NSHBA :: Volume #10 黑暗遮天斩九幽

#2810: Seven Stars elder

Saves teacher quickly “快救导师” These disciple, this responded, quickly that teacher, pulled out from the wall. 那些弟子们,这才反应过来,赶快将那导师,从墙壁里拔出来。 Whistling “呼呼” When is thrown into confusion outside transmits two pitiful yells, two forms flew like the shell generally, numerous people startled under hurried avoidance. 手忙脚乱之时外面传来两声惨叫,两个身影如同炮弹一般飞了进来,众人大惊之下急忙躲避。 bang bang 砰砰 That two people hit ruthlessly above the wall, stayed a while above the wall, slides slowly, rolls up chants on the ground painfully / is reciting. 那两个人狠狠撞在墙壁之上,在墙壁之上停留了一会儿,才缓缓下滑,蜷缩在地上痛苦地呻/吟着。 That two people, are not others, before was defending disciple of front door, finally by Long Chen person of big slap, losing. 那两个人,不是别人,正是之前守着大门的弟子,结果被龙尘一人一个大嘴巴子,给丢了进来。 disciple on the scene, suddenly, you have a look at me, I have a look at you, was scared, their this lifetime has not seen such ruthless role. 在场的弟子,一时间,你看看我,我看看你,都傻眼了,他们这辈子也没见过这么狠的角色啊。 Also a Soaring Firmament Academy most special institute, I.” “还凌霄书院最特别的一院,我呸。” The Long Chen air/Qi results in the complexion to be pale, this Soaring Firmament Academy simply is the mess, in Mortal World, without seeing which Sects system so trash. 龙尘气得脸色铁青,这凌霄书院简直就是一团糟,在下界的时候,也没见过哪个宗门的制度如此垃圾的。 Embezzlement, corruption and oppression small and weakly and teacher also with looking at people from under the nose, fishy, Long Chen suspected that Dragon Race powerhouse puts in order him intentionally, what trash place is this? 贪污、腐败、欺压弱小、就连导师也是用鼻孔看人,乌烟瘴气,龙尘怀疑,那龙族强者是不是故意整他,这是什么垃圾地方? Soaring Firmament Academy could not treat, in these person also while ins a state of confusion, Long Chen walked outward. 凌霄书院是待不下去了,在那些人还一片混乱之际,龙尘向外走去。 When arrives at the front door, can't help was scared, how to walk? Comes is rides the flight mount, the flight mount returned, that transmission formation isn't he able to use, baffles to walk? 当走到大门时,不禁傻眼了,怎么走?来是乘坐飞行坐骑来的,飞行坐骑返回了,那传送阵他无法使用,难倒就这么走出去? When this Soaring Firmament Academy is so but big, comes, in the numerous rivers, there are innumerable ferocious beast, passed through on foot is too dangerous. 可是这凌霄书院这么大,过来之时,千沟万壑间,有无数的猛兽,徒步穿越就太危险了。 Sand rustle......” “沙沙沙……” That old person is still sweeping the floor, Long Chen quickly goes forward: Senior, I asked that how leaving Soaring Firmament Academy should walk?” 那位老人还在扫地,龙尘急忙上前:“前辈,我问一下,离开凌霄书院应该怎么走?” The old person has not looked at Long Chen, but continues to sweep the floor earnestly, replied: „Do young people, why want to leave? Soaring Firmament Academy, but the place of countless person long-cherished goal.” 那老人没有看龙尘,而是继续认真地扫地,回答道:“年轻人,为何要离开?要知道,凌霄书院可是无数人梦寐以求之处啊。” Knock it off, this trash place, my day does not want to treat, is one group of dog basket same idiots, kept me to kill people again, at that time, walked without rest cannot get away.” Long Chen shakes the head to say. “拉倒吧,这垃圾地方,我一天都不想待了,遇到的全是一群狗篮子一样的白痴,再留下去我就要杀人了,那时候,连走都走不了了。”龙尘摇摇头道。 Dog basket? What is that?” The old man stares slightly, somewhat seems to be strange to this word. “狗篮子?那是什么?”那老者微微一愣,对这个词似乎有些陌生。 That...... is actually not the word of praise, this Soaring Firmament Academy was too in any case disappointing, I must walk, asking Senior to show a bright way for me.” Long Chen slightly held one's fist and said. “那个……其实不是什么好话,反正这个凌霄书院太令人失望了,我要走了,请前辈为我指条明路。”龙尘微微一抱拳道 Although this old man is the sweeping the floor old person, but Long Chen always felt, his body has not being able to say aura, making Long Chen think that this old man is not possibly simple, that intuition, came from the induction of Nine Star Hegemon Body Art completely. 