NGTFOW :: Volume #10 晓域

#2177: World phenomenon

Felt that the drastic fluctuation of Lin Chuan aura, everyone's heart raised, can break through, but looked at this. 感觉到林川气息的剧烈波动,所有人的心都提了起来,能不能突破,可就看这一下了。 A clan people look is very too complex, they fought were so long, has wanted to prevent the breakthrough of Lin Chuan, killed him, but in the end, actually can only look at Lin Chuan to break through helplessly, the qualifications of even stopping did not have. 太一族众人此刻神色十分复杂,他们战斗了这么久,一直想要阻止林川的突破,将他杀死,但是到头来,却只能眼睁睁的看着林川突破,连阻拦的资格都没有了。 This war, even if Lin Chuan compromised finally, puts them to leave, is still their too clan collapses completely. 这一战,即便最后林川妥协了,放他们离开,也是他们太一族一败涂地。 What means but also has? even/including Shengzu could not cope with three alliances, what to do their ordinary too clan juniors can, even if were unwilling, not indignation, was still not meaningful. 可是又有什么办法呢?连圣祖都对付不了三眼联盟,他们普通的太一族子弟又能怎么办,即便在不甘心,再不忿,也没有任何意义。 Too gold/metal India , China, three people of breath solidified, looking at steadily is staring at Lin Chuan that breaks through. 太一金印中,三人的呼吸都凝固了下来,目不转睛的盯着正在突破的林川 You said, he can break through the failure?” Too Chong Yan asked. “你们说,他有没有可能突破失败?”太一崇俨问道。 Before Lin Chuan broke through takes plundered pill, once this Medicinal Pill ate, if the breakthrough, some time will be impossible to break through in the future, even the influence was possibly lifelong. 之前林川突破是服用了劫丹的,这种丹药一旦吃下去,如果突破不了的话,未来相当一段时间都不可能在突破,甚至可能影响终身。 After all takes tribulation pill to mean that strength has not reached the standard of breakthrough, needs the external force to stimulate the breakthrough bottleneck, such matter follows the risk inevitably. 毕竟服用劫丹就意味着本身的实力并没有达到突破的标准,需要外力来刺激突破瓶颈,这样的事情必然伴随着风险。 Is less likely, what if the human bone said is real, then that tribulations pill stems from the hand of free and unfettered pill immortal, such character, in the hand also has Holy Medicine, specially is plundering pill of Lin Chuan refinement, it can be imagined adaptive degree high, we complete the worst plan.” Too a Chongming shakes the head to say. “可能性不大,如果骸说的是真的,那么那一枚劫丹是出自逍遥丹仙之手,这样的人物,手中又有圣药在,专门为林川炼制的劫丹,可想而知适配的程度有多高,我们还是做好最坏的打算吧。”太一崇明摇了摇头道。 To be honest, he also hopes that Lin Chuan breaks through inadequately, in this case, their too clan also has very high hope. But the rational analysis, he discovered that this possibility really Shi Tai lowered, with its thinks that some do not have, might as well thinks how well after met Lin Chuan breaks through, must force Lin Chuan to make concessions. 说实话,他也希望林川突破不成,这样的话,他们太一族还有很大的希望。但理性的分析下来,他发现这种可能性实在是太低了,与其去想这些有的没的,还不如好好想一想等会林川突破后要如何逼迫林川退让。 Can live, naturally does not want dead, particularly this also relations a destiny of entire too clan, if really perishes together, seems like very bold horizontal, but they also become too a criminal of clan, the person of perishing clan, by forever nail on shame column. 能活着,自然不想死,尤其是这还关系的整个太一族的命运,如果真的就这么同归于尽,看似很豪横,但是他们也就成为了太一族的罪人,亡族之人,被永远的钉在了耻辱柱上。 He will comply!” The human bone said. “他会答应的!”骸说道。 How can you affirm?” Too a Chongming asked. “你怎么敢肯定?”太一崇明问道。 