NGIR :: Volume #4 世家

#1376: Defeats the Lü Family immortal sovereign homing

Rebels, destroy my immortal dynasty important matter!” “乱臣贼子,毁我仙朝大计!” Heaven treats my Sima, how unfair......” “苍天待我司马氏,何其不公……” Liang Ruijian embezzles all, to cut to kill in all sword light, spreads the Yongkang Human Sovereign final pinnacle of poetic creation. 梁瑞坚吞没一切、斩杀一切的剑光之中,传出永康人皇最后的绝唱。 Ka!...... Bang! 咔!咔嚓嚓……轰! Covers the golden light beam of Heavenly Capital city, at this time starts to burst and crash, links up three Great Formation strengths to swing to want broken. 笼罩天京城的金色光柱,此时开始破裂、崩塌,贯通三界大阵的力量摇摇欲碎。 Buzz! 嗡! At this time, was hit the golden imperial jade seal that flies to fly, buzz the cry by ‚Phoenix dharma idol, sweeps across the avalanche and shatter golden light, must fly into under nine places in the samsara hell. 此时,被‘法相’撞飞的金色玉玺飞起、嗡鸣,席卷起崩塌、破碎的金光,就要飞入九地之下轮回地狱之中。 ling! 呤! ‚Phoenix dharma idol a phoenix cry rushes, sweeps across the five colors hot cloud to depress, its holds and suppresses. 法相’一声凤鸣冲下,席卷五色火云压下,将其抓住、镇压。 Bang! Rumble...... 轰!轰隆隆…… In the Heavenly Capital city a thundering explosive, the entire city starts to shake to sway fiercely, everything may become vulnerable and wall room collapse but actually, the ground splits giant cracks. 天京城中一声轰鸣爆响,整个城池都开始剧烈震荡摇晃起来,地动山摇、墙倒屋塌,地面都裂开一道道巨大的裂缝。 Existence of Yongkang Human Sovereign, is sea calming Divine Needle of Heavenly Capital city, suppresses all, to control all. 永康人皇的存在,是天京城的定海神针,镇压一切、掌控一切。 When it falls from the sky, the entire Heavenly Capital city starts to lose the suppression and control, the humanity's power eruption of shatter Great Formation and surviving, causes the earth-shattering. 当其陨落之时,整个天京城都开始失去镇压、控制,破碎的大阵、残存的人道之力爆发,使得天崩地裂。 Resembling is falling from the sky of the world sorrowful cry Yongkang Human Sovereign. 似是天地恸哭永康人皇的陨落。 Is guarding the imperial family army in Heavenly Capital city, is seeing with own eyes falling from the sky of Yongkang Human Sovereign, passes through the golden light avalanche of the world, the elephants of all sort of earth-shatterings, lost immediately fought intent and morale, started to crash and be defeated and dispersed directly, even had the generation of direct surrender. 守卫着天京城的皇室大军,眼见着永康人皇的陨落,贯穿天地的金光崩塌,诸般天崩地裂之象,顿时也失去了战意、士气,直接开始崩塌、溃散起来,甚至多有直接投降之辈。 Kills!” “杀!” Executes Yongkang, seizes Earth Shrine!” “诛永康,夺地庙!” The Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army who west side, Lü Family leads, takes the lead to enter in the Heavenly Capital city, covers by thunder divine pond on, under unceasing bang thunder and divine light opening. 西面,吕家率领的神道遗族大军,率先杀入天京城中,以‘雷霆神池’笼罩在上,不断轰下雷霆、神光开路。 In addition the garrison troops already radical collapse in Heavenly Capital city, not fights intent, the army who Lü Family leads several enters the uninhabited area, then kills the Heavenly Capital city center quickly, before Temple of Heaven and Earth Shrine . 加上天京城中的守军已经彻底崩溃,毫无战意,吕家率领的大军几入无人之境,很快便杀到天京城中央,天坛、地庙前。 On!” “上!” Takes Earth Shrine, extinguishes humanity and sacrifice Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao forever prosperous!” “拿下地庙,灭人道、祭天道,天道永昌!” Lead Lü Family True Monarch orders, the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army closes in immediately, must occupy Earth Shrine. 