NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#3572: Traitors

„Are you Boss in Senior Brother Guo Ran mouth?” Tu Hu face shocking looks at Long Chen, in his eye is the color of respect. “您就是郭然师兄口中的老大?”屠虎一脸震惊地看着龙尘,他眼中全是崇敬之色。 Guo Ran, but one of Heavenly Dragon's Divine Armor Academy four heroes, is the only does not have any background, depends entirely on itself to try hard to step onto that altitude Supreme Talent. 要知道,郭然可是天龙神甲学院里的四杰之一,是唯一一个没有任何背景,全靠自己努力走上那个高度的天骄 He uses for a year, grasps Casting Item Divine Technique that the countless person dozens years are unable to control, in academy many older generation powerhouse said, Guo Ran is specially is Casting Item the fresh talent. 他用一年的时间,掌握了无数人几十年都无法掌控的铸器神术,就连书院里许多老一辈强者都说,郭然就是专为铸器而生的天才。 Guo Ran completely by own talent and will, conquered innumerable powerhouse, can say, in Heavenly Dragon's Divine Armor Academy, his rise absolutely is existence of legend level. 郭然完全是凭借自己的天赋和毅力,征服了无数强者,可以说,在天龙神甲学院,他的崛起绝对是一个传奇级的存在。 In Heavenly Dragon's Divine Armor Academy, does not know that many people were full of the worship to him, takes him as the idol, learns from him. 天龙神甲学院,不知道有多少人对他充满了崇拜,都以他为偶像,向他学习。 However is such a talent of legend level, often mentioned a name, that was Long Chen, that was called the Boss mysterious man by him. 然而就是这样一个传奇级的天才,却经常提及一个名字,那就是龙尘,那个被他称为老大的神秘男人。 These worship in Guo Ran disciple, filled to this mysterious man curiously, whenever when some people praised Guo Ran was the talent, he will say one, this world, besides his Boss, did not have the talent. 那些崇拜郭然弟子中,都对这个神秘的男人充满了好奇,因为每当有人夸郭然是天才时,他都会说一句,这个世界,除了他老大外,就没有天才。 When Long Chen self-exploding name, presents all Heavenly Dragon's Divine Armor Academy disciple, was shocked, they saw existence in legend unexpectedly. 所以当龙尘自爆名字的时候,在场所有天龙神甲学院弟子们,都惊呆了,他们居然见到了传说中的存在。 Long Chen thought one warm, cannot think that Guo Ran actually has said him, he has not had been to Demon Luo Star Territory, here actually some people have known him. 龙尘心头一暖,想不到郭然竟然一直将他挂在嘴边,他从没到过魔罗星域,这里竟然已经有人知道他了。 Right, I am his Boss.” Long Chen said with a smile. “没错,我就是他老大。”龙尘笑道。 Long Chen this acknowledgment, these Heavenly Dragon's Divine Armor Academy disciple, are similar to looks at monster general looks at Long Chen. 龙尘这一承认,这些天龙神甲学院弟子们,更是如同看怪物一般看着龙尘 No wonder, without Battle Armor also so terrifying, you are Boss Long Chen that Senior Brother Guo Ran mentioned!” “难怪,没有战甲也如此恐怖,原来您就是郭然师兄提到的龙尘老大啊!” At this time the people to Long Chen, had no heart of suspicion again, Long Chen asked: What did here exactly have? Why can the world barrier close?” 此时众人对龙尘,再也没有任何怀疑之心了,龙尘问道:“这里到底发生了什么?为何世界壁垒会关闭?” Long Chen asked, the discovery surrounding atmosphere is not right, on almost every face brought to wipe the hatred. 龙尘问完,就发现周围的气氛不对了,几乎每个人脸上都带着一抹恨意。 You have not to know, our Demon Luo Star Territory...... oh......” Tu Hu is clenching teeth, tells the present Demon Luo Star Territory condition with Long Chen. “您有所不知,我们魔罗星域……唉……”屠虎咬着牙,跟龙尘讲述起了如今魔罗星域的状况。 Originally, Demon Luo Star Territory Human Race, with the Demon Luo Clan generation is an enemy, went on an expedition trillion years mutually, competes for survival space, hatred/enemy deep like. 原来,魔罗星域人族,与魔罗一族世代为敌人,相互征战了亿万年,争夺生存空间,仇深似海。 Human Race depends on powerful casting Divine Technique to arm itself, the improvement lethality, keeps breaking through, keeps innovating, builds various kinds all kinds Battleship and Battle Armor, develops more and more well. 