NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#3708: Not enough to go around

Initiates the life and death decisive battle unexpectedly? 竟然发起生死决战? Suddenly, countless people rushed out of the nest , comes here person Supreme Talent endless, the friction are innumerable, the great war small war non-stop. 一时间,无数人炸窝了,要知道,来这里的人天骄无尽,摩擦无数,大战小战不停。 However not true life and death decisive battle, because the major influences have the powerhouse protection, the disciple small scale they do not pay attention, but really must kill, this crowd of Old fellow must act. 但是并没有真正的生死决战,因为各大势力都有强者保护,弟子们小打小闹他们不理会,但是真要出人命了,这群老家伙就要出面了。 Although Supreme Talent have the temperament, is proud extremely, but everyone is not willing to expose trump card before the person, even if runs into the life and death foe, will keep calm, after entering Three Thousand Worlds, will then start to criticize. 天骄们虽然都有脾气,也极度自负,但是人人都不愿意在人前暴露底牌,哪怕是遇到生死仇敌,也会保持冷静,等到进入三千世界后,再开始清算。 Therefore, even if the dispute is unceasing, but everyone will restrain, if really cannot restrain, older generation powerhouse will still act, terminates their battles, like this they can not lose the face. 所以,即使纷争不断,但所有人都会有所克制,如果真的克制不住,老一辈强者也会出面,终止他们的争斗,这样他们可以不失面子。 Like Long Chen, initiates the life and death match situation directly is very rare, a Long Chen words exit|to speak, the whole world seemed to be peaceful, they do not dare to believe looks at Long Chen, looked at He Changtian. 龙尘这样,直接发起生死约战的情况还是非常罕见的,龙尘话一出口,整个世界似乎都安静了,他们不敢置信地看着龙尘,又看了看贺长天 Setting up a stall some powerhouse, even the outdoor shop received, runs over to watch the fun, innumerable powerhouse talked in whispers in the distant place, guessed that they can hit. 一些摆摊的强者们,甚至连摊子都收了,跑过来看热闹,无数强者在远处窃窃私语,猜测他们到底会不会打起来。 Was interesting, that He Changtian is Heavenly Seal seven child one, Heavenly Seal Empire one generation altogether has seven Supreme Level imperial princes, can say, has been Heavenly Seal Empire since the birth, the prosperous times of never presenting. “有意思了,那个贺长天天玺七子之一,天玺帝国一代共有七个至尊级皇子,可以说,是天玺帝国自诞生以来,从未出现的盛世。 Present Heavenly Seal Empire, is not beforehand Heavenly Seal Empire, inflation, before was the Vermilion Bird Empire dependent country, same fawned and obsequioused with the dog, now, hehe, this dog some people support in the back, starting to instead bite the master. ” Some people taunted said wear a look. 现在的天玺帝国,可不是以前的天玺帝国喽,膨胀的很,以前是朱雀帝国的附属国,跟狗一样摇尾乞怜,现在,嘿嘿,这条狗有人在背后撑腰,开始要反咬主人了。”有人面带嘲讽地道 Regarding Heavenly Seal Empire, many people know their some situations, the Heavenly Seal Empire national strength is not powerful, formerly in the surface was on good terms with Vermilion Bird Empire, in fact attached under the protection of Vermilion Bird Empire, was insufficient to be annexed. 对于天玺帝国,很多人还是知道他们一些情况的,天玺帝国国力并不强大,从前表面上跟朱雀帝国交好,实际上是依附在朱雀帝国的保护下,才不至于被吞并。 But Heavenly Seal Empire, borders on Vermilion Bird Empire, Vermilion Bird Empire has to protect Heavenly Seal Empire, otherwise Heavenly Seal Empire was seized by the enemy, that was equal to that is lying covetous ferocious beast in the side, will stay up all night. 天玺帝国,与朱雀帝国接壤,朱雀帝国不得不保护天玺帝国,否则天玺帝国被敌人占领,那就等于在身边趴着一只虎视眈眈的猛兽,将彻夜难眠。 Between countries, often is the benefit contacts, so-called both countries are on good terms, but is the engagement of interest chain. 国与国之间,往往都是利益往来,所谓的两国交好,不过是利益链条的衔接而已。 Now Heavenly Seal Empire is powerful day after day, gradually started to inflate, moreover recently the year, started gradually to aim at Vermilion Bird Empire to make made the action that Vermilion Bird Empire was hard to accept, finally the relations of two countries dropped to the freezing point. 