领头的吕家真君一声令下,神道遗族大军顿时一拥而上,就要占据地庙 Recite! 吟! At this time, a sword called such as dragon cry, the sword light cut together instantaneously, cut in the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army front, collapse splash sword air/Qi, will attack before most dozens Shintoism/Divine Dao families of the deceased or cuts to kill, or the heavy losses at the scene. 此时,一声剑鸣如龙吟,一道剑光瞬间斩来,斩在神道遗族大军前方,崩溅的剑气,甚至将冲击在最前的数十神道遗族或是斩杀、或是重创当场。 And even has True Monarch of Nascent Soul, falls from the sky at the scene, manifestation return to Dao phenomenon. 其中甚至有着一位元婴真君,陨落当场,显化道化异象 Liang Ruijian!” 梁瑞坚!” Commands Lü Family True Monarch of army to see this, in the surface flashes through the stern countenance instantaneously, sinks to drink one, lifts the hand thunder divine pond to make together divine light toward space. 统领大军的吕家真君见此,面上瞬间闪过厉色,沉喝一声,抬手向着天上‘雷霆神池’打出一道神光 In the thundering thunder sound, thunder divine pond leans, the billowing thunder such as flood rushes, kills to go toward the Liang Ruijian bang. 轰鸣雷响之中,‘雷霆神池’倾下,滚滚雷霆如洪浪冲下,向着梁瑞坚轰杀而去。 He had seen, although Liang Ruijian preyed on Yongkang Human Sovereign, actually also similarly is the heavy losses when the body, at this time hits a person when he is down and seizes the chance to want its life! 他早已看出,梁瑞坚虽然搏杀了永康人皇,却也同样是重创在身,此时正是落井下石、趁机要其性命之时! Otherwise, Liang family has Liang Ruijian and Phoenix dharma idol two immortal level existence, above the nine heavens is also crossing the immortal tribulation, the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army who so under the strength, their Lü Family leads absolutely is not an opponent. 否则,梁家有着梁瑞坚法相两个仙阶存在,九天之上还有一位正在渡仙劫,如此实力之下,他们吕家率领的神道遗族大军绝对不是对手。 When the time comes, even the destruction Sima, still traded Liang family to make imperial family, heavy palm world humanity. 到时候,就算是覆灭了司马氏,也不过是换了梁家皇室,重掌天下人道。 This pursues with their Lü Family and Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased, the destruction humane Confucian orthodoxy, worships piously the Heavenly Dao, takes the Shintoism/Divine Dao as to revere the idea, naturally conflicts greatly. 这与他们吕家、神道遗族追求的,覆灭人道道统、敬奉天道、以神道为尊的想法,自然大相冲突。 Therefore, now has the opportunity, Lü Family True Monarch must cut to kill and cause heavy losses to Liang family immortal level, weakens the Liang family strength, to strive for the final rolling victory prepares. 所以,现在有机会,吕家真君就要斩杀、重创梁家仙阶,削弱梁家的实力,为夺取最后的全面胜利做准备。 Snort!” “哼!” Sound of barking waste dog, is wild.” “狺狺废犬,也敢猖狂。” Liang Ruijian holds up the head to look at the billowing thunder mighty current under bang, cold snort/hum, the whole body five colors sword lotus appears, sweeps across on, cuts above the thunder mighty current under bang. 梁瑞坚昂首看着轰下的滚滚雷霆洪流,冷哼一声,周身五色剑莲浮现,席卷而上,斩在轰下的雷霆洪流之上。 Was different from previously, Liang Ruijian was in above the nine heavens Humanity Heaven Court , the sword light thunder divine pond will almost divide to turn together, this five colors sword lotus swept across on, actually can only be broken the thunder mighty current bang under bang, was resisted, was difficult to attack. 只是不同于此前,梁瑞坚身在九天之上人道天庭’之中,一道剑光就差点将‘雷霆神池’劈翻,这一次五色剑莲席卷而上,却只能将轰下的雷霆洪流轰碎小半,便被抵挡住,再难冲击上去。 