NGIR :: Volume #4 世家

#1372: Joins forces Heavenly Capital city Heaven Inspection Department Head Inspector

Humanity Heaven Court center, the place of imperial palace, but also is maintaining completeness roughly, therefore arranges formation and restriction here, even is humanity's power and Humanity Law Network has not dissipated all. 人道天庭的中央,皇宫之地,还保持着大体的完整,因此布置在这里的阵法禁制,甚至是人道之力人道法网都还没有尽数消散。 After imperial family evacuates, here already became the prohibiting area, entry of any bystander, will incur formation, restriction and humanity's power, even are the attacks of Humanity Law Network strength, thunder Huojiao strikes under. 皇室撤离之后,这里已经成了封禁区,任何外人的进入,都会招致其中阵法禁制人道之力、甚至是人道法网力量的攻击,雷火交击而下。 Then is these beyond the void insect through the day of vault of heaven crack invasion and monster, was killed by thunder Huohong, so that does not dare to step into the central region slightest. 便是那些通过天穹裂缝侵入的天外虚空虫子、怪物,都被雷火轰杀,以致不敢踏入中央区域分毫。 Naturally, such attack effort, regarding Liang Ruijian and Phoenix dharma idol two immortal level, but also is hard to harm them. 当然,这样的攻击力度,对于梁瑞坚法相两个仙阶来说,还难以伤害到他们。 However, Liang Ruijian both have not entered rashly. 不过,梁瑞坚两者也没有贸然进入其中。 At this time, after Liang Ruijian makes the probe slightly, takes out a jade symbol from the sleeve, in these jade symbols has Five Color Buddha Light and immortal light circulation. 此时,梁瑞坚稍作试探之后,从袖中取出一枚玉符,这些玉符上都有着五色佛光、仙光流转。 After is Liang Zhaohuang enters the step becomes an immortal, manufactures and keeps the immortal symbol in family, mainly contains Five Elements Dharma Eye and Heavenly Eye, as well as Five Elements Breaking Ban Spirit Light strength. 都是梁昭煌进阶成仙之后,制作、留在家族中的仙符,其中主要蕴含着‘五行法目’、‘天眼通’、以及‘五行破禁灵光’的力量。 Naturally, limited to the material, these immortal symbols, is he collects Cloud Firmament Minor World the essence refinement of Five Elements Dragon Wood. 当然,受限于材料,这些仙符,都是他采集‘云霄小世界’中五行龙木的精华炼制而成的。 And, manufactures these immortal symbols, must consume Liang Zhaohuang immortal level power of origin, and time is limited, the immortal symbol quantity that therefore he manufactures is also limited. 并且,制作这些仙符,都要消耗梁昭煌仙阶本源之力,且时间有限,所以他制作的仙符数量也是有限。 Liang Ruijian carries to come at this time, was almost the most number. 梁瑞坚此时携带而来的,几乎就是大半之数了。 Naturally, to take this Humanity Heaven Court, these consumptions are worth. 当然,为了拿下这‘人道天庭’,这些消耗都是值得的。 ling! 呤! A phoenix cry, Liang Ruijian takes out the immortal symbol, is actually not uses, but gives Phoenix dharma idol to stimulate. 一声凤鸣而起,梁瑞坚取出仙符,却不是自己用,而是交给法相激发。 After all, Phoenix dharma idol is Liang Zhaohuang dharma idol, may calculate clone, with Liang Zhaohuang five rounds of cultivation and control Five Color Halo is directly connected, can inspire five rounds directly Five Color Halo and Five Color Buddha Light application. 毕竟,法相梁昭煌法相,可算分身,与梁昭煌修行、掌控的五轮‘五色圆光’是直接相连的,是能够直接引动五轮‘五色圆光’以及五色佛光应用的。 But wants the effect stimulation and utilization of these immortal symbols pinnacle, naturally with the strength good of stimulation and utilization of Five Color Buddha Light. 而想要将这些仙符的效果激发、运用的极致,自然是用五色佛光的力量激发、运用的更好。 Two immortal symbols were stimulated, to form two five colors light screens in front of Liang Ruijian and Phoenix dharma idol, what contains is Five Elements Dharma Eye and Heavenly Eye the strength, center and imperial palace area scan, spies on to go toward Humanity Heaven Court. 