人族靠着强大的铸造神术武装自己,提升杀伤力,不停地突破,不停地创新,打造出各种各样的战舰战甲,发展得越来越好。 Properly speaking, Human Race should gradually retrieve from an inferior position, starting to suppress Demon Luo Clan to be right, but the matter is just opposite, the Human Race strength was increased, instead the survival was getting more and more difficult. 按理说,人族应该逐渐挽回劣势,开始压制魔罗一族才对,但是事情却刚好相反,人族的实力提升了,反而生存越来越艰难了。 Because the will of the people changed, as people gradually become powerful, some people start become greedy, Demon Luo Star Territory has over 90% regions is wasteland, was occupied by Demon Beast. 因为人心变了,随着人们逐渐变得强大,有些人开始变得贪婪起来,魔罗星域有九成以上的地域都是蛮荒之地,被魔兽们占据。 In these region, contains the various kinds mineral resource, is growing countless precious medicine, these precious medicine and mineral resource, many are Demon Luo Star Territory is in sole possession, is high in other Star Territory value. 这些区域里,蕴藏着各种矿藏,生长着数不尽的珍药,这些珍药和矿藏,许多都是魔罗星域独有的,在别的星域价值非常高。 It can be said that if the Demon Luo Clan destruction, Demon Luo Star Territory is piece of Fengshui Treasure Land, has the countless resources. 可以说,如果将魔罗一族覆灭,魔罗星域将是一片风水宝地,拥有数不尽的资源。 Before counting ten million (countless) years, Human Race becomes powerful, starts the potential of pressure system Demon Luo Clan trend, people because of fighting for resources, but had own axe to grind, caused a rout. 就在数千万年前,人族变得强大,开始有压制魔罗一族趋势之势,人们因为争夺资源,而各怀鬼胎,导致了一场大败。 That defeat, making the Human Race vitality damage severely, the innumerable experts fell from the sky, because the major influences occluded the selfishness, the Casting Item secret technique of respective original creation was regarded as the top secret. 那一败,令人族元气大伤,无数高手陨落,因为各大势力包藏私心,各自独创的铸器秘术都被视为最高机密。 Result that time, dying the expert were many, many secret law inherit without enough time, cuts off. 结果那一次,死得高手太多了,许多秘法来不及传承下来,就此断绝。 But after that fights, Human Race can only barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, the innumerable years have not caught one's breath. 而那一战过后,人族只能苟延残喘,无数年都没缓过气来。 But that rout, people have not learned from a painful experience, instead blames each other, flings the pot mutually, finally Human Race country divided into rival baronies, must resist Demon Beast, while prevents the Human Race dispute, the Human Race domain, has not expanded again had not said that domain that the ancestor hits, starts to shrink unceasingly. 而那次的大败,人们还没有痛定思痛,反而相互指责,相互甩锅,最终人族群雄割据,一边要抵御魔兽,一边预防人族的纷争,人族的地盘,再也没有扩充过不说,祖先打下来的地盘,也开始不断缩水。 But to modern times, Human Race, although shows improvement after illness, but will of the people such as in a state of disunity, has the cohesive force very much difficultly again. 而到了近代,人族虽然有了起色,但是人心如一盘散沙,很难再有凝聚力。 But the one who most made one hate, Human Race presented the rebel unexpectedly, colluded with Demon Luo Clan, cruelly harmed Human Race unexpectedly jointly. 而最令人痛恨的是,人族竟然出现了叛徒,与魔罗一族勾结,竟然联手残害人族 A Narro clan is one of them, a Roche clan once was also in Demon Luo Star Territory one of the most magnificent large clans, Supreme Talent were innumerable, numerous strong competitors, had the powerful inheritance, and technique of profound Casting Item, a betrayal of Roche clan, directly caused the blockade of this Demon Luo Star Territory. 那罗氏一族就是其中之一,罗氏一族曾经也是魔罗星域里最辉煌的大族之一,天骄无数,高手如云,更拥有强大的传承,以及精深的铸器之术,罗氏一族的背叛,直接导致了这次魔罗星域的封锁。 