伙,你以为这点小手段,就能伤到我吗?你做梦去吧。”贺长天仰天长啸,狂暴的气息冲天而起,无尽的火焰之力喷涌而出,整个世界瞬间变成了火海。 He Changtian opened the flame domain.” 贺长天撑开了火焰领域。” Some people call out in alarm, when the domain was opened, that is the true strength showdown, is unable to be opportunistic, in this stretch of domain, He Changtian controls. 有人惊呼,当领域被撑开,那就是真正的实力对决,无法取巧了,在这片领域中,贺长天就是主宰。 Bang “轰” The He Changtian form in a flash, the back gives birth to pair of flame Wing, during the Wing tremors, He Changtian appears like teleport in front of Xia Chen generally, spear/gun quickly pierced. 贺长天身影一晃,背后生出一对火焰羽翼,羽翼颤动间,贺长天如同瞬移一般出现在夏晨面前,一枪疾刺 “呼” However what makes everyone shock, a He Changtian rapid fierce spear/gun, punctured spatial unexpectedly, at the same time, Heavenly Seal Empire powerhouse calls out in alarm, they discovered with amazement, Xia Chen does not know when appeared in the He Changtian back. 但是让所有人震惊的是,贺长天迅疾刚猛的一枪,竟然刺了一个空,于此同时,天玺帝国强者们一阵惊呼,他们骇然发现,夏晨不知道什么时候出现在了贺长天的背后。 A He Changtian spear/gun fails, does not feel wonderfully, he steps forward suddenly fiercely forward one step, illness/quick of long spear from the top of the head flings, the waist made an arch, long spear had rowed a mysterious curve from the front, directly soared behind to puncture, the lance point had arrived at Xia Chen face in a flash. 贺长天一枪落空,也觉得不妙,他忽然猛地向前跨出一步,长枪从头顶上方疾甩,腰打出了一个拱形,长枪从前方划过一个玄奥的弧度,直奔身后刺去,枪尖一晃已经到了夏晨面门 Back thrust “回马枪” This is not the mysterious move, but the reaction speed, the attack angle and accuracy can control so the situation, showed sufficiently, the fight experience of He Changtian is extremely rich. 这并不是什么玄妙的招数,但是反应速度、攻击角度和准确度都能掌控到如此地步,足以证明,贺长天的战斗经验是极为丰富的。 other this move, such as the passing clouds and flowing water, the movement is especially natural, causes countless people to applaud, He Changtian truly is a expert. 其他这一招,如行云流水,动作潇洒至极,引得无数人叫好,贺长天确实是一个高手。 “呼” However what makes everyone shock, when the long spear thorn falls, the Xia Chen form disappears again, this spear/gun, the time fails once again. 但是让所有人震惊的是,当长枪刺落,夏晨的身影再次消失,这一枪,又一次次落空。 Xia Chen that suddenly vanishes, appeared above the He Changtian top of the head extremely towering, foot is trampling to He Changtian face. 忽然消失的夏晨,极为突兀地出现在了贺长天头顶上方,一脚对着贺长天面门踹去。
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