Moreover, a say/way fissure that above the five colors sword lotus appears, under the impact of thunder mighty current, resembling is swings to want broken, appearance that is hard to insist. 而且,五色剑莲之上浮现的道道裂痕,更是在雷霆洪流的冲击下,似是摇摇欲碎,难以坚持的模样。 Liang Ruijian and Yongkang Human Sovereign one fights tooth and nail to fight with all might, although successful cuts to kill the opposite party, but oneself indeed are also seriously battered, a strength ten do not save one. 梁瑞坚与永康人皇的一场搏命拼杀,虽然成功将对方斩杀,但自身也的确是遭受重创,一身实力十不存一。 Haha...... is really the divine intervention in my Lü Family!” “哈哈……果然是天意在我吕家!” I and other god clans, just now are the lead in the world, the world the bell!” “我等神族,方才是此间天地的主角,天地所钟!” The Lü Family True Monarch long sound laughs, said: 吕家真君长声大笑,道: Liang Ruijian, you are not really good!” 梁瑞坚,你果然不行了!” Various interventions I, the bang kill this to blaspheme the invincible might going against heaven's will avid follower!” “诸神助我,轰杀这亵渎神威的逆天狂徒!” The time, it in the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army, some all sort of divine light fly behind, under falls the day pitches up thunder divine pond, immediately enhances its might again. 顿时间,其身后神道遗族大军之中,有诸般神光飞起,落入天上倾下的‘雷霆神池’之中,顿时将其威力再度提升。 Thunders thunder mighty current that drops, suppresses the five colors sword lotus to fall gradually, bang to Liang Ruijian. 轰鸣落下的雷霆洪流,压制着五色剑莲渐渐落下,轰向梁瑞坚 ling! 呤! At this time, phoenix cry sound gets up, ‚Phoenix dharma idol finally suppresses the imperial jade seal, sweeps across the big piece five colors sea of fire, leans the day , and Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army attacks to go toward Lü Family True Monarch. 此时,凤鸣声响起,‘法相’终于压制住玉玺,席卷起大片五色火海,倾天而下,向着吕家真君、以及神道遗族大军冲击而去。 Damn, almost!” “该死,就差一点!” Lü Family True Monarch looks to Liang Ruijian there, thunder mighty current already is suppressing the five colors sword lotus, almost rumbled above the opposite party top of the head. 吕家真君看向梁瑞坚那里,雷霆洪流已经压制着五色剑莲,几乎轰到了对方头顶上方。 But above that five colors sword lotus, is the fissure proliferates, even is still increasing and splitting unceasingly, already swings to want broken under the thunder mighty current. 而那五色剑莲之上,更是裂痕遍布,甚至还在不断地新增、裂开,已经在雷霆洪流之下摇摇欲碎。 He felt, only almost, can seize the opportunity to kill and take the Liang Ruijian bang! 他感觉,只差一点,就能乘机将梁瑞坚轰杀、拿下了! But, faces the five colors immortal fire that ‚Phoenix dharma idol is sweeping across to come to tilt the bang to kill, he does not dare to disregard. 但,面对着‘法相’席卷而来的五色仙火倾覆轰杀,他也不敢无视。 Let alone, even if he wants to bet, the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army, is actually the already fear, vacillates, Lü Family True Monarch already obviously induces to taking blessing in thunder divine pond on divine light, has most already is pulling thunder divine pond the strength to return removes, guard. 何况,就算他想赌一把,身后的神道遗族大军,却是已经害怕、动摇,吕家真君已经明显感应到拿下加持在‘雷霆神池’上的神光,有着大部分已经在拉扯着‘雷霆神池’的力量回撤、护身。 Unavoidablily, he also can only take advantage of opportunity thunder divine pond the strength to take back, turns into piece to protect above the people, resists ‚Phoenix dharma idol to sweep across the five colors fire that impact comes to say. 不得已,他也只能顺势将‘雷霆神池’之力收回,化成一片雷海护在众人上方,抵挡‘法相’席卷、冲击而来的五色火云。 