Prompted by Roche clan, many Human Race also surrendered to Demon Luo Clan, but most people are fighting out, pledges to fight to the death does not fall, must fight to the end with Demon Luo Clan. 在罗氏一族的怂恿下,很多人族也都向魔罗一族投降了,不过大部分人都在拼命抵抗,誓死不降,要跟魔罗一族抗争到底。 Really is enough stupid, Demon Luo Clan is one flock of draft animals, their words, is worth believing? “真是够蠢的,魔罗一族不过是一群牲口,他们的话,也值得信么? When their clan unified the day of Demon Luo Star Territory, when was trusted aides are eliminated after they have outlived their usefulness, this satisfied thirst by drinking poison completely, digs one's own grave. ” Hears here, the Long Chen can't help corners of the mouth appear to wipe the color of taunt. 等他们一族统一魔罗星域之日,就是兔死狗烹之时,这完全是饮鸩止渴,自掘坟墓。”听到这里,龙尘不禁嘴角浮现出一抹嘲讽之色。 Yeah, but their extremely urgent matter gives a thought to the present, cannot see that far. “可不是么,但是他们火烧眉毛且顾眼下,根本看不到那么远。 Moreover some people, inborn is soft bone, they forgot, own ancestor continued dead in battle for Human Race, they surrendered to Demon Luo Clan, betrayed the ancestor. ” Tu Hu bitterly said. 而且有些人,天生就是软骨头,他们忘记了,自己的祖先都是为了人族延续而战死的,他们向魔罗一族投降,就是背叛了祖先。”屠虎恨恨地道 Senior Brother Long Chen is a bystander, can see so clearly, they are so stupid.” Heavenly Dragon's Divine Armor Academy disciple is clenching teeth saying that an expecting too much appearance. 龙尘师兄是外人,都可以看得如此清楚,他们却这么愚蠢。”一个天龙神甲学院弟子咬着牙道,一副恨铁不成钢的样子。 They are not stupid, they are spiritless, they do not dare to face death, they also know that in the future may not have any good fate, but is holding a luck. “他们不是愚蠢,他们是懦弱,他们不敢面对死亡,他们也知道将来可能不会有什么好的下场,但还是就抱着一丝侥幸。 Moreover, even if will die in the future, still dies to be stronger than the present, to put it bluntly, their bone are soft, is actually like this good. ” Long Chen said. 而且,即使将来会死,也比现在就死要强一些,说白了,他们的骨头已经软了,其实这样挺好的。”龙尘道。 Good?” Tu Hu and the others stare. “挺好的?”屠虎等人一愣。 great waves wash out the sand, washes is completely the sand, remains was the gold. “大浪淘沙,淘尽的都是沙子,留下来的就都是金子了。 This great misfortune, I have believed that Demon Luo Star Territory will receive the new life, this is flushes out the poison from the root, after wind and rain, sees the rainbow, the calamity goes to Fusheng, the darkest before dawn. ” Long Chen said with a smile. 挺过这一次大劫,我相信魔罗星域将会迎来新生,这算是刮骨疗毒吧,风雨过后,方见彩虹,祸去福生,否极泰来。”龙尘笑道。 Listened to a Long Chen so saying, Tu Hu and the others to nod, Long Chen said is reasonable, the person who can keep, can the mutual attention, truly not manipulate strategically to mistrust each other like before. 龙尘如此一说,屠虎等人点点头,龙尘说得很有道理,能留下来的人,都能守望相助,确实不像以前那样勾心斗角尔虞我诈了。 Everything has advantages and disadvantages, but they in most not good period, can only see bad side now, cannot see good side. 凡事有好有坏,不过他们现在处于最糟糕的时期,只能看到坏的一面,看不到好的一面。 The most important thing is, Demon Luo Clan full power erupts now, has the Human Race rebel to give to supply ideas, the situation is less optimistic. 最重要的是,现在魔罗一族全力爆发,更有人族的叛徒给出谋划策,形势不容乐观。 Senior Brother Tu Hu, we are deliver the commodity, now we are also stranded, can request reinforcements to the school?” School disciple said to Tu Hu, Tu Hu is their here heads. 屠虎师兄,我们是来送物资的,如今我们也被困了,要不要向学院求援?”一个学院弟子屠虎道,屠虎是他们这里的首脑。 Does not use “不用” Tu Hu had not replied, Long Chen opens the mouth: 屠虎没有回答,龙尘开口了: You prepare, a while I lead you to get rid of outside crowd of fellow.” “你们准备一下,一会儿我带你们把外面这群家伙干掉。” „?” “啊?” Tu Hu and the others cannot believe oneself ear simply. 屠虎等人简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。
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