NSHBA :: Volume #12 紫炎喋血斩天骄已更新

#3485: The anger of Third Master

The Long Chen hot pursuit, however here space was too chaotic, Laws is also chaotic, the Long Chen's speed is blocked, saw with own eyes that great ship is getting more and more far, finally vanishes. 龙尘一路猛追,但是这里的空间太乱了,法则也是乱的,龙尘的速度受阻,眼见那巨舰越来越远,最终消失。 Long Chen clenches jaws, a fist pounds in the sea level, erupts a loud sound, the anger flaming combustion in Long Chen heart. 龙尘咬牙切齿,一拳砸在海面上,爆发出一声巨响,龙尘心中的怒火熊熊燃烧。 If he can the looks at Bai Fang brother and sister, they not die well, was his general idea/careless, thinks that no one knew him, can relax the tight nerve, has not actually thought, this was known as is so ruthlessly sinister with Soaring Dragon Trading Company that Magnificent Clouds Company shared the honor spicy. 如果他能好好看着白方兄妹,他们二人就不会死了,是他大意了,以为没人认识他,就可以放松一下紧绷的神经,却没想到,这个号称跟华云商行齐名的龙腾商行如此阴险狠辣。 Long Chen took a deep breath, gets angry at this time radically uselessly, he turn head looked at the vortex of distant place, was gradually calm. 龙尘深吸了一口气,此时发怒根本没用,他回头看了看远处的漩涡,逐渐冷静了下来。 A moment ago that sound, was not the real sound, but was an expression of emotion, Long Chen can listen to the meaning of opposite party. 刚才那个声音,并不是真的声音,而是一种情感的表达,龙尘能听出对方的意思。 After that exists to discover Long Chen Ghost Emperor Seal, gave up absorbing Long Chen's blood essence, but also delivered him. 当那个存在发现龙尘身上的鬼帝印记后,放弃了吸收龙尘的精血,而还将他送了出来。 could it be that middle-level and is the lower-level person, Soaring Dragon Trading Company gives its sacrificial offering? It dreads Ghost Emperor, what friendship has with Ghost Emperor? Therefore lets off me?” The Long Chen flash is lost in thought. 难道中层和下层的人,是龙腾商行送给它的祭品?它是忌惮鬼帝,还是跟鬼帝有什么交情?因此才放过我?”龙尘一瞬间陷入了沉思。 Under that vortex, has existence of terrifying, own cultivation base compares with him, is ordinary with grain of dust, seems that tiny. 那漩涡下方,有着一个恐怖的存在,自己的修为跟他比起来,就跟一粒尘埃一般,显得那么渺小。 Eye of Devil, Long Chen has also heard, legend that is the front door to devil world, below has the devil discrepancy of terrifying. 恶魔之眼,龙尘也听说过,传说那是通往恶魔世界的大门,下面有恐怖恶魔出入。 However Eye of Devil, majority are only the legends, no one has seen, but academy ancient book to this aspect, does not have any to introduce, therefore Long Chen knew nothing about Eye of Devil. 但是恶魔之眼,大多数都只是传说,没人见过,而书院的典籍对这方面,也没有什么介绍,所以龙尘恶魔之眼可以说一无所知。 Soaring Dragon Trading Company 龙腾商行 Thinks the anger that this crowd of despicable small human, Long Chen just subsided, ascends again, is in a towering rage. 一想到这群卑鄙小人,龙尘刚刚平息的怒火,再次升腾,怒气冲天。 Long Chen has pledged, must protect the Bai Fang brother and sister to be safe, although Long Chen has urged two people, do not leave him, however as a result of his carelessness, made Soaring Dragon Trading Company have the opportunity. 龙尘承诺过,要保护白方兄妹二人平安,虽然龙尘叮嘱过二人,不要离开他,但是由于他的粗心大意,才让龙腾商行有了可乘之机。 This thought far away from Heavenly Tide Territory, temporarily can peaceful, but Cultivation World everywhere was a mire, mire under is hiding the poisonous snake big alligator, one does not pay attention to capsize. 本以为远离了天澜域,暂时可以安静一下,可是修行界到处都是泥潭,泥潭下方隐藏着毒蛇大鳄,一不留神就会翻船。 Wū wū......” “呜呜……” Suddenly cold wind blows, in the deep sea as if there is sound of sobbing to be getting more and more near, that sound as if evil spirit is sobbing, makes person scalp tingles. 忽然一阵阴风吹来,深海之中仿佛有呜咽之声越来越近,那声音仿佛厉鬼在哭泣,令人头皮发麻。 