MR :: Volume #16

#1597: Summoned this

to congratulate peak is gasping for breath at this moment, he dashes about wildly from the back door of community at the maximum speed, finally stopped by a nearby street. 贺峰此刻喘着气,他以最快的速度从小区的后门一路狂奔,最后在附近的一条马路旁停了下来。 Gasping for breath of his big mouth, then quickly stands in the roads blocks the car(riage), hopes the driver who a good intention can send him to the Liu Xiaoyu dwelling. 他大口的喘着气,然后急忙站在路中间拦车,希望有一个好心的司机能送他去刘小雨的住处。 The vehicles that but passed by see to congratulate peak the body bloodstained, in the hand also to carry a red axe not to dare to stop from the start, they also think that ran into any abnormal murderer, therefore without hesitation steps on the accelerator to disregard directly, some drivers were still considering must report. 可是路过的车辆看见贺峰身上染血,手中还拎着一把红色的斧头压根就不敢停下来,他们还以为是遇到了什么变态杀人犯,所以毫不犹豫的一踩油门直接无视,更有的司机还在考虑着要不要报案。 Entire * the net is quickest. 全*网最快。 Stops, stops.” to congratulate peak has not lost heart, but also is brandishing begins to try to block the car(riage). “停一停,停一停。”贺峰没有死心,还在挥舞着手试图拦车。 However had in the past several minutes, he has not sat boards. 然而有过去了好几分钟,他还是没有坐上车。 This air/Qi him is not good. 这把他气的不行。 Without the means that he can only runs in the direction of town center, while attempts to block the car(riage). 没办法,他只能一边往市中心的方向跑去,一边尝试着拦车。 However was good because of the car(riage) slowed down the vehicle speed, toward to congratulate Fengkao in the past. 不过好在有一辆车放慢了车速,朝着贺峰靠了过去。 The glass opens, the driver is a roughly about 30 man, this man greets: Hey, does the friend, need to help?” 2 车窗打开,司机是一位约莫三十左右的男子,这个男子打了个招呼:“喂,朋友,需要帮忙么?”二 to congratulate Fengwen said the hurried say/way: So grave as to affect a human life, I have very important matter to go to town center, can you help me pass? How much money are good, you open the mouth although.” 贺峰闻言急忙道:“人命关天,我有非常重要的事情要去市中心一趟,你能帮我过去么?多少钱都行,你尽管开口。” Boards, I do not receive money.” The men stop the car(riage) immediately, then opened the vehicle door. “上车,我不收钱。”男子立刻停下了车,然后打开了车门。 Thanks.” to congratulate peak sits boards, immediately relaxes. “谢谢。”贺峰坐上车,顿时松了口气。 Thanked anything, sat firmly.” The men step on the accelerator immediately fiercely, the vehicle speed raised instantaneously. “谢什么,坐稳了。”男子立刻猛地一踩油门,车速瞬间提了起来。 Car(riage) that this seems like not an eye, actually erupted the speed that was inconceivable. 这辆看上去不怎么起眼的车,却爆发出了难以想象的速度。 Do not mind, this I am not used to cut the person the axe, but to provide against contingencies brings in body.” to congratulate Fengpa causes the misunderstanding, quickly answered. “你别介意,这把斧头我不是用来砍人的,只是为了以防万一才带在身上。”贺峰怕引起误会,急忙解释道。 The driving skills of men's is very good, tells under the travel also to have the mood and to congratulate peak chats. 男子的车技很好,告诉行驶下还有心情和贺峰聊天。 Your grandfather your surname? Is healthy? My name was to congratulate peak, was a reporter.” to congratulate peak asked. “你爷爷贵姓?身体还硬朗么?我叫贺峰,是一名记者。”贺峰问道。 