两枚仙符被激发,形成两片五色光幕在梁瑞坚法相面前,其中蕴含的是‘五行法目’与‘天眼通’的力量,向着‘人道天庭’中央、皇宫区域扫描、窥探而去。 The time, Humanity Heaven Court central region, the revolution of many formation, restriction, Humanity Law Network and humanity's power wait/etc, manifestation in two five colors light screens, presents in Liang Ruijian in front of two people. 顿时间,‘人道天庭’中央区域,许多阵法禁制人道法网人道之力的运转等等,都在两片五色光幕中显化而出,呈现在梁瑞坚两人面前。 Looks at present in the light screen, spreads across, various dense and numerous rune, restriction and formation mark route, the strength circulation line, is almost interweaves a piece of numerous and diverse net, even if Liang Ruijian already enters the step to become an immortal, is eyelid that looks at jumps. 只是看着眼前光幕中,纵横交错、密密麻麻的各种符文禁制阵纹路线,力量流转线路,几乎是交织成一片繁杂之极的网,纵然梁瑞坚已经进阶成仙,也是看的不禁眼皮直跳。 Naturally, by his present immortal level cultivation base, even if not cultivate/repair formation and restriction together, only cultivates the say/way of fight of war, actually can also cut the broken complicated semblance, to point to the source, sees root in these formation, restriction, trace and strength circulation, makes a move to point to the core and issue to be. 当然,以他如今仙阶修为,哪怕不修阵法禁制一道,只修斗战之道,却也能够斩破繁乱的外表、直指本源,看出这些阵法禁制、纹路、力量流转中的根源,出手就能直指核心、问题所在。 Therefore if he at this time acted, by the immortal level sword light, ‚’ Five Elements Breaking Ban Spirit Light that coordinated ‚Phoenix dharma idol to offer a sacrifice to the strength of immortal symbol, had confidence actually, cuts at present Humanity Heaven Court directly broken the protection of all sort of formation, restriction and humanity's power central region, entered the central the imperial palace region. 所以他这时候若是出手,以仙阶剑光、配合着‘法相’祭起的‘五行破禁灵光’的仙符之力,倒是也有把握,直接斩破眼前‘人道天庭’中央区域的诸般阵法禁制人道之力的防护,进入中心的皇宫区域。 Words that does this, regarding entire Humanity Heaven Court final essence region, without doubt will cause the biggest destruction, even destroys thoroughly, does not favor Cloud Firmament Minor World this Humanity Heaven Court swallowing. 只是如此做的话,对于整个‘人道天庭’最后的精华区域,无疑将造成最大的破坏,甚至是彻底毁去,并不利于‘云霄小世界’将这‘人道天庭’的吞噬。 Therefore, Liang Ruijian not anxiously beginning, but looks at these rune, formation and restriction, in the surface hesitates to say looking pensive: „The work of epitomizing the arrangement of these formation and restriction, almost it can be said that the immortal dynasty center and a imperial family over ten thousand years of development, evolves, should also be belongs to immortal dynasty spirit cauldron Great Formation and Humanity Law Network part.” 所以,梁瑞坚没有急着动手,而是看着那些符文阵法禁制,面上若有所思沉吟道:“这些阵法禁制的布置,几乎可以说是仙朝中央、皇室上万年发展、衍化的集大成之作了,应该也是属于仙朝灵鼎大阵’、‘人道法网’的一部分。” These things, should have a big help regarding the Sixth Brother.” “这些东西,对于六哥应该有不小帮助。” Moreover, the Sixth Brother should also be have a better way to decode them.” “而且,六哥应该也能有更好的办法破解他们。” When he, he shifts to Phoenix dharma idol, said: „Phoenix old ancestor, attacks Humanity Heaven Court central region also to again slow one slow, I must meet my Sixth Brother, making him study one these formation and restriction.” 当他,他转向法相,道:“老祖,进攻‘人道天庭’中央区域还要再缓一缓,我要去接我六哥上来,让他研究一番这些阵法禁制。” In any case, other three have not arrived near the Heavenly Capital city now, but also some time.” “反正,现在其余三家也都还没有抵达天京城附近,还有些时间。” Phoenix dharma idol naturally does not have the opinion, nods directly. 法相对此自然是没有意见,直接点了点头。 