The Liang Ruijian crisis solves. 梁瑞坚的危机顿解。 However, after the five colors hot cloud runs upon, is actually the direct dissipation, has not formed the big attack. 然而,当五色火云撞上雷海之后,却是直接消散,没有形成多大的攻击。 ‚Phoenix dharma idol similarly in assisting Liang Ruijian and during preying of Yongkang Human Sovereign, consumes and is wounded great, the attack that this time launches are more blusters. 法相’同样在相助梁瑞坚与永康人皇的搏杀之中,消耗、受创不浅,此番发起的攻击更多还是虚张声势。 Naturally, without mutual, ‚Phoenix dharma idol blustering of immortal level, under Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased cultivator regarding immortal level, can turn into the strength that your steamroll and bang kill instantaneously. 当然,若是没有雷海相互,‘法相仙阶的虚张声势,对于仙阶之下的神道遗族修士,也能瞬间化成你碾压、轰杀的力量。 But, Lü Family True Monarch sees this, without doubt flies into a rage, only thought that was played generally. 但,吕家真君见此,无疑是勃然大怒,只觉得被耍了一般。 Your cannot escape!” “你们一个都跑不了!” The Lü Family True Monarch sinking sound shouted angrily, in the hand the god printed one revolution, above swept across, wanted the bang to Liang Ruijian and ‚Phoenix dharma idol. 吕家真君沉声怒喝,手上神印一转,上方雷海席卷而起,又要轰向梁瑞坚与‘法相’。 Kills......” “杀……” battle formation! Gets up!” 战阵!起!” However at this time, war cries attacked to come, the Liang family juniors and Yue armies who Liang Zhaorong led, actually also broke through the imperial family army of collapse to stop, to storm into the Heavenly Capital city similarly, attacked Temple of Heaven and Earth Shrine here. 然而这时候,一片喊杀声冲击而来,梁昭熔率领的梁家子弟、越国大军,却也同样冲破了崩溃的皇室大军阻拦,攻入天京城中,冲击到了天坛、地庙这里。 The Yue army who the Liang family juniors lead, battle formation revolved, immediately with the Liang Ruijian aura and power and influence connected same place. 梁家子弟率领的越国大军,战阵运转而起,顿时与梁瑞坚气息、威势相连一起。 Time, weak, heavily damaged Liang Ruijian, on will as if inject massive vitalities and strengths, its whole body aura, power and influence and point, fight the meaning of war, increases rapidly. 顿时间,虚弱、重创的梁瑞坚,将就仿佛重新注入了大量的生机、力量,其周身气息、威势、锋芒、斗战之意,迅速攀升而起。 Lü Family True Monarch sees this, the complexion changes, in the hand the god prints, in the air sweeps across, but also stays in the midair immediately, has not continued under the bang. 吕家真君见此,面色微变,手上神印一顿,空中席卷而起的雷海也顿时停留在半空中,没有继续轰下。 beam......” “梁……” His opens the mouth wants to say. 他张口欲言。 Kills!” “杀!” Liang Ruijian actually simply not with the meaning that the opposite party rubbish, at this time converged with family battle formation and Yue armies, the strength restored gradually, without slightly hesitant, cut together the immortal level sword directly light/only, leading the army to kill to the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army who Lü Family True Monarch led. 梁瑞坚却根本没有与对方废话的意思,此时与家族战阵、越国大军汇合,战力渐渐恢复,没有丝毫犹豫,直接斩出一道仙阶剑光,率领着大军就向吕家真君率领的神道遗族大军杀去。 The Liang family juniors and Yue armies, naturally were also follow closely on, rushed ahead to go toward the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army. 梁家子弟、越国大军,自然也都是紧随而上,向着神道遗族大军冲杀而去。 ling! 呤! ‚Phoenix dharma idol hovers in the midair, phoenix cry long and loud cry, is sweeping across the five colors sea of fire, sometimes imaginary sometimes, raids unceasingly to the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army. 