My grandfather is surnamed Wang, long ago had passed away, he most liked plays the car(riage), was for a lifetime the driver, what a pity under to dying did not have the racetrack to run, but he was also warm-hearted, frequently the rivers and lakes helped in an emergency, carried many interesting passengers, saw that side that river? Before my grandfather because delivered a guest, the vehicle speed too drove to plant quickly directly, was all right fortunately finally, otherwise did not have me.” “我爷爷姓王,早些年就已经去世了,他生前最喜欢的就是玩车,当了一辈子司机,可惜到死都没下赛道跑一圈,不过他也热心,经常江湖救急,载了许多有意思的乘客,看见那边那条河么?以前我爷爷就因为送一个客人,车速太快开车直接栽了进去,还好最后没事,不然就没我了。” The men were saying could not bear smile. 男子说着忍不住笑了起来。 If delayed, not only I will die, everyone in that community will die, even entire Dachang City may face the danger.” “要是耽误了,不仅我会死,那个小区里的所有人都会死,甚至整个大昌市都有可能面临危险。” Is haunted? That may be serious.” “闹鬼?那可不得了。” This driver stares, later immediately both hands hold the steering wheel: Is the seat belt, grasped steadily, I must run a red light, gave me five minutes, certainly you delivered.” 这个司机不由一愣,随后立刻双手抓住了方向盘:“系好安全带,抓稳了,我要闯红灯,给我五分钟的时间,一定把你送到。” The quick car(riage), the speed rose dramatically again. 原本就快的车,速度再次飙升。 Moreover runs into the time this driver of red light not to have one hesitant, rushed directly. 而且遇到红灯的时候这个司机不带一丝犹豫的,直接就闯了过去。 Careful, slow are not related, do not have an accident.” to congratulate peak quickly reminded. “小心一点,慢一点也没关系,千万别出事了。”贺峰急忙提醒道。 to congratulate peak somewhat unbelievable looks at this man, looks at the situation, this person is believes matter that Guanjiang Community is haunted? 贺峰有些难以置信的看着这个男子,看着情况,这个人是相信观江小区闹鬼的事情了? This is how possible. 这怎么可能。 Only if before here, has been haunted. 除非这里以前也闹过鬼。 As the vehicles go fast, at this time outside does not know when fluttered unexpectedly mist, as continued to go forward, the mist also gradually changed was rich, was even blocked by the thick fog to the final line of sight, this made driving skills very good Driver Big Brother not dare to accelerate, has to slow down the vehicle speed. 随着车辆快速行驶,这个时候外面不知道什么时候竟飘荡起了一层薄雾,而且随着继续前进,薄雾也渐渐变的浓郁起来,到最后视线甚至都被浓雾挡住了,这让车技很好的司机大哥不敢加速,只得放缓车速。 What's the matter, how in good condition had such big fog.” Some driver surprise. “怎么回事,怎么好端端的起了这么大的雾。”司机有些诧异。 He lived so many years not to see such strange weather in Dachang City. 他在大昌市生活了这么多年从来没有见过这样诡异的天气。 to congratulate peak sees so the thick fog, inexplicable feeling some are not right, in his mind association cannot help but to Guanjiang Community that seven red coffin, a coffin was turned on by the beforehand worker early, but inside empty, anything does not have. 贺峰见到如此浓雾,莫名的感觉有些不对劲,他脑海里不由自主的联想到了观江小区的那七口红色的棺材,其中一口棺材早被之前的工人打开了,不过里面是空的,什么都没有。 Perhaps, the first coffin is not does not have, but was inside thing has left. 也许,第一口棺材不是什么都没有,而是里面的东西早就离开了。 Damn.” “该死。” , Driver Big Brother slam on the brakes, the vehicles stopped suddenly fiercely. 忽的,司机大哥一个急刹车,车辆猛地止住了。 Front, a car(riage) flashed the lamp to stop in the roads, this made him almost follow. 前面,一辆车闪着灯停在了路中间,这让他差点就追尾了。 