NGTFOW :: Volume #10 晓域

#2301: Cuts the Yellow Springs

Hokage fruit of the God Tree() searches the latest chapter in the different novel! 火影神树之果在异界小说()”查找最新章节! Bang! 轰! Zhongchuan kills again, he does not want to haggle over the consequence now, in his mind, was only left over a goal, that massacres Lin Chuan, for this reason he can pay any price! 中川则再次杀出,他现在已经不想去计较后果了,在他的心中,只剩下了一个目标,那就是杀掉林川,为此他可以付出任何代价! Lin Chuan Tenseigan concentrates slightly, even if he, when facing to arrive in Zhongchuan killing intent, in the heart still exuded the mighty waves. 林川转生眼微微一凝,即便是他,在面对到中川则的杀意时,心中也泛起了波澜。 For the person who to cultivate to give up the throne, is willing the stealth after Yao all alone person, persevering in his heart and stubborn is the average man is inconceivable radically. 一个为了修炼而放弃皇位的人,一个甘愿隐身在瑶光身后的人,他心中的坚守和固执根本是常人难以想象的。 But such a powerhouse, may be treated as martial idiot in many eyes, but in the Lin Chuan eye, this is a from head to tail lunatic. 而这样一个强者,在很多人的眼里或许会被当做武痴,但在林川眼里,这就是一个彻头彻尾的疯子。 Amenotejikara!” 天手力!” The Zhongchuan making a move speed was too fast, does not have the goal that the time looks for itself to display Amenotejikara to Lin Chuan quickly, can only find a person to replace at will from Middle Creek Empire. 中川则的出手速度太快了,快到林川都没有时间去寻找自己想要的目标施展天手力,只能随意从中川帝国这边找一个人替换过来。 Bang! 轰! The flesh explodes, that does not know that is several emperor's sons' youth fights with the fists to explode by Zhongchuan directly, but on his face does not have any fluctuation, instead emerged more fearful killing intent. 血肉爆开,那个不知道是几皇子的青年直接被中川则一拳打爆,而他的脸上没有任何的波动,反而涌现出了更加可怕的杀意。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… The following time, in the air blew out the blood-color flowers one after another, was acted by Zhongchuan the form that completely hits to explode. 接下来的时间,空中爆出了一朵又一朵的血色花朵,全部是被中川则出手打爆的身影。 No one can survive under his fist, even if assists other crown prince such nine big own King Level powerhouses, still by him, as soon as fights with the fists to explode, do not say others. 没有人能够在他的拳头下生存,即便是襄亲王这样的九大亲王级别强者,也被他一拳打爆,就更不要说其他人了。 Perhaps crosses tribulation period Cultivator to have the means to resist Zhongchuan fist, but Lin Chuan does not have the means with the powerhouse who Amenotejikara replaces crosses the tribulation period. Or does not dare to replace, actually launch of Amenotejikara has strong compulsion effect, does not need the opposite party to agree, can complete the space replacement instantaneously. 或许渡劫期修士有办法抵挡中川则的拳头,但林川却没办法用天手力去置换渡劫期的强者。更或者说是不敢去置换,其实天手力的发动有很强的强制效果,根本无需对方同意,瞬间就可以完成空间置换。 The powerhouse but who crosses the tribulation period they are extremely strong regarding the space handling, Lin Chuan could display Amenotejikara, so long as the middle has a mistake, that Zhongchuan fist may pound on his body. 但渡劫期的强者他们对于空间的掌控能力极强,林川或许可以施展天手力,但只要中间出现一点差错,那中川则的拳头可就砸在他的身上了。 With two people fights, or is the Zhongchuan unilateral pursuit, everyone is scattering in all directions to flee. 伴随着两人的交手,亦或者说是中川则单方面的追击,所有人在都四散逃离。 The battlefields of others may bring disaster to the mackerel shad, so long as is more careful, they will not have the matter. But Zhongchuan and Lin Chuan battlefield is actually not this, that is brings death radically, not good to stare by Lin Chuan, that will become next in the blood-color flowers that in the sky explodes, Zhongchuan may, no matter you are, assists the crown prince and imperial princes can fight with the fists to explode, let alone is other person. 其他人的战场或许会殃及池鱼,但只要小心一些,他们就不会有事。但中川则和林川的战场却不是这样的,那根本就是送死去的,一个不好被林川盯上了,那就会成为下一朵在天空中爆开的血色花朵,中川则可不管你是谁,襄亲王和皇子都能够一拳打爆,更何况是其他人。 