法相’翱翔在半空中,凤鸣长啸,席卷着五色火海,时幻时真,不断袭向神道遗族大军。 Recite! Áng...... 吟!昂…… At this time, there is a dragon to recite transmits, is Wu army who Yang family leads, after the imperial family army collapses, seized the chance to enter in the Heavenly Capital city, rushed ahead. 此时,又有声声龙吟传来,是杨家率领的吴国大军,在皇室大军崩溃之后,也趁机杀入了天京城中,冲杀了过来。 Xiue elder sister, led your Wu army quickly, helping us rout these Shintoism/Divine Dao families of the deceased!” “秀娥姐,快率领你们吴国大军,帮我们击溃这些神道遗族!” In the Liang family army, Liang Zhaorong sees Yang Xiu'e in Yang family cultivator, immediately the speaker shouts. 梁家大军之中,梁昭熔见到杨家修士之中的杨秀娥,当即扬声喊道。 Yang family, saw that Liang family and Lü Family slaughter, internal fight, is shocked for a while. 杨家这边,见到梁家吕家厮杀、内斗起来,也是一时愣住。 Liang family already has three immortal level, after this war , if Human Sovereign wins all, but if Human Sovereign losses, can only be finally the Liang family strength are strongest!” 梁家已经有着三个仙阶,此战之后若是人皇了则一切皆了,但若是人皇了,最后只会是梁家的实力最强!” However our Yang family, the relations with Liang family is always good.” “而我们杨家,一直以来与梁家的关系都非常不错。” At this time, should maintain this relations.” “这时候,更应该将这关系维护下去。” In the Yang family army, the Yang Xiu'e speaker said: 杨家大军之中,杨秀娥扬声说道: Let alone, the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased and we eventually are not the people of same belief.” “更何况,神道遗族与我们终究不是同道。” „The Yang family juniors, the Wu army, along with me killed!” 杨家子弟,吴国大军,随我杀!” The Yang Xiu'e voice falls, is riding fourth-order Water Lizard Dragon, when first gets the army to kill toward the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army. 杨秀娥话音落下,乘着四阶鼍龙,当先领着大军向着神道遗族大军杀去。 Army a slight move in one part that may affect the whole situation, follows to kill immediately. 大军牵一发而动全身,立时紧随其后杀上去。 In Yang family cultivator, even if there is the different opinions , can only depress at this time, along with the army rushes ahead together. 杨家修士之中,纵有不同意见的,此时也只能都压下,一起随大军冲杀上去。 The Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army who Lü Family leads, Liang Ruijian led is dropped the wind by Liang family and Yue that army pressure ; The Wu armies who at this time Yang family leads pressed, the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army was hard to support, retreats in defeat again and again. 吕家率领的神道遗族大军,本就被梁瑞坚率领的梁家、越国大军压落下风;此时杨家率领的吴国大军压上,神道遗族大军更是难以支撑,节节败退起来。 But later, previously by the Yongkang Human Sovereign bang broken ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) great boats, was seriously battered the Qi army who Liu family leads outside the Heavenly Capital city, at this time also rushed ahead finally. 而随后不久,此前被永康人皇轰破万丈巨舟,在天京城外就遭受重创的刘家率领的齐国大军,此时也终于冲杀了过来。 In seeing city, after beam, Yang two attack the Lü Family aspect jointly, Liu family does slightly hesitant, then also led the Qi armies to clash, launches the attack toward the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army who Lü Family led. 在见到城中,梁、杨两家联手攻击吕家的局面之后,刘家只是稍作犹豫,便也同样率领着齐国大军冲上来,向着吕家率领的神道遗族大军发起进攻。 Our Liu family and Liang family and Yang family are the unions, from working as altogether onset and retreat, the Qi armies rushed ahead Western Liang country cultivator along with me!” “我们刘家梁家杨家乃是同盟,自当共进退,齐国大军随我冲杀西凉国修士!” Liu family cultivator leads the army to rush ahead, simultaneously the speaker shouts, indicates the attitude toward Liang family and Yang family. 