Afterward, under Liang Ruijian in returns from Humanity Heaven Court directly goes, soon after he brings Liang Ruiqin to mount Humanity Heaven Court directly. 随后,梁瑞坚直接从‘人道天庭’之中返回下方而去,不久之后他直接带着梁瑞钦重新登上‘人道天庭’之中。 The Liang Ruiqin side comes up, then immediately by two light screens, manifestation Humanity Heaven Court central region all sort of formation, restriction and rune arrangement, and network light shadow that the strength circulation forms captured the attention. 梁瑞钦方一上来,便立刻被两片光幕之中,显化的‘人道天庭’中央区域诸般阵法禁制符文布置,以及其中力量流转形成的网络光影吸引了目光。 Really!” “果然!” So that's how it is!” “原来如此!” Liang Ruiqin looks at the circulation of these formation and restriction, in the eye shines, in the mouth muttered, 梁瑞钦看着那些阵法禁制的流转,眼中放光,口中喃喃自语, He is saying, while takes out formation chart, is referring to the light screen manifestation all sort of formation, restriction and rune circulation, is calculating and evolving. 他一边说着,一边取出一副阵图,参照着光幕中显化的诸般阵法禁制符文流转,推算、衍化着。 Liang Ruijian looked toward formation chart that in he offered a sacrifice, with his cultivation base and experience , can only see pushed seems like immortal dynasty that spread out and evolves spirit cauldron Great Formation, but more looks is not clear. 梁瑞坚向着他祭起的阵图之中看了看,以他的修为、见识,也只能看出其中推衍、衍化的似乎是仙朝的‘灵鼎大阵’,但更多的就看不明白了。 Regarding Liang Ruijian, he is accustomed to a sword cuts broken prevents before all hindrance, tedious, complicated, complex , cuts the gordian knot simply, Grand Dao to Jane/simple! 对于梁瑞坚来说,他更习惯于一剑斩破阻挡在前的所有阻碍,繁琐的、繁乱的、复杂的、简单地,快刀斩乱麻,大道至简! However several hundred years is together, he has been familiar with Sixth Brother's disposition, knows that the opposite party is already Humanity Heaven Court in formation and restriction arrangement is fascinated regarding this at this time, good that in a short time do not disturb. 不过几百年相处下来,他早已熟悉自家六哥的脾性,知道对方此时是已经对于这‘人道天庭’之中的阵法禁制布置入了迷,短时间内还是不要打扰的好。 At that moment, he has not talked too much, is only and Phoenix dharma idol in side for its Protector. 当下,他也没有多言,只是与法相在旁为其护法。 While convenient, Liang Ruijian also continues to be familiar with and cultivation immortal level cultivation base, even also took out one to study from the star light energy of void monster within the body. 顺便,梁瑞坚也继续熟悉、修炼着仙阶修为,甚至还取出了一份得自虚空怪物体内的星光能量进行研究起来。 But this first-grade, is enough for half a month the time. 而这一等,就是足足半个月时间。 Under, in the family already spread the news, Wu army already that Yang family led rides the battleship to come, to block Heavenly Capital city east side from east along Shanxi river. 下方,家族之中已经传来消息,杨家率领的吴国大军已经乘着战舰沿晋河从东而来,封锁了天京东面 Afterward is about several days, the Qi army who Liu family leads, is riding the great boat, is leading the cloud boat army, from Northeast came, to block Heavenly Capital city north side. 随后不过数天,刘家率领的齐国大军,也乘着巨舟,率领着云舟大军,从东北而来,封锁了天京北面 As for Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army who Lü Family leads, the news that although according to Liang family investigates, breaks through the harmony prefecture city time, breaks through yan prefecture city to be earlier than several points it Liu family. 至于吕家率领的神道遗族大军,虽然据梁家探查到的消息,攻破雍州城的时间,比之刘家攻破兖州城还更早几分。 However, the army who they lead arrives in the time of Heavenly Capital city, instead must later several days. 但是,他们率领的大军抵达天京城的时间,反而还要更晚数天。 