NGTFOW :: Volume #10 晓域

#2036: Above all living things

What......” “什么……” At this moment, that in the Konoha city everyone just relaxed tightens again, the Spiritual-Power circulation that feeling within the body is slowly quiet, they felt that anything is called desperately. 这一刻,木叶城中所有人原本刚刚放松下来的心情再次绷紧,感受到体内缓缓沉寂下来的灵力流转,他们感觉到了什么叫做绝望。 Too a clan as before is a that too clan, when he decided that must to who acts, the method of its using is the average man is basically hard to counterattack. 太一族依旧是那个太一族,当他决定要对谁出手的时候,其所使用的手段基本上都是常人难以反制的。 From beforehand control immortal, refining up to present too one immortal again, all shows them to dominate the strength and method all above all living things, this powerful antique race looks like the real immortal that keeps aloof, in bit by bit shows their absolute strengths, lets strength that everyone is unable to revolt against. 从之前的操控长生界,再到现在的太一仙阵炼化,所有的一切都无不展现着他们凌驾于众生之上的实力与手段,这个强大的太古种族就像是高高在上的真仙,在一点一点的展现他们绝对的实力,让所有人无法反抗的实力。 The idea of child long/grows sentiment is actually very too simple, this time acts to Konoha, he not only need the Konoha everyone destruction, must want the ambition that revolts against too a clan to rule to pinch out immortal day all living things. 太子长情的想法其实很简单,这次对木叶出手,他不仅要将木叶的所有人覆灭,也要将长生天众生想要反抗太一族统治的野心掐灭。 He not only need kill people, must execute the heart. 他不但要杀人,更要诛心。 Too a clan has the conventional method, they can also send out Cultivator to slaughter, with Konoha numerous Cultivator war several hundred rounds, what after all they cultivation is Supreme First Dao Scripture, Scriptures that even if most people awaken is incomplete, but the strength as before is ultra same step Cultivator, destruction Konoha is still very easy. 太一族不是没有常规的手段,他们也可以派出修士厮杀,与木叶的众多修士大战个几百回合,毕竟他们修炼的是太一道经,即便大部分人觉醒的经文都不完整,可实力依旧是远超同阶修士的,覆灭木叶也很容易。 But as the matter stands, what do they go on a punitive expedition against with these ordinary cities have to distinguish? A dignity of their too clan does not have the means to manifest. 但这样一来,他们跟那些普通的城市征伐有什么区别?他们太一族的威严就没办法体现。 They do not begin already, begins to show the overwhelming and is unable the counter-attack advantage, lets everyone in the thoughts that later does not dare to regenerate to rebel against. 他们不动手则已,动手就要展现出压倒性和无法反制性的优势,让所有人在以后都不敢再生出反叛的心思。 Therefore, they choose too one immortal! 所以,他们选择太一仙阵! This seemingly time-consuming long time, but will actually not create the means of casualties to too a clan. And unceasing obliterates the opponent with Scriptures , to continue entire one year, will make the entire immortal day see that people of these resistance too clans will have what fate. 这个看似耗时良久,但却不会给太一族造成伤亡的办法。且不断的用经文磨灭对手,持续整整一年的时间,将会让整个长生天看到那些反抗太一族的人会有什么下场。 This is the war, suffers, is a torture. 这是战争,也是折磨,更是一种酷刑。 Quick, after Supreme First Dao Scripture recited, cultivated then to feel that for quite low Cultivator the severe pain of spreading over the whole body, as if had the innumerable files to whet in their within the body, annihilation their meridians, Spiritual-Power, as well as cultivated unceasingly is. 很快,在太一道经吟唱出来之后,一些修为比较低的修士便感觉到了传遍周身的剧痛,仿佛有无数的锉刀在他们体内磨砺,不断的湮灭他们的经脉,灵力,以及修为。 Supreme First Dao Scripture is special division Spiritual-Power, is biggest to the promotion of Spiritual-Power, naturally the effect on Spiritual-Power is also biggest. 太一道经是专司灵力的,对灵力的提升最大,当然也就对灵力的影响最大。 