Coward!!! You do not match with me fight!” Zhongchuan angry shouts resounds through the entire imperial capital. “懦夫!!!你根本不配跟我战斗!”中川则愤怒的嘶吼响彻整个帝都。 He acts one after another dozens times, was avoided with Amenotejikara by Lin Chuan completely, this lets him not only has not bumped into the Lin Chuan slightest, instead oneself killed many Royal Family members, the time of short less than burning a joss stick, their place visited, in a surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) range does not dare to have any Cultivator to exist. 他接连几十次出手,全部被林川天手力躲避,这让他不但没有碰到林川分毫,反而自己杀了不少皇室的成员,短短不到一炷香的时间,他们所过之处,方圆几十里范围内都不敢有任何一个修士存在。 Bumps continually does not have the means to bump into my person, no qualifications fight with me!” Saying of some Lin Chuan asthmas. “连碰都没办法碰到我的人,更没有资格跟我战斗!”林川有些气喘的说道。 Zhongchuan pursued was really quick, moreover angle and position that attacked extremely cunning, even if Lin Chuan with the Amenotejikara unceasing replacement position, were still pursued as before scurries about. If Lin Chuan does not have Tenseigan to understand clearly Zhongchuan every action and every movement completely, he has Amenotejikara even, cannot escape this chasing down that crosses the tribulation period powerhouse. 中川则追得实在太快了,而且攻击的角度和位置都极其的刁钻,即便林川天手力不断的置换位置,也依旧被追得上蹿下跳。要是林川没有转生眼可以完全洞悉中川则的一举一动的话,他即便有天手力,都逃不过这个渡劫期强者的追杀。 Good! Very good! I make you experience my true strength!” Zhongchuan deeply inspires, the pale skin started gradually to show wiped the blood-color, a strength that destroys the day to extinguish manages his within the body fermentation. “好!很好!那我就让你见识一下我真正的实力!”中川则深吸了一口气,原本苍白的皮肤开始逐渐透出了一抹血色,一股毁天灭地办的力量正在他的体内酝酿。 Lin Chuan is careful! His Taijutsu (Body Techniques) has practiced the extremely high degree, perhaps you then did not have the means to conduct the avoidance with Amenotejikara!” 林川小心!他的体术已经修炼到了极高的程度,你接下来恐怕没办法用天手力进行躲避了!” What sound-transmission is Mu Li, he himself is the Taijutsu (Body Techniques) follower, was naturally clear style that this moment Zhongchuan is displaying. 传音的是木离,他自己是体术的修炼者,自然清楚此刻中川则正在施展的招式。 I know, you are also more careful!” The Lin Chuan response said. “我知道,你也小心些!”林川回应道。 Zhongchuan had been driven beyond the limits of forbearance, this who Lin Chuan Amenotejikara played jokes upon were obviously more powerful than the enemy, actually each fist could not project on the feeling of place really aggrievedly, particularly Zhongchuan such martial idiot and lunatic, he had been enraged by Lin Chuan thoroughly, is actually not able to create killing in attack one after another to Lin Chuan, in such situation, he can only show oneself card in hand. 中川则已经被林川天手力戏耍的忍无可忍了,这种明明自己比敌人强大,却每一拳都打不到地方的感觉实在让人憋屈,尤其是中川则这样的武痴和疯子,他已经被林川彻底激怒,却在接连的攻击中都无法对林川造成杀伤,这样的情况下,他只能将自己的底牌亮出来了。 At this moment, the Zhongchuan original dark golden color ray changes rich, but under this ray, more wiped the blood-color. 这一刻,中川则身上原本的暗金色光芒变的更加的浓郁,而在这份光芒之下,更多了一抹血色。 I with my sword, cut the Yellow Springs!” “我以我剑,斩黄泉!” The blood light instantaneous ebullition, this moment Zhongchuan, captured the attention of countless person. 血光瞬间沸腾,这一刻的中川则,吸引了无数人的目光。 Compelled him to display this move unexpectedly!” The Zhongchuan Yao light/only looks to here time, on the face showed the shocking look. “竟然逼得他把这一招都施展了出来!”中川瑶光看向这边的时候,脸上露出了震惊的神色。 Bang! 轰! Golden thunder light chops together, almost fell on Zhongchuan Yao chest of light/only. 一道金色的雷光劈下,差点落在了中川瑶光的胸口。 Her Imperial Majesty, fight time wants the attention to be centralized, otherwise is very easy dead.” The Qin Lang form transmits from the thunder and lightning, the air/Qi resulted in the tigress that the Zhongchuan Yao light/only missed the incarnation violent anger. “女皇陛下,战斗的时候要注意力集中,不然的话很容易死的。”