Is Ghost Ship aura.” “是幽灵船气息。” Long Chen gawked, distinguished the direction, directly soared that sound to speed along to go. 龙尘一愣,辨别了方向,直奔那个声音飞驰而去。 ...... …… Half a month later, the Soaring Dragon Trading Company great ship, anchored slowly in the wharf, in the wharf heavy traffic exceptionally lively. 半个月以后,龙腾商行的巨舰,缓缓停靠在码头上,码头上车水马龙异常热闹。 The entire wharf, the surrounding area several million li (0.5 km), are the industries of Soaring Dragon Trading Company, here is the Purple Flame Heaven boundary, the sky is much bluer, spiritual qi is abundant, Heavenly Dao is auspicious, suits all life practice. 整个码头,方圆数百万里,都是龙腾商行的产业,这里已经是紫炎天的地界,天空蓝得异乎寻常,灵气充裕,天道祥和,适合所有生灵修行 Purple Flame Heaven, is the innumerable powerhouse long-awaited practice world, when is Immemorial great war preserves most complete one of three heavens. 紫炎天,是无数强者梦寐以求的修行世界,是太古大战之时保存最为完整的三天之一 Above the wharf, tens of thousands of ships shuttle back and forth back and forth, is exceptionally busy, has the merchant ship, there is a hunting ship, here is Soaring Dragon Trading Company in one of the Purple Flame Heaven industries, almost monopolized all aquatic transportation. 码头之上,数以万计的船舰来回穿梭,异常忙碌,有商船,也有狩猎船,这里是龙腾商行紫炎天的产业之一,几乎垄断了所有水上的运输。 Great ship that Long Chen took initially, at this time anchors slowly in the wharf, great shipboard actually and no one gets down, does not have any cheers, all are similar dead general silent. 龙尘当初乘坐的巨舰,此时缓缓停靠在码头上,巨舰上却并没有人下来,也没有任何欢呼声,一切都如同死一般寂静。 Then sees only powerhouse that wears the Soaring Dragon Trading Company clothing, from great shipboard lifted boxes. 然后只见一个个身穿龙腾商行服饰的强者,将一口口箱子从巨舰上抬了下来。 Sir Qi Hong journeys, good work, haven't these people offered sacrifices unexpectedly?” World King powerhouse exchanged greetings, when saw these boxes, can't help gawked. 齐洪大人一路风尘,辛苦了,这些人居然没献祭?”一个界王强者寒暄道,不过当看到这些箱子,不禁一愣。 Originally the great shipboard that old man named Qi Hong, Qi Hong said: These person of aptitude were good, offers sacrifices to give Eye of Devil too a pity, gave them under the brand mark slave mark, delivered to Highest Beginning desolate to mine.” 原来巨舰上的那位当家老者名叫齐洪,齐洪道:“这些人资质都非常不错,献祭给恶魔之眼可惜了,给他们烙印下奴印,送到太初荒界去挖矿吧。” Sir Qi Hong is the complexion so ugly/difficult to look at? Did could it be that have an accident?” That World King powerhouse some strange said. 齐洪大人脸色怎么这么难看?难道出什么事了?”那界王强者有些奇怪地道 Not to mention, this time killed the pig to meet a wild boar, is much cut-throat, almost on made an unexpected mistake. “别提了,这次杀猪遇到了一头野猪,凶狠得紧,差点就阴沟里翻了船 I sacrificed two Qi clansmen, stands firm him, finally sent in Eye of Devil to extinguish it kills. ” Qi Hong is clenching teeth to say. 我牺牲了两个齐氏族人,才将他稳住,最终送入恶魔之眼中将其灭杀了。”齐洪咬着牙道。 No way? World King nine heavy, only then the single layer can span Heavenly Wall lossless, single layer World King can't your three people suppress him?” That World King powerhouse can't help is startled. 不会吧界王九重,只有一重才能无损跨越天壁,一重界王你们三个人压制不住他?”那界王强者不禁吃了一惊。 Ok, did not say that passed, can Sir Yu Shu in? I have the important matter, needs to his report/give report.” Qi Hong said. “算了,不说了,都过去了,玉书大人可在?我有重要事情,需要向他老人家禀报。”齐洪道。 Qi Hong, you die to me......” 齐洪,你给我死出来……” At this moment, heaven shaking roar transmits, endless killing intent, radiates Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the big wharf, is the echo, as if all the gods and demons in the heavens is roaring. 就在这时,一声震天怒吼传来,无尽的杀意,辐射九天十地,偌大的码头,全是回音,仿佛诸天神魔都在咆哮。 