To be so late , because they who by the news that Liang family receives, Lü Family leads the Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army who comes in harmony province, similarly is occupies various province prefectures and counties becomes, then extracts in the harmony province to locate humanity’s destiny directly respectively, for the offering sacrifices Heavenly Dao. 梁家获得的消息,吕家率领的神道遗族大军之所以来的这么迟,是因为他们在雍州之内,同样是占据各处州郡县成,然后直接抽取雍州之内各处人道气运,用于献祭天道。 Therefore the speed was slower, was inferior on the contrary Liu family and Yang family such, after breaking through Yuzhou and Yan Prefecture prefecture city, but left behind some armies to sweep clear and stabilize the place, then directly soared the Heavenly Capital city. 所以速度慢了许多,反倒是不如刘家杨家那样,攻破豫州、兖州州城之后,只是留下部分大军清扫、稳定地方,便直奔天京城而来。 But east Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased army who Lü Family leads, after blocking west side of Heavenly Capital city . 而在吕家率领的神道遗族大军东来,封锁了天京城的西面之后。 Four countries that this time, beam, Yang, Liu, Lu Si jia lead, besiege the immortal dynasty center and imperial family war, without doubt also arrived at finally and most essential suiting, four successful join forces in the Heavenly Capital city, encircles the Heavenly Capital city. 这一次,梁、杨、刘、吕四家率领的四国,围攻仙朝中央、皇室的大战,无疑也到了最后、最关键的适合,四家成功在天京城会师,合围天京城。 At this moment, entire world, even is under nine places hell samsara, perhaps has the innumerable vision centralized Heavenly Capital city here. 此时此刻,整个天下,甚至是九地之下的‘地狱轮回’之中,恐怕都有无数的目光集中在天京城这里。 Besieges Heavenly Capital city war, without doubt will be deciding the following entire cultivation World prospect and result, decided world many powerful family, influence and cultivator destiny. 围攻天京城这一战,无疑将决定着接下来整个修行界的前景、结局,决定了天下许多门阀、势力、修士的命运。 Bang! Rumble...... 轰!轰隆隆…… Also in this time, above the nine heavens, has the thunder to thunder to resound. 也是在此时,九天之上,有雷霆轰鸣响起。 In Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased who’ Lü Family leads the above of army, has thunder divine pond manifestation, the thunder lives to extinguish, strength of circulations all sort of Shintoism/Divine Dao. 吕家率领的‘神道遗族’大军的上方,有‘雷霆神池’显化,其中雷霆生灭,诸般神道之力流转。 That thunder divine pond after manifestation, then toward above the nine heavens avalanche and destruction Humanity Heaven Court comes. 那‘雷霆神池’自显化之后,便向着九天之上正在崩塌、毁灭的‘人道天庭’而来。 Obviously, Lü Family also Humanity Heaven Court has the idea regarding immortal dynasty of this above the nine heavens avalanche. 显然,吕家同样对于这九天之上崩塌的仙朝人道天庭’有着想法。 Recite! 吟! However, has not waited for that thunder divine pond close to Humanity Heaven Court, then listens to a dragon to recite resounds, is together sharp, the powerful immortal level sword light, Humanity Heaven Court in cuts directly from that cuts the strength of thunder broken thunder divine pond peripheral encirclement surges, cuts in thunder divine pond above. 不过,还未等那‘雷霆神池’靠近‘人道天庭’,便听一声龙吟响起,一道锋锐、强盛之极的仙阶剑光,直接从那‘人道天庭’之中斩出,斩破‘雷霆神池’周边环绕涌动的雷霆之力,斩在‘雷霆神池’之上。 A thundering loud sound, thunder divine pond even is sunk thousand zhang (3.33 m) that sword light chops downward, has almost not crashed and tilted from above the nine heavens. 一声轰鸣巨响,‘雷霆神池’甚至被那剑光劈的向下沉落千丈,差点没有从九天之上坠落、倾覆。 From, Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased who’ Lü Family leads in army, departs numerous divine light and Shintoism/Divine Dao mark, submerges that in abundance thunder divine pond, just now stands firm it, has not tilted and crashed. 