All right, has not run upon, this fog is so big, must change a road to walk evidently is good, you could rest assured that I can certainly deliver to you safely.” “没事,没撞上,这雾这么大,看样子得换一条路走才行,你放心,我一定能会把你安全送到。” Driver Big Brother hits the steering wheel at this moment immediately, then traded a direction to continue to go forward. 司机大哥此刻立刻打方向盘,然后换了一个方向继续前进。 Really. 果然。 After trading a direction, here fog is not thick, but the line of sight came under the influence as before. 换了一个方向之后这里的雾没有那么浓了,不过视线依旧受到了影响。 Oil lamp one bright. 油灯一亮。 The light that turns yellow dimly proliferated, will put in order an automobile to cover, meanwhile scattered nearby some thick fog. 昏暗发黄的灯光扩散了开来,将整辆汽车笼罩在内,同时还驱散了附近一些浓雾。 Driver Big Brother discovered the line of sight well a point, enhanced the vehicle speed again. 司机大哥发现视线好了一点,又再一次提高了车速。 However after entering the city limit, sign that the thick fog has not dissipated, because instead in reason inside of thick fog had many car(riage)s to stop, these car(riage)s did not follow, burnt out, but what is strange this went not to see a person unexpectedly. 然而进入市区范围之后,浓雾并没有丝毫消散的迹象,反而因为浓雾的原因里面上有许多车停了下来,这些车不是追尾了,就是熄火了,但是奇怪的是这一路行驶过来居然没有看见一个人。 This does not gather the common sense very much. 这很不合常理。 Even if there is a driver to stop the car(riage) not to leave is too far, will only stop over by the car(riage) is right. 即便是有司机停下了车也不会离开太远,只会在车旁逗留才对。 When the automobile goes nearby has been dodging the double dodging vehicles, to congratulate peak curiously looks. 当汽车行驶过旁边一辆闪着双闪的车辆时,贺峰好奇的看去。 He discovered in the car(riage) that stops in the roadside the nobody left, the vehicle door opened, on inside copilot is also putting some important goods, hurried that as if at that time the driver of that car(riage) walked, even takes the thing without enough time. 他发现那辆停在路边的车内空无一人,车门都是打开了,里面的副驾驶上还放着一些重要的物品,似乎当时那辆车的司机走的匆忙,甚至都来不及拿东西。 Will not be haunted.” “不会是闹鬼了吧。” to congratulate peak swallowing saliva cannot help but, hands and feet at this moment inexplicable is somewhat icy cold. 贺峰不由自主的咽了咽口水,手脚此刻都莫名的有些冰凉起来。 to congratulate peak said: No matter has what situation unable to stop.” 贺峰说道:“不管发生什么情况都不能停下来。” Now outside this appearance, I do not dare to stop.” Driver Big Brother is not a fool, car(riage) that as long as these stop, missing of inside driver strange. “现在外面这个样子,我也不敢停下来啊。”司机大哥也不是蠢人,那些但凡停下来的车,里面的司机都诡异的失踪了。 After he does not dare to bet oneself stop, to be able also to follow to be missing together. 他不敢赌自己停下车之后自己会不会也跟着一起失踪。 Therefore, at this time he did not have to think, but as far as possible enhanced the vehicle speed, is thinking can hurry to leave this thick fog regions. 所以,这个时候他没有多想,只是尽可能的提高车速,想着能不能赶紧离开这片浓雾区域。 In the vehicles continued to go a section of road. 就在车辆继续行驶了一段路时。 Suddenly. 突然。 In the middle of the front streets, the place that thick fog covered suddenly presented a person's shadow, that person's shadow was somewhat fuzzy, does not see clearly the look, but without a doubt that indeed was a person. 在前面的马路中间,一片浓雾笼罩的地方突然出现了一个人影,那个人影有些模糊,看不清楚相貌,但是毫无疑问那的确是一个人。 „It is not good.” Driver Big Brother one startled wanted the brakes already late. “不好。”司机大哥一惊想要刹车可是已经晚了。 Bang! 砰! A loud sound, stood in that person's shadow in streets is hit to fly unexpectedly. 