Too immortal in Spiritual-Power of Cultivator within the body through the unceasing influence strategy, uses these Spiritual-Power to go to backlash Cultivator, from interior bit by bit nibbles the people. 太一仙阵就是通过不断的影响阵法中修士自身体内的灵力,来用这些灵力反噬修士自身,从内部一点一点的将众人蚕食。 This approach everyone irresistibly, moreover cultivates feels for a lower person is more obvious, more was obliterated easily. Only if you have the thing of same rank to resist, may slow down or eliminate the influence. 这种做法所有人都无法抵抗,而且修为越低的人感受就越明显,越容易被磨灭。除非你有同等级的东西去对抗,才有可能减缓或者消除影响。 But these things, are not Cultivator in immortal can have obviously, how otherwise they have been suppressed by too a clan. 但这些东西,显然都不是长生界中的修士能够拥有的,否则他们又怎么会一直被太一族压制。 At this moment, knot that six immortal compose is resisting the revolution of Supreme First Dao Scripture with all might and main, although also weakened too one immortal to a certain extent, but is actually not able completely the influence of impediment strategy in Cultivator on the Konoha city. 这一刻,六大仙器组成的结界竭尽全力的抵抗着太一道经的运转,虽然也在一定程度上削弱了太一仙阵,但却无法完全阻隔阵法对于木叶城中修士的影响。 After all associated immortal of seven mainland is a complete series, can play the maximum might, but now, in seven immortal strongest immortal is not in the control of Lin Chuan, Lin Chuan also drew support from seven big associated immortal relations to counter-balance too race's control to a Yu Changsheng, he is unable to control this immortal now. 毕竟七大陆的伴生仙器才是一个完整的系列,才能发挥出最大的威力,但现在,七大仙器中最强的长生界并不在林川的掌控之中,林川也只是借助七大伴生仙器彼此之间的联系来抵消了太一族对于长生界的掌控,他现在也是无法控制这件仙器的。 Ties a resistance!” “结阵抵抗!” Cultivator in Konoha city did not give up the resistance directly, they are also trying various means to reduce Supreme First Dao Scripture to their influences. 木叶城中的修士也并不是直接放弃了抵抗,他们也在尝试各种办法来降低太一道经对他们的影响。 However the disparity in level causes them even cultivate/repair to excel, the strategy or knot that but composes is unable to counter-balance Supreme First Dao Scripture completely, that broad grave sutra chanting revolves around Konoha along with innumerable golden Rune, flashes on and off erratically. 但是层次上的差距使得他们即便修为高强,但组成的阵法或者结界都无法完全抵消太一道经,那恢弘庄重的诵经声伴随着无数的金色符文木叶周围旋转,明灭不定。 But at the same time, outside Konoha city remote horizon, presented massive facial color panic-stricken Cultivator. 而与此同时,木叶城外面的遥远天边,也出现了大量面色惊恐的修士 These people are four levels, and even Cultivator in five levels of city, see this, in the heart feels alarmed and afraid all. The people in some third-level cities, appear in this moment outside. 这些人都是四级,乃至五级城市中的修士,看到这一幕,心中无不感到惊惧。还有一些三级城市的人,也在这一刻出现在外面。 Although their city signed the agreement with Konoha, but not everyone turns, a small number for the later position, first step turn, the person who for example the Taichu city, the god dream city wait/etc., surplus has not turned to noticed that such scene feels scalp tingles all, fearful and apprehensive. 他们的城市虽然与木叶签订了协议,但并不是所有人都投靠过去,只有少部分人为了以后的地位,先一步投靠,比如太初城,神梦城等等,剩余没有投靠的人看到这样的场景无不感到头皮发麻,心惊肉跳。 Too a clan although now has not criticized other third-level cities, after when Konoha destruction, others definitely do not feel better, certainly must pay the price to subside too angry roaring of clan, this catastrophe, they no one can escape. 要知道,太一族现在虽然没有清算其他三级城市,但是等到木叶覆灭以后,其他人肯定不好过,肯定要付出代价来平息太一族的怒吼,这一场浩劫,他们没有人能够逃得掉。 