NGTFOW :: Volume #10 晓域

#2174: Small seven abilities

Ended! We lost!” “完了!我们输了!” After seeing that female appears, too complexion of Chongming turned into the dead grey, the whole person as if instantaneous old several hundred years old general. 在看到那女子出现之后,太一崇明的脸色变成了死灰色,整个人仿佛瞬间老了数百岁一般。 Insisting is so long, fighting was so long, must live shortly won, has not actually thought that Lin Chuan used a card in hand again. Although from the present aspect, this very possible was the Lin Chuan last card in hand, but the might of this card in hand, actually far exceeded their expectation. 坚持了这么久,战斗了这么久,眼看就要活得胜利了,却没想到林川再次动用了一张底牌。虽然从眼前的局面来看,这很可能是林川的最后一张底牌了,但是这张底牌的威力,却远远超出了他们的预料。 The human bone is knows in Lin Chuan to have Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp this Holy Medicine, but he how, regardless of unable to think, this Holy Medicine has started out seven flowers unexpectedly, this is in the legend also wants the difficult matter compared with a Cultivator rise immortal. Human can through the cultivation, grow into the immortal, this is because human is the highest of all creatures, the growth potential is extremely high, but other magical things are actually not this. 骸是知道林川手里有空明七心点灯这株圣药的,只是他无论如何也想不到,这株圣药竟然已经开出了七朵花,这是传说中比修士升仙还要困难的事情。人类可以通过修炼,成长为仙,这是因为人类是万物之灵,成长性极高,但其他灵物却不是这样的。 Although Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp is Holy Medicine, from a birth was existence of keeping aloof, but was this existence, making it be almost impossible to break through again upwardly, became elixir that exceeded Holy Medicine. At least from ancient to present, the human bone had not heard has the efficacious medicine to cultivate to become an immortal. 空明七心点灯虽然是圣药,从一出生就是高高在上的存在,但就是这种存在,使得它几乎不可能再向上突破,成为超越圣药的仙药。至少从古至今,骸从没有听说过有灵药修炼成仙的。 But is this unprecedented matter, he met unexpectedly, moreover in so essential life-and-death fight. 但就是这前无古人的事情,他竟然遇到了,而且是在如此关键的生死之战中。 Whatever the human bone calculates that all possibilities, he cannot calculate that Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp will start out the complete seven flowers at this time unexpectedly, let alone was he, was skilled in Yin Yangzong successor Qing Huan that the divination deduced not to calculate that this step, obviously this time matter was how suddenly and unpredictable. 任凭骸算到了所有的可能,他也算不到空明七心点灯竟然会在这个时候开出全部的七朵花,别说是他了,就连精通占卜推演的阴阳宗传人晴嬛都没有算到这一步,可见这次的事情是多麽的突然和不可预见。 What ability this Holy Medicine...... does it have?” Too Chong Yan shocking asking. “这圣药……它有什么能力?”太一崇俨震惊的问道。 The on his Medicinal Pill is not very clear, Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp he has heard, but is only also restricted to know that this is the head of Holy Medicine, as for this Holy Medicine how starts out seven flower shows, he does not know. 丹药上的事情并不是很清楚,空明七心点灯他听说过,但也仅限于知道这是圣药之首,至于这株圣药开出七朵花会怎样,他并不知道。 These seven all spends all blooms, to master who the flower spoke, that moment that the life will be spending changed, seven flowers were seven small lamps, will represent the east, west, south, and north in the past the present in the future, can turn on the door leaf of life, illuminated the road of life and death ; The flower show according to own wish, making the space and time return but actually, the years adverse current, the flower master can fill the regret in the past leaving behind, the foreknowledge change future danger and opportunity.” Too a Chongming opens the mouth to say slowly, this saying was not he said that but recorded the Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp person to say in the old book initially. “这七朵花完全绽放的时候,对花说话的主人,一生就会在花开的那一刻改变,七朵花是七盏小灯,代表东西南北过去现在未来,可以打开人生之扉,照亮生死之路;花会按照自己的意愿,让时空倒回,岁月逆流,花的主人可以填补过去遗留的遗憾,预知改变将来的危险与机遇。”