NSHBA :: Volume #11 仙界争雄为师表

#3380: Black Sea evil spirit

What thing is this?” “这是什么玩意?” Long Chen felt that the hair must set upright, but face panic-stricken look from Leng Yueyan and Ming Cangyue, Long Chen knows, this should be the deep sea evil spirit that they most dread. 龙尘感觉头发都要竖起来了,但是从冷月颜冥苍月脸上惊恐的神色,龙尘知道,这应该就是她们最为忌惮的深海恶灵。 Moreover this deep sea evil spirit also incessantly head, but is tens of thousands, when they approached, can see clearly, they are somewhat similar to Human Race, is actually growing the frog same long leg, the smooth head, covered entirely the black trace. 而且这深海恶灵还不止一头,而是成千上万,当它们靠近了,可以清楚地看到,它们与人族有些相似,却长着青蛙一样的长腿,光溜溜的头上,布满了黑色的纹路。 Wicked Spirit Body is several feet high, is similar to hill general sea monster to have no way to compare with these, however their aura, evil have the bloodthirsty flavor, they grasp the bone fork, approaches like a looks at putting up a last-ditch struggle prey slowly. 灵身高有十几丈,跟那些如同小山一般的海妖没法比,但是它们的气息,邪恶中带着嗜血的味道,它们手持骨叉,如同看着一只垂死挣扎的猎物缓缓靠近。 Leng Yueyan and Ming Cangyue greatly are immediately anxious, these evil spirits have the terrifying strength, restrains their Divine Power specially, even they, do not dare to penetrate Black Sea. 冷月颜冥苍月顿时大急,这些恶灵拥有恐怖的力量,专门克制她们的神力,就算是她们,也不敢深入墨海 At this time Black Sea barrier has become, they must consume massive source Divine Power to cut broken barrier, but that needs the tremendous strength, needs to gather the strength time, but these evil spirits flushed in an instant, does not give them the opportunity. 此时墨海结界已成,她们必须消耗大量的本源神力来斩破结界,可是那需要巨大的力量,需要蓄力时间,可是这些恶灵转眼就冲了过来,根本不给她们机会。 Buzz “嗡” At this moment, cold wind has blown, continuously smooth such as the sea level of mirror, presented the one after another ripple unexpectedly, creak the strange sound appearance, in Dark World of distant place, a tattered steamship floats slowly. 就在这时,一阵阴风吹过,一直平滑如镜的海面,竟然出现了道道波纹,紧接着咯吱咯吱的怪响出现,远处的黑暗世界中,一艘破烂的大船缓缓飘来。 That steamship hull is decayed, the canvas on mast, only had the shatter cloth strip, swings in the breeze, often sends out the creaking strange sound, seems telling the sad past. 那大船船身已经腐朽,桅杆上的帆布,只剩下了破碎的布条,在微风中摇摆,不时发出嘎吱怪响,仿佛在诉说着哀伤的过去。 Ghost Ship 幽灵船 Leng Yueyan and Ming Cangyue are startled, they are so long in Nether World, sees Ghost Ship for the first time. 冷月颜冥苍月大吃一惊,她们在冥界这么久,还是第一次看到幽灵船 Ghost Ship slowly advanced, directly soars Long Chen to come, the Long Chen great happiness, he could crawl through the Ghost Ship strength, because Long Chen saw Ghost Ship is dragging long chain. 幽灵船缓缓行进,直奔龙尘而来,龙尘大喜,他或许可以通过幽灵船的力量爬出去,因为龙尘看到了幽灵船拖着一条长长的锁链 Those but who make Long Chen not think, Ghost Ship arrives, Monster Beast frighten scatters in all directions to escape, is these evil spirits, as if not fear Ghost Ship, walks as before slowly to Long Chen. 可是让龙尘没想到的是,幽灵船到来,妖兽们吓得四散逃跑,可是那些恶灵们,似乎并不惧怕幽灵船,依旧缓缓向龙尘走来。 Rolls to the father.” “都给老子滚。” Long Chen startled and anger, drank to scold one, welcomed Ghost Ship to flush away, that was his straw to grasp. 龙尘又惊又怒,喝骂了一声,迎着幽灵船冲去,那是他的救命稻草。 Those who let Long Chen not think, he roars that these evil spirits vanished in a flash, looks to disappear, has never appeared probably generally. 龙尘没想到的是,他吼完那一句,这些恶灵们一瞬间消失了,一个也看不见了,就好像从未出现过一般。 Long Chen does not know that is they reflects is too slow, really by the air/Qi of own overlord running away in fear, this place is not suitable stays for a long time, Long Chen goes all out to charge into Ghost Ship. 