如今天玺帝国日渐强盛,逐渐开始膨胀了,而且最近一些年,开始逐渐针对朱雀帝国做出了许多令朱雀帝国难以接受的举措,最终两个国家的关系跌至了冰点。 Now the Heavenly Seal Empire person, spheres the person provocation of Vermilion Bird Empire, everyone knows what's the matter. 如今天玺帝国的人,围住朱雀帝国的人挑衅,大家心里都知道是怎么回事。 Just, people somewhat could not understand, Vermilion Bird Empire is powerful, how continuously to the Heavenly Seal Empire provocation, but does not intend to counter-attack, could it be that legend real, does the Vermilion Bird Empire interior have problems? 只不过,人们一直有些看不懂,朱雀帝国何等强大,怎么就会一直任由天玺帝国挑衅,而不出手反击,难道传说是真的,朱雀帝国内部出了问题? But now, matter noisily seemed to be big, the person who suddenly watches the fun are getting more and more, must look at this good play in abundance. 而如今,事情仿佛闹大了,一时间看热闹的人越来越多,纷纷要看这场好戏。 But, that Long Chen is not the Vermilion Bird Empire person, what matter does his make a move is?” Some person of can't help are somewhat strange. “可是,那个龙尘并不是朱雀帝国的人啊,他这出手算什么事啊?”有人不禁有些奇怪。 Some people responded: „ Doesn't your know? That Long Chen, is a ruthless role, in Heavenly Fire World, cuts strong enemies on all sides by one's effort. 有人回应道:“你这就不知道了吧?那个龙尘,可是一个狠角色,在天火世界里,以一己之力斩八方强敌 Enters the Heavenly Fire World life, was given to kill by him most probably, finally actually while still alive the child of Void Flame cutting. 进入天火世界的生灵,被他一个人给杀了大半,最后硬是活活将炎虚之子给斩了。 But he cut the child of Void Flame, because of Yu Qingxuan, that time Yu Qingxuan, but also no one knows that she is Vermilion Bird Empire Princess. 而他之所以斩了炎虚之子,就是因为余青璇,那时候的余青璇,还没人知道她是朱雀帝国公主呢。 He did not say a moment ago, the Yu Qingxuan matter, is his matter, I told you, this Long Chen is a super terrifying character, today really looks possible. ” 他刚才不是说了么,余青璇的事,就是他的事,我跟你们说,这个龙尘可是一个超级恐怖的人物,今天真的有戏看了。” The people looks at Long Chen three people, talked in whispers, many people did not know Long Chen, inquired the Long Chen's background, naturally some people did not know He Changtian, is inquiring the He Changtian details. 人们看着龙尘三人,纷纷切切私语,很多人不认识龙尘,纷纷打听龙尘的来路,当然也有人不认识贺长天的,也在打听贺长天的底细。 The Long Chen three people, stand, coldly looks at He Changtian, Guo Ran secretly to moving ahead Half-step, one was pulled back by Xia Chen: 龙尘三人,站在一起,冷冷地看着贺长天,郭然偷偷向前移了半步,被夏晨一把拉了回来: Cultivates the behavior cannot too not be concerned about face, how many limelight did you seek? Does not know that what meaning Boss is?” “做人不能太不要脸,你都出多少风头了?不知道老大是什么意思么?” Obviously, Guo Ran wants to make the gesture of provoking, then makes He Changtian challenge him, this period of time, he also had the enormous promotion, the special hope runs into a powerful opponent, confirms own true strength. 很显然,郭然想做出更挑衅的姿态,然后让贺长天挑战他,这段时间,他又有了极大的提升,特别渴望遇到一个强大的对手,来验证一下自己的真正实力。 Although Xia Chen is low-key, however in Heavenly Symbol Star Territory is also the highest level talent, in the heart also has the arrogance, in Nine Underworld Island, that time was hit for a long time feels suffocated to choke with rage. 夏晨虽然低调,但是在符天星域也是最顶级的天才,心中也是有傲气的,不过在九幽岛,那一次被打得憋气窝火了好久。 Afterward learned from a painful experience, with the help of Seven Treasures Colored Glaze Tree, kept comprehending ancient rune talisman, oneself built several formation disk and unique skills, wants to look for super powerhouse to try the skill. 后来痛定思痛,在七宝琉璃树的帮助下,不停参悟古人符篆,自己又重新打造了几种阵盘和绝招,也想找一个超级强者来试一下身手。 If usually, he not with the Guo Ran against the wind head, but he urgently needed at this time a fight, comes inspection own achievement, therefore, must not pass on responsibilities. 如果是平时,他不会跟郭然抢风头,但是这时候他迫切地需要一场战斗,来考核自己的成果,所以,必须当仁不让了。 