The world of colorful Yanggao photo, the flash was gloomy, is cloudy, endless Death Qi, covered All Heavens. 原本艳阳高照的天地,一瞬间阴沉下来,乌云密布,无尽的死亡之气,笼罩了诸天 all people startled, but Qi Hong is the fine hair but is actually more vertical, he can hear, that is the Long Chen's sound. 所有人大惊,而齐洪更是汗毛倒竖,他听得出,那是龙尘的声音。 They rush to look to the distant place, sees only the place of distant place water and sky interlocking, presented a black steamship, as that steamship appears, the whole world changed the color, between Heaven and Earth is flooding death aura. 他们赶忙向远处望去,只见远处水天相接之处,出现了一艘黑色的大船,随着那大船出现,整个世界都变了颜色,天地间充斥着死亡气息 This wharf subordinates in Soaring Dragon Trading Company, but the person in wharf, over 90% is periphery the person of other influence. 这码头隶属于龙腾商行,但是码头上的人,九成以上都是周围其他势力的人。 They are just rent the Soaring Dragon Trading Company wharf to anchor, every year pays Soaring Dragon Trading Company certain rent, but Soaring Dragon Trading Company own ships, only occupy few part, Soaring Dragon Trading Company are responsible for managing. 他们只不过是租龙腾商行的码头停靠,每年付给龙腾商行一定的租金,而龙腾商行自己的船只,仅占据很少的一部分,龙腾商行只是负责管理而已。 In the wharf, major influence millions of powerhouse are bustling about, suddenly the world changes color, was all of a sudden scared, goes following the prestige, frightened the eyeball to fall in a flash. 码头上,各大势力数以百万计的强者正在忙乎,忽然天地变色,一下子傻眼了,循声望去,一瞬间吓得眼珠子都要掉出来了。 Quiet...... Ghost Ship!” “幽……幽灵船!” When sees that decayed steamship, is sending out endless death aura, the black aura spout, blacked the vault of heaven, as if the ship of dead spirit drives from Hell. 当看到那腐朽的大船,散发着无尽的死亡气息,黑气喷涌,染黑了天穹,仿佛是从地狱里驶来的亡灵之船。 But on the bow of that great ship, is standing a Black Robe man, in his both eyes murderous intention circulate, killing intent is dreadful, black aura on Ghost Ship embellishes him like an demon god of harvesting life, looked that is popular startled trembles with fear. 而那巨船的船头上,站着一个黑袍男子,他双目之中杀机流转,杀意滔天,幽灵船上的黑气将他点缀得如同一尊收割生命的魔神,看得人心惊胆战。 Is he......, quick...... opens defense great formation quickly.” Qi Hong frightened already the stutter. “是他……,快……快开启防护大阵。”齐洪吓得已经结巴了。 Who is he?” That World King powerhouse was startled to call out. “他是谁?”那界王强者惊叫道。 He is that person who I said.” “他就是我说的那个人。” You did not say that he has died?” “你不是说他已经死了吗?” How would I know, he had sent in Eye of Devil obviously, who knows how he did come back?” Qi Hong is panic-stricken at this time extremely, Long Chen came back to take revenge. “我哪知道,明明他已经被送入恶魔之眼了,谁知道他怎么又回来了?”齐洪此时惊恐万分,龙尘回来复仇了。 This what's the matter? How can the people control Ghost Ship? What trouble did you cause?” That World King powerhouse startled anger is anxious, the speech is not so polite. “这到底是怎么回事?人怎么可以驾驭幽灵船?你到底惹了什么祸?”那界王强者惊怒焦急,说话已经不那么客气了。 Ghost Ship, that is the portent of disaster, even World King powerhouse is still afraid, now a person controls Ghost Ship to kill unexpectedly, this has gone beyond his understanding category, in this matter legend does not exist. 幽灵船,那是不祥之物,就算界王强者也感到恐惧,如今一个人竟然驾驭着幽灵船杀来,这已经超出了他的理解范畴,这种事情传说中都是不存在的。 „The person of make way having nothing to do, Grandpa Long San must massacre city today.” “无关之人都闪开,龙三爷今天要屠城了。” Long Chen angrily roars, he saw Qi Hong from afar, thinks the Bai Fang brother and sister who tragic death, Long Chen both eyes almost must spout the fire. 龙尘怒吼,他远远地看到了齐洪,想到惨死的白方兄妹,龙尘双目几乎要喷出火来。
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