刘家修士率领着大军冲杀,同时扬声喊道,向着梁家杨家表明态度。 The present aspect, where they naturally are that side strong help/gang , indicating that the union gains some benefits. 如今的局面,他们自然是那边强帮哪边,表明同盟不过是多争取些利益罢了。 The Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army who Lü Family leads, already retreated in defeat again and again, the Qi armies who at this time Liu family leads joined, became the final root straw that crushed the camel, the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army collapsed and flees and becomes separated thoroughly. 吕家率领的神道遗族大军,本就已经是节节败退,此时刘家率领的齐国大军加入,更成了压倒骆驼的最后根稻草,神道遗族大军彻底崩溃、逃散。 Kills!” “杀!” Liang Ruijian seizes the opportunity instantaneously, the sword actinic dragon, drives out directly, cuts to Lü Family True Monarch that leads. 梁瑞坚瞬间抓住机会,剑光化龙,直接轰开雷海,斩向那领头的吕家真君 Not......” “不……” Lü Family True Monarch lost army battle formation blessing and strength to drop sharply, thunder divine pond was also the might plummets, his all sort of thunder light, the defense twinkle, wanted to block the Liang Ruijian sword light. 吕家真君失了大军战阵加持、实力大跌,‘雷霆神池’也是威力大降,其身上诸般雷光、防御闪烁,想要挡住梁瑞坚的剑光。 Strikes in Liang Ruijian deliberately, under the immortal level sword light, Lü Family True Monarch all movements are only unproductive, only sends out a pitiful yell with enough time, was cut two halves by the sword light together with various body defenses and spirit treasure together. 只是,在梁瑞坚蓄意一击,仙阶剑光之下,吕家真君所有的动作都只是徒劳,只来得及发出一声惨叫,便被剑光连同身上各种防御、灵宝一起斩成两半。 Thundering thunder sound, out-of-control the strength of thunder principle erupts instantaneously, forms return to Dao phenomenon. 轰鸣雷响,失控的雷霆法则之力瞬间爆发,形成道化异象 This phenomenon has not launched, was divided together by the Liang Ruijian sword light, cuts the crack, to twist directly broken, extinguishes to go. 只是这异象还没展开,就被梁瑞坚又一道剑光劈下,直接斩裂、绞碎,消弭而去。 Liang Ruijian this sword, blows Yang family and Liu family cultivator without doubt, making the people complexion change. 梁瑞坚这一剑,无疑是将杨家刘家修士镇住,让众人面色微变。 Afterward, has not waited for Liang family to take the lead to act, two are leading the army immediately respectively, coordinating Liang family to chase down to be defeated and dispersed the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army. 随后,也没等梁家率先行动,两家立刻各自率领着大军,配合着梁家追杀起溃散的神道遗族大军来。 Completely meaning focusing on Liang family. 完全是以梁家为主的意思。 Heavenly Capital city here, the general situation has decided. 天京城这里,大局已定。 above the nine heavens, the Liang Ruiqin crossing tribulation, was broken through and isolated the boost of the world of human beings Great Formation because of the Heavenly Capital city, the prestige of becoming an immortal tribulation also declined gradually, after Liang Ruiqin passed the initial confusion and bad risk, gets on soundings. 九天之上,梁瑞钦的渡劫,因为天京城被攻破、隔绝了人界大阵的助力,成仙劫之威也是渐渐衰落,梁瑞钦度过最初的混乱、凶险之后,也是渐入佳境。 But meanwhile, under nine places, in Ten-sided Hell and Yin-Yang Reincarnation, decided this final situation and ownership war also already to the final time. 而同时,在九地之下,十方地狱阴阳轮回之中,决定此界最后大势、归属的大战也已经到了最后时刻。 