从下方,吕家率领的‘神道遗族’大军之中,飞出众多的神光、神道印记,纷纷没入那‘雷霆神池’之中,方才将其重新稳住,没有倾覆、坠落。 Liang Ruijian!” 梁瑞坚!” In the Lü Family army, spreads one to shout angrily, is Lü Family True Monarch that leads, obviously obtains Liang Ruijian to cross the news that the tribulation becomes an immortal, is one saw, this time makes a move and cut the immortal level sword light inevitably is Liang Ruijian. 吕家大军之中,传出一声怒喝,是那领头的吕家真君,显然是早已得到梁瑞坚渡劫成仙的消息,也是一眼就看出,此番出手、斩出仙阶剑光的必然是梁瑞坚 Recite! 吟! Liang Ruijian simply has not responded to the meaning of opposite party, only then another dragon Yinjian called, together radiant sword light from the above the nine heavens avalanche Humanity Heaven Court in cut, cut directly to the direction of Lü Family army. 梁瑞坚根本没有丝毫回应对方的意思,只有又一声龙吟剑鸣,一道璀璨的剑光从九天之上崩塌的‘人道天庭’之中斩出,直接斩向吕家大军的方向。 „It is not good!” “不好!” divine pond!” “神池!” In the Lü Family army, resounds the intermittent screams immediately, said that space of divine light connection thunder divine pond immediately shakes, has thunder divine light together to fall in torrents, spreads out all over in the above of Lü Family army, resists immortal level sword light that is cutting. 吕家大军之中,顿时响起阵阵惊呼声,道道神光连接的天上‘雷霆神池’顿时震荡,有着一道雷霆神光从中倾泻而下,铺展在吕家大军的上方,抵挡着斩来的仙阶剑光。 In thundering thunder sound, the thunder turns into to tumble in the sky, all dissipates with the sword light that Liang Ruijian cuts in in the air. 轰鸣雷响中,雷霆化成雷海在天空中翻滚,与梁瑞坚斩来的剑光俱都消散在空中。 Bang! Rumble...... 轰!轰隆隆…… In the sky, thunder divine pond in the innumerable thunder live to extinguish and erupt, gets angry general like the god of thunder, is ready to make trouble. 天空之中,‘雷霆神池’之中无数雷霆生灭、爆发,有如雷神发怒一般,蠢蠢欲动。 Recite! 吟! ling! 呤! above the nine heavens, resounds dragon to recite the sound of phoenix cry immediately, what dragon cry is the sword light, what phoenix cry is the sea of fire, the rebellion with thunder divine pond and tumbling the strength of thunder fights relative. 九天之上,顿时响起龙吟凤鸣之声,龙吟的是剑光,凤鸣的是火海,与‘雷霆神池’中暴动、翻滚的雷霆之力争锋相对。 Under, Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased in army, Lü Family cultivator and True Monarch sees this, is the complexion changes, later in the hand the god prints one revolution, space thunder divine pond immediately is peaceful, has not continued the rebellion and demonstration again. 下方,‘神道遗族’大军之中,吕家修士真君见此,都是面色一变,随后手上神印一转,天上‘雷霆神池’顿时安静下来,没有再继续暴动、示威。 Regarding Lü Family and Shintoism/Divine Dao family of the deceased, Humanity Heaven Court no doubt is the rare treasure, but to them, more important is actually present Heavenly Capital city, and imperial family and Yongkang Human Sovereign in Heavenly Capital city, and even humanity’s destiny! 对于吕家和‘神道遗族’来说,‘人道天庭’固然是难得的宝物,但对他们来说,更为重要的却是眼前的‘天京城’,以及天京城中的皇族、永康人皇、乃至人道气运 Many thanks ten Fourth Brother Protector.” “多谢十四弟护法。” Humanity Heaven Court, Liang Ruiqin toward a Liang Ruijian ritual, is saying with a smile. 人道天庭’之中,梁瑞钦向着梁瑞坚一礼,笑着道。 Nearly one month, Liang Ruiqin solely has no longer observed and calculated that Humanity Heaven Court formation of central region arranged, but all around in the ruins many already in Humanity Heaven Court destroyed, broken formation and restriction to seek, again restore and arrangement. 近一个月时间,梁瑞钦早已不再只是单单观察、推算‘人道天庭’中央区域的阵法布置了,而是在‘人道天庭’四周废墟之中许多已经破坏、残破的阵法禁制都重新寻找了出来,重新修复、布置起来。 Also is therefore, just now cost so many time, Liang Ruijian and Phoenix dharma idol, had not captured Humanity Heaven Court center. 