But the person who on the scene sees a play also has many, these people turned to too a clan thoroughly, joins the person in their city. They kneel was long, could not have stood, when they saw when the person who these rose spiritedly to revolt against was extinguished killed, all feels from pleased of heart. 而在场看戏的人也有不少,这些人都是彻底投靠了太一族,加入他们城市的人。他们跪的久了,早就站不起来了,当他们看到那些奋起反抗的人被灭杀时,无不感觉到发自心底的快意。 Yes, why we are kneeling, your actually wish stands, now was good, I cannot stand, you also give up any idea to stand, only then kneeling, can survive, can go on living, person who these stand, damn! 是啊,为什么我们跪着,你们却想要站起来,现在好了,我站不起来,你们也休想站起来,只有跪着,才能生存,才能活下去,那些站起来的人,都该死! The Konoha situation changes suddenly. 木叶的局势风云突变。 Before they were still sighing the might of six immortal, now actually sees too a clan true terrifying. 之前他们还在感叹六大仙器的威力,现在却看到了太一族真正的恐怖。 They then suddenly think, this race can rule the immortal innumerable years, dominates above the innumerable lives, is not because they have immortal, because of their Shi Tai clan, they are 3 rd clan, they dominated the race above all living things. 他们这才突然想起来,这个种族之所以能统治长生界无数年,凌驾于无数生灵之上,并不是因为他们有长生界,而是因为他们是太一族,他们是本初三族,他们本来就是凌驾于众生之上的种族。 Hateful! This Supreme First Dao Scripture strength is everywhere, we are unable to prevent it to obliterate our bodies!” Yang Yongxin facial color ugly saying. “可恶!这太一道经的力量无处不在,我们根本无法阻止其磨灭我们的身体!”杨永信面色难看的说道。 Insisted, this is we can do, but can go on living, not in us, but in the hot shadow, looked at him to have the following method.” leaf Qingyang said. “坚持,这是我们能做的,而能不能活下去,不在我们,而在火影,就看他有没有后续的手段了。”叶青阳说道。 He dislikes this life not in the feeling that oneself control, but he does not have the means that in this immortal, he is impossible to have the true freedom. 他讨厌这种生命不在自己掌控的感觉,但是他没有办法,在这长生界,他不可能拥有真正的自由。 Outside this is also the reason why he goes all out also to go to look. 这也是他为什么拼命也要去外面看一看的原因。 Even got down Caged Bird Curse Seal, but outside he still wants to go to look, only then sees outside world, he can witness the true freedom, goes against heaven's will on. 即便被下了笼中鸟之术,但他依然想要去外面看一看,只有看到外面的世界,他才能见证真正的自由,逆天而上。 Is silent, he has not spoken, but is also resisting Supreme First Dao Scripture broad huge power pressure silently. 摩罗沉默着,他没有说话,但也在默默的抵抗着太一道经恢弘庞大的威压 „Can you...... also create the next miracle...... also or are the miracle......” in heart twittering said in a soft voice. “你……到底还能不能创造出下一个奇迹……亦或者说是神迹呢……”心中摩罗轻声呢喃道。 The broad grave sutra chanting is still continuing, in entire Konoha does not have other sounds again, can only hear that to make Supreme First Dao Scripture that one trembles. 恢弘庄重的诵经声还在继续,整个木叶之中已经再没有了其他的声音,只能听到那令人战栗的太一道经 Some Cultivator start, other Cultivator started dead, as if all toward destroying irreversible development...... 一些修士开始到地,另外一些修士开始死亡,似乎所有的一切都在朝着毁灭不可逆转的发展着…… Mahā!” 摩诃!” Suddenly, a clear familiar sound from the direction reverberation of hot shadow rock, the Supreme First Dao Scripture sutra chanting continuously stagnated instantaneously , innumerable black Rune shot up to the sky, spreads in the Konoha city various places. 突然,一声清脆熟悉的声音从火影岩的方向回荡而出,原本连续不断的太一道经诵经声瞬间一滞,紧接着,无数黑色的符文冲天而起,蔓延到了木叶城中各处。 «Hot Shadow fruit of the God Tree in the Different» correct chapter will continue to hit the renewal in the hand, in the station no advertisement, but also asked everyone to collect and recommends hits! 《火影神树之果在异界》无错章节将持续在手打吧更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐手打吧! 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