虽然这老者是个扫地老人,但是龙尘总觉得,他身上有一种说不出来的气息,让龙尘觉得这个老者可能并不简单,那种直觉,完全是来自于九星霸体诀的感应。 Just, the induction of this Nine Star Hegemon Body Art, becomes very fuzzy, Long Chen cannot grasp. 只不过,这次九星霸体诀的感应,变得十分模糊,龙尘也拿不住。 However said no matter how, even if were mistaken, this old man for a long time, still definitely knows here how to go out. 不过不管怎么说,就算看走眼了,这老者在这里这么长时间,也一定知道怎么出去。 „Does this world where have what bright road? If not walk including the present road well, no matter what road, finally is also an impasse.” The old man shakes the head to say. “这世界哪有什么明路?如果连眼前的路都走不好,不管什么路,最终也是死胡同。”那老者摇头道。 Long Chen stares, this old man has double meaning, in the words has the words, seems indicating him. 龙尘一愣,这老者一语双关,话里有话,似乎在点拨他。 At this moment, during is void more than ten forms to reappear, these people in Immortal World, can fly high to stand unexpectedly, aura is astonishing, Long Chen thought one cold. 就在这时,虚空之中十几个身影浮现,这些人在仙界,竟然可以凌空而立,气息惊人,龙尘心头一凛。 Bold avid follower, dares to act unruly in Pill Institute unexpectedly, hasn't knelt quickly submits to punishment?” One of them shouted sternly. “大胆狂徒,竟然敢在丹院撒野,还不快跪地伏法?”其中一人厉声喝道。 Kneels submits to punishment? haha......” “跪地伏法?哈哈哈……” Long Chen has a good laugh, in the heart the anger was aroused again, sneers saying: Makes me submit to punishment, acts, making me have a look, fellow that your keep aloof, several can live is seeing tomorrow's Sun.” 龙尘仰天大笑,心中怒火再次被激起,冷笑道:“让我伏法,就出手吧,让我看看,你们这些高高在上的家伙,有几个可以活着见到明天的太阳。” In Long Chen eye killing intent explodes wells up, since arrives at Soaring Firmament Academy, is step by step difficult, often socializes with small human, the Long Chen's arrogance did not allow him to endure again like this. 龙尘眸子之中杀意爆涌,自从来到凌霄书院,步步艰难,常与小人周旋,龙尘的傲气不允许他再这样忍受下去了。 If these people dare to act, although Long Chen does not know that these people are what realm, so long as he goes all out, these person of few can live departure. 如果这些人敢出手,龙尘虽然不知道这些人是什么境界,但是只要他拼命,这些人没有几个可以活着离开。 Courts death “找死” The that person anger, must make a move, the old man who suddenly that has swept the floor opened the mouth: 那人大怒,就要出手,忽然那一直扫地的老者开口了: Young people anger should not be so big, to the spirit, lose the life for a while, is not too worth.” “年轻人火气不要那么大,为了一时意气,送掉性命,就太不值得了。” old man, sweeps your place honestly.” “老头,老老实实扫你的地。” An old man opens the mouth, that disciple angrily rebukes immediately, if did not read in this old man is too old, perhaps he has acted. 那老者一开口,那弟子顿时怒斥,如果不是念在这个老者年纪太大,他或许已经出手了。 The old man sighs, without the speech , to continue to sweep the floor, but for Long Chen does not affect that old man, walked to side intentionally several steps, looks to these disciple. 那老者叹了一口气,没有说话,继续扫地,而龙尘为了不波及那老者,故意向旁边走了几步,看向那些弟子 This time Long Chen, killing intention has moved, instead was not so angry, within the body Power of Stars revolves slowly, although after entering Immortal World, spiritual essence has completely vanished, but Power of Stars, him did not act , then by, once acts, must take their lives. 此时的龙尘,杀心已动,反而不那么愤怒了,体内星辰之力缓缓运转,虽然进入仙界之后,灵元已经完全消失,但是星辰之力仍在,他不出手则以,一旦出手,必取他们之命。 It is not Long Chen is cruel and merciless, but is his Willpower, does not allow him to be insulted by this, this is together a bottom line. 不是龙尘心狠手辣,而是他的意志,不允许他受此侮辱,这是一道底线。 Also dares to resist arrest, takes.” “还敢拒捕,拿下。” Sees Long Chen to show the stance that must fight, that disciple is angry immediately, foot treads void, circles like the goshawk , a palm is falling to the Long Chen chest racket, the movement is rapid, the posture is natural. 