也是因此,方才耗费了这么多时间,梁瑞坚法相,也一直没有攻入‘人道天庭’的中央。 Sixth Brother was polite.” “六哥客气了。” Liang Ruijian is saying with a smile, immediately also asked: Arrangement how?” 梁瑞坚笑着道,随即又问道:“布置的如何了?” already completed.” 已经完成了。” Liang Ruiqin is saying with a smile, immediately also looks at to Humanity Heaven Court center, sinking sound said: 梁瑞钦笑着道,随即也看向‘人道天庭’的中央,沉声道: This central region, seems like that person of already withdrew, empty piece, but depending on me regarding Formation Dao cultivation and grasping, observes the circulation of formation and restriction, some people are assuming personal command absolutely, moreover is cultivation extremely high person of one above Formation Dao, is revolving and controlling entire Humanity Heaven Court the revolution of central region Great Formation.” “这片中央区域,看似人都已经撤走了,空荡荡一片,但是凭我对于阵道修行、掌握,观察这其中阵法禁制的流转,其中绝对有人坐镇着在,而且是一位在阵道之上修行极高的人,运转、掌控着整个‘人道天庭’中央区域大阵的运转在。” Saying, him is taking out two formation disc, gives Liang Ruijian and Phoenix dharma idol, said: Then, you launch the attack in the direction that in my formation disc directs then.” 说着,他取出两个阵盘,交给梁瑞坚法相,道:“接下来,你们按照我这阵盘中指引的方向发起进攻即可。” Good.” “好。” Liang Ruijian believes that judgment of Liang Ruiqin above Formation Dao, received formation disc, said: Perhaps then the war, I cannot care about you, or do I first deliver the Sixth Brother to get down?” 梁瑞坚相信梁瑞钦阵道之上的判断,接过阵盘,道:“接下来大战,我恐怕顾及不到你这边,要不我先送六哥下去?” Does not use!” “不用!” Liang Ruiqin actually shakes the head, said: Here is immortal dynasty entire spirit cauldron Great Formation the core is , the following war, the attack of under Heavenly Capital city does not need me to assist, instead is here Great Formation revolves and defends, possibly needs me to grasp.” 梁瑞钦却是摇了摇头,道:“这里是仙朝整个‘灵鼎大阵’的核心所在,接下来的大战,下方天京城的进攻无需我去相助,反而是这里的大阵运转、辩护,可能更需要我来掌握。” Moreover, this spirit cauldron Great Formation the core, is greatly is also helpful regarding my cultivation Formation Dao, should be able to help me make up lacks finally together , helping me step road of immortality.” “而且,这‘灵鼎大阵’的核心,对于我修行阵道也是大有帮助,应该能够帮我补足最后一块所缺,助我踏上成仙之路。” I am not possible to get down.” “我是不可能下去的。” Liang Ruijian hears word, looks at the Sixth Brother surface color of resolution, similarly is cultivator and trace-by-trace, he naturally also understands the faith of opposite party. 梁瑞坚闻言,看着六哥面上的坚定之色,同样是修行者、逐道者,他自然也明白对方的信念。 At that moment, does not have to urge again, until: „The Sixth Brother you add carefully, if there is a danger, remembers that offers a sacrifice to Five Color Buddha Light, receives and instructs Cloud Firmament Minor World the strength to protect.” 当下,也没再多劝,直到:“那六哥你多加小心,若是有危险,记得祭起‘五色佛光’,接引‘云霄小世界’之力相护。” Relax.” Liang Ruiqin nods, in the surface shows the self-confident happy expression, said: My already is improving and arranged formation of surrounding, in formation that I arrange, I have from protective live my.” “放心吧。”梁瑞钦点头,面上露出自信的笑意,道:“我已经在完善、重新布置了外围的阵法,在我布置的阵法之中,我还是有着自信护住自己的。” Liang Ruijian sees this also no longer to talk too much, immediately holds formation disc with Phoenix dharma idol respectively, in the direction according to formation disc, enters Humanity Heaven Court the central region. 梁瑞坚见此也不再多言,当下与法相各持一枚阵盘,按照阵盘中的指引,进入‘人道天庭’的中央区域。 Bang! Rumble...... 轰!轰隆隆…… Immediately, Humanity Heaven Court in the sky of central region, gathering, but the big flake gold light and gold/metal cloud, innumerable golden thunder and gold/metal fire shell, comes toward a person of phoenix bombardment. 