Just broke through Great Ascension Stage, moreover talent such good, in the future is light, the possibility that rises the immortal is enormous, even if cannot obtain Supreme First Dao Scripture, he does not need to take risk with us here, because does not need!” The human bone said. “刚刚突破到大乘期,而且天赋如此之好,未来可谓是一片光明,升仙的可能性极大,即便得不到太一道经,他也没必要跟我们在这里冒险,因为没有必要!”骸说道。 Supreme First Dao Scripture that countless people want to obtain, regarding Lin Chuan is just the thing of splendid addition, having was naturally best, without does not owe, from present's all sorts of performance, according to the normal situation develops in any case, a Lin Chuan rise immortal basically is the matter of being settled, such being the case, why must take risk. 无数人想要获得的太一道经,对于林川来说只不过是锦上添花的东西,有了自然最好,没有也不亏,反正从现在的种种表现来看,按照正常的情况发展下去,林川升仙基本上是板上钉钉的事情,既然如此,何必要冒险呢。 This like Lin Chuan of previous generation, has been doomed on Qinghua, then to him, Supreme First Dao Scripture is just an answer, can help him attain the high score, but also that is all. If attains this answer to need to risk neck, why that does take? 这就像前世的林川,已经注定上清华了,那么对他来说,太一道经就只不过是一份答案而已,能够帮助他拿到更高分,但也就仅此而已。如果拿到这份答案需要冒着生命危险,那何必去拿呢? „A your such saying, I to feeling , me will truly so choose to give up compromising!” Too a Chongming said in a soft voice. “你这么一说,我到觉得确实如此,如果是我的话,我会选择放弃妥协!”太一崇明轻声说道。 That said, we did leave immortal the probability to be very big?” Too Chong Yan asked. “那这么说,我们离开长生界的概率很大了?”太一崇俨问道。 Is uncertain, I now only worry is Lin Chuan after breaking through Great Ascension Stage, there is means to break our limits, once we do not have the means to perish together, how regardless to analyze, lost the significance!” Human bone look solemn and respectful saying. “也不一定,我现在唯一担心的就是林川在突破大乘期后,有办法突破我们的限制,一旦我们没办法同归于尽,那无论怎么分析,都失去了意义!”骸神色肃穆的说道。 This he indulges in fantasy actually not, was really Lin Chuan had made this immeasurably deep impression on the human bone, particularly that as numerous as the hairs of an ox strange method, no can turn danger into safety time at crucial moments, if this Lin Chuan came such a again, that looked that was really anything does not have. 这倒不是他异想天开,实在是林川已经给骸留下了这个深不可测的印象,尤其是那多如牛毛的诡异手段,没一次都能够在关键时刻化险为夷,如果这一次林川再来这么一手,那看就真的是什么都没有了。 Therefore the human bone does not dare to relax, he must prepare death frequently, does not give a Lin Chuan opportunity. 所以骸还是不敢放松,他要时刻做好死亡的准备,不给林川一点机会。 Under, the Lin Chuan breakthrough sound is getting bigger and bigger, even inspired the world phenomenon, although does not have Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp Seven Hearth Lamp full time shocks like that but also made countless people see the fearfulness of Lin Chuan as before. 下方,林川的突破动静越来越大,甚至都引动了天地异象,虽然没有空明七心点灯七盏心灯全开的时候那般震撼,但也依旧让无数人看到了林川的可怕。 In the history, can the person of inspiring world phenomenon in the breakthrough all be the illustrious generation, their final achievements are not low, but at this moment, Lin Chuan is writing own myth. 历史上,能够在突破的时候引动天地异象的人无一不是赫赫有名之辈,他们最终的成就都不低,而此刻,林川正在书写自己的神话。 Piece of boundless Dark surrounds in the Lin Chuan whole body, the surrounding all as if vanished in this moment, was only left over the endless stars, embellishes in the endless space. 