太一崇明缓缓开口道,这话并不是他说的,而是当初在古籍上记录空明七心点灯的人说的。 Space and time returns but actually, the years adverse current, this...... such ability......” too on Chong Yan a face showed the panic-stricken look finally, he has not thought of Holy Medicine, when spending to really have such fearful ability. “时空倒回,岁月逆流,这……这样的能力……”太一崇俨的脸上终于露出了惊骇的神色,他没想到一株圣药而已,在花开之时竟然会有这样可怕的能力。 This is the head of Holy Medicine, this legend spread was very long, but no one has seen, at the present, I witnessed Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp Seven Hearth Lamp full...... too on a face of Chongming to reveal the forced smile unexpectedly in these circumstances, this was really the day must perish too a clan. “这就是圣药之首,这个传说流传了很久了,可是从来没有人见到过,而今,我竟然在这样的情况下见证了空明七心点灯七盏心灯全开……”太一崇明的脸上露出了苦笑,这真的是天要亡太一族啊。 „The Big Dipper lighting a lamp broken clouds...... ha haha...... the Big Dipper lighting a lamp broken clouds......” human bone dissolute laughter transmitted, brings the endless sorrow, in this was imprisoned in space unceasing reverberation. “七星点灯破云……哈哈哈……七星点灯破云了……”骸放肆的笑声传来,带着无尽的悲哀,在这被禁锢了的空间中不断的回荡。 Another side. 另一边。 Qing Huan gazes is presenting the outstandingly beautiful female side Lin Chuan, on the face that indifference, the confident look came back. 晴嬛注视着出现在林川身边的绝色女子,脸上那种淡然,胸有成竹的神色又回来了。 She was clear, has this female, this war should not have any mistake again, this is the fearfulness that the spatial bright Big Dipper lights a lamp. 她清楚,有这个女子在,这一战应该是不会再出现任何差错了,这就是空明七星点灯的可怕。 The surrounding world phenomenon had shown all, immortal was unable to stop the spatial bright Big Dipper to light a lamp, let alone is others. 周围的天地异象已经说明了一切,就连长生界都已经无法阻拦空明七星点灯,更何况是其他人。 Listened to so many your concerns, at the present my Seven Hearth Lamp has been in full bloom completely, to returned you time.” The females are looking at Lin Chuan, smiled is very sweet, warm brings several points of beautiful gentleness, lets unable to move the vision that the person sees instantaneously again. “听了那么多你的心事,而今我七盏心灯已经全部盛开,也到了回报你的时候了。”女子望着林川,笑的很甜,温暖中带着几分明媚的柔和,让人看到的瞬间就再也挪不开目光。 The seven colors rays send out from the body of young girl, gentle spreads toward the surroundings, although is very slow, is very light, but does not have any filling the air that can stop this seven colors rays. 七色的光芒从少女的身上散发而出,柔和的朝着周围扩散开来,虽然很慢,很轻,但却没有什么能够阻拦这七色光芒的弥漫。 The surrounding space and time starts the violent fluctuation, all start the slow reversal, the space and time are not under the normal principle revolution in this moment, but was controlled by Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp, upstream recollection toward time river. 周围的时空开始剧烈的波动,一切都开始缓慢的逆转,时空在这一刻已经不在正常的法则运转之下,而是被空明七心点灯操控,朝着时间长河的上游回溯。 The surroundings seem like reversing of light shadow, the people of dying reappeared in the Lin Chuan side, but flowing backwards of space and time is continuing as before, returned to the most powerful time until these people. 周围像是光影的倒转,一个个死去的人重新出现在了林川的身边,但时空的倒流依旧在继续,直到这些人回到自己最强大的时候。 Picture circulation, what first frames is the Lin Chuan summon Daybreak With Before dawn That moment, that time people just entered immortal, is the heyday. 