龙尘不知道是它们反映太慢,还是真的被自己的霸王之气给吓跑了,此地不宜久留,龙尘拼命冲向幽灵船 In Long Chen to the Ghost Ship near, Ghost Ship shook suddenly, then in the Long Chen panic-stricken vision, disintegrates slowly, as if had what strength to cut off its final vitality, the hull fell in torrents generally like the mud. 就在龙尘到了幽灵船近前,忽然幽灵船一震,然后就在龙尘惊骇的目光中,缓缓瓦解,似乎有什么力量斩断了它最后的生机,船体如同烂泥一般倾泻下来。 Without such unlucky?” The Long Chen air/Qi results in the forehead blue vein to stick out suddenly, shouts abuse, Ghost Ship should not permanent exist forever? could it be that can't it block bad luck? “没这么倒霉吧?”龙尘气得额头青筋暴起,破口大骂,幽灵船不是应该恒久长存的么?难道它也挡不住霉运么? “噗” Long Chen just cursed, the chest severe pain, does not know anything suddenly, passes through from his chest, puts from the back, blood incarnadine sea water. 龙尘刚刚大骂了一句,忽然胸口剧痛,不知道什么东西,从他的胸口穿过,从背后穿出,鲜血染红了海水。 Long Chen 龙尘 Leng Yueyan and Ming Cangyue call out in alarm, all these happen was too sudden, that attacks is too strange. 冷月颜冥苍月惊呼,这一切发生的太突然了,那攻击来的太诡异。 The Long Chen body severe pain is hard to endure, above the wound is supplementing the destruction strength, almost lets his body collapse. 龙尘身体剧痛难忍,伤口之上附带着毁灭力量,差点让他的身体崩溃。 Must know that this time Long Chen, is in the firepower full condition, dragon scale blessing, the fleshly body intensity reaches to peak. 要知道此时的龙尘,可是在火力全开的状态下,龙鳞加持,肉身的强度达到了极致 But, that attack seemed the sharp blade to delimit the slip of paper to be the same in this state, passed through his body. 可是就在这种状态下,那攻击就好像利刃划过纸片一般,穿过了他的身体。 Most made Long Chen feel what fear was, he simply has not had any induction, as if he was hit by anything accidentally. 最令龙尘感到恐惧的是,他根本没有生出任何感应,仿佛他是被什么东西无意中撞到。 The Long Chen's wound is twining terrifying Destruction Power, is corroding the Long Chen's life, does not need Long Chen to guide, Primal Chaos Space as if felt Long Chen to be under the death threat, the life power crazy output, lush Foundation Wood Divine Tree, started to wither at the visible speed unexpectedly. 龙尘的伤口缠绕着恐怖毁灭之力,侵蚀着龙尘的生命,不需要龙尘自己去引导,混沌空间仿佛感受到了龙尘受到了死亡威胁,生命之力疯狂输出,茂盛的建木神树,竟然以肉眼可见的速度开始枯萎。 This time Foundation Wood Divine Tree has terrifying life force, is almost inexhaustible, inexhaustible, but after was wounded inexplicably, their life force were being consumed rapidly. 要知道,此时的建木神树拥有恐怖生命力,几乎是取之不尽,用之不竭的,可是被莫名击伤后,它们的生命力正被急速消耗。 Long Chen looks to behind, Long Chen saw one thing, is contaminating his bloodstain, gradually is fluttering. 龙尘身后看去,龙尘看到了一样东西,沾染着他的血迹,正缓缓飘走。 Comes back to me.” “给我回来。” Long Chen clenches teeth, puts out a hand to catch it, that thing seems like, only then palm of the hand size, when Long Chen catches it, the palm severe pain, three fingers were given to shut off by it unexpectedly. 龙尘一咬牙,伸手去抓它,那东西看上去,只有巴掌大小,可是当龙尘去抓它的时候,手掌剧痛,三根手指竟然被它给切断了。 Shut off the finger, Long Chen induces, that is more than three cuns (2.5 cm) is together long, is similar to the Broken Sword tip, the Long Chen finger touches the sharp part, the finger shuts off immediately. 被切断手指,龙尘才感应到,那是一块三寸多长,类似于断剑的尖端,龙尘手指触碰到锋锐的部分,手指立刻被切断。 Long Chen startled and anger, that is a black sword point, is consistent with the sea water color, as if integrates general, moreover does not have least bit aura, cannot induce, if were not it contaminated the Long Chen's blood, Long Chen could not find it. 龙尘又惊又怒,那是一段黑色的剑尖,与海水颜色一致,仿佛融入其中一般,而且没有半点气息,丝毫感应不到,如果不是它沾染了龙尘的鲜血,龙尘根本找不到它。 Long Chen has never seen so the terrifying thing, pulls up it with sawtooth long blade that Leng Yueyan gives, finally under just touched, sawtooth long blade was cut a hole. 龙尘从未见过如此恐怖的东西,用冷月颜给的锯齿长刀去撩它,结果刚刚触碰之下,锯齿长刀就被切出了一个洞。 