一片苍茫的黑暗环绕在林川的周身,周围的一切在这一刻仿佛都消失了,只剩下了无尽的星辰,点缀在无尽的空间之中。 This lights a lamp the starry sky of inspiring to be different from the spatial bright Big Dipper, the stars not just presented the sky, but appeared in all directions, even the under foot had. 这与空明七星点灯引动的星空不同,星辰并不是只出现了天空,而是出现在了四面八方,甚至脚下都有。 As if the people place oneself in a piece of huge universe general, this moment world has not opened, chaos, all have not happened. 就仿佛众人置身在一片庞大的宇宙之中一般,此刻天地未开,一片混沌,所有的一切都没有发生。 The aura of main road is filling the air, even, the people also felt that a strange fluctuation was transmitting, this is the Cultivation World aura, is actually not their familiar Cultivation World, but is Cultivation World most source, most primitive aura. 大道的气息在弥漫,甚至,众人还感觉到了一种诡异的波动正在传来,这是修真界的气息,却不是他们熟知的修真界,而是修真界最本源,最原始的气息。 In Dark of distant place, suddenly presented a grass, is dragging in the black space slightly, is sending out the light glimmer. Looks very delicate, actually as in tenacious survival. 远处的黑暗中,突然出现了一株小草,在黑色的空间里微微摇曳着,散发着淡淡的微光。看起来十分柔弱,却依旧在顽强的生存。 The people of after three alliances see this grass, the look moves. 三眼联盟的人看到这株小草后,神色都是一动。 Although this grass looks somewhat different, but actually very obvious has the shadow of Yuan extremely grass. 这草虽然看起来有些不同,但却很明显的有元极草的影子。 In the legend this grass is nearby the Cultivation World source associated comes out, at this moment along with the emergence of Cultivation World source aura, this grass in legend really appeared unexpectedly. 传说中这株草就是修真界本源附近伴生出来的,此刻伴随着修真界本源气息的出现,这株在传说中的草竟然真的出现了。 But at the same time, the people notices, in remote Dark, as if eye staring at them, particularly looked to Lin An. 而与于此同时,众人注意到,遥远的黑暗之中,仿佛有一只眼睛在凝望着他们这边,尤其是看向了林安 But the eye sends out the light shining white ray, in the pupil the tricolor rays is pasting, tranquil, faint, does not have the slight sentiment. 但眼睛散发着淡淡的莹白光芒,瞳孔中三色光芒在流转,平静,淡漠,不带有丝毫的感情。 Creates the eye of the world!” “创世之眼!” Lin An in a soft voice twittering. Right, the eye that he sees, should be the eye of initial creation world, when when the world's first took shape appears in Cultivation World source eye, helping Cultivation World construct the eye of most primitive world. 林安轻声呢喃。没错,他看到的这一只眼睛,应该就是最初的创世之眼,那个在混沌初开的时候出现在修真界本源身边的眼睛,帮助修真界构建了最原始的世界的眼睛。 At this moment, too everyone of clan has looked dull. 这一刻,太一族的所有人都已经看呆了。 On shocking the degree, the world phenomenon that Lin Chuan brings in indeed compares the above bright Big Dipper not to light a lamp, during this is quiet, the people actually saw the appearance of Cultivation World most source. 论震撼程度,林川引来的天地异象的确比不上空明七星点灯,但是在这份静谧之中,众人却都看到了修真界最本源的样子。 Too a Chongming, too Chong Yan, the human bone, three people also showed the shocking look in this moment, no one has thought that they when Lin Chuan breaks through sees such picture. 太一崇明,太一崇俨,骸,三人也都在这一刻露出了震惊的神色,谁也没想到,他们会在林川突破的时候看到这样的画面。 But more shocking also in behind, instance when that quiet glow presents, the brain of human bone seemed like blasted open directly generally, the whole person fell into the blank. 而更让人震惊的还在后面,当那一点幽芒出现的瞬间,骸的大脑像是直接炸裂了一般,整个人陷入了空白之中。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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