一声巨响,站在马路中间的那个人影竟被撞飞了出去。 Had an accident I to hit the person probably.” “出事了我好像撞人了。” Driver Big Brother somewhat was then flustered, he rushes to stop aside, subconscious wants to get out to examine the situation. 司机大哥这下有些慌张了,他赶忙靠边停车,下意识的就想要下车去查看情况。 to congratulate peak was held him: Do not get out.” 贺峰却是一把抓住了他:“别下车。” Listens my, do not get out, do not stop , to continue to drive, I felt that here is not very right, cannot treat.” “听我的,别下车,也别停下来,继续开车,我感觉这里很不对劲,不能待。” The sound that to congratulate peak raises again, then held this Driver Big Brother stubbornly, stops behavior that he gets out suddenly. 贺峰再次提高的声音,然后死死的抓住了这个司机大哥,制止他突然下车的行为。 Driver Big Brother calm little, then said: My telephoning report case, my is causing trouble escapes otherwise, must be imprisoned.” 司机大哥冷静了少许,然后道:“那我打个电话报个案,不然的话我这算是肇事逃逸,要坐牢的。” But when he just picked up the phone, does not know before , that was hit person unexpectedly sudden standing that flies before the car(riage) . Moreover the surrounding fog also changes was thicker, even if to nearly does not have the means to see clearly the appearance of front that person, can only see clearly that person to reveal reluctantly outside both hands. 可是就在他刚刚拿起电话的时候,不知道什么时候之前那个被撞飞的人竟又突然的站在了车前,而且周围的雾也变的更浓了,即便是离的这么近都没有办法看清楚前面那个人的模样,只能勉强看清楚那个人露在外面的双手。 That both hands disclosed that one dead grey, above also stained many soils, seems like strange and infiltrates the person. 那双手透露出一种死灰色,上面还沾满了许多的泥土,看上去诡异而又渗人。 What ghost thing.” “什么鬼东西。” Driver Big Brother sees this one frighten is a foot accelerator steps on directly. 司机大哥见此一幕吓的直接就是一脚油门踩下。 However automobile actually not and in imagination flees equally directly, instead lost the control, does not have any response. 但是汽车却并没有和想象中的一样直接窜出去,反而失去了控制,没有任何的反应。 „Did automobile malfunction?” Driver Big Brother attempted to step on several feet one after another, but the automobile did not have the sound as before. “汽车失灵了?”司机大哥又尝试着接连踩了几脚,可是汽车依旧没有动静。 Then he somewhat understood, why some roadside so many automobile flameouts came to anchor. 这下他有些明白了,为什么路边有那么多汽车熄火抛锚了。 But front looks blocks car(riage) the person of strange, this Driver Big Brother anxious whole body breaks into sweat, he then realized, oneself seemed like encounter a ghost. 可是看着前面拦车的诡异之人,这位司机大哥急的满身冒冷汗,他这下意识到了,自己好像是撞鬼了。 Big brother, from destination also far?” “大哥,距离目的地还有多远?” to congratulate peak could not wait at this moment, now the automobile cannot start, he cannot treat here. 贺峰此刻等不及了,现在汽车不能发动,他不能一直待在这里。 Entire * the net is quickest. 全*网最快。 to congratulate peak clenches teeth saying: I get out.” 贺峰一咬牙道:“我下车走过去。” Then, he opens the vehicle door directly, went out of the compartment. 说完,他直接打开车门,走出了车厢。 However to congratulate peak has not paid attention, he has the courage, carried the scarlet axe to block that strange person of before car(riage) to divide directly. 但是贺峰没有理会,他鼓起勇气,拎着猩红的斧头直接对着拦在车前的那个诡异之人就劈了过去。 An axe chops, at present the person of that strange falls down unexpectedly directly on the ground, without the sound, the surrounding thick fog also dissipated suddenly. 