When Heaven Inspection Department Head Inspector dies for by the body, forcefully when three Great Formation of start final surviving, making the humane golden light pass through three. 司天监监正以身殉阵,强行启动最后残存的三界大阵,使人道金光贯穿三界之时。 Under nine places Ten-sided Hell is also in the golden light beam, Human Sovereign immediately the strength of erupted three Great Formation help one another, as well as humanity's power finally eruption blessing. 九地之下的‘十方地狱’也都处在金色光柱之中,人皇顿时得到爆发的三界大阵之力相助,以及人道之力最后爆发的加持 But others, Liang Zhaohuang and Avatar of Heaven Lü Zhenlei, Demonic Path Demon God Xuan Ming, is Liu Taifeng, Yang Xinghai wait/etc., under the golden light beam, was suppressed and weakened. 而其余众人,无论是梁昭煌天道化身吕震雷’、魔道玄冥魔神,还是刘太风杨兴海等,在金色光柱之下,都被压制、削弱。 During this short time, the Human Sovereign strength increases, gets the absolute winning side. 在这短暂的时间之中,人皇实力大增,占据着绝对的上风。 However he is very clear, how long this final eruption could not insist, strength of growth, being insufficient made him sweep away Ten-sided Hell in a short time, cut to kill, destruction all enemies. 但是他十分清楚,这最后的爆发坚持不了多久,增长的实力,也不足以让他在短时间内横扫十方地狱,将所有的敌人都斩杀、覆灭。 Therefore, Human Sovereign quickly made the resolution, he is riding the time of having the overwhelming superiority, puts out a hand a move, in the air will launch Immortal Spirit Position Chart under move, coincides with it, joins in Immortal Spirit Position Chart directly. 所以,人皇迅速做了决断,他乘着占据绝对优势的时机,伸手一招,将空中展开的‘仙灵位业图’招下,与其相合,直接投身‘仙灵位业图’中。 Immortal sovereign homing, numerous immortal also non- homing!” “仙皇归位,众仙还不归位!” Immortal Spirit Position Chart immortal puts brilliantly, suppresses in vermilion bird town/subdues boundary tablet on, spreads Human Sovereign to be full of the sinking of dignity and strength to drink. 仙灵位业图’仙光大放,镇压在‘朱雀镇界碑’上,从中传出人皇充满威严、力量的沉喝。 The Heavenly Dao received a Demonic Path several tens of thousands of years of corrosion, when to break out of passive state, while the Human Sovereign ancient rite of making sacrifices, melts clone with Lü Zhenlei to coincide, becomes Avatar of Heaven, in order to free and independent action. 天道受了魔道数万年的侵蚀,为了摆脱被动局面,趁着人皇封禅之时,化出分身与吕震雷相合,成为天道化身,以求自由、独立的行动。 But now, Human Sovereign, in the immortal dynasty situation collapses in the situation that almost already is unable to save the situation, then made the opposite choice, he gave up the independence and freedom body, initiative investment Immortal Spirit Position Chart, making the immortal sovereign turn over to occupy the situation, wields Immortal Spirit Position Chart all humanity and Heavenly Dao strength, urges to send to the pinnacle its prestige. 而如今,人皇仙朝局势崩溃、几乎已经无力回天的情况下,则是做出了相反的选择,他放弃了独立、自由之身,主动投入‘仙灵位业图’中,使仙皇归占据大势,执掌‘仙灵位业图’中所有人道、天道之力,将其威力催发到极致。 Time, not only Yang Xinghai and Liu Taifeng in Red Water Hell and Howling Wind Hell two people lose the suppression instantaneously, by might full Immortal Spirit Position Chart absorbs. 顿时间,不只是红水地狱风吼地狱中的杨兴海刘太风两人瞬间失去压制,被威力全开的‘仙灵位业图’摄出。 Then yes, Liang Zhaohuang and Lü Zhenlei, felt Immortal Spirit Position Chart strength of restraining and swallowing. 便是,梁昭煌吕震雷,都感受到了‘仙灵位业图’的收摄、吞噬之力。 After all, they also left a good name in Immortal Spirit Position Chart initially. 毕竟,他们当初也都是在‘仙灵位业图’中留名的。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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