The appearance that looks at Xia Chen and Guo Ran two people are eager to try, some people are shocked, some people taunted, they thought two people to be stupid, did not know He Changtian terrifying, typical frog in a well. 看着夏晨郭然两人跃跃欲试的模样,有人震惊,也有人嘲讽,他们以为两人愚蠢,根本不知道贺长天恐怖,典型的井底之蛙。 In He Changtian eye the murderous intention reveals completely, the Long Chen three people have not paid attention to him very much obviously, this to him, simply is the greatest shame. 贺长天眸子中杀机毕露,很显然龙尘三人根本就没把他放在眼里,这对他来说,简直是莫大的羞辱。 Since you want dead, I helped you, in your three same places, today, our irreconcilable.” He Changtian sound ice-cold, the big hand pulls, long gown was torn into shreds, revealed inside one set of fiery-red Battle Armor. “既然你们想死,我就成全你们,你们三个一起上好了,今天,咱们不死不休。”贺长天声音冰冷,大手一扯,身上的长袍被撕碎,露出了里面一套火红色的战甲 Heavenly Seal country's of Heavenly Fire Battle Armor four big national treasures.” Yin Ting calls out in alarm, recognizes this to be well-known present age World Domain Divine Item. 天玺国的四大国宝之一天火战甲。”尹婷一声惊呼,认出了这件闻名当世的界域神器 Heavenly Fire Battle Armor, is Fire Attribute Divine Armor, this is one set of scale armor, above each scales, portrays together flame rune. 天火战甲,是一件火属性神甲,这是一套鳞甲,每一道鳞片之上,都刻画着一道火焰符文 Each flame rune, with a Fire Attribute Divine Beast Life Source Fire brand mark, when Battle Armor presented that the flame soared to the heavens, had Myriad Beasts to shout the sound to spread, making one feel fearful and apprehensive. 每一种火焰符文,都是用一种火属性神兽本命之火烙印的,当战甲一亮相,火焰冲天,同时有万兽嘶吼声传出,令人感到心惊胆战。 Suddenly, everyone in an uproar, a He Changtian person challenges the Long Chen three people unexpectedly, this has how powerful confidence? 一时间,所有人一片哗然,贺长天竟然一个人挑战龙尘三人,这是有多么强大的信心啊? When a that Battle Armor appearance, the Huo Ling'er flash awakens, changes to Fire Dragon, crawls quietly from the Long Chen's nape of the neck, raises one's head to look to that person. 当那战甲一出现,火灵儿一瞬间惊醒,化作一条火龙,悄悄地从龙尘的脖颈里爬出来,伸头向那人看去。 Elder Brother Long Chen, his Battle Armor is the good thing, inside has many rune, is I do not have, I want, to put me to go out, I get rid of him.” Huo Ling'er passes on the sound said to Long Chen, this Battle Armor was given to settle on by her. 龙尘哥哥,他的战甲是好东西,里面有好多符文,都是我没有的,我想要,放我出去,我来干掉他。”火灵儿龙尘传音道,这战甲被她给看中了。 Long Chen speechless, Huo Ling'er must go to battle unexpectedly, the appearance that but looks at Guo Ran and Xia Chen are eager to try, how does Long Chen feel all right with them struggles? 龙尘一阵无语,火灵儿竟然也要出战,可是看着郭然夏晨跃跃欲试的模样,龙尘怎么好意思跟他们争啊? At this time Yu Qingxuan looks at Long Chen, on the face gradually reveals unexpectedly wipes the sweet smile, she discovered, so long as there is Long Chen, in this world she is worried on does not have any matter need. 此时余青璇看着龙尘,脸上竟然逐渐露出一抹甜甜的笑容,她发现,只要有龙尘在,这个世界上就没有什么事情需要她担心的。 Previous time meets Yan Hong is this, this time is also the same, has Long Chen, she will be steadfast, between the issue as for both countries, she does not think that she chooses trusts Long Chen wholeheartedly, then, she feels incomparably with ease, has a person to depend upon, this feeling that good. 上次遇到炎洪是这样,这次也一样,有龙尘在,她心里就会踏实,至于两国之间的问题,她已经不想了,她选择全心全意信任龙尘,如此一来,她感到无比轻松,有个人依靠,这感觉是那么的好。 Long Chen, Xia Chen and Guo Ran three people look at each other one, suddenly simultaneously makes a move to yell, frightened the people to jump, when looked to understand three people of movements, everyone fainted instantaneously. 龙尘,夏晨郭然三人对视一眼,忽然同时出手大叫,吓了众人一跳,当看明白仨人的动作,所有人瞬间晕倒。 Scissors, stone and arrange/cloth!” “剪刀、石头、布!”
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