一斧头劈下,眼前那个诡异之人竟直接栽倒在了地上,没有了动静,就连周围的浓雾一时间也消散了许多。 to congratulate Fengleng, did not seem to think oneself can unexpectedly so going well easily. 贺峰愣了一下,似乎没有想到自己居然可以如此轻易的得手。 In the time of thick fog dispersing, he saw clearly that person of lying down, no, that cannot call it the person, was one corpse that dug from the grave, the whole body was just lending rotten aura simply. 就在浓雾散开的时刻,他才看清楚了躺下的那个人,不,那已经不能称之为人了,简直就是一具刚刚从坟里挖出来的死尸,浑身都散发着一股腐烂的气息。 to congratulate peak the whole body trembles, immediately sobers, then does not return dashes about wildly to go toward front. 贺峰浑身一颤,立刻清醒起来,然后头也不回的朝着前面狂奔而去。 Runs, he does not forget while reminded: Driver Big Brother, leaves while this opportunity hurrying tone, do not treat here.” 一边跑,他不忘一边提醒:“司机大哥,趁这个机会赶紧调头离开,不要待在这里了。” Strange to say. 说也奇怪。 As that fearful corpse drops down, that Driver Big Brother car(riage) returned to unexpectedly normal, can start. 随着那具可怕的尸体倒下,那位司机大哥的车竟恢复了正常,可以启动了。 This Driver Big Brother where also dares to stop over, quickly turns around walks, the speed wants much quickly quick. 这位司机大哥哪里还敢逗留,急忙掉头就走,速度要多快有多快。 Now the thick fog dispersed the moment, the ghost knows that later can appear. 现在浓雾散开了片刻,鬼知道待会儿会不会又出现。 to congratulate peak hears the sound that the automobile leaves behind, he relaxes slightly, after all he does not think a good intention like this muddleheaded Driver Big Brother by malicious ghost killing. 贺峰听到身后汽车离开的声音,他稍微松了口气,毕竟他也不想一位好心的司机大哥就这样稀里糊涂的被厉鬼给杀死。 Uncle stretch/open this is very fierce the axe, so long as in dividing, then yes “张大爷的这把斧头很厉害,只要劈中,便是 Terrifying malicious ghost will also be quiet, but does not seem to be able to kill malicious ghost, after a period of time, malicious ghost will restore again, I must complete the task while this period of time, otherwise next I might die in the thick fog time very much. ” 恐怖的厉鬼也会沉寂,但似乎不能杀死厉鬼,过了一段时间,厉鬼又会再次恢复过来,我必须趁着这段时间完成任务,不然的话下一次我很有可能会死在浓雾之中。” At this moment, to congratulate peak the mind inexplicable sobriety, he thinks beforehand Uncle stretch/open copes with the scene of that black hair, thus analyzed the lots. 此刻,贺峰的头脑莫名的清醒,他想到了之前张大爷对付那黑色头发的场景,从而分析出了很多东西。 Quick. 很快。 to congratulate peak is gasping for breath, rushed to an obsolete community. 贺峰喘着气,跑到了一个老旧的小区内。 Should be here.” He starts to identify the concrete position, seeks that accommodations named Liu Xiaoyu. “应该就是这里了。”他开始辨认具体的位置,寻找那个叫刘小雨的住处。 However before this time , the thick fog that dissipates appeared again. 不过这个时候之前消散的浓雾却又再次出现了。 So to be how quick?” to congratulate peak is fearful and apprehensive, sped up the action. “怎么会这么快?”贺峰心惊肉跳,不由的加快了行动。 In, in which building? Damn, on these old houses including marking not to have.” “在哪,到底是在哪栋楼?该死,这些老房子上面连一点标识都没有。” His moment innermost feelings are anxious, probably a headless fly is transferring in the community equally, moreover what is fatal, he discovered that the oil lamp in hand also had the trend of extinguishment at this time. 他此刻内心焦急,像是一只无头苍蝇一样在小区里转着,而且更为致命的是,他发现手中的油灯这个时候还有了熄灭的趋势。 The lamp oil in oil lamp remains are not many, does not know that also when can support. 