This, but Weapon of the Gods, however in front of that sword point, is actually similar to the slip of paper to be the same as before. 这把可是神明之兵,但是在那剑尖面前,却依旧如同纸片一般。 Long Chen pursues that sword to be sharp, finally found an opportunity, pinched the sword blade accurate, attained its flash, the Long Chen great happiness, overran toward the water surface illness/quick. 龙尘追着那剑尖,终于找到了一个机会,精准地捏到了剑身,拿到它的一瞬间,龙尘大喜,向着水面疾冲过去。 When meets barrier, Long Chen with that sword sharp gently one stroke, barrier how he is unable to break through diligently, was ripped open instantaneously, Long Chen ran out of the sea level with ease. 当遇到结界,龙尘用那剑尖轻轻一划,原本他如何努力也无法冲破的结界,瞬间被撕开,龙尘轻松地冲出了海面。 Long Chen 龙尘 Long Chen flushed, Leng Yueyan and Ming Cangyue weep, even if arrogant Gods, at this time also that no use, they are really thinking that a moment ago Long Chen was dying, they felt that since birth for the first time what is the fear. 龙尘自己冲了出来,冷月颜冥苍月喜极而泣,哪怕是高傲的神明,此时也是那么的无助,就在刚才她们真的以为龙尘要死了,她们有生以来第一次感觉到什么叫恐惧。 Long Chen like the paper, the wound of chest has not restored pale, although has no longer deteriorated, but keeps the blood hole as before, is uncomfortable. 龙尘脸色苍白如纸,胸口的伤口还没有恢复,虽然已经不再恶化,但是依旧留着个血洞,非常难受。 Looked at Primal Chaos Space, all vegetation have lost plant, including Demon Eye Water Lily, to therapy to him, the Primal Chaos Space flash extracted all strengths, preserved his life. 看了看混沌空间,所有植被都已经枯死,包括魔眼睡莲,为了给他疗伤,混沌空间一瞬间抽取了所有力量,才保住了他一命。 Long Chen hurries that piece jet black such as the sword point of black ink, puts in Primal Chaos Space, hurries to two people saying: 龙尘赶紧将那片漆黑如墨的剑尖,放入混沌空间,赶忙对两人道: This place is not suitable to stay for a long time, helping me receive these sea monster corpses, I have big using.” “此地不宜久留,帮我将这些海妖尸体收起来,我有大用。” This time Long Chen is weak, was sheared by the sword sharp, as if found time his whole person, the strength of continually standing does not have, simply did not have the strength to receive these corpses. 此时的龙尘虚弱无比,被剑尖割了一下,仿佛将他整个人都抽空了,连站起来的力量都没有,根本没力气去收那些尸体了。 Ming Cangyue orders, to let receive immediately hand/subordinate completely all corpses, battlefield cleans completed, immediately leaves. 冥苍月立刻下令,让手下们将所有尸体全部收起来,战场打扫完毕,立刻离开。 But Long Chen cannot support again, is exhausted heavy goes off in the bosom of Ming Cangyue, does not know how long rested, Long Chen awakens from the dream, discovered oneself have placed oneself in a palace. 龙尘再也支撑不住,疲惫不堪地在冥苍月的怀中沉沉睡去,不知道睡了多久,龙尘从梦中惊醒,发现自己已经置身于一座宫殿之中。 Sees Ming Cangyue and Leng Yueyan in the side, Long Chen long breathes a sigh of relief: I forgot to tell you before, do not go back immediately, I feared that these evil spirits will pursue us.” 冥苍月冷月颜就在身边,龙尘才长长地舒了一口气:“我之前忘告诉你们了,不要马上回去,我怕那些恶灵会追我们。” The Ming Cangyue white hands are touching the Long Chen's cheeks, supple sound said: Your fool, we condensed new Divine Dao Core here, can establish transmission directly, why to cross Black Sea again?” 冥苍月玉手抚摸着龙尘的脸颊,柔声道:“你个傻瓜,我们在这里凝聚出了新的神道核心,就可以直接建立传送,何必再横渡墨海呢?” Long Chen pats the forehead, he forgot this matter unexpectedly, Long Chen looked at a chest front wound, the wound has healed, but the black trace of above lattice, is also creeping along like one crowd of centipede, obviously has not healed completely. 龙尘一拍额头,他居然忘了这件事,龙尘看了一下胸前伤口,伤口已经愈合,但是上面还有一片网状的黑色纹路,如同一群蜈蚣在爬动,显然还没有完全愈合。 „Does Long Chen, what thing injure your is?” Ming Cangyue cannot bear ask. 龙尘,伤你的到底是什么东西?”冥苍月忍不住问道。 Long Chen then takes cautiously sharp that jet black sword. 龙尘这才小心翼翼地将那段漆黑的剑尖拿出来。
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