顿时,‘人道天庭’中央区域的天空之中,汇聚而起大片金光、金云,无数金雷、金火从中轰击而下,向着一人一凤轰击而来。 However, their strengths are not the void monsters under these immortal level can compare, the Liang Ruijian under foot appears five colors sword lotus, as this destiny dao technique he enters the step to become an immortal, already is promoted to the immortal technique, at this time under revolves, projects five colors sword air/Qi, shells the thunder and flame that comes to rumble broken the space and all around. 不过,他们的力量可不是那些仙阶之下的虚空怪物能够相比的,梁瑞坚脚下浮现‘五色剑莲’,这门天命道术随着他进阶成仙,也已经晋升为仙术,此时旋转之下,射出一道道五色剑气,将天上、四周轰击而来的雷霆、火焰俱都轰碎。 Liang Zhaohuang builds five-colored lotus platform and defense is the lord, this that Liang Ruijian builds five colors sword lotus actually launches a counter attack, to attack the generation to defend, fully manifested the difference of two people personality and path. 梁昭煌修成的‘五色莲台’与防御为主,梁瑞坚修成的这‘五色剑莲’却是转守为攻,以攻代守,充分体现了两人性格、道路的不同。 But ‚Phoenix dharma idol that side was needless saying that the whole body has the big piece five colors immortal fire to surround any attack to fall into the five colors immortal fire, multi- already was burnt down completely. 而‘法相’那边更是不用说,周身有着大片五色仙火环绕任何攻击落入五色仙火之中,多已经被焚烧殆尽。 Recite! 吟! ling...... 呤…… dragon recited phoenix cry sound to get up, Liang Ruijian and Phoenix dharma idol, in direction of formation disc according to hand, advance, while acted, broken through was Humanity Heaven Court central region Great Formation and restriction key node. 龙吟凤鸣声响起,梁瑞坚法相,按照手中阵盘的指引,一边前进、一边出手,攻破的都是‘人道天庭’中央区域大阵禁制的关键节点。 Solves the cow to be the same like the chef, will cover and arrange Great Formation of central region dismantles in Humanity Heaven Court piece by piece. 有如庖丁解牛一般,将笼罩、布置在‘人道天庭’中央区域的大阵片片拆解。 Such dismantling method, can greatest retention Humanity Heaven Court central region, benefit Liang family Cloud Firmament Minor World it as far as possible complete swallowing, regarding Liang family and regarding Cloud Firmament Minor World the growth without doubt is best. 这样的拆解方法,能够最大程度的保留‘人道天庭’中央区域,有利于梁家云霄小世界’将其尽可能完整的吞噬,对于梁家、对于‘云霄小世界’的成长无疑都是最好的。 As a person of phoenix acts unceasingly, dismembers Great Formation and restriction of central region, the obtained effect also obviously, covers the golden light and gold/metal in cloud sky to dissipate rapidly, the thunder and flame under bang are also the might plummet. 而随着一人一凤不断出手,肢解中央区域的大阵禁制,取得的效果也是显著地,笼罩天空中的金光、金云都在迅速消散,轰下的雷霆、火焰也都是威力大降。 Oh!” “唉!” Is seeing with own eyes so, from Humanity Heaven Court central region, in the most central palace, spreads a sigh. 眼见着如此,从‘人道天庭’中央区域,最中央的宫殿之中,传出一声叹息。 Afterward, the old form appears above the palace together, toward their ritual, said: Old man Heaven Inspection Department Head Inspector, has seen two fellow daoist.” 随后,一道苍老的身影出现在宫殿上方,向着两人一礼,道:“老夫司天监监正,见过两位道友。” „The long time has heard in Liang family, there is talent above Formation Dao and strength of Liang Ruiqin True Monarch unparalleled, today sees really lives up to reputation.” “一直久闻梁家之中,有梁瑞钦真君阵道之上天赋、实力无双,今日一见果然名不虚传。” Saying, he looked that to Liang Ruijian that already becomes an immortal, even more sighed: On this day place, when Liang family how thick!” 说着,他又看向已经成仙的梁瑞坚,越发叹息道:“这天地,待梁家何其之厚也!”
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