油灯里的灯油所剩不多了,不知道还能支撑到什么时候。 If the oil lamp goes out, to congratulate peak suspected that also has a more terrifying matter to happen, he must before the oil lamp burns completes the task. 假如油灯熄灭,贺峰怀疑还有更恐怖的事情发生,他必须在油灯燃烧完之前完成任务。 No, is not this building.” “不,不是这栋楼。” After to congratulate peak entered a building, at this moment came out, he found fault the house, there is not the Liu Xiaoyu dwelling. 贺峰此刻进入了一栋楼之后又出来了,他找错了房子,那里不是刘小雨的住处。 Without the means that he can only rush to another building. 没办法,他只能奔去另外一栋楼。 Although the community building are many, but he after investigation, basically determined a position. 虽然小区楼房很多,但是他经过排查,也大致的确定了一个方位。 Should be front one of the that several.” In to congratulate Fengxin secretly thought/passage. “应该就是前面那几栋之一了。”贺峰心中暗道。 But at this time, in his behind thick fog also heard heavy sound of footsteps unexpectedly. 可是就在这个时候,他身后的一片浓雾之中居然也传来了一个沉重的脚步声。 Behind to congratulate peak one cold, quickly sped up the footsteps. 贺峰背后一寒,急忙加快了脚步。 But his footsteps speed up, the sound of footsteps also sped up. 可是他的脚步加快,身后的脚步声也加快了。 to congratulate peak clenches teeth to stop to hold up the axe turn head to look fiercely, finally behind thick fog, anything does not have. 贺峰一咬牙猛地停下来举起斧头回头一看,结果身后却一片浓雾,什么都没有。 Without the means that he can only continue to go forward. 没办法,他只能继续前进。 The oil lamp in hand is illuminating the front as before, the dim light penetrated the thick fog, provided many fields of vision to to congratulate peak. 手中的油灯依旧在照亮前方,昏暗的灯光穿透了浓雾,给贺峰提供了不少的视野。 But when to congratulate peak enters in the next building, oil lamp combustion completely, thorough extinguishment. 可是就在贺峰进入下一栋楼内的时候,油灯燃烧殆尽,彻底的熄灭了。 Did not have the oil lamp, to congratulate peak then to feel the fearfulness of this thick fog thoroughly. 没有了油灯,贺峰这才彻底感受到了这浓雾的可怕。 Pitch-dark, lowers the head does not see the both feet, at present the white piece, oneself seem like a losing one's sight person to be the same, the eye is completely useless. 伸手不见五指,低头不见双脚,眼前白茫茫一片,自己像是一个失明的人一样,眼睛完全没用。 This luckily in building, if had lost outside at this moment, was impossible to find the correct place. 这幸亏是在楼里,如果在外面的话此刻已经迷失了,根本就不可能找到正确的地方。 to congratulate peak threw down the oil lamp, does not want to become the burden, his hand feels the wall, a hand carries the axe then to walk along the staircase upward. 贺峰丢下了油灯,不想成为负担,他一只手摸着墙壁,一只手拎着斧头然后沿着楼梯一路往上走。 Several, preventing oneself to go astray the floor. 一层,一层的数着,防止自己走错了楼层。 But resounded in his serious footsteps behind again, as if has a person to follow in his and behind is going upstairs. 可是在他的身后那个沉重的脚步又再次响起了,似乎有个人跟在他的身后并且也在上楼。 to congratulate peak feels absolutely terrified, he is suppressing the fear , to continue to proceed to walk. 贺峰感到毛骨悚然,他强忍着恐惧,继续往前走去。 The sound of footsteps is getting more and more near, this makes him feel that oneself must catch up immediately. 脚步声越来越近,这让他感觉自己马上就要追上了。 Cannot fluster, cannot fluster, now one is flustered I dead, I have the opportunity, so long as I divided a that thing axe to be good again, when the time comes can win some time to me again.” to congratulate peak unceasing was calmed down by oneself, warned oneself cannot be defeated frightened. “不能慌,不能慌,现在一慌张我就死定了,我还有机会,只要我再劈中那玩意一斧头就行了,到时候就能再给我争取一些时间。”