龙尘摆出一副要战斗的架势,那弟子顿时大怒,脚踏虚空,如同苍鹰盘旋而下,一掌对着龙尘胸口拍落,动作迅疾,姿势潇洒。 "pā" “啪” His within the body has immortal qi circulate, contains the great power, but has not printed in the Long Chen's chest, the Long Chen's big hand has pulled out ruthlessly on his face. 他体内有仙气流转,蕴含强大力量,可是还没印在龙尘的胸口,龙尘的大手已经狠狠抽在了他的脸上。 crack 咔嚓 That person has not thought the person who Long Chen every air/Qi has not retreated, can actually counter-attack under his imposing manner suppression, this palm of the hand strength strange big, patted his neck bone. 那人没想到龙尘一个凡气还没退去的人,竟然能够在他的气势压制下反击,这一巴掌力量奇大,把他的颈骨拍断了。 Bang “砰” That person was flung on the ground, aroused the big piece mist and dust, the body twitched, is unable to move. 那人被甩在地上,激起了大片的烟尘,身体抽搐,无法动弹。 The other person sees that can't help in great surprise, angrily roars, simultaneously flushed. 其他人见状,不禁大惊,怒吼一声,同时冲了上来。 A Long Chen foot check, brings back that person of thigh, a hand is grasping his ankle area, regards human form weapon him, to that several people of fierce wheel. 龙尘脚一勾,将那人的大腿勾起,一只手握着他的脚踝,把他当成人形兵器,对着那几人猛轮。 That several people have a scare, that person of neck bone broken, the whole body passes out, if were smashed the strategic point, the life may not have. 那几人吓了一跳,那人颈骨已断,全身失去知觉,如果被砸到要害,命可就没了。 They are Pill Institute Law Enforcement disciple, is Pill Cultivator, the battle efficiency is not strong, because of the relations of status, they makes a move no one to dare to revolt, but they bump into Long Chen today. 他们是丹院执法弟子,也是丹修,战斗力并不强,但是因为身份的关系,他们出手没人敢反抗,只不过他们今天碰到了龙尘 Put quickly.” “快把人放了。” These people quickly retrocede, shouted loudly. 那些人急忙后退,大声喝道。 One group of reckless idiots, the true bloodiness have not seen continually, dares is so rampant, you were the peaceful food eat too, the brain lived the maggot.” Long Chen looks at these disciple, on the face all are the colors of taunt. “一群不知死活的白痴,连真正的血腥都没见过,就敢如此嚣张,你们是太平饭吃太多了,脑子都生蛆了吧。”龙尘看着那些弟子,脸上全是嘲讽之色。 Acts, Long Chen knows, these disciple have cultivation base spatially, the actual combat capability misses in a complete mess. 一出手,龙尘就知道,这些弟子空有修为,实战能力差得一塌糊涂。 The present scene, making Long Chen think he did enter the Xuantian Monastery scene initially, Immortal World? Mediocre, the idiot are more than Mortal World. 眼前的这个场景,让龙尘想到了他初入玄天别院的场景,仙界?不过如此,白痴比凡界还要多。 Boy, you dares so to me, you to wait, I............” that disciple is drooping, but can also start talking, face hatred said. “小子,你敢如此对我,你等着,我……啊……”那弟子头耷拉着,但是还可以开口说话,一脸怨毒地道 crack crack......” 咔嚓咔嚓……” Long Chen throws toward the ground him, his arm thigh, all steps on, but the flash of losing, in that person of neck bone connection, feels the severe pain heartrending immediately, sends out to kill the pig pitiful yell. 龙尘将他往地上一丢,将他的胳膊大腿,全部踩断,而丢的一瞬间,那人的颈骨连接上了,立刻感到剧痛钻心,发出杀猪般惨叫。 At this moment, the increasing number of people appear, their face shocks looks at Long Chen, does an rookie, dare to intend to suffer the person of Law Enforcement team unexpectedly? 就在这时,越来越多的人出现,他们一脸震骇地看着龙尘,一个新人,竟然敢出手折磨执法队的人? Stops “住手” Suddenly shouted at transmits, in the sound has the endless dignity, shook the people soul to tremble, wore the white robe, the middle-aged man who the waist hung the jade belt appears. 忽然一声断喝传来,声音之中带着无尽的威严,震得众人灵魂颤栗,一个身穿白袍,腰悬玉带的中年男子出现。 A male appearance, everyone quickly salutes: 那男子一出现,所有人急忙行礼: Has seen Seven Stars elder “见过七星长老
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