秦朗的身影从雷电中传来,气得中川瑶光就差化身暴怒的母老虎了。 Aggrievedness that Zhongchuan that side fight hits, her here fight aggrieved! 中川则那边的战斗打的憋屈,她这边的战斗更加的憋屈! Zhongchuan at least can also unscrupulous making a move, although kills is a person on one's own side, but also pursues the Lin Chuan full imperial capital to run all over the place, in the imposing manner 1 point does not lose! 中川则至少还能够肆无忌惮的出手,虽然杀的都是自己人,但是也追得林川满帝都乱跑,气势上一点也不输! But the Zhongchuan Yao here was only different, the Great Ascension Stage Cultivator that she looked down upon, his unexpectedly control Purple Firmanent Divine Thunder! 中川瑶光这边就不一样了,她原本瞧不起的这个大乘期修士,他竟然掌控者紫霄神雷 This is Deva Path thunder punishment, the Zhongchuan Yao light/only as crossing the powerhouse of tribulation period, has suppressed own cultivating is being, does not dare to cross a day of tribulation, but the thunder of day tribulation, is Purple Firmanent Divine Thunder. 这可是天道雷罚,中川瑶光作为渡劫期的强者,一直压制着自己的修为,不敢去渡天劫,而天劫的雷,就是紫霄神雷 When facing Qin Lang, the Zhongchuan Yao light/only hits particularly aggrieved, she does not dare to contaminate least bit Purple Firmanent Divine Thunder, if otherwise the day tribulation directing, this time may really probably confess here. 所以在面对秦朗的时候,中川瑶光打的分外憋屈,她不敢沾染半点紫霄神雷,否则如果一旦把天劫给引下来,那她这次可就真的要交代在这里了。 Also after fight she realized why Lin Chuan will make Qin Lang cope with her, because Purple Firmanent Divine Thunder to crossing tribulation period Cultivator is day to subdue|grams, in addition Qin Lang the degree of Purple Firmanent Divine Thunder control is high, surpasses the degree that Great Ascension Stage Cultivator should be completely, even she felt that this method possibly is some immortal passes to Qin Lang. 也是在交手之后她才意识到林川为什么会让秦朗来对付她,因为紫霄神雷对渡劫期修士本来就是天克,再加上秦朗紫霄神雷掌控的程度非常高,完全超出了一个大乘期修士应该达到的程度,甚至她感觉这手段可能是某个仙传给秦朗的。 Bang! 轰! Another red thunder and lightning falls, in the Zhongchuan Yao light/only silver tooth bit tightly, wields begins the long whip to kill to the Qin Lang main body. 又一道红色的雷电落下,中川瑶光银牙紧咬,挥动着手里的长鞭杀向了秦朗的本体。 Cuts!” “斩!” Also in this is, the blood-color ray shoots up to the sky suddenly, Zhongchuan acted finally again. 也就在这是,血色的光芒突然冲天而起,中川则终于再次出手了。 This Zhongchuan whole person direct incarnation to the blood-color sword light, span the expansive sky ten thousand li (0.5 km) time together, directly soars Lin Chuan to fall. 这一次的中川则整个人直接化身为一道血色剑光,跨越长空万里,直奔林川落下。 This move of named cutting the Yellow Springs, will change into the blood sword, cuts to kill all lives, changes to the Yellow Springs hell front all! 这一招名叫斩黄泉,是将自身化为血剑,斩杀一切生灵,将面前的一切化作黄泉地狱! Buzz! 嗡! Also at this moment, the pupil of Lin Chuan contracts suddenly, in his suddenly presented nine black spheroids behind, assumes the semicircle to surround him! 也就在这时,林川的瞳孔骤然收缩,在他的身后突然出现了九枚黑色的球体,呈半圆环绕着他! In instantly, a black spheroid that the blood light falls departs directly, arrived at the Lin Chuan front, changed to a jet black barrier. In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 2304 cuts Yellow Springs) reading record, next time will turn on the bookshelf then to see! 在血光落下的刹那,其中一枚黑色的球体直接飞出,来到了林川的面前,化作了一道漆黑的屏障。为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第2304章斩黄泉)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! Likes «Hokage fruit of the God Tree please( QQ, blog, WeChat and other ways) recommend this book in Different» to your friend, support thank you!!() 喜欢《火影神树之果在异界》请向你的朋友(QQ、博客、微信等方式)推荐本书,谢谢您的支持!!()
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