贺峰不断的让自己冷静下来,告诫自己不能被恐惧击败。 Now is not the child crosses each family, is breaknecking, will make a mistake oneself killing by behind malicious ghost. 现在不是小孩子过家家,是在玩命,一个失误自己就会被身后的厉鬼给杀死。 „The beforehand these people also cope with malicious ghost like this?” At this moment to congratulate Fengcai understands, meets malicious ghost desperate truly. “以前的那些人也是这样对付厉鬼的么?”这一刻贺峰才明白,真正遇到厉鬼到底会让人多绝望。 Casts off all sorts of ideas in mind, his time before the front door that families that arrived at ten buildings. 甩开脑海中的种种想法,他这次来到了十楼的一户人家的大门前。 Looked at the door plate on front door, to congratulate peak is somewhat joyful: Found, is here.” 看了看大门上的门牌号,贺峰有些欣喜起来:“找到了,就是这里。” But the front door tightens, he cannot go from the start. 可是大门紧锁,他压根进不去。 Without the means that he can only take up the axe to the gate on the detachment. The front door by the rapid destruction, the sound of footsteps was also however being pasted was getting more and more near. 没办法,他只能拿起斧头对着门就劈去。大门在被迅速的破坏,但是身后的脚步声也贴的越来越近了。 to congratulate peak the fine hair erectness almost subconscious response will wield an axe at this moment in the future. 贺峰这一刻汗毛直立几乎下意识的反应就往后挥了一下斧头。 In the thick fog, he felt himself to divide anything. 浓雾之中,他感觉自己劈中了什么东西。 Success?” “成功了?” to congratulate peak hears the sound that the heavy item tumbled goes downstairs, later the thick fog in corridor is starting divergence gradually, he has a being saved from death joy immediately. 贺峰听到了重物滚落下楼的声音,随后楼道里的浓雾又在开始渐渐的散去,他顿时有一种死里逃生的喜悦。 But the time does not wait for the person, he also has the matter not to complete, must continue to try harder. 可是时间不等人,他还有事情没有做完,得继续加把劲。 As his dividing time and time again cuts the present leaf of front door. 随着他一次又一次的劈砍眼前的这扇大门。 Quick, the front door was destroyed. 很快,大门被破坏了。 to congratulate peak entered in the room rapidly. 贺峰迅速的走进了房间里。 The room is not big, is very ordinary two-bedroom, a room should be that bedroom named Mr. Liu Xiaoyu, another room is a study room. 房间不大,是很普通的两居室,其中一间房间应该是那个叫刘小雨老人的卧房,另外一间房间则是书房。 He directly soars the study room to start rapid turning to look, tried to find some useful information. 他直奔书房开始迅速的翻找起来,试图找到一些有用的信息。 In the study room majority are some mixed books, not record about that Yang Jian. 书房里大多数都是一些杂书,没有关于那个杨间的记载。 to congratulate peak somewhat was then anxious. 这下贺峰有些急了。 If oneself cannot succeed, outside that situation not possible alive to leave here. 如果自己不能成功的话,外面那种情况自己根本就不可能活着离开这里。 Certainly can find, such important news must record.” to congratulate peak still continues to look in the study room. “一定能找到的,这么重要的消息不可能不记录下来。”贺峰还在书房里继续找着。 The neat study room at this moment changes is in disorder. 整洁的书房此刻变的零乱起来。 to congratulate peak not with estimate in such very smooth found that important information, he at this moment somewhat despaired, perhaps the true name about that Yang Jian does not have the transcript, all only exist in that Mr. Liu Xiaoyu memory, oneself these runs a fruitless errand time. 