画面流转,首先定格的是林川召唤【破晓】和【拂晓】的那一刻,那个时候的众人刚刚进入长生界,正是全盛时期。 Buzz! 嗡! The seven colors rays flow backwards the people package the space and time, from the space and time of flowing backwards imprisons them directly, then drew forcefully, returned to immortal truly. 七色的光芒将时空倒流中的众人包裹,直接将他们从倒流的时空中禁锢,而后强行拉了出来,真正的回到了长生界之中。 Immediately the ray continued to past, returning to 【Akatsuki】 to organize the people appeared, the similar means that the spatial bright Big Dipper lights a lamp them from the space and time forcefully drawing. 随即光芒继续流转,回到了【晓】组织众人出现的时候,同样的办法,空明七星点灯将他们从时空中强行拉了出来。 Afterward is Chen Xuan one, leaf Qingyang, even Shi Tai Si life/command, everyone in the strongest condition, was locked from flowing backwards of space and time, then appeared in this moment. 随后是陈玄一,叶青阳,甚至是太一司命,所有人都是在最强状态,被从时空的倒流中锁定,然后出现在了这一刻。 When these people appear, on the face of everyone presented the confused look, as if not know completely had anything. 当这些人出现的时候,每个人的脸上都出现了迷茫的神色,似乎完全不知道发生了什么。 However quick, before Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp, all instilled into their mind, making them understand these days exactly had anything. 但是很快,空明七心点灯就将之前发生的一切灌输到了他们的脑海之中,让他们明白了这段时间到底发生了什么。 If Lin Chuan Shintou Izanagi is the freedom of reality and illusion transforms the resurrecting people, then spatial bright Big Dipper at this moment lights a lamp is really flowing backwards the resurrecting people using the years, moreover is resurrecting in their most flourishing conditions. 如果说林川的伊邪那岐是现实与幻境的自由转换来复活众人,那么此刻的空明七星点灯就是真的在利用岁月倒流去复活众人,而且是复活在他们的全盛状态。 But along with the breakthrough of Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp, Lin Chuan aura also in fast exploding steadily. 而伴随着空明七心点灯的突破,林川的气息也在快速的爆长着。 Initially Lin Chuan integrated own heart Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp to break through Seven Hearth Lamp at the present, he also corresponding when production costs rise, prices rise too, if not he is breaking through Great Ascension Stage now, perhaps the strength will obtain the rapid growth, even obtained some of his unexpected abilities. 当初林川七盏心灯融入自己的心脏而今空明七心点灯突破,他也相应的水涨船高,如果不是他现在正在突破大乘期,恐怕实力会获得飞速的增长,甚至获得一些他意想不到的能力。 Final strength, leaves you.” Women's chuckle, the scallion white slender finger selects gently, fell on the Lin Chuan forehead, the seven colors ray pasted from his fingertip, injected into Lin Chuan within the body. “最后的力量,就留给你吧。”女子轻笑一声,葱白纤细的手指轻轻点出,落在了林川的眉心,七色光芒从其指尖流转出来,注入到了林川的体内。 After completing these, the female is looking at Lin Chuan, after hesitating the moment, bends down to kiss gently in the Lin Chuan forehead. 做完这些后,女子望着林川,沉吟了片刻后,俯下身子在林川的额头轻轻的吻了一下。 Hope can also see you, is not right, by your ability, will definitely go out of that finally, then, I will wait for you in the future!” “希望还能在见到你,不对,以你的能力,最终肯定会走出那一步的,那么,我在未来等你!” At once, women's chuckle, is riding the endless star light, departs toward the starry sky that breaks open. 旋即,女子轻笑一声,乘着无尽的星光,朝着那破开的星空离去。 The world phenomenon starts to dissipate, Void Bright Seven Hearth Lamp departs air-splitting, all that just had are ordinary just like the dreamland, but stands side Lin Chuan everyone, was confirming all that just had real. 天地异象开始消散,空明七心点灯破空离去,刚刚发生的一切宛如梦境一般,但站在林川身边的所有人,却都在证实刚刚发生的一切是真的。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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