贺峰并没有和预想中的那样很顺利的就找到那个重要的信息,他此刻不由的有些绝望了,也许关于那个杨间的真正名字并没有文字记录下来,一切都只存在于那个刘小雨老人的记忆之中,自己这一次只是白跑一趟。 When he thinks like this, the thick fog of that terrifying actually starts to gather at this moment again. 就在他这样想的时候,那恐怖的浓雾此刻却又再次开始汇聚起来。 The line of sight starts gradually changes blurred. 视线开始渐渐变的模糊起来了。 Perhaps is not in the study room, in that old person's bedroom.” Is awakened by the thick fog that this floats again, to congratulate peak responded at this moment suddenly, oneself found fault the place. “也许不在书房里,在那个老人的卧室里。”被这再次飘来的浓雾惊醒,贺峰此刻才猛然反应过来,自己是不是找错了地方。 He gives up the study room immediately, goes toward the bedroom. 他立刻放弃了书房,朝着卧房而去。 Enters the room, to congratulate peak gawked at this moment. 一走进房间,贺峰此刻不由愣了一下。 He saw on the wall of room to be written all over the character with the pen, these handwriting were lying this way and that filled up the entire wall, the person who as if wrote down these characters is reminding himself do not forget frequently, moreover this full wall character is only repeating the two persons character, that seemed like a name of person. 6 他看见房间的一面墙壁上被人用笔写满了字,那些字迹横七竖八,填满了整面墙,似乎写下这些字的人在时时刻刻提醒自己不要忘记,而且这满墙的字都只在重复着两个字,那似乎是一个人的名字。六 Oh no, did not see clearly.” “糟糕,看不清楚了。” to congratulate peak at this moment inexplicable is panic-stricken, he quickly gathers up to go. That a wall that writes all over the character as if must vanish from own at present does not see. 贺峰此刻莫名的惊恐起来,他急忙凑上前去。那面写满字的墙壁似乎就要从自己的眼前消失不见。 to congratulate peak understands, the wall there, the handwriting has not vanished, is the own eye is covered by the thick fog, without the means saw clearly. 贺峰明白,墙还在那里,字迹也并未消失,是自己的眼睛被浓雾遮盖,没办法看清楚了。 Almost, how I can be defeated.” “就差一点,我怎么能失败。” He rushes over, entire lay on that wall, opened the eye to hope before own line of sight vanished thoroughly saw clearly that two persons character, because that terrifying sound of footsteps made a sound at this time behind again. 他冲了过去,整个趴在了那面墙壁上,睁大了眼睛希望在自己视线彻底消失之前将那两个字看清楚,因为这个时候身后那个恐怖的脚步声又再一次响了起来。 malicious ghost has not vanished, continuously in side, but next he is not necessarily have a that good luck axe to divide time to draw back that malicious ghost. 厉鬼并未消失,一直都在身边,只是下一次他未必会有那么好的运气一斧头将那厉鬼劈退。 Saw it, I saw.” “看见了,我看见了。” At this moment, to congratulate peak is pleasantly surprised, he saw clearly the character on that wall. 这一刻,贺峰又惊又喜,他看清楚了那墙壁上的字。 So that's how it is, is this, Guanjiang Community these people made a mistake, Yang Jian in their mouth is not Ghost Controller, is not the person, is not malicious ghost, he is a god.” “原来如此,原来是这样,观江小区的那些人都错了,他们口中的杨间根本就不是驭鬼者,也不是人,更加不是厉鬼,他是神。” In this world, since has ghost, should be bright.” “这个世界上既然有鬼,也理应有神。” to congratulate peak is stroking the wall, his line of sight had not seen clearly thoroughly, was that name actually the deep brand mark in his mind. 贺峰抚摸着墙壁,他的视线已经彻底看不清楚了,可是那个名字却已经深深的烙印在了他的脑海里。 Therefore, his real name is Yang Chuo.” “所以,他的真名是杨戳。” Entire * the net